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Should I keep buying for my old Catwa head?


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I know this pretty much comes down to personal choice but looking for some opinions on this. Since I joined sl, my main head has been Catwa Catya and it's the only one I have paid for. I like the shape and functionality, or maybe I've just gotten used to it. But I rarely see any new skins or makeup made for the older Catwa heads anymore - they're either made for other brands or the Catwa HDPro. I still buy things for my Catya head when they're on sale, like freckles, lip glosses, eyes etc. But I'm starting to think that I'm wasting lindens on an outdated head that I'm going to have to replace eventually. And I don't want to be in a position where I've got too much stuff supporting my old head that it's too painful to move on to a new one. What do you think? Is it a waste of money to keep dressing up an old product?

(I'm not actually concerned about the head being old. I just get the feeling it has become irrelevant or redundant because of the new HDPro.)

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I don't think it's a waste of money as long as you are still able to find items that you like for it.

Creators do tend to keep up with the latest developments. For example, Lelutka's upgrade/change to custom UV maps for their heads and ears to increase their realism and quality. This will introduce a new type of skin and ear customization to the market as creators make products for this new line. The market seems to be moving in this direction as well (which is also suggested by the Catwa HDPro, as you mentioned). 

The thing about using an older head is that (from my assumption) the UV maps are not as updated and therefore, cannot achieve the HD look. 

So if you're looking to increase the quality of your avatar, an upgrade would be the way to go.

That being said, the applier system for makeup and skins still remains, as well as BOM. I'm pretty sure the Catwa Catya head can still use appliers and BOM, so you don't have to worry about that. 

I think the issue is not necessarily about your head becoming obsolete, but rather the kind of look. There are still users who prefer the Classic avatar and have no issue, but since mesh is what is mainstream, that look is considered outdated. 

It all comes down to what kind of changes, if any, you want to make to your avatar. 

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I was thinking about this today as I bought my shiny new Lelutka EvoX head. I started thinking about all the heads I have, all the makeup and add-ons and how things go in cycles. I started noticing there was less stuff for Genus lately and it was all geared towards Lelutka Evo and CatwaPro. A year ago, it was ALL Genus. It has nothing to do with sales or who's the most popular head I think. It has to do with the market being so flooded with Genus stuff(or whatever the popular head of the moment is)...what else is there to make? Lipstick, got it...blush, got it, eyeliner, eyeshadow, got it....freckles got it, scars got it. 

When a new head comes out, it opens up a whole new market of things that I already have. Often, the same creators make the same thing over for the new brand. Those things go straight to fairs and events, the older stuff ends up in the mainstore, MP or at a 50L weekend sale.

Same thing with the older Catwa heads, new heads come out, the older stuff gets pushed to the side, but its still there. You just have to hunt for new stores and creators you might've missed out on.

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9 hours ago, AdminGirl said:

I know this pretty much comes down to personal choice but looking for some opinions on this. Since I joined sl, my main head has been Catwa Catya and it's the only one I have paid for. I like the shape and functionality, or maybe I've just gotten used to it. But I rarely see any new skins or makeup made for the older Catwa heads anymore - they're either made for other brands or the Catwa HDPro. I still buy things for my Catya head when they're on sale, like freckles, lip glosses, eyes etc. But I'm starting to think that I'm wasting lindens on an outdated head that I'm going to have to replace eventually. And I don't want to be in a position where I've got too much stuff supporting my old head that it's too painful to move on to a new one. What do you think? Is it a waste of money to keep dressing up an old product?

(I'm not actually concerned about the head being old. I just get the feeling it has become irrelevant or redundant because of the new HDPro.)

My favorite head of all is Catya by Catwa and I cannot ever see giving it up.  As far as my switching back and forth from appliers to BOM is not a problem for me, and there are many applier skins for Catwa I haven't tried yet...so in that respect, it's not old.  I bought it about a year ago.  However, I have been considering a change after having it about a year.  But, I don't want a Hydro Pro as look matters more than anything and those are just not me.  

Catwa is one, however, I've found, at least with myself, that it looks the best in Midday light as well as all other lighting.  I need to use Midday lighting for building quite a lot.  Other heads I have that are not Catwa look terrible in Midday lighting.  This could be only me and my system, however.  The other heads have not so good shadows at Midday lighting, while Catwa heads look pretty good, at least Strawberry and Catya did.  I would not recommend Strawberry, however, as it's a very difficult lip to work with.  

I also love lots of goodies I've bought for Catwa, so I'd probably get another older Catwa head if I ever got the chance to demo and find one I really want.  

Some say the eyes with Genus just need to be moved and adjusted while I see tons of pics of Genus with eyes where one looks crossed eyed or both do and that is by so called big designers, so I'm not sure Genus is for me as I don't want to have to keep messing with eyes.  Catwa eyes work great, no problem.  

Lelutka has some cool heads but for some reason not so good in Midday lighting and I don't know why.

Also, Deetalez has been one of my favorite skin makers and she has tons of Catwa skins for older heads.  No one is going to know it's an older skin anyway.

I don't worry about it being old but I do know when I need a change of pace and when I can afford that change of pace as well.  



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I have used the Catwa Catya since day one it appeared.  It was the one mesh head that looked closest to my classic head, and that sealed the deal for me.  I have not regretted this purchase once.  While I do have a few of the Genus heads, I found the hud difficult to work with and I never could get to a point where I liked the look.  I have tried LeLutka as well.  No luck there either, even with the new HD heads.  Catwa's new heads so far are not even close to my current look.  I will pass. 

Like many, I have spent a small fortune in makeup, beauty marks, eyebrows, etc.  While I am BOM, I can still use my applier's which is a plus.  I prefer the appliers when it comes to makeup as I can control the blending.  The majority of makeup is just to dark for my taste and I am not going to depend on creators to give me different percentages of makeup blends.  I am too much of a control freak when it comes to my avatar.  Besides the purpose of makeup is to look like you are not wearing any.

I am not worried about looking outdated.  

With all this being said skin fair is in progress and my preferred skin maker has some offerings for the LeLutka head.  Once the crowds die down I may have a look see.  Who knows, I might just find myself in a new HD head.  We shall see.

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  • 5 months later...


I am also using the Catya head form Catwa and it is my favorite.. i have tried all lelutkas head, they are lovely but non of them can get exactly to the shape i like...and  after spending some money on new hd heads and skins .. i went back to my old avatar ..

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although I have recently bought two new ones (Avalon and Briannon) and also own other heads (Fleur, Lilly, Ryn, Genus, HDPro, etc....)
Catya remains my favorite head ever!! I don't care if people say it's out of date among other not so nice things I've read about it. whenever i can, i keep buying things for my Catya head, especially skins. My favorites are from Insol and Pumec ♥ (sorry my english)


No other head gives me such a range of different looks. Great opportunity since a lot into EvoX looks a bit similar (in my opinion) !


I taked advantage and posted these pics too because I have to say that totally disagree when I see people out there saying that whoever wears Catya looks like a 'transvestite' or clones, lol. I always felt very feminine and unique using mine ♥


For me it's a perfect head (eyes, nose and mouth are so pretty!) and I never intend to stop using even if it's just for pictures ♥


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Oh well.

I am one of the people who carried her Catya head forever. I usually find it difficult to make changes like this because I always think "This is no longer my avatar".


But I have to honestly say that I don't want to miss my Lelutka Heads anymore. I also wore high-quality skins on my Catwa head, but I have just compared pictures next to each other and the Catya is simply out of date in a direct comparison. The textures and the elaboration of the face are a joke compared to modern heads.


I'll give you the advice, get Lelutka demos, go and test a few demo skins (L. Hurley, Skinnery, and so on) and see for yourself.


In my old pictures with catya I feel like a cartoon character.


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I second the "if you like it, keep it" approach. 

My head is a non-mainstream head from an full avi pack (Kalhene Analexa) on the Lara body.

Facial anims are not great, and I have to stick to BOM for any details like freckles and stuff, and dont even get me started on neck joints.

I even own the Catwa Pro heads. But I didnt switch because I cant make any of them look like "me" yet.

And I wont switch till I do. Because looking like "me" trumps any other considerations as far as I am concerned. I still get hit on inworld all the time so ^_^

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I agree with the others who say to keep it if you still like it.  It's even easier now that BOM is a thing, you're no longer limited to only items that have the right appliers.  The opposite is also true - if you do decide to get a new head, then your previous BOM skins etc will also still work, and that goes a long way towards maintaining your particular look.


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I agree with Bree on the 'unique' factor. I use both male and female Catwa heads and applier skins (where some of the skins are not available anymore). I think it also depends on what you want to do with the head in the moment, and even mixing the head up with different shapes can make a difference for me depending on the day or mood.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Catya is definitely the best head for me too. I own 5 of the lelutka heads and there is some weird shadows, strange slider choices, not as feminine features as I'd have expected or just the look I want is mixed between 3-4 different lelutka heads.  so it never works out. Genus had the same problem for me but also the eyes and noses.

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Still wearing my old Catwa Sofia head. Does everything it needs to do and still love the shape as much as I did when I bought it. Got upgraded to BoM so why switch.

Using Session for skins and they still create new for Catwa heads, so I am still verry happy with it and keep buying for it.

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