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Do you need to vent about things COVID-19?

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5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The symptoms for Covid-19 are so generalized that it's pretty easy to convince yourself that you might have them. My main symptom was an occasional (but pretty slight) sense that I was having some difficulty breathing. And getting a bit dizzy or out of breath as a result. And then, of course, I began to "spot" other symptoms. Was my throat closing up a bit, making it harder to swallow? Didn't I feel a bit achy and flu-y, maybe? I didn't have a temperature: I was able to check that myself of course.

Before they administered the swab (which was an interesting experience . . .), they tested my oxygen levels and heart rate, and both were completely within the "normal" range, so that actually put my mind somewhat at ease, even as I waited for the test results. If they couldn't detect what I thought was my main symptom, difficulty breathing, then I figured I was probably ok. As indeed was the case.

I will confess, however, to being sufficiently nervous that I checked the web site that posts the test results fairly compulsively every half hour or so. And I'm glad I did, as I might not have found out I was ok as soon had I waited the 12-24 hours they suggested it might take to get results.

I was cracking up when we got tested, because when they did me, they didn't even go in that far.. They just hit the inside of my nose..

Then they did my husbands.. He seen me get it first and was like, oh that doesn't look bad at all ,what's everyone saying they are touching your brain for?

When they did him I was like



I thought she was gonna shove the whole thing up there.. Then they went to do the second one and I thought he was gonna tear the steering wheel off.. hehehe




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1 minute ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I thought she was gonna shove the whole thing up there.. Then they went to do the second one and I thought he was gonna tear the steering wheel off.. hehehe

Yeah. The swab looks like it's a yard long. It's sort of terrifying.

I was expecting it to hurt. It didn't. Instead, it felt like someone was shooting a stream of high pressure pool water to the back of my nose. It's surprised me so much I actually giggled through the whole thing -- the nurse and her trainee probably thought I was nuts. It's really really uncomfortable, but it's bearable. And when it's over, it's over.

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2 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:
On 2/8/2021 at 3:03 PM, Pamela Galli said:

No doubt there are people who base their positions on other peoples’ forum arguments. But BLM?? People poured into the streets, not just for a day, but day after day. Not just in America, but worldwide. In Paris, in London — they chanted George Floyd’s  name. 

Yet people formed their opinion of the movement based on how much they liked forum members? If so, their opinions are not worth much, and trivialize BLM.

I've been thinking about this, Pamela.

In 1993, when I first got on the Internet, found Usenet, and became embroiled in arguments over the laws of physics, it quickly became clear to me that this grand experiment in egalitarian interconnectedness had the potential to end poorly.

27 years later, I'm even more wary. People really do base their opinions upon their perceptions of forum members. It's the cult of personality writ small. Most of us have world views that are heavily shaped by a very small number of people. Our parents top that list. It's no different here. There are members of this forum who's thinking I respect, and some I perceive as threats to their own causes. Whether I believe/disbelieve Donald Trump or @Scylla Rhiadra, the power of their personalities is a considerable factor.

I have tried to remind myself that the flat out illogic I see coming from the QAnon camp is not representative of right leaning people as a whole, but the shoddy argumentative performances of some right leaning people here make it more difficult for me to suppress the notion that the thing conservatives conserve most is reason.

The left is not immune from this, and I think the righteous cause of BLM can be harmed by the support from the incompetent. I am often concerned about damage to causes I like from the unintended consequences of people who love those causes.

It would be wonderful if everyone formed their opinions based on objective reality, but that's truly difficult work. It's easier and more emotionally rewarding to seek comfort in the subjectively warm water of like minded pools.

Though you're addressing Pamela here I hope you don't mind if I weigh in.

I agree with most of what you've said -- most people are not so easily objective and so tend to base their opinions on subjects in a forum according to who they like over what a person says (or maybe we should say they base it on who they imagine likes them). 

This is where another facet of forum life comes in -- there's loads and loads of people who read forums who never post, or seldom do, and they are not so invested (if at all) in whether a forumite likes them.  They are able to be more objective. And so this plague of schmoozing up to others for approval and trampling over objective truth does not affect all of forum life, as so much of it is hidden to us, the regular posters (unless we speak to those who read but don't post much, if at all).

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

Nearly 40 percent believe the QAnon tenet that the “deep state” is out to get Donald Trump. Almost half agree with the lie that the majority of the summer’s Black Lives Matter protests were violent, and one-third believe that voter fraud helped Joe Biden win the 2020 election.

Oh good to know I am not alone. Thanks!

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There is a whole hell of a lot of "WTH" and mis-communication and non-communication going on related to the vaccines.

The latest - Japan will not be able to use millions of doses because a standard syringe cannot extract the sixth dose from the vial - only special syringes can do that.  And apparently, the US and Europe countries have the same issue with possibly running into a shortage situation on the special syringes.

First of all --- why in the hell would you package a vaccine into a vial that required special equipment to use?  At the time that decision was made, maybe someone should have told the medical world about that and maybe even had the producers of said syringes pump up their production of them.

First the various countries were competing to acquire the limited supplies of PPE and now they may be once again competing to acquire a limited supply of special syringes in order to not have to just throw away the last dose in each vial.




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11 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Your bedside manner leaves something to be desired.

Is she a doctor?  Regarding the cake and the bedside manner, it reminded me of when I was six years old.  I became very ill and started throwing up blood.  So, I was hospitalized overnight at age 6.  I insisted my Mom be allowed to stay with me and the doctor actually let my Mom stay overnight in the hospital with me.  Soon after my Mom and I woke up the next morning, the doctor brought me in ice cream, a lot of ice cream.  He had the greatest bedside manner ever, I thought.  I was able to eat all the ice cream and went home that afternoon with my Mom shortly thereafter and was all better.  No more stomach problems.  I forgot what I had now...gastro something or other or maybe it was called gastritis.   He was cute young doctor too but my Mom was taken, sorry.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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11 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

Regarding the cake and the bedside manner, it reminded me of when I was six years old.  I became very ill and started throwing up blood.  So, I was hospitalized overnight at age 6.  I insisted my Mom be allowed to stay with me and the doctor actually let my Mom stay overnight in the hospital with me.  Soon after my Mom and I woke up the next morning, the doctor brought me in ice cream, a lot of ice cream.  He had the greatest bedside manner ever, I thought.  I was able to eat all the ice cream and went home that afternoon with my Mom shortly thereafter and was all better.  No more stomach problems.  I forgot what I had now...gastro something or other or maybe it was called gastritis.   He was cute young doctor too but my Mom was taken, sorry.  

In some ways that's an awful story -- what a terrible thing to happen to a 6 year old.

But . . . what you carried away from the experience, finally, was a lovely memory of a lovely person, your doctor. So, he made you better physically, and gave you a gift you carry with you still today. So, I'd say that's a pretty good bedside manner.

14 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

Is she a doctor?

No. She's a gadfly.

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19 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

why in the hell would you package a vaccine into a vial that required special equipment to use? 

The vaccine packaging was intended to provide five vaccinations per vial using standard syringes. Then, in practice, some locations were getting six doses per vial because they were using these newer syringes that don't leave the standard amount of wasted liquid at the end after use. And these vaccines are so damned scarce that there's huge pressure not to waste a drop, so everybody is scrambling for the high efficiency syringes -- including the US federal government which was, for a time, distributing the less efficient syringes as part of the kit.

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24 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

The vaccine packaging was intended to provide five vaccinations per vial using standard syringes. Then, in practice, some locations were getting six doses per vial because they were using these newer syringes that don't leave the standard amount of wasted liquid at the end after use. And these vaccines are so damned scarce that there's huge pressure not to waste a drop, so everybody is scrambling for the high efficiency syringes -- including the US federal government which was, for a time, distributing the less efficient syringes as part of the kit.

So the packaging was stating 5 doses, because the manufacturer was assuming usage of a type of syringe that is older, but considered 'standard'.  Then some folks discovered that the new type of syringes, which are in short supply (likely because they are new) could get more out of the vial.  

That clarifies things a bit.

I can understand the current scramble for trying to get more of the newer syringes.  However, the governments shouldn't be blasted for not having enough of them since the manufacturer originally said 5 doses and didn't say anything about the new syringes being needed. 

The various articles where I originally read about the issue were trying to make Japan and other governments out to be totally at fault in not being able to get 6 doses out of every vial.  Typical media.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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2 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Vine Deloria is amazing. I read one book of his and started on another....and that reminds me that I need to get back to it!

I've been listening to Ebooks as I go to sleep at night lately, rather than having a show on.. I'm hoping for some really neat dreams while they are reading as I sleep..

I mean I don't just listen to them then, but also when I'm doing other stuff.. A lot of times it's hard to find the time to sit down and read, so Ebooks are really nice thing for me.. I'd much rather read though for sure..

That's another one I need to get in Ebooks by the way..hehehe

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4 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

A lot of times it's hard to find the time to sit down and read, so Ebooks are really nice thing for me

Yeah I've been thinking of checking out audible books, but I tend to want to read slowly and take it in deeply, ponder, and look up words when I read, so not sure listening while doing something else would work. Possibly I'm just not as good at multi-tasking as you are. Maybe that would work with more of a story-type book though, lighter, kind of like the Wonder Woman movie I watched the other night when tired. I reserve more meaningful movies for when I'm fully awake and alert too. I do drift to sleep listening to Podcasts. Sometimes when I find a book I'm considering buying I listen to one of the author's videos on YouTube first to see if I really want to spend the $ for the book.
I'm getting ready to listen to the author of 'Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Frontlines of White Nationalism', on YouTube. Sounds sweet and happy huh? lol :) 

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16 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Yeah I've been thinking of checking out audible books, but I tend to want to read slowly and take it in deeply, ponder, and look up words when I read, so not sure listening while doing something else would work. Possibly I'm just not as good at multi-tasking as you are. Maybe that would work with more of a story-type book though, lighter, kind of like the Wonder Woman movie I watched the other night when tired. I reserve more meaningful movies for when I'm fully awake and alert too. I do drift to sleep listening to Podcasts. Sometimes when I find a book I'm considering buying I listen to one of the author's videos on YouTube first to see if I really want to spend the $ for the book.
I'm getting ready to listen to the author of 'Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Frontlines of White Nationalism', on YouTube. Sounds sweet and happy huh? lol :) 

I do some of my deepest thinking while I'm doing something else..

I can be at work doing my job and my mind be somewhere else, the same goes for any chores around the house.. That's why i hate when a song or something gets stuck in my head.. it really drives me crazy.. I had one song that I really liked a lot , but it got stuck in my head for like a week and  I won't be able to listen to that song for a long time now and be into it..

Ebooks are actually perfect for me, because I can get stuff done plus absorb whatever I'm listening to.

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I'm curious, Do people think the stimulus package will be delayed?

They are not going to get anything passed the senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough that doesn't belong in there..

March 14th is going to be here in a months time and ten million Americans will be taken off unemployment if they don't make the deadline this time..

I have my doubts it's going to be on time..

Even Biden is having his doubts about some things in it making it passed her..

It's gonna be another nail biter I think..


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23 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I do some of my deepest thinking while I'm doing something else..

I can be at work doing my job and my mind be somewhere else, the same goes for any chores around the house.. That's why i hate when a song or something gets stuck in my head.. it really drives me crazy.. I had one song that I really liked a lot , but it got stuck in my head for like a week and  I won't be able to listen to that song for a long time now and be into it..

Ebooks are actually perfect for me, because I can get stuff done plus absorb whatever I'm listening to.

Ahh, yes, me too...regarding thinking while doing other tasks...I often have important ideas relating to my life and even ideas for poems when moving around -- especially going for a walk. Not so much while doing dishes though..lol. But absorbing new information (as opposed to thinking my own thoughts) doesn't go as well for me when doing menial tasks. I think I may need the visual stimulation that comes from actually looking at the new material, and physical stimulation only seems to serve as a distraction.

Anyway, all this examination of how to absorb new information from audiobooks is because I need to give my eyes a rest, mainly. I know that different people learn optimally according to which inputs they are most attached to -- auditory, visual, and kinesthetic (physical). I want to tone down the need for the visual input so much and learn to focus just as well with an auditory input.

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1 hour ago, Rat Luv said:

Not a vent but...having my vax tomorrow 💉

I will let you know if I can pay for my shopping by scanning my microchipped arm 😊

Let us know if you start having dreams of going to The Island! \o/


The very beginning of this trailer when they are all hearing that voice.. The first time I came into second life, that's what orientation Island reminded me of..

It creeped me out so bad that it took my friends three days to talk me back into coming back.. hehehe

Once i made it to the main land everything was awesome and so much free everywhere!! \o/


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42 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

The very beginning of this trailer when they are all hearing that voice.. The first time I came into second life, that's what orientation Island reminded me of..

It creeped me out so bad that it took my friends three days to talk me back into coming back.. hehehe

Once i made it to the main land everything was awesome and so much free everywhere!! \o/


LOL, Orientation Island was a bit intimidating...people would turn up just to wind up the newbies and yell over the mic...and then you'd walk down to the stream, talking to that parrot...if only they'd put a MASSIVE map tutorial up by the circle xD


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13 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

LOL, Orientation Island was a bit intimidating...people would turn up just to wind up the newbies and yell over the mic...and then you'd walk down to the stream, talking to that parrot...if only they'd put a MASSIVE map tutorial up by the circle xD


I just remember seeing a bunch of people walking around like zombies and that voice that I didn't know where it was coming from..

It felt like I was produce or something.. I got creeped out and left right away.. hehehe

I seen the movie the island not too long before that and it just felt like that so much..hehehe

My friend told me to go back and that they would get me out of there right away, so they took me out of there and I ended up going premium later that day when I got to experience mainland and dancing and a lot of really fun and neat things..

I'm really glad they did talk me back into it or I would have never came back..hehehe

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8 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I'm curious, Do people think the stimulus package will be delayed?

They are not going to get anything passed the senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough that doesn't belong in there..

March 14th is going to be here in a months time and ten million Americans will be taken off unemployment if they don't make the deadline this time..

I have my doubts it's going to be on time..

Even Biden is having his doubts about some things in it making it passed her..

It's gonna be another nail biter I think..


It needs to be soon because there is a lot to write up.  I wish they'd just do COVID though and leave other things out - like raising the minimum wage for one.  JUST COVID PERIOD.  Do the minimum wage separately.  No other stuff... because adding in "other stuff", that's why these are taking too long, imo.   I wish they had just did COVID only last time.  Knuckleheads.  lol

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