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Are the SL weekend sales discouraging you from paying full price for items?

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Waiting was never a factor - when I want something for a picture or a theme party, I want it immediately. I will wait for big ticket items, like bodies and heads, to see if they get pick-up from third party creators. But items I want that match with things I already have, I am pleased to pay full price for.

At first, Weekend Sales suckered me in with the promise of a good deal and I bought all kinds of stuff I would probably never wear. It wasn't my style, but it looked cute in the ads or was on some trend I had seen. (I do the same with RL clothing bargains, though.) But that was in addition to the things I already have. I've pruned back a little and have curtailed my FOMO. If I have to pay full price later, oh well. Sometimes brands still get me with a 'this weekend only' colorway that looks like Martians designed it, though. LOL. IT'S THIS WEEKEND ONLY. I MIGHT WANT IT LATER.

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12 minutes ago, AzureWaves said:

Yes. I wait for the sale. All the brands are pretty much desperate for money, they're ALL in sales events.

You seem to be missing the point of those sales. Everyone who wanted the item bought it when it was in the prestige events on first release. Putting it on sale means income on old pieces while the new ones are selling full-price at the prestige, new release events. It's not desperation. It's passive income. 

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I do the weekend sales because then I get things at closer to the right price. Where many things are usually overpriced when not on sale. Not all things but many.

Let me put it this way.. value of the linden has gone down in world on the spending  of them, while the receiving of them has only gotten better.. prices of things haven't gone down, but up and up and up.. The cashout to RL dollars has only gotten better..

Right now there are a lot of outfits broken down into individual items . by the time you are finished buying the outfit, you could have gotten one of those top of the line 5k mesh bodies.. hehehe

Once I lined those two up, I started doing weekend sales.. I seen recently a panties fatpack of like 6 or 8 for 1200.. If I could only use my 400 a week stipend to spend, that would be three weeks pay and haven't even gotten a bra yet.. lol





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7 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

There are a few merchants who actually put their new items on the weekend sales.  I love Studio Exposure hair/hairbases but at 300L for ONE color, I'd never pay full price.  60L a piece and I usually buy 2 colors.  I think ISON has actually put new items on the weekend sales IIRC.

This! Studio Exposure and Ison have gotten a lot of my weekend sale money this year.  Ison does put out new (or updated) items out for FLF and TSS, and I love him for it. Those fatpacks during FLF are amazingly affordable.  I do sometimes go to C88 and spend full price, but I'll often wait for a big sale too. It just depends on how much of a Veruca Salt (I want it now!) mood I'm in.   Sales also introduce me to new stores that are promising (Hilo, for example) for someone with my style tastes. 

Shop & Hops are always great for free seasonal items, and in general if I like a store's gift, I'll like their other stuff.

It doesn't upset me if I pay full price and then see the same item in a weekend sale.   I understand there's a premium on getting something immediately versus having patience. 

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2 hours ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

You seem to be missing the point of those sales. Everyone who wanted the item bought it when it was in the prestige events on first release. Putting it on sale means income on old pieces while the new ones are selling full-price at the prestige, new release events. It's not desperation. It's passive income. 

You missed the point of this post, where the OP said brands are putting NEW things on sale, like within the same month.

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Just now, AzureWaves said:

You missed the point of this post, where the OP said brands are putting NEW things on sale, like within the same month.

There are brands that launch items on weekend sales and brands that put newer items out, but those are pretty rare as compared to things that were in the events six months ago. 

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I love going to event sales but I don't go to the weekend sales. I've tried a few but never bought anything. I think it's because of all the event shopping I know of the most current inventory of some stores and when I come across them at a weekend sale I'll notice it may be something that was sold at an even months ago. Also, they always seem to put the color I don't want on sale!

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18 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

I've never approved of sales - not even closing down or end of line sales. To my way of thinking, selling something at a discount, that customers had already paid the full price for, is sh_tting on the customers who paid the full price, and I wouldn't do that to customers.

I don't feel that way at all as a merchant.  I have Summer items and Halloween items on sale now but I also have random items on sale as well.  I also always have 50 to 75 linden items too that are always that price.   This is how real life retail works as well.  

As far as me, I love the sales too but don't always buy since I enjoy being a Dinkie and can easily make all my own stuff for my Dinkie.  I splurge when it's a special time like my rez day or because I have had a special occasion.  But, it's rare I splurge.

If prices go up with this PRB thing where you need to pay for four upload in textures, I think prices will go up too much at a very bad time when it's said we could have a deep and prolonged recession.   But, I don't want to really get into a discussion about prices going up and recessions on anything sl or rl.  

Edited by EliseAnne85
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Nope! I still mostly buy full price, sales are just a fun bonus. What does discourage me from buying full price items is, oddly enough, stores that never actually have sales. There's just something off-putting about the whole image of "too good to ever lower prices even to attract new customers". It comes off as snobbish to me.

There are some exceptions of course, like items that I just don't perceive as being worth the asking price. Some bodies, some heads... some clothes, too. Stuff that I could afford but just don't want to pay what they want for. On those, I will only ever buy it if it's on sale though, so without a sale, it just means a purchase will never happen regardless.

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21 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Since I do not like shopping in SL - the searching, finding the place, going there, finding the item, etc. - is there any possibility I would like shopping more if I tried Sales? 

I assume this would require me to join individual store groups, receive their group messages about the sales, etc.  So, I suppose those notifications make it easier.

Unless y'all get some of your "Sales" info from different "shopping" websites and blogs. (Avoid the SPAM! Read a Blog!)

I don't read blogs and I don't follow stores either on flickr or in group notices, most of them are much too spammy. I just have landmarks to a handful of stores that I know do sales every week, amnd most Sundays I make it a little errand to visit each one to see whats on offer.

Occasionally I'll look at Seraphim to see if there's anywhere new.

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I buy what I need; sometimes it is on sale and sometimes it is regular price; I buy what I need when I need it. 

Also I really like that there are still "brick and mortar" stores in the world and that "going shopping" is a thing to do.  I like wandering and browsing and making use of my AO and carriable coffees on a Weekend-Sale shopping tour of places that are getting in the mood for seasons; to me, a normalizing SL palate-cleanse after a week of science-fictional fantastical Second Life wildness.

Edited by Julia Lygon
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4 hours ago, Julia Lygon said:

I buy what I need; sometimes it is on sale and sometimes it is regular price; I buy what I need when I need it. 

Also I really like that there are still "brick and mortar" stores in the world and that "going shopping" is a thing to do.  I like wandering and browsing and making use of my AO and carriable coffees on a Weekend-Sale shopping tour of places that are getting in the mood for seasons; to me, a normalizing SL palate-cleanse after a week of science-fictional fantastical Second Life wildness.

I'll do that also, if I'm working on a setup for a picture or trying to put a certain look.. Especially if  there is not a lot of options, then it's just comparing the item and  price will play a factor only if there is a couple  that i can't decide on..

I probably spend more making a look than i would just going shopping and looking around..

I just comb the sales looking to see if something is eye catching.. If there isn't then I'm done for the day or the week.

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On 10/11/2022 at 4:03 AM, steeljane42 said:

(Assuming it's not FP template, which I never buy.)

Assuming is correct.  Many of the best creators in SL have used full perm templates and some are charging $2500 linden for them (very well known stores).  Even the best creator in SL known for her textures used a full perm item I saw recently and she didn't even bother to change the color but she did link it to another one that she did change the color of so it looked like at least one part was different.  Gachas were also full of full perm items.  I know many full perm items because I look a lot but most in SL don't.  There is nothing wrong with creators using full perm items, imo.  It depends on how good their texturing of it was which some creators in SL can make it look marvelous.   This is all just me sayin'.  I don't have time to get into a discussion about other's opinions on it.  But, *assume* it's not a full perm template is correct, and you also may be buying it.  

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3 hours ago, EliseAnne85 said:

But, *assume* it's not a full perm template is correct, and you also may be buying it.  

I always inspect what I buy, so I never buy retextured FP templates. If you/someone else does, good for you/them, but it's a personal preference. I do my best to support original work and designs.

In case if something looks odd and I don't know the creator well, and if their store is full of random items without any common style or direction, then I often check sites with 3D models to see if I see those available there. And I very often do find them there. No naming and shaming, but it's not just some random stores on the MP, but also quite a number of stores with large in-world stores that were around for years that do that. Can't catch them all, of course, some edit/redo those free/cheap models from turbosquid a bit so it's not always obvious, but one can try to.

So not sure what you were trying to say by quoting a very little part of my message completely out of context, when it (context) was about the amount of work that goes into creating meshes even if I don't agree about pricing on some them, *assuming* it's not another FP template, because then there's only a texturing work (if that) to do.

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Thinking about this, it has occurred to me that the sales are always additional purchases for me. I can't think of a time when I have ever thought "I'll wait until this goes on sale." I buy what I want or need -- assuming the price is acceptable -- when I want or need it. There probably have been times I have decided not to purchase something, and it later appeared for sale, but that's never been a planned thing.

The other thing about sales that I know others have mentioned is that they have alerted me to now-favourite stores I might not otherwise have found. I discovered one of my favourite retro furniture stores that way. At this point, I own most of their catalogue (they are great for pics), some of which I've bought on sale, and some at full price.

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When a typical fatpack is now priced at around £8-£10 in real British money, and a single item is £1 to £1.20, you can bet I'm waiting for the sales.  Those full prices are nonsense prices.

My girls rely almost entirely sales items and group gifts, with maybe a L$250-300 purchase once in a while.  For myself, I've just stopped buying new clothes altogether because mens sales are so few and far between and mens gifts and freebies are all sucky old t-shirts in standard sizes.

And creators wonder why so many guys are switching to female avatars, or just not shopping at all. Hint - it's your prices.

Edited by Lewis Luminos
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I definitely wait on sales if I can. It's like a game even.. and fun to shop sales.
Thing is for my favorite creators that do participate I often have very nearly everything in their store that has gone on sale... something I probably wouldn't have otherwise at full price. I think they make way more money off me in this way. 
Sometimes I impulse buy on weekend sales or try out new creators. I make some mistakes or find new things to love. Either way I didn't spend an arm and a leg on a mistake that way.

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I don't do sales but will visit almost any event😁.

I feel for the small prices most are asking for really nice things its the least I can do. I always pay a full fair price.  I know some would say every girl loves a good sale, but my father always said nothings free, someone has to pay, someone gets the shortest straw pulled for them. he also said to never be on the bad end of a good deal or put someone else in that position.

I think many like sales and events. it's part of a routine or lifestyle they have here. (all part of the game) it's totally understandable and helps spread the love around.

Some sellers they almost always are having a sale its a big part of the business plan they have. nothings ever really for sale they just keep lowball prices masked under the face of big sales & good deals.

Those who never offer at least few sales a year also might be losing a lot of money as well as brand loyalty (I'm talking to you hair sellers and your $3500L Fatpacks)

I think sales are good for those who want them or are willing to offer them. to others its not a priority.

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On 10/11/2022 at 2:21 AM, Stephanie Lovely said:

How have the weekend sales affected your shopping in SL?

Not much. I don't feel weekend sales are discouraging me from paying full price for stuff. I buy what I need and like. And if I really love something, I buy it right then and there, discount or not.  That's how I ended up paying full price for a Lelutka River head instead of waiting a couple of weeks for the Black Friday sale.

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