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Any HUD who block people on zooming on you?


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I have seen on the marketplace, a few moths ago, a special HUD who don't let other people zoom on you (clicking on you're nickname) or who block them when they try to trigger with you.

But i can't find it anymore, anyone knows if there's something similar on the marketplace?

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is impossible to prevent other people from zooming their camera to click on your name tag

anyone who tries to sell something that purports to prevent another person's camera from zooming in on your avatar doesn't know how the viewer camera actually works

Edited by Mollymews
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@MrsLudwig the best thing you can do is not bother about who may or may not be looking at you. Disable "show look at" if you have enabled it as all it will do is drive paranoia. Believe it or not people can look at whomever they like and whenever they want - you can't stop people looking at you. Well you can but only if you are on a parcel with privacy enabled and they are not on the same parcel.

Honestly, worrying over who is looking at you is really not going to make you enjoy your SL (personally I expect people to look at me but that's just because I'm vain).

Edited by Rowdy Rover
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Someone is looking at me !!! OMG OMG OMG 😁

Nobody has any influence on others camera.

I could imagine that wearing of invisible large prims could obfuscate a noob (didn't test due to irrelevance) but if I ever encounter someone with that I will make my camera crosshair visible b4 placing it in front of the face of that avatar and leaving it there.

Just saying. 😎

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4 hours ago, Nova Convair said:

Someone is looking at me !!! OMG OMG OMG 😁

Nobody has any influence on others camera.

I could imagine that wearing of invisible large prims could obfuscate a noob (didn't test due to irrelevance) but if I ever encounter someone with that I will make my camera crosshair visible b4 placing it in front of the face of that avatar and leaving it there.

Just saying. 😎

Im not worrying about anything, it's just a privacy facts.

And don't worry honey, im not a noob so i know those things.

And second, i will report you're aggressive and trolling answer :3 

Have a good day!


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26 minutes ago, MrsLudwig said:

Im not worrying about anything, it's just a privacy facts.

And don't worry honey, im not a noob so i know those things.

And second, i will report you're aggressive and trolling answer :3 

Have a good day!


I will report your passive-aggressive and dramatic (since you felt necessary to let them know you're going to report them) response, so ha!

Also, it's your not you're. Have a  g'day. 

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14 minutes ago, Rowdy Rover said:

I do remember a while back someone selling a distorted sculpt or mesh invisible prim thing that was claimed to make what you were wearing impossible to inspect - all it really did was lag out everyone around you.

Many many years ago since the days of Emerald Viewer. Even the multi prim versions of it didn't work unless it was a total noob that was inspecting it.

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10 hours ago, MrsLudwig said:

... a special HUD who don't let other people zoom on you (clicking on you're nickname) or who block them when they try to trigger with you.

A HUD no less! 🤯

4 hours ago, MrsLudwig said:

 im not a noob

Then you should know all this, but for the benefit of newbies it may be worth noting that a script (and even more, a viewer) can trivially collect the profiles of every avatar in a region (assuming the Profile is related to whatever "trigger with you" means). And for that matter they could get an exhaustive list of every non-HUD attachment worn by every avatar in the region, along with many details about those attachments. A newbie might not realize that it would be simply impossible to see any of those avatars or any of their attachments if it didn't work this way.

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Ohgod another one of those paranoid discussions.

Help help, people are using the camera for the only reason it exists!

Quick, gather your forks we need to stop people from looking at stuff we need to go back to blackscreen and textchat only!

*roleplay engages*

Amethyst looks at you, checking you out from top to bottom.

*paranoid screaming*


*imaginary roleplay engages*

*more paranoid screaming*


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In fairness to those people who do find it creepy that somebody hundreds of metres away might be inspecting them through a magnifying glass, it was one of the more frequent complaints I got when I ran an island, one or two particular pests would cam in on people from well over 200 metres, and then do silly things like click on attachments, or in one case IM the person to say what they could see, and these people did find it upset their enjoyment of SL. Not everybody is an exhibitionist, not every woman wants to be the target of voyeurs, and I think LL have missed a point here (or else just can't implement it) giving privacy to those who want it.

The device I recall being for sale (on XLStreet as I don't think the MP had arrived then) was by Bill Radek in Dead End back in Honeysuckle Island days, it wasn't a hud but a container. I'm not sure if he's still around to answer questions on whether it could be made to work, I suspect it can't now things like invisiprims have been executed, I mean obsoleted, by ALM.

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51 minutes ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

In fairness to those people who do find it creepy that somebody hundreds of metres away might be inspecting them through a magnifying glass, it was one of the more frequent complaints I got when I ran an island, one or two particular pests would cam in on people from well over 200 metres, and then do silly things like click on attachments, or in one case IM the person to say what they could see, and these people did find it upset their enjoyment of SL. Not everybody is an exhibitionist, not every woman wants to be the target of voyeurs, and I think LL have missed a point here (or else just can't implement it) giving privacy to those who want it.

The device I recall being for sale (on XLStreet as I don't think the MP had arrived then) was by Bill Radek in Dead End back in Honeysuckle Island days, it wasn't a hud but a container. I'm not sure if he's still around to answer questions on whether it could be made to work, I suspect it can't now things like invisiprims have been executed, I mean obsoleted, by ALM.

While it's completely valid to feel upset by unsolicited interaction (literally harassment), I don't think there's any practical solution that LL can implement that wouldn't adversely affect normal use and/or break existing content.

Invisprims are not a solution to privacy. Anything you rez or attach can be derendered. Any kind of user-made product that's supposed to give you privacy is an illusion that can be broken pretty easily by anyone SL-savvy, the only people they'll protect you from are people who don't spend much time with computers and/or video games. When it comes to attachment interaction (clicking on things), it's the scripter's job to impose a(n optional) limit.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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1 hour ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

In fairness to those people who do find it creepy that somebody hundreds of metres away might be inspecting them through a magnifying glass, it was one of the more frequent complaints I got when I ran an island, one or two particular pests would cam in on people from well over 200 metres, and then do silly things like click on attachments, or in one case IM the person to say what they could see, and these people did find it upset their enjoyment of SL. Not everybody is an exhibitionist, not every woman wants to be the target of voyeurs, and I think LL have missed a point here (or else just can't implement it) giving privacy to those who want it.

i agree with this sentiment

the only way viewable privacy can be achieved on a parcel basis is by turning off Parcel Visibility and raising Parcel Banlines creating a private dressing room/space on the parcel inside the banline box.  I cut out a piece of my parcel and do this. At the moment my dressing room parcel is a 16m with my pose stand in the middle. Sometimes people will tell me that I am maybe being over-sensitive but is how I am so oh! well

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On 6/28/2020 at 9:41 AM, MrsLudwig said:


I have seen on the marketplace, a few moths ago, a special HUD who don't let other people zoom on you (clicking on you're nickname) or who block them when they try to trigger with you.

But i can't find it anymore, anyone knows if there's something similar on the marketplace?

If you don't like people perving on what you're wearing and what you look like take off all attachments and wear a full body alpha so just your name tag shows 

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On 6/29/2020 at 12:16 AM, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

In fairness to those people who do find it creepy that somebody hundreds of metres away might be inspecting them through a magnifying glass, it was one of the more frequent complaints I got when I ran an island, one or two particular pests would cam in on people from well over 200 metres, and then do silly things like click on attachments, or in one case IM the person to say what they could see, and these people did find it upset their enjoyment of SL. Not everybody is an exhibitionist, not every woman wants to be the target of voyeurs, and I think LL have missed a point here (or else just can't implement it) giving privacy to those who want it.

The device I recall being for sale (on XLStreet as I don't think the MP had arrived then) was by Bill Radek in Dead End back in Honeysuckle Island days, it wasn't a hud but a container. I'm not sure if he's still around to answer questions on whether it could be made to work, I suspect it can't now things like invisiprims have been executed, I mean obsoleted, by ALM.

It has very little to do with being exhibitionist. People should generally grow a thicker hide. They behave like its their first time on the internet.

No artificial limit will prevent people who have a desire to do something from doing it. People will always find a way and the only way of not giving them the possibility is not giving them tools in the first place which in the case of this topic would mean taking away the free-roam camera which wouldn't fix this issue (there are scripted cameras still in addition to that you could modify your camera preset) and instead would punish everyone else including people like me who like making fancy pictures. Not to mention all those photographers and bloggers who like making pictures of themselves or their stuff, you'd prevent all of this and/or make it unnecessarily hard to pull off just because some people can't get past the fact that people do what people do.

I find this topic incredibly frustrating because it simply doesn't belong into SL or the internet in general, its on the same level as this whole over-sensitive censor bull***** that's going around since months. Ohno, my feelings are hurt because someone said X Y Z, oh no this product is this or that because it has X name. Ohno people are camming on me i feel violated. I swear to god (or is that religionist now?) we're going to end up in a world where you cant even say hello to someone because you pronounced it slightly weird and the other person now feels sexually offended for whatever reason.

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On 6/28/2020 at 6:16 PM, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

In fairness to those people who do find it creepy that somebody hundreds of metres away might be inspecting them through a magnifying glass, it was one of the more frequent complaints I got when I ran an island, one or two particular pests would cam in on people from well over 200 metres, and then do silly things like click on attachments, or in one case IM the person to say what they could see, and these people did find it upset their enjoyment of SL. Not everybody is an exhibitionist, not every woman wants to be the target of voyeurs, and I think LL have missed a point here (or else just can't implement it) giving privacy to those who want it.

In SL, one person's creepy is another person's exhilaration. We have tools that people forget to use or feel they "shouldn't have to use" like parcel privacy, derender, and block/mute, ignore and move on. 

I never use inspect on an avatar, because there are less invasive ways of getting that info if I want/need it. 

If I don't want to be seen, I don't go out in public. If I'm out in public and you want to look at me, have at it. I don't care.

I'm not likely to be looking at you, unless you look odd or peculiar enough in some way to catch my attention, and you need to go a long way out of your way to look odd or peculiar in SL. 

Try as you will, but no one can completely control the behavior of everyone else you encounter in SL, including LL. Save yourself some frustration. 

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38 minutes ago, NiranV Dean said:

It has very little to do with being exhibitionist. People should generally grow a thicker hide. They behave like its their first time on the internet...

Exactly , It's just an online game with animated 3d characters . People seem to forget that for some reason.

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47 minutes ago, Nick0678 said:


Exactly , It's just an online game with animated 3d characters . People seem to forget that for some reason.

This comes up in the perennial debates about parcel "privacy" settings, too. It's really the same thing: SL users associate different "realities" with their Second Life experiences.

Once a user has burrowed deep into the innards of the platform, it's no longer so natural to see it as a kind of "alternative life fantasy" where our RL personality preferences apply. We may be introverted in RL and would never approach a stranger and would be overcome with discomfort if folks stared at us, conspicuously assessing our clothes, haircut, cosmetics, and fitness. (I would!) But our avatars? Meh. They're about as much "us" as our latest social media post.

It can be hard for us to imagine it any other way, but there are folks who relate to SL very differently. We cannot fathom why anybody would hide the contents of their SL "home" parcel any more than hiding an SL Birthday exhibit -- or a blog post. Others see it more like leaving the doors and windows open to their RL home and inviting in every passing stranger.

Very hard to reconcile these views.

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7 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

Very hard to reconcile these views.

Ikr i used to have such talks in the past with some virtual friends/dates/whatever and they kept asking me which of my avatars i consider to be "me".

Well none, they are all data on a server and i have fun playing with or doing business for as long as Linden Labs finds the platform still "profitable/worthy investing" and keep it running.

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