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Thread for no multiple alts Linden Home seekers

Ethereal Silvercloud

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1 hour ago, usagihara said:

If anyone's desperate for a Vic there's a flat above a cafe in Hawkesblood going for a mere L$1500 a week! (yes, I AR'd it, no, nothing happened, so while this is the first rental box I've seen in Belli it's unlikely to be the last. 😞

Dang!  I've been trying not to post, but have to say that I doubt that was a real rental box (it's gone now, or I would have tried to pay it) .

Have you ever driven through the (vast) U.S. midwest?  Little Whistle Stop cafes with a room or two to rent, on local roads near to little train stations are (or were, in bygone times) everywhere.  They generally were not as cute as this build, lol.  I think the 'rental' sign was just part of theme of the build.

If you look at the owner's profile, looks like she does themed builds like this here and there around the grid.

The definite 'tell' on this is the fact that she has fewer prims available than she was offering to 'rent'!

Here's another piece of Americana :) Sometimes it's best to just give people the benefit of the doubt.


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well, it acted like a real rental box when I clicked on it, right down to the option to pay for multiple weeks. (obviously I wouldn't have bothered AR'ing it if it was just a decorative prim). I don't find green boxes with hovertext especially realistic compared to a 'to let' sign, but to be fair I haven't been to America for a decade...

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5 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Wow, there are ways to have your conversations and vent, without being mean about it.  Some of the folks here should maybe read this thread:


or invest that time and effort in actually checking the LP and other threads where people announce homes to be abandoned. It is a pity, but always focusing on the negative side, make some people miss the amazing residents you can meet here...

Edited by Elena Core
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3 minutes ago, usagihara said:

 But I am worried we'll end up with a situation like... well, the old homes and the whole of mainland, with swathes of emptiness after the short-term demand dies off. People having thirty alts is giving a misleading impression of how many Belli homes will actually be needed in the long term.

Sadly this already the case. I have lived in many areas in Belli and they all empty... I love my Trad and its location. I aint moving, but I feel I am in a ghost town...

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1 minute ago, usagihara said:

 community watch that dream get dashed, again.

you were sold a dream in advertisements ... you stepped in it, and didn't like the wake up you mean.
Read the oldest threads here.. you'll see the wars started before the first release, and community was/is nothing more than a clique in a group.

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4 minutes ago, Milk Pixelmaid said:

I do agree with you that the shortage is caused by people with multiple accounts, but what can you do? People want what they want. Many just want one of each theme type! 

The shortage is caused by the pace that they put them out.

With the old linden homes, they were all identical clones and so anytime there was demand they spawned an entirely new continent. A few of those appeared and were being filled minutes later.

With these linden homes even though many regions are now clones, they still have individual touches here and there and spinning up new regions takes time. It was all going at a nice pace until the double hit of the pandemic and the move to the cloud.

- That's actually good timing for a cloud move though, because the pandemic would have stalled things anyway and the cloud migration is something that can be done during it, just maybe slower than desired...


The shortage is all about the supply not meeting the demand. The intention is to eventually have the supply meet the demand - alts included.


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3 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

community was/is nothing more than a clique in a group.

It's a lot more than that.

There's a lot of people in there who don't otherwise have anything in common or even like each other - but recognize the value of community so keep promoting the wider effort to get more and more people involved.

A clique is closed off. Bellisseria aggressively tries to get more people into things. It's a polar opposite of a clique.


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There are actually many people with only one account, holding a single empty house in either the OLD or the NEW Linden Homes.  The empty home issue is not unique to Bellisseria, nor is it unique to those folks that have claimed multiple homes via alts.

Most of the folks that I know of that have multiple homes are actually decorating them, because they love decorating the various themes.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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I can see both sides of the argument. I sympathise greatly with those who are trying for a home and can't get one. Not everyone as the time to spend hours refreshing to get one. They may only be able to get on line for a short time and not everyday. So it can get frustrating. I hated having to do it to get my houseboat, and I dread having to do it again if I want a stilt home (which I really really do!). So I get why some might feel a bit put out at seeing threads about others who are fortunate to have multiple premium accounts appearing to 'hop around' just catching and releasing as it can generate more frustration because they feel they could have had the opportunity to get one of those. 

A post earlier expressed a feeling that if they didn't do that then it would free up homes for those still waiting for one. However, on the other side of it, those with multiple accounts have the right to try for multiple homes. They are entitled to get a home with each premium account they have according to LL rules. So I think it's a bit unfair to expect them not to if they've paid for it (a few kind souls have, but I disagree with blaming those who don't). One can't really blame multiple account holders. The same happens in RL - if a product is deemed desirable with limited supply some will not be able to get it, whilst others with the means to may be able to get multiples. (Now if we were talking about basic needs such as food and water...I'd have a different opinion! ). Do I wish I had multiple accounts and could home hop? I sure do.  I can't, but I don't begrudge anyone that does, they are doing what they are entitled to do as premium members.

The problem is simply supply and demand. LL created a product which has been more popular than I think they anticipated, coupled with the desire to create something really lovely (e.g the first regions which were each uniquely built) and not wanting to just put out substandard builds. Thus it's taking a bit longer than we all want (but I personally think it's worth the wait, even though I 'm impatient about it lol). And I really don't think the current system of home allocation is going to change i.e. one home per premium account (any change would probably eat into development time that can be used for building more homes anyway...)

I think the problem will eventually be resolved - IF LL ensure that there is a surplus of all styles of homes to the number of premium accounts at the end of the project (I imagine that the original estimation of about 38,000 homes to be replaced will now be much higher...) so that people have a choice of abandoning to find another one they like if they want to (I really hope there will be a ton of stilt homes this year lol).

So I think it's a case of being patient (yes that might mean through to the end of the year or next year), trying as much as one can when possible (some of the forum threads can help) and not blaming premium account holders. If anyone should be blamed it's LL for making something so damn nice that everyone is clamouring for it:) My personal opinion is that feelings of frustration would be better vented  to LL directly. Not saying anyone shouldn't post in the forums, I get the feeling of wanting to vent,  just mean it might be more productive.

Just my two pence worth. I don't think it helps anyone for people to get ratty with each other over the whole situation. Love and hugs all round!❤️😘 To those without a home, you will have your home one day!


Edited by Evangeline Arcadia
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I don't really get the recent reactions in this thread. People were told in the other thread to move their stuff out of it and thats what they did. Now the people that wanted this sentiment to be moved out of the other thread, because they were upset by it, are coming to this thread to further argue.

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3 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

There are actually many people with only one account, holding a single empty house in either the OLD or the NEW Linden Homes.  The empty home issue is not unique to Bellisseria, nor is it unique to those folks that have claimed multiple homes via alts.

Yeah' it's never been unique to any form of mainland. Mainland is full of empty lots somebody is "paying for". A very small few of them are free - people who got in on the ground floor of SL and got lifetime memberships. But those are extremely small in number. That noted, it is very easy to find plots of land with nothing on them that are actually owned.

Some people just want it for psychological reasons - a place that is THEIR log in / out spot. Others a personal sandbox. Others have forgotten about it as it's one of those things that gets auto-renewed every month/quarter/year on a bill they don't look at...


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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2 hours ago, Syo Emerald said:

I don't really get the recent reactions in this thread. People were told in the other thread to move their stuff out of it and thats what they did. Now the people that wanted this sentiment to be moved out of the other thread, because they were upset by it, are coming to this thread to further argue.

I believe it was requested to be moved out of the other thread because it was off topic for that thread.  Nobody specifically said that if a new thread is started, there won't be people offering counter opinions.  The conversation is simply now in a thread of its own, rather than a thread started for a different topic.


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11 hours ago, Elena Core said:

or invest that time and effort in actually checking the LP and other threads where people announce homes to be abandoned. It is a pity, but always focusing on the negative side, make some people miss the amazing residents you can meet here...

Bingo.  I actually met someone being complained about, as well as interacted with them in other threads, and find them quite nice.  Never would have happened if I'd only listened to the complaints in this thread.

Edited by Rabid Cheetah
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4 hours ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

Bingo.  I actually met someone being complained about, as well as interacted with them in other threads, and find them quite nice.  Never would have happened if I'd only listened to the complaints in this thread.

Well, I must apologize for getting too intense sometimes here when people I know are being called out or referred too. They are nice people and I dont like they were they were being referred to, but I tend to get too passionate in my arguments.  

I do get the frustration: I don't live in the US, cannot be online that often, nor have 8 accounts, and in more than a year, I've only managed to get three brand new homes (my abandons are way better!!!!). But since this is a public forum, and it was taking a negative direction, I wanted to post about it. 

Anyway, the intention of this thread was to share experiences among people with just one avatar. I have contacted several residents posting here, to help them get a home, and so far, they are all fine with their spots, which is great. Again, if I can be of any help, I am here

I do hope we still can keep on building this amazing community, despite we have different perspectives on things. 

PS: abandons are the best....

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3 hours ago, Elena Core said:

Well, I must apologize for getting too intense sometimes here when people I know are being called out or referred too. They are nice people and I dont like they were they were being referred to, but I tend to get too passionate in my arguments.  

I do get the frustration: I don't live in the US, cannot be online that often, nor have 8 accounts, and in more than a year, I've only managed to get three brand new homes (my abandons are way better!!!!). But since this is a public forum, and it was taking a negative direction, I wanted to post about it. 

Anyway, the intention of this thread was to share experiences among people with just one avatar. I have contacted several residents posting here, to help them get a home, and so far, they are all fine with their spots, which is great. Again, if I can be of any help, I am here

I do hope we still can keep on building this amazing community, despite we have different perspectives on things. 

PS: abandons are the best....

Yep.  I realized that this was turning into a witch-hunt when people started vilifying a particular friendly user I'd actually interacted with in-game, putting me in the middle of it.  I felt obligated to come to this person's defense, which just triggered more vitriol.  I'm glad @Obi Linden took action.

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On 8/5/2020 at 10:34 PM, Ethereal Silvercloud said:

Hello I've started this thread out of frustration . I would like a thread for people looking for linden homes that don't have so many multiple accounts, meaning the frustration we go through trying to get a home in the competition of mega home owners that grab up a large portion of the homes when they are released leaving the scraps for us .  I hope this topic is allowed as it's a real issue for many of us . We are not trying to shame anyone, but we are in a different group. People who can only afford premium for one avatar. I have premium and my husband has premium so we have two linden homes slots for us , well one we are still looking. I hope it's ok to have another thread as this is a real issue. The thread is just about looking for homes but hopefully with people that aren't grabbing stuff up with multiple alts.  Presently we are seeking as many are a Victorian on the sea. right near the water. 

I sympathize, as I couldn't get a house at first and gave up and months went by before I got one, and recently when I did finally get one, it took a week. The minute the Lindens make a rule of "one per customer," I will dump my alts and keep just one on the honour system. Because that's the only system that could enforce it -- and that doesn't enforce it because too many people are not honourable, so the Lindens don't do this.

They used to limit 5 accounts per person, and said "5 on one payment" figuring most people aren't going to have 5 credit cards or whatever. And I kept to that limit for years until I heard that they didn't care anymore. They want the statistics to show to board members and buyers (well, now they've sold it on the strength of those Linden Homes for starters -- which are those solid recurring profit centers. So they need the alts. And every premium gets the premium gifts and the premium stipend and the 1024 tier -- so why not the Linden Home, too? The Lindens have probably sat around and debated this even more than residents have and came up with this system. I'd be much happier if it was an actual queue. You would put in an application, and it would say "you are number 126 and have 15 days of waiting" -- the way they do with packets of Lindens on the LindEx (on the waiting part, anyway). But this is probably too hard to maintain, and the random nature of it fills it out better most likely.

Another thing the Lindens might do is have a system, as they do with islands, where you can turn it over to someone you designate by filing a ticket. And people without friends to do that could put a notice on the forums and people like me would say sure, I'll give you my extra, I'll file a ticket with your name. But they won't do this because then the element of a secret cash sale might creep in, and they don't want to have these things sold so that it turns into Shermerville, or the way Brown and Boardman used to be (auctioned for US $100), or Horizons, sold for fantastic sums.

So it is what it is and I find that if you keep refreshing the page, try opening different browsers, i.e. Chrome and Edge, or use that automatic thing (which I don't like) and you will get one eventually.


Edited by Prokofy Neva
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