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3 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

How many drunk driving accidents does it take before they'll abolish those ads?  It's been 50 years since they got rid of cigarette ads.  That means an entire generation or so has started smoking without any advertising whatsoever.  I rarely even see smoking on TV but a lot of drinking.  Is it that drinking is more socially acceptable?  Is the alcohol lobby larger and better funded?  Would banning alcohol ads keep young people from picking up that first drink?  It hasn't worked for cigarettes.

You're totally wrong here.  Far fewer people smoke today. Banning the ads did work.

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43 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

No more pictures of chubby avatars either because obesity is very unhealthy.  Only healthy food will be sold in SL.  All new vehicles in SL must have working seatbelts and all motorcycle and bicycle riders must be wearing a helmet.  Are you wearing a condom and practicing safe sex?  I mean, do you really know who that other avatar has been with?

Can't do skinny either because too many girls have eating disorders because of women constantly being portrayed as only sexy and desirable if super thin.

So................ no pictures of ANYTHING!!!!





44 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

What ever happened to personal responsibility?   Grow up.

^^^ THIS

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3 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I have met plenty of people over the years who are know as "social smokers". The by a pack of cigs on a night out, enjoy a few over the evening and toss them out at the end of the evening. No addiction making them claw for a cig first thing in the morning. Why not?

I didn't say there were no characteristics or life experiences which could contribute to addiction. I'm saying they vary, and current research says there is really no such thing as an "addictive personality".  This concept was developed through Alcoholics Anonymous, and it didn't take into account many of the factors which are now taken into account in actual scientific studies.

3 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Who defines what constitutes "perfectly healthy," assuming you mean that in a mental/emotional/spiritual context rather then physical. See, the yardstick being used may well be and likely is dysfunctional to begin with if it is correlated with what is considered social norms in any given time.

Weasel away  :)

Sorry, but the cases are astronomical demonstrating that one can become addicted via the lure of an addictive substance, even when a person is psychologically healthy.

Again, the idea of an "addictive personality" is a myth.

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6 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:
7 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

You're totally wrong here.  Far fewer people smoke today. Banning the ads did work.

No, I didn't say less people smoked.  My point was that any generation after 1970 began smoking WITHOUT cigarette advertising.

That's true...there are other factors that contribute to smoking or other addictive behaviors.

The important point is that far fewer smoke now due to removal of smoking ads.  We can't have "perfect" and so I will settle for "better".

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8 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

You're totally wrong here.  Far fewer people smoke today. Banning the ads did work.

They didn't work. People have simply substituted with better drugs that can be had directly from the pharmacists and doctors. Isn't it something like 50% of american youth are on various anti depressants and other psychiatric drugs? 

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8 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:
52 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

What ever happened to personal responsibility?   Grow up.

^^^ THIS

Personal responsibility is laudable.

But lets protect children when we can as well, and protect those who might not know what can happen if they accept that prescription for opioids.  Certain substances in our world are dangerous and should be regulated by society, and no amount of personal responsibility can fix this.

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2 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Personal responsibility is laudable.

But lets protect children when we can as well, and protect those who might not know what can happen if they accept that prescription for opioids.  Certain substances in our world are dangerous and should be regulated by society, and no amount of personal responsibility can fix this.

Didn't you start your own thread about all this?

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9 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:
20 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

You're totally wrong here.  Far fewer people smoke today. Banning the ads did work.

They didn't work. People have simply substituted with better drugs that can be had directly from the pharmacists and doctors. Isn't it something like 50% of american youth are on various anti depressants and other psychiatric drugs? 

I've seen no evidence that people have substituted smoking with drugs. I do see evidence that the opioid crisis is an epidemic (50,000 died in 2019).  https://www.drugabuse.gov/drug-topics/opioids/opioid-overdose-crisis 

There's been quite a few articles and films exploring why this happened of late.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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34 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Your argument falls flat right there. The "cool kids" are the trendsetters who defined what was cool rather than having it defined for them by what was on TV.  I have met plenty of people over the years who are known as "social smokers". They buy a pack of cigs on a night out, enjoy a few over the evening and toss them out at the end of the evening. No addiction making them claw for a cig first thing in the morning. Why not?

Cigarettes are interesting things. Most things that people end up addicted to are pleasurable from the get go. However, most people don't "enjoy" the first time they smoke; it takes a few times to get used to it. Ironically, you need to have motivation to become addicted to cigarettes.


There are substances that are physically addictive that have nothing to do with "personality." I'm physically addicted to caffeine. This doesn't mean that I go, "Oh my God, I gotta get my coffee fix." I COULD stop drinking coffee any time. However, I don't because I don't like the sensation of feeling like someone is using a pneumatic nailer on my head if I go into caffeine withdrawal.


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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

But lets protect children

As this entire discussion was centered around one person posting a picture with smoking, what children are we protecting exactly?  I've yet to see, in my short time here, many people under the age of 18 posting in the forums.  There is a random one here and there but they don't seem to stay or even bother.  

So posting a smoking picture in the picture thread probably isn't going to entice anyone to smoke anymore than posting a picture of someone falling off a building will make anyone do so.  

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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

As this entire discussion was centered around one person posting a picture with smoking, what children are we protecting exactly?  I've yet to see, in my short time here, many people under the age of 18 posting in the forums.  There is a random one here and there but they don't seem to stay or even bother.  

So posting a smoking picture in the picture thread probably isn't going to entice anyone to smoke anymore than posting a picture of someone falling off a building will make anyone do so.  

Pay attention, dear.

We are dancing back and forth between RL and SL on this thread.

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Just now, Rowan Amore said:

As this entire discussion was centered around one person posting a picture with smoking, what children are we protecting exactly?  I've yet to see, in my short time here, many people under the age of 18 posting in the forums.  There is a random one here and there but they don't seem to stay or even bother.  

So posting a smoking picture in the picture thread probably isn't going to entice anyone to smoke anymore than posting a picture of someone falling off a building will make anyone do so.  

I mean you have to be 16 or older, to play SL, and most 16 year olds I know are already smoking. But not due to ads, but either cause their parents do it, or peer pressure. So I don't see what protecting is doing. That and I am strongly against censorship. If a young kid sees a picture of someone smoking, it should be the responsibility of the parent to explain to the child, of what it is and that it is bad for them. 

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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:
5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Pay attention, dear.

We are dancing back and forth between RL and SL on this thread.

The second line, which a very good comment, is totally diminished by the first line.

When people bite me sometimes I bite back.  Get over it.

Did you miss the part where she took the first bite?


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13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

When people bite me sometimes I bite back.  Get over it.

Did you miss the part where she took the first bite?


I went back and re-read her comment.  There was no personal attack/bite, nor did I read anything that I viewed as condescending or dismissive.

Please feel free to show which comment of hers that you interpreted as a 'bite at you'.

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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I went back and re-read her comment.  There was no personal attack/bite, nor did I read anything that I viewed as condescending or dismissive.

Please feel free to show which comment of hers that you interpreted as a 'bite at you'.

Alternatively: Take it somewhere else.

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3 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:
18 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

When people bite me sometimes I bite back.  Get over it.

Did you miss the part where she took the first bite?


I went back and re-read her comment.  There was no personal attack/bite, nor did I read anything that I viewed as condescending or dismissive.

Please feel free to show which comment of hers that you interpreted as a 'bite at you'.

I think she's smart enough to comprehend we have been talking about both RL and SL on this thread, and so her ruse of pretending we're only talking about SL here and so children's issues should not apply did not work on me -- she simply wanted to take a dig at me, as she often does.

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