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Second Life Lamentation

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7 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

You're damn right we did, and in return SL has been a truly life changing experience.

Sorry yours hasn't lived up to that.

Oh mine has been quite lovely, especially since I came into Second Life with no expectations and without falling for the hyped up, absolute nonsense that some seem to think is such a good thing.

Second Life has helped me and changed a fair few things for the better as well - love to burst your bubble on that utter misconception you've got there.

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8 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

It doesn't matter if they're a mutually agreed-upon party, so put it in the terms of service. All disputes must be mediated in-house with a community-trusted neutral party who understands this world and respects it, understand ancient wisdom about how human beings interrelate. None of this slaver classist Royal culture crap.

So you want it in the TOS (and therefore involving the Lindens) that all residents who have disputes must submit to being moderated by someone who "understands ancient wisdom about how human beings interrelate"?

And these mods also have to be neutral, completely uninvolved, and "official"? What does that even mean? How can this spec be fulfilled by anyone other than a Linden? To come in and settle role-playing and relationship disputes?

Why don't you train up a few people in the ancient wisdom about human beings interrelate and ask them to be on standby to come in and resolve disputes among your community in which they are otherwise uninvolved? 

And as before...let us know how it goes.

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I sometimes think back to when I was in my teens and 20's.. At first it's like, I'll be thinking about something silly, then there is always some sort of cringe that has me saying to myself.. Stop thinking back, it always leads to cringe somewhere back there..


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34 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

In addition to this, given what else you said about yourself, and your penchant to make things about yourself, I think there are some issues you might want to look into. Because this isn't healthy - you are just isolating yourself this way, which seems to cause you hurt. I don't say that as an attack: please seek therapy. 

Therapists can't resolve the situation because, as I said, it's not about me. I didn't invent this situation, I didn't want it. All my co-creative formal gestures were toward reconciliation or at least peace, but theirs were toward wrongful crucifixion and it crossed bright red lines that I think require actual censure rather than trying to scapegoat me. It's about these larger historical themes running roughshod over all our lives, now. You can't pin it all on the innocent kirin, it just doesn't make sense. I think this is a black swan situation and your home-spun wisdom is at a loss to deal with the realities of high-level conspirators such as these.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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1 minute ago, Chroma Starlight said:

Therapists can't resolve the situation because, as I said, it's not about. It's about these larger historical themes running roughshod over all our lives, now,

Your SL experiences, as profound as they are for you, are not this historically significant.

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37 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

It doesn't matter if they're a mutually agreed-upon party, so put it in the terms of service. All disputes must be mediated in-house with a community-trusted neutral party who understands this world and respects it, understand ancient wisdom about how human beings interrelate. None of this slaver classist Royal culture crap.

And what sort of disputes would this neutral party oversee?

Many disputes between friends are not so simple as to have someone declare one person Correct and Right. People are not binary robots. People can have falling outs or move on from friendships without anyone being the bad-guy. Friendships aren't hostage situations. I don't really care if some 'neutral third party' tells me it would be wrong to stop being friends with someone. The only reason I need for not being friends with someone, not logging into SL, moving on to new things is simply the desire for any of those things. 

No moderator can enforce closure, friendships, or some balanced state of a social group. 

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I, for one, can see why they left/hide/ran.  People who ARE the problem never see that so of course they don't need therapy.  You have NO control over how others behave.  All you have control over is how YOU react and from what I've seen of you in numerous threads, you react badly to a LOT of things.  

It's like those people who say they hate drama but always find themselves in the middle of it.  You have to stop and think that maybe, it's not everyone else but it's you.

Anyway, I can't wait until Monday when they can lock/delete another of your self serving, self absorbed threads.

Do have a great weekend!  At least you've got the people here still talking to you but you're back on ignore for me.

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20 minutes ago, Bitterthorn said:

And what sort of disputes would this neutral party oversee?

All of them; the purpose of having this resource would be so that people avail themselves of it rather than plotting to destroy the lives of others because of their spiritual or philosophical views on life here on this Earth. People would get out of the dominator/vigilante mindset altogether and anyone who didn't would be ostracized because now we would have a perfectly good resource for settling interpersonal disputes. If you feel you need a mediator present as a third party to tell someone to take a hike, then let's have that. All it costs is time, but the benefit to community would be immeasurable, and it would send the message that this is a place that wants to elevate its society rather than abandon it to the default of the anarchy and chaos that's astroturfed everywhere.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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17 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

Therapists can't resolve the situation because, as I said, it's not about me. I didn't invent this situation, I didn't want it.

There is a part of it that's about you - in how you handle the situation you didn't ask for and don't want.  I think that's what Therapists do - help one to understand the situation or crisis that they are in the middle of, how to recognize danger signs for oneselves, and offer guidance on how one can contemplate their own behavior and expectations about the situation, and then be better prepared to make the best choices for oneself.  Basically, how one can navigate through all the twists and turns of life and be able to protect oneself.  It's not so much about them resolving the situation as it is about helping one to learn how to cope better with the situation. 

There is no Utopia to be found in this world - there never was and I don't believe that there ever will be, at least not in the forseeable future (even looking towards grandchildren or great-grandchildren's lives).  We all have to figure out and learn how to do the best for ourselves in the world that currently exists around us.

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I understand the nostalgia about the days when SL was small, and all were like a family.

But what happen when the family grow up and move far apart? They can still be close, but not in a physical way. And they create new lives, new loves, new friends.

And was it not what LL did? They let SL grow and grow. And people moved far apart. It was no longer this small, intimate tribe.

The only way people could build more complex builds in SL was to get more land.

So LL decided to make more land so they could sell it to make money.

I am not sure why LL decided to stay with 10x10 m prims for so long. Maybe it was just greed. The harder that it was for people to make the builds they wanted, the more land LL could sell.

I am thinking if I could be different if LL let people buy more prims instead of land, and charge tier on prims. I am no technical wizard. But why could it not be done? It was easy for LL to double Land Impact, and to increase prim size to 64 x 64. Why so late? People would not have to spread out thinner and thinner. Maybe they decided to continue to live in communities because they could build more on smaller plots.

The days of a small SL is gone.

If I look back I am lost

---Daenarys Targaryen

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11 minutes ago, MoiraKathleen said:

There is a part of it that's about you - in how you handle the situation you didn't ask for and don't want.  I think that's what Therapists do - help one to understand the situation or crisis that they are in the middle of, how to recognize danger signs for oneselves, and offer guidance on how one can contemplate their own behavior and expectations about the situation, and then be better prepared to make the best choices for oneself.  Basically, how one can navigate through all the twists and turns of life and be able to protect oneself.  It's not so much about them resolving the situation as it is about helping one to learn how to cope better with the situation. 

There is no Utopia to be found in this world - there never was and I don't believe that there ever will be, at least not in the forseeable future (even looking towards grandchildren or great-grandchildren's lives).  We all have to figure out and learn how to do the best for ourselves in the world that currently exists around us.

There's nothing you can conclude in general about a situation as off-the-rails extreme as they made it from a medical standpoint except that an ounce of prevention prevents a pound of failed attempted cure, and someone should have treated that guy ages ago. Unfortunately his illness forced him to compel everyone close in his life to support his deluded view of others. I felt as though I had an epiphany- this then is what a hydra is. What's a therapist going to do about a gaping spiritual wound, anyway? They can't even see it, they're completely blind. You have to go to higher authority, someone closer to the problem, and even after nearly two millennia of recovering the spiritual understanding that was widespread in the Hellenistic era, clinical medicine is still so studiously lost when it comes to that sort of insight and understanding here in these United States. 

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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9 minutes ago, MoiraKathleen said:

There is a part of it that's about you - in how you handle the situation you didn't ask for and don't want.

I used his inheritance to help him get a home an hour away from me. I figured that was close enough to keep an eye on him, but far enough to keep him out of my hair.

Have I ever mentioned I'm an idiot?

Do idiots deserve pity?

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3 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

All of them; the purpose of having this resource would be so that people avail themselves of it rather than plotting to destroy the lives of others because of their spiritual or philosophical views on life here on this Earth. People would get out of the dominator/vigilante mindset altogether and anyone who didn't would be ostracized because now we would have a perfectly good resource for settling interpersonal disputes. If you feel you need a mediator present as a third party to tell someone to take a hike, then let's have that. All it costs is time, but the benefit to community would be immeasurable, and it would send the message that this is a place that wants to elevate its society rather than abandon it to the default of the anarchy and chaos that's astroturfed everywhere.

I really want to assume positive intent here, because after this long I don't think you're a troll. And I don't want to belittle your pain or troubles because all of your emotions are valid and real. 

But so are the emotions others feel. They are just as real and valid to them. And they will sometimes clash with yours. 

What you describe is some sort of society completely devoid of the ability to express differing opinions and needs without validation of a third party. How is a moderator supposed to help someone tell someone else to take a hike? How is that supposed to be a more enlightened society? That sounds like absolutely insane control over my personal self. 

I understand you see it as a spiritual problem and your place in the world as one where you see some vast spiritual wound society is not healing from. I don't think anything anyone says is going to dissuade you from your view that you are the Most Enlightened to the problems of the world, much as I wish it would. The rest of us aren't savages in some spiritual mud ignorant to problems only you see. We are not lower beings who just need to accept some new world order style changes to reach our full potential.

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Introspection and self-awareness are very difficult things for some people to obtain, forget mastering. While I suspect that most can be taught how to best utilize them, there are some who can never be taught. Those people often don't want to learn, change, be better. They will forever look for someone, somewhere, some way,  some place where they can lay the blame, or responsibility of all that has gone, is going and will go wrong in their lives. 

Like I said, I have  friend who behaves rather similarly. The difference between her and some others is that she can and does on occasion, listen and learn. She has the capacity and desire, even if not always, and she is a remarkable person in so many ways that the effort afforded to helping her and being in her life is worth it. 

I hope someday you find someone who feels the same way about you OP and that you too, figure out how these things work better so that you can have a happier, better, more fulfilling life. Everyone deserves at least that.

But this will be my last direct post to you as well, as I fear anything I say will go largely ignored, be misconstrued, feed into an ego I have little desire to feed, and perhaps even anger you which very well may be precisely what you're looking for. Good luck in life, I hope you serve it well! 


Edited by Tari Landar
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3 hours ago, Bitterthorn said:

What you describe is some sort of society completely devoid of the ability to express differing opinions and needs without validation of a third party. How is a moderator supposed to help someone tell someone else to take a hike? How is that supposed to be a more enlightened society? That sounds like absolutely insane control over my personal self. 

Search me, but we need to find a way to nerf the weapons others forge out of their "inability" to handle true free expression in public-listed communities on the mainland continent. Or we need you to have a moderator who will agree with you that I must stop talking about Snowden, or my gender. Then I don't just have to take your word on it, which is good, because by this point you've established yourself to have no personal integrity whatsoever as a gaslighter and a liar. (Not you literally, Bitterthorn. You're fine)

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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14 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

All of them; the purpose of having this resource would be so that people avail themselves of it rather than plotting to destroy the lives of others because of their spiritual or philosophical views on life here on this Earth. People would get out of the dominator/vigilante mindset altogether and anyone who didn't would be ostracized because now we would have a perfectly good resource for settling interpersonal disputes. If you feel you need a mediator present as a third party to tell someone to take a hike, then let's have that. All it costs is time, but the benefit to community would be immeasurable, and it would send the message that this is a place that wants to elevate its society rather than abandon it to the default of the anarchy and chaos that's astroturfed everywhere.

Any arbitrary system like you suggest (even if it were  remotely possible) would be clogged up mostly by people who feel wronged. Then they would have to install measures that punish and prevent frivolous claims Just like an rl court. Now even if they manage to get all that in place, they are still people with their own beliefs and views. So then they would have to make laws for these "arbiters" to follow, so it evens the playing field. This would become a monster in itself because people will try to influence these laws and change them because...............everybody want things to go their way. This is why even an rl justice system will always be flawed and an ever changing beast with many heads.

In your case: i still do not think it will help you one bit. You can keep hiding in your own world but it wont change one thing for you. 

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9 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Do idiots deserve pity?

"I have seen wicked men and fools, a great many of both; and I believe they both get paid in the end; but the fools first."

Kidnapped, Robert Louis Stevenson

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6 minutes ago, Jules Catlyn said:

Any arbitrary system like you suggest (even if it were  remotely possible) would be clogged up mostly by people who feel wronged. Then they would have to install measures that punish and prevent frivolous claims Just like an rl court.

Make it part of the terms of service. You agree to binding arbitration of a mediator. The three of you sit face to face in a room, make your statements, and then they give their ruling for how the peace will be maintained. It's really simple. Any good human community has this in some form. If things are really bad, you do have one further option, which is an appeal to a tribunal of mediators, and their ruling is final. 

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3 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

Make it part of the terms of service. You agree to binding arbitration of a mediator. The three of you sit face to face in a room, make your statements, and then they give their ruling for how the peace will be maintained. It's really simple. Any good human community has this in some form.

You would have to agree with the outcome as well and i have a hunch that you would not.

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3 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

Make it part of the terms of service. You agree to binding arbitration of a mediator. The three of you sit face to face in a room, make your statements, and then they give their ruling for how the peace will be maintained. It's really simple. Any good human community has this in some form.

You actually want people to sign up for this as a condition of entering SL? To be done if they have a dispute with anyone? The Lindens have to act as mediators in every relationship and RP dispute? How would you even enforce it, or these "rulings"?

And for what? So you can have your pound of flesh when someone disappears on you?


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