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Do you need to vent about things COVID-19?

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Well, I just returned from almost a week in a hospital thanks to an emergency surgery that had nothing to do with COVID. (And I'm fine, albeit would be in a lot of surgical pain except for the nice warm and fuzzy drugs I'm gobbling.) But while my surgery had nothing to do with COVID, of course *everything* is COVID-adjacent. I went to the small, regional ER first. As soon as I said fever and some coughing I was whisked out of the waiting room. I had a mask on, but when they were bombarding me with questions they said it was ok for me to take my mask off. I wasn't comfortable doing that. The nurses et al were not wearing the spash guards, or even fancy masks, just the paper ones like everyone wears.

Later they determined they thought I was low risk for COVID, and so while they ordered a test, they ordered the slow one and that took a couple of DAYS before the results were known. By that time, surgeons had been all up in my goop. I do not know how they reached "slow test" conclusion, because they didn't ask the right questions to adequately know that.

I guess everyone getting admitted has a COVID test done, but I had days of "we don't know" involved. :/ I had two roommates released before I knew what my test results were. I did not have to wear my mask when I was in my room, nor did my roommate.

Oh, while I initially went to the smaller hospital, they decided they could not treat me and so I was transported to a bigger, fancy-schmancy hospital for the surgery. The lax bit wasn't just at the small hospital.

I have been most impressed by these two hospital's daily medical clinic procedures, but things just seemed a bit too relaxed as an inpatient. Then again, I'm not an epidemiologist. (And I'm not reading the charts posted earlier, either. I'm too high for math.)


Edited by Seicher Rae
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15 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Well, I just returned from almost a week in a hospital thanks to an emergency surgery that had nothing to do with COVID. (And I'm fine, albeit would be in a lot of surgical pain except for the nice warm and fuzzy drugs I'm gobbling.)

Welcome back and glad all is ok.

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On 10/8/2020 at 10:00 PM, Ceka Cianci said:

I know they are trying some things that work on some people, but there is not really a treatment yet other than making someone comfortably..

Treatments can move the statistics even if they only work on some people -- especially if there's an assortment of treatments that work on different people, and especially if you can identify which treatments work on which people based on symptoms, genes, risk factors, or other correlates. But even if you can't tell how well they'll work in a particular case, they can be better than nothing.

It takes a reasonably advanced healthcare system to even have ventilators, which admittedly don't save many, but they save some - and more now than they did at the start of the pandemic, I think mostly because they now know which steroids to use with them. Apparently the steroids are effective on their own, too, if the case is causing serious breathing difficulty but not (yet) needing a ventilator. And the antivirals (Remdesivir, etc) help on the margins. (The zinc and vitamin D and whatever else... there must be evidence of benefit, I don't know details. I read somewhere that zinc helps with the loss of smell, but I have no idea if that's true.)

It's very difficult to assign any credence at all to somebody who hyped both hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma, but the monoclonal antibody treatment he got is the most scientifically promising therapeutic approach, it's just not yet proven.

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All the latest data shows this thing is becoming more like its little brother, the cold, and sometimes a flu with about the same mortality rate. At some point we as humans are going to have to learn with this, it will be a yearly thing, and just like we don't shut down entire economies for the cold or flu, the same will have to be true for COVID. We should be thankful this thing isn't a high mortality rate virus

If anything we should have learned we can do basic things to lessen the effects like getting plenty of vitimin D and C, losing weight, eating healthier etc..

Edited by Jackson Redstar
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On 10/8/2020 at 5:54 PM, Arielle Popstar said:
On 10/8/2020 at 4:13 PM, Luna Bliss said:

As you can see in your original statement, you are blaming the supposed "in your face" behavior of the BLM protestors in the US as the reason why batshortcrazy Trumpers in the US aren't "nice" about distancing and wearing masks.

The "in your face" comment was in reference to how the media presented the whole protest and riots in the USA, with plenty of pictures and videos of protesters without masks and crowded together. It was all through our news and very "in our faces". With the precedents BLM was setting through all of it, it was a small wonder that others were also ignoring the orders to mask and social distance. Would be hypocritical to expect one party to do so and not the other.

I certainly believe if the 'left' is not wearing masks it would be hypocritical for them to trash the 'right' for mask non-compliance. However, this is not happening except in your mind and the conservative media you consistently research and cite. If you search beyond your go-to media you'll see plenty of examples of BLM protesters donning masks, and plenty of articles where Democrats in authority tout the benefit of wearing masks for everyone -- including BLM participants.
(photos below)
Also, it's disingenuous to use media from early on in the pandemic when few didn't understand the importance of mask-wearing and seldom wore them and apply that to what is happening today.

Those on the 'right' using this excuse (supposed hypocrisy on the 'left') for not wearing masks are engaging in whataboutism to deflect away from their responsibility. Pointing fingers at an enemy does not take away the reality that masks prevent Covid spread and one should wear them irregardless of what anybody else is doing. Justifying bad behavior via blaming BLM protesters is beyond ridiculous.

This issue is very important because not wearing masks is killing people. Those on the 'right' using their whataboutism excuse need to leave their 3rd grade mentality of finger-pointing as an excuse not to comply. At least they could step up to the 7th grade level some on the 'right' are existing in and and tout the adolescent obsession with free-dumb and paranoia where encouragement of mask-wearing is viewed as the belief that the government and the 'left' are out to control them.


BLM LA.jpg

BLM mask woman.jpg

BLM masks crowd.jpg

Edited by Luna Bliss
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2 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

All the latest data shows this thing is becoming more like its little brother, the cold, and sometimes a flu with about the same mortality rate. At some point we as humans are going to have to learn with this, it will be a yearly thing, and just like we don't shut down entire economies for the cold or flu, the same will have to be true for COVID. We should be thankful this thing isn't a high mortality rate virus

If anything we should have learned we can do basic things to lessen the effects like getting plenty of vitimin D and C, losing weight, eating healthier etc..

What are your sources for the claim that Covid is becoming more like a cold or the flu, and has the same fatality rate as the flu? No doubt they are not based in science, but instead come from the mouth of Mango Mussolini.




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It seems more likely what's changing is more people are taking actions to prevent the spread that also reduce the severity of infections when they do catch it. Wear a mask, less of the virus gets into your nose hole and you get a milder or asymptomatic case.

Which brings up my gripe to vent about. People who think mask mandates don't apply to them and businesses that encourage them. If you actually have a condition that prevents you from wearing a mask, you probably shouldn't be out in public right now. If you can pull an eight hour retail shift then you don't have a condition that prevents you from wearing a mask, idiot.

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9 minutes ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

It seems more likely what's changing is more people are taking actions to prevent the spread that also reduce the severity of infections when they do catch it. Wear a mask, less of the virus gets into your nose hole and you get a milder or asymptomatic case.

Are you seeing more cases but less deaths lately?  Johns Hopkins is listing almost 1000 deaths in the US Friday..

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I should read the news while on narcotics more often. The news is better that way.

I just read this in my news email: Senate Republicans and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) raised intense objections Saturday to a new $1.8 trillion economic relief proposal from the Trump administration,


And I, in my current state, read that as COMIC RELIEF PROPOSAL and you know what? It made sense.


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8 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

All the latest data shows this thing is becoming more like its little brother, the cold,

Yeah, no. Site your sources. Facebook doesn't count.

Just at the end of September, a huge study out of Texas showed that the virus has mutated in Texas, and that now the mutant strain, which is MORE virulent, is basically the only strain in Texas. So... I don't feel like looking up umpteem million things, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the only example of this. The second wave of illnesses also rather says "no" to your statement.

Even if the mortality rate stays the same with the mutations, a virus that is substantially easier to get will increase the deaths. Etc.

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14 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Are you seeing more cases but less deaths lately?  Johns Hopkins is listing almost 1000 deaths in the US Friday..

Yes, in the United States daily deaths peaked in late April/early May at about 2500/day. New daily  cases dropped until June, then went through the roof, and have been consistently higher than they were when deaths peaked. Now we have about 33% more new daily cases than when deaths peaked, but less than half the daily deaths.

Edited by Lyssa Greymoon
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6 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I certainly believe if the 'left' is not wearing masks it would be hypocritical for them to trash the 'right' for mask non-compliance. However, this is not happening except in your mind and the conservative media you consistently research and cite. If you search beyond your go-to media you'll see plenty of examples of BLM protesters donning masks, and plenty of articles where Democrats in authority tout the benefit of wearing masks for everyone -- including BLM participants.
(photos below)




Plenty of no masks on both sides of the divide. I know what I saw on the videos played on the nightly news or coming up on my news feeds. Pictures and vids don't lie whereas perhaps your memory combined with an extreme left wing bias may have forgotten or ignored it when you did see it.

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There is always plenty of idiocy to go around, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the folks on the Right are more likely to be going sans masks. The further Right, the less the mask. Why? They have people in their party making this practically a platform item. "No masks" are institutionalized. Folks on the Left are being told, and believing, that masks work.

Does every person on the Left wear a mask and social distance? I rather doubt it.

I'm not following the argument about this, but there is a logic fallacy known as the Tu Quoque, which means "you too", fallacy, which is a type of ad hominem. It is also called "two wrongs don't make a right." Since I'm not following the argument, this wonderfully exciting info may be moot.


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54 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

There is always plenty of idiocy to go around, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the folks on the Right are more likely to be going sans masks. The further Right, the less the mask. Why? They have people in their party making this practically a platform item. "No masks" are institutionalized. Folks on the Left are being told, and believing, that masks work.

I don't think that information is @ BreitBart or Fox News seems to be the problem.

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8 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

tout the adolescent obsession with free-dumb and paranoia where encouragement of mask-wearing is viewed as the belief that the government and the 'left' are out to control them.

Speaking of controlling other human beings, the mind of the person who wrote this has that capacity and desire for sure.

Changing the word "mandating" or "requirement" to "encouragement" is a low-key attempt at controlling other's minds. By changing the word to something non-confrontational they have purposefully made their whole thought more agreeable through a mild form of lying.

Sort of like how I avoided the word "you" in this response.

I wear a mask. I've read the statistics and, overall, masks help.

Taxation is theft.


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8 minutes ago, Evah Baxton said:
9 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

tout the adolescent obsession with free-dumb and paranoia where encouragement of mask-wearing is viewed as the belief that the government and the 'left' are out to control them.

Speaking of controlling other human beings, the mind of the person who wrote this has that capacity and desire for sure.

Changing the word "mandating" or "requirement" to "encouragement" is a low-key attempt at controlling other's minds. By changing the word to something non-confrontational they have purposefully made their whole thought more agreeable through a mild form of lying.

Sort of like how I avoided the word "you" in this response.

I wear a mask. I've read the statistics and, overall, masks help.

I do want to control people who are killing others by not wearing masks, no doubt about it.

I'm done with being non-confrontational and nice about this issue. It seldom works, if at all. Unfortunately, with some people the only solution is to point out their stupid reasoning. Where's @Klytyna ?

Edited by Luna Bliss
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The solution to everything might be in this book...I'm checking it out:


Sarah Kendzior is best known for her reporting on St. Louis, her coverage of the 2016 election, and her academic research on authoritarian states. She is currently an op-ed columnist for the Globe and Mail and she was named by Foreign Policy as one of the “100 people you should be following on Twitter to make sense of global events.” Her reporting has been featured in many publications, including Politico, Slate, The Atlantic, Fast Company, The Chicago Tribune, TeenVogue, and The New York Times.


"In the eyes of autocrats and plutocrats, the future is not a right but a commodity. As climate change brings unparalleled crises, the future becomes a rare asset, meant to be hoarded like diamonds or gold. To millionaire elites, many of whom already had an apocalyptic bent, a depopulated world is not a tragedy but an opportunity—and certainly easier to manage as they insulate themselves from the ravages of a literally scorched earth. The last four decades have led to the hoarding of resources on a heretofore unimaginable scale by people who have neither baseline respect for human life nor a traditional sense of the future. Their destructive actions have programmed a desperate generation to settle for scraps instead of settling the score."

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14 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I do want to control people who are killing others by not wearing masks, no doubt about it.

I'm done with being non-confrontational and nice about this issue. It seldom works, if at all. Unfortunately, with some people the only solution is to point out their stupid reasoning. Where's @Klytyna ?


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