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Pixel Snobery

Rabid Cheetah

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I think a fine example of standards and rules is in the sense of an RP sim. The owner puts those rules and standards out, so the people there can fully immerse themselves in a world. Fine example you wouldn't want to see someone wearing modern clothing in say a medieval sim. That all being said, to me snobbery is defined as someone going out of their way telling a person who took the time to put themselves together whether they be mesh or standard. And tell them they need to look a certain way, at say a sim that is come as you are.

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On 8/29/2020 at 4:41 AM, Conifer Dada said:

As I often say on here, what would be really good would be if LL could update the system avatar with minor tweaks to overcome the known problem areas and also to add some more sliders to further increase customisation. For example it would be good if we could adjust an avatar's basic permanent stance that would affect all animations. Things like toes in or toes out, stand up straight or stoop, or arms out a bit (for fat avatars).


And fix those wrists and ankles while they are at it and the nose! I never did like having to shop an image just to smooth out the sharp angles at wrist and ankle and the dent on each side of the nose that always made "shadows" were there weren't supposed to be any. Why? Because  had "perfected" my system av's face and have never found a mesh head that would duplicate it. 

If LL would just fix the little cosmetic faults, I'd be more than happy to go back to using my system av. I was happier with it than anything I've tried since.

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6 hours ago, MelodicRain said:

You're the one with a "serious flaw in character" if you think everyone should have the same opinion as you. Equating SL appearance to RL appearance, lmao, how old are you again? You do realize that it literally takes 10 seconds to look presentable in SL by simply loading a default linden avatar? Go read my post again and google what a Ruth is. Also learn the difference between "ridicule/mock" and "not give a crap" before you start spewing this bull*****.

  • Not give a crap = I have no intention of interacting with people who looks like Ruth and have been in SL 10 years, when even the default Linden avatars look better these days. They're strangers who will probably reside in my viewer cache for X days before they're wiped, period
  • Ridicule/mock = actively IMing them saying that they look like crap

It's my choice who I decide to interact with on SL. If you got a problem with me not spending the effort at being super friendly and giddly to every single person I come across then too bad, deal with it. If you want to be the ambassador of people who troll for attention and make friends with all of them then go right ahead. Seems 90% of the people in this thread don't seem to agree with you.

OP wasn't a poll, so who cares?  It's hardly a scientific sampling of SL anyhow.

OP wasn't an argument, yet you persist.

OP was simply an explanation of my opinions of opposing your archaic attitude.  The world WILL change, one person at a time, with or without your participation.

I don't think you should have the same opinion of me.  I do, however, think you should have basic human decency.  You seem to think it's OK to mock people.  And to mock them for their appearance. That's the issue.  No one's asking you to be giddy;  We're asking you to not be so nasty.  Basic.  Human.  Decency.

Plenty of organizations agree that society's attitudes start with "harmless" jokes about those we "other".  But hey, what the heck does the ADL or the Southern Poverty Law Center know about anything?  YOU'RE the expert.

And plenty of game companies realize it too.  Like Wizards of the Coast, makers of Dungeons and Dragons.  They're doing away with decades of characterizing fantasy races with dark skin as being inherently evil simply by the nature of being that given race.

But you be you.  No one is dictating to you to change.  Be as nasty as you like.  Again, this thread was started as a mere explanation of my worldview vis-a-vis SL and pixel snobbery, not the grounds for a pissing match between you and me.  So, well, talk to the hand, as it were.




Edited by Rabid Cheetah
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5 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

I think a fine example of standards and rules is in the sense of an RP sim. The owner puts those rules and standards out, so the people there can fully immerse themselves in a world. Fine example you wouldn't want to see someone wearing modern clothing in say a medieval sim. That all being said, to me snobbery is defined as someone going out of their way telling a person who took the time to put themselves together whether they be mesh or standard. And tell them they need to look a certain way, at say a sim that is come as you are.

Then you get it.  I've had friends hurt by precisely that behavior, both when they made classic-based avis, or when they've tried to deal with mesh appliers.  And again, we're not talking about parcel dress codes.  We're talking about asshats with rude comments about someone's appearance.  Thank you for your input about Pixel Snobbbery. 🙂


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22 minutes ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

Then you get it.  I've had friends hurt by precisely that behavior, both when they made classic-based avis, or when they've tried to deal with mesh appliers.  And again, we're not talking about parcel dress codes.  We're talking about asshats with rude comments about someone's appearance.  Thank you for your input about Pixel Snobbbery. 🙂


However there is a big difference between a rude comment and constructive criticism. Like saying someone looks like a child, therefore must be a pedophile that is a rude comment. Someone saying hey, if you fix your arms a tad bit that is constructive criticism.

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45 minutes ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

They're doing away with decades of characterizing fantasy races with dark skin as being inherently evil 

There is a huge difference between this and an individual being critical of the way someone else's avatar looks. if someone was critical of all dark skinned avis regardless of quality this would be an issue as well, but I have not seen this. Many people think my avi is intended to be black. I have never had anyone be critical of it because of that.

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24 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

However there is a big difference between a rude comment and constructive criticism. Like saying someone looks like a child, therefore must be a pedophile that is a rude comment. Someone saying hey, if you fix your arms a tad bit that is constructive criticism.

Bingo.  Constructive criticism is a completely different ball of wax.  You know, like telling folks how to spell Snob Berry.  😄

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4 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

There is a huge difference between this and an individual being critical of the way someone else's avatar looks. if someone was critical of all dark skinned avis regardless of quality this would be an issue as well, but I have not seen this. Many people think my avi is intended to be black. I have never had anyone be critical of it because of that.

Yes, but the point I've been making is that pixel snobbery in SL contributes to a culture of lookism that is pervasive in meatspace.

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You could have helped by defining what you mean by pixel snobbery in your OP. I think I get what you mean, but there seems to be some misunderstanding.


Snob (noun):

a person with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks to associate with social superiors and looks down on those regarded as socially inferior.

a person who believes that their tastes in a particular area are superior to those of other people.

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1 hour ago, AdminGirl said:

a person who believes that their tastes in a particular area are superior to those of other people.

Bingo.  Someone who feels the Star Belly Sneetches are the best Sneetches on the beaches.  And a Star Belly Sneetch would NEVER be caught wearing Classic avi, or *ugh* flexi-hair.  That's SO last season.  Harumph!


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On 8/28/2020 at 8:36 PM, Lewis Luminos said:

An avatar's appearance in SL is entirely different from a person's appearance in RL.

In RL you have very little control of how you look. You can change your clothes and hair but that's about it; your "shape" and "skin" are pretty much fixed genetically. But in SL you have total control. So I do think that the appearance of a person's avatar in SL can say a lot about who they are as a person. That's why it makes no sense to compare SL avatars with people who have genetic diseases. No avatar in SL has a genetic disease, unless they choose to portray it that way. And making that choice would in itself say something about the person behind the avatar.

I don't agree with mocking and shaming people for the way their avatar looks, but at the same time, I respect the choices of land owners to specify what kind of avatars they want in their regions. Particularly a role-playing place, where it might not fit the storyline to have a furry or an anime avatar or a toaster-robot-thing. I once went to 1920s Berlin as a guest, and as part of the region rules I made my avatar shorter than usual. No big deal, I just returned to my normal height afterwards. If I went to a place where  I was required to be a furry, or an anime character, or a toaster-robot-thing, I would, because I can. Changing your avatar is easy and temporary, I don't get why people fuss so much about doing so. It's no different from being asked to wear a tux when I go to a swanky jazz club.

TLDR: Unlike RL, in SL you chose to look that stupid, so it's okay to laugh at you.


On 8/30/2020 at 12:33 AM, Rabid Cheetah said:

No, you do NOT have the right to ridicule people for their appearance, EVER. 

Completely incorrect. I have the right to ridicule anyone at any time for any reason. You have the right to think I'm a terrible person if I do so.

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There you are playing your latest favorite video game, the AAA Title "Hawt Dudes in Speedos vs Zombies V"... You're bust blasting away at a zombie at 144-fps when some bloke walks by looking like a classic 8-bit version of Donky Kong Jr...

Immersion smashed.

Now you're off playing that other title you like "Bunny Girls got Bounce"... you're there on your new Bunny girl character that you just spend $45 on the cash shop giving her all the 'accessories' and you go into the 'bunny ring' and the guy who comes in to join you... logs in with a warcraft III gnome.

Well there goes that moment.

- there are valid reasons to be very particular about what other people bring to the scene.


Video games don't allow for this kind of jarring ability to break immersion, most of the time (most of those cash shop games sell at least a few items that totally break genre). But in SL this is a normal thing if you don't screen for it.


There's also nothing wrong with seeking people of like interest. If you're here in SL playing some kind of dressup, you want to know people into that same hobby. Especially if it's going to involve a lot of showing off new looks and shopping together. Be it getting the latest furry trends, playing dressup barbie, being gothy vamps, or even hanging out with your fellow nudies.


This is a visual medium.

Plenty of people are here for that reason.


Not all of us are here to just be a floating prim in a sandbox discussing libertarianism...



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On 8/30/2020 at 7:03 PM, Rabid Cheetah said:

And, unfortunately, I've had rl black friends who've been ostracized for having black avis.  There was even a thread about this, or a subthread/tangental conversation, I forget which.  But that's probably a result of racism, not lookism.

Yes, this happens ALL THE TIME.

But I view it as a very different issue from wanting people to fit your theme or go for quality.


We've really got two very different topics being muddled together here... and the answer to each of them is radically different.


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On 8/30/2020 at 10:02 PM, Rabid Cheetah said:

Yes, but the point I've been making is that pixel snobbery in SL contributes to a culture of lookism that is pervasive in meatspace.

But there is a big difference between body shaming someone's actual body. To what it equates to in SL. Basically in a place we can be whatever we want, we have invested a tonne of time effort and money into a virtual representation of ones self. To me that is not body shaming, that is just being cynical towards others.

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On 8/30/2020 at 10:02 PM, Rabid Cheetah said:

SL contributes to a culture of lookism

Lookism is discriminatory treatment of people who are considered physically unattractive. I am not so sure it does, Everyone knows that one's looks in SL are the result of an individual's choice. Many people, myself included often prefer that those around them have avatars that are consistent with the look they themselves have. If I am in a place and I want to take a nice picture, I dont want someone with an inferior avatar in the picture. This does not mean I have made any sort of judgement about the person.

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On 8/30/2020 at 10:03 PM, Rabid Cheetah said:

And, unfortunately, I've had rl black friends who've been ostracized for having black avis.  There was even a thread about this, or a subthread/tangental conversation, I forget which.  But that's probably a result of racism, not lookism.

I really haven't encountered this much at all.  I'd say maybe a handful of times if that.  The times it has been in local chat, most everyone around pounced on the person and they quickly left the area amid quite a few ARs.  I've never felt unwelcome anywhere that I can recall. If people did have a problem with me being black, they had the good sense to keep it to themselves.

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   Well. People do judge people by appearance. That's just how we work. Any claim to the contrary is idealistic hysteria. 

   I've used this example before, but I'm going to repeat it because it's hilarious:

   A TV programeme here once did that thing where they walk around town asking people which they prefer, and presented women with two pictures. The first picture was the leader of the Environmentalist Party, a guy who've championed feminism with quite a bit of zeal - but he also looks like a little boy. The other picture was of a silver-fox actor infamous for his drug and alcohol abuse and alleged sexual assault.

   100% of the women who were asked, would rather sleep with the 'bad boy' than the virtue signaling politician. 


   "Looks do matter, because love at first sight doesn't happen based on your personality". And yes, this applies even if you don't intend to sleep with people; we like having pretty things around us.

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2 hours ago, Orwar said:

Well. People do judge people by appearance.. etc

I don't know about the rest but when it comes to relationships, sex and such stuff of course i always pick women based primarily on their physical appearance, it plays a great part so looks do matter but avatar appearance is a whole different thing because simply it is something fake and me being by nature a practical person not interested in things as SL sex etc it means nothing to me.


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8 minutes ago, Nick0678 said:

I don't know about the rest but when it comes to relationships, sex and such stuff of course i always pick women based primarily on their physical appearance, it plays a great part so looks do matter but avatar appearance is a whole different thing because simply it is something fake and me being by nature a practical person not interested in things as SL sex etc it means nothing to me.

   Oh dear. A human who allows human instinct to have a say in their choices, rather than oppressing themselves in the name of 'being correct' - how refreshing! 

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14 hours ago, Orwar said:
   Oh dear. A human who allows human instinct to have a say in their choices, rather than oppressing themselves in the name of 'being correct' - how refreshing! 
Hahaha Orwar i am sure in those 7.5 billions of humans living on the planet  there are plenty who think similarly.
For me there's no such thing as "being correct" and as usual what is "correct" for someone is "not correct" for another so it's pointless to worry about such stuff..
My personal likes and others opinions don't affect my finances so my life is simple, i make whatever choices fit me and try to enjoy it while i am alive and that's it.
I will leave "political correctness and sweet talk" to politicians and famous people who make a living from it so have to sugarcoat everything.
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