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How Does Your SL Look Today?

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I've been slowly furnishing my apartment.  I could have five to furnish, but I think I'll stick with just one 😜


I have a ways to go, but so far only 218 Li used in my skybox. I want to find some more cheap furniture that is low Li and grungy to further furnish my apartment, but it can't be higher quality mesh because it won't fit in right with the theme.  Later I'll had some plants, pictures, whatever.  I've put up faux walls for my apartment, as well as purchased really inexpensive furniture that is mod so I can later put it in a rezbox.  



Here is a view from the outside, I could have four more apartments to furnish but I don't want to waste the Li on them, plus..  what the..  oh noes!



They must have followed my from Grim's!!  Either that or I may be a carrier of the zombie virus!  Oh what have I done to my local community.. well I mean, not much has changed, now instead of my purse they just want my brains.


I'll be back later on.. I gotta clean up this mess I made.

Sorry for this last picture, it is a repeat that doesn't want to go away, no matter how many times I delete it, it keeps coming back.  


Edited by Istelathis
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After clearing the zombies from my skybox, I decided to relax a bit at one of my favorite spots Meauxle Bureaux.  I love the cartoonish look of this region, plus there are so many cool mole homes.  Unfortunately, I have never seen any moles here, I don't know very much regarding the history of this region or why it was built but it remains one of my favorite builds in SL.


I decided to go for a little horse ride, and had fun taking a few pictures. 


Now I am off to look for some horse trails, I haven't been on my horse for a while.

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I was thinking a lot lately about how I will handle my time in RL, my work and Second Life.

I have noticed that SL does take up a lot of my time. If it's worth it, it's not a big deal. But sometimes it gets a little bottlenecked.

So I'm thinking about winding down my time in SL anyway. The deciding factor was a number of things also happaning around my land Dutch estate. Back in December, someone had built a huge giant castle right next to my land, the size of an apartment building. This is now gone, but today all of a sudden, several buildings are hanging in the air, close to my border. No forest, row of trees or privacy screen will help against this. I'm still thinking about it, but whether it pays to spend a week turning my land into spring and putting all this time and effort into it I honestly don't know. I will of course have a discussion (again) with the neighbors. But it is an issue I have been struggling with for a while and this is nothing more than an occasion. Perhaps I'll leave it like this for a while, or I'll sell my land and start Dutch estate in a quieter place some time from now. I'll will see, but I'll keep smiling, mind you!


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4 minutes ago, archangel969 said:

I was thinking a lot lately about how I will handle my time in RL, my work and Second Life.

I have noticed that SL does take up a lot of my time. If it's worth it, it's not a big deal. But sometimes it gets a little bottlenecked.

So I'm thinking about winding down my time in SL anyway. The deciding factor was a number of things also happaning around my land Dutch estate. Back in December, someone had built a huge giant castle right next to my land, the size of an apartment building. This is now gone, but today all of a sudden, several buildings are hanging in the air, close to my border. No forest, row of trees or privacy screen will help against this. I'm still thinking about it, but whether it pays to spend a week turning my land into spring and putting all this time and effort into it I honestly don't know. I will of course have a discussion (again) with the neighbors. But it is an issue I have been struggling with for a while and this is nothing more than an occasion. Perhaps I'll leave it like this for a while, or I'll sell my land and start Dutch estate in a quieter place some time from now. I'll will see, but I'll keep smiling, mind you!


Awww, I can understand your frustrations and I think all of us hope you will keep popping in to the forums even if you are not as present in SL as you have been.  I remember when I sold my Nautilus land a few years ago that I spent time renting and found a private estate that I loved, renting everything from a boat slip to half a region from them.  There are ways to avoid the frustrations you have been having though I do not know of any way to avoid SL's many avenues to obsession.  😉

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4 hours ago, archangel969 said:

I was thinking a lot lately about how I will handle my time in RL, my work and Second Life.

I have noticed that SL does take up a lot of my time. If it's worth it, it's not a big deal. But sometimes it gets a little bottlenecked.

So I'm thinking about winding down my time in SL anyway. The deciding factor was a number of things also happaning around my land Dutch estate. Back in December, someone had built a huge giant castle right next to my land, the size of an apartment building. This is now gone, but today all of a sudden, several buildings are hanging in the air, close to my border. No forest, row of trees or privacy screen will help against this. I'm still thinking about it, but whether it pays to spend a week turning my land into spring and putting all this time and effort into it I honestly don't know. I will of course have a discussion (again) with the neighbors. But it is an issue I have been struggling with for a while and this is nothing more than an occasion. Perhaps I'll leave it like this for a while, or I'll sell my land and start Dutch estate in a quieter place some time from now. I'll will see, but I'll keep smiling, mind you!


Mainland living can be frustrating at times, I know. It's like trying to maintaining a weed-free lawn; you zap a weed and next week you find a new one popping up in its place.


4 hours ago, Leora Greenwood said:

Awww, I can understand your frustrations and I think all of us hope you will keep popping in to the forums even if you are not as present in SL as you have been.

What she said.

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6 hours ago, archangel969 said:

I was thinking a lot lately about how I will handle my time in RL, my work and Second Life.

I have noticed that SL does take up a lot of my time. If it's worth it, it's not a big deal. But sometimes it gets a little bottlenecked.

So I'm thinking about winding down my time in SL anyway. The deciding factor was a number of things also happaning around my land Dutch estate. Back in December, someone had built a huge giant castle right next to my land, the size of an apartment building. This is now gone, but today all of a sudden, several buildings are hanging in the air, close to my border. No forest, row of trees or privacy screen will help against this. I'm still thinking about it, but whether it pays to spend a week turning my land into spring and putting all this time and effort into it I honestly don't know. I will of course have a discussion (again) with the neighbors. But it is an issue I have been struggling with for a while and this is nothing more than an occasion. Perhaps I'll leave it like this for a while, or I'll sell my land and start Dutch estate in a quieter place some time from now. I'll will see, but I'll keep smiling, mind you!


I would hope you don't leave your labor of love because of messy neighbors. Like the castle, they come and go. I know you are a detail oriented person and I would be highly aggravated also by having visual noise/clutter around something as accurately detailed as yours. I hope you find an amicable solution with them, perhaps they are unaware of the stress they are causing you? Anyway, I wish you the best and I hope you don't go. And yes, keep smiling, it's contagious and that's something I would love to keep doing with your posts.

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2 minutes ago, Charolotte Caxton said:


This is a test, I'm wondering if it will be just a link or the vid. 

I've seen some people post links and some the vids, so, here goes.

Edit: sad face, ok I'll do some research.

What are we supposed to see?  I see the water moving.

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11 hours ago, archangel969 said:

today all of a sudden, several buildings are hanging in the air, close to my border. No forest, row of trees or privacy screen will help against this.

Did anyone suggest (or did you think of) de-rendering the objects? I think it's a Firestorm viewer feature. You would never see them again.

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