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Do you need to vent about things COVID-19?

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8 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

From what I've read there are those who either don't experience fever or they have a very mild one.

If he had it, you had it. No question of that, imo.

I understand that a large number of people are asymptomatic too, though still infectious (Idris Elba was asymptomatic). It's so odd for it to range from lethal to nothing to everything in between.

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12 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

The only thing that kept me questioning it is that I truly never ever had any sort of fever -- which I thought a definite always symptom.

Yeah, that's what's keeping me from seriously considering that it was COVID-19 that my partner brought back from Beijing in late December, and that had us both miserable for weeks. It would have been early for the virus in Beijing anyway. But that symptom of not tasting or smelling anything, this bug we had was remarkable for that: some effect is common in anything affecting sinuses, but I noticed at the time that I'd never before experienced such a complete shutdown of the sense of smell which lasted well after sinuses cleared.

Also, besides no fever, it had heavy effect on sinus and upper respiratory, not only cough and lungs... and not so much headache... so yeah, what we had was almost certainly just a really bad virus, probably flu, and almost certainly not COVID-19.

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18 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

I understand that a large number of people are asymptomatic too, though still infectious (Idris Elba was asymptomatic). It's so odd for it to range from lethal to nothing to everything in between.

Yes. Symptoms vary in severity from one individual to the next. Some may experience all of the symptoms, some a few or one or two and some none at all. This is why testing is so damned important and why I will never, ever forgive or trust @$$Trumpet or the Repuglicans. They've really shown their true selves since 2016. No way in hell will I ever vote for a Repuglican. Not after all the crap they have pulled in the past and especially not after all the bs in the last 3-4 years.

I'm just now finally getting over the last of Covid-19 and starting to feel what is normal for me.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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11 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Yes. Symptoms vary in severity from one individual to the next. Some may experience all of the symptoms, some a few or one or two and some none at all. This is why testing is so damned important and why I will never, ever forgive or trust @$$Trumpet or the Repuglicans. They've really shown their true selves since 2016. No way in hell will I ever vote for a Repuglican. Not after all the crap they have pulled in the past and especially not after all the bs in the last 3-4 years.

I'm just now finally getting over the last of Covid-19 and starting to feel what is normal for me.

I cannot for the life of me understand why so many countries, my own included, aren't aggressively testing testing testing, when it's so obvious from South Korea and Germany that that's what works. I understand that there's a certain type of politician who will always value profits over people, but a pandemic like this isn't good for the economy (only disaster capitalists). Dead and incapacitated people don't generate income. I do not understand the logic. 

Very happy to be educated on this because it really makes no sense to me. I can't understand what they're gaining from it. 

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13 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

I cannot for the life of me understand why so many countries, my own included, aren't aggressively testing testing testing, when it's so obvious from South Korea and Germany that that's what works. I understand that there's a certain type of politician who will always value profits over people, but a pandemic like this isn't good for the economy (only disaster capitalists). Dead and incapacitated people don't generate income. I do not understand the logic. 

Very happy to be educated on this because it really makes no sense to me. I can't understand what they're gaining from it. 

There is no logic to it other than making money hand over fist until there isn't anyone left to pay them. Then they will go after each other. I'd like to be a fly on the wall to see that. It is greed and control. Can't be greedy if you can't control.

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The US has just completely f'd-up testing, over and over and over. Even now they've not performed 1/4 as much testing as they promised to have delivered by mid-March.

They're completely incompetent. Just because Pence can put together a (meaningless but) relatively coherent sentence in stark contrast to his boss, doesn't mean he's actually accomplishing anything at all. If it weren't for the states clawing for whatever scraps they can get, there'd be no Federal coronavirus contribution whatsoever.

And don't get me started on the utterly feckless son-in-law.

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4 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Isolation blocks the building of herd immunity. So the isolation you think is working may just be a weak dam holding it back and building a larger future surge. So, one should probably define what they mean by 'working'.

working means that people are not dying today

I live in New Zealand, relatively small population at the end of the world. The objective of the health  plan here is to prevent people from dying today.  We are not into herd immunity - survival of the fittest in its most brutal form - the weak actually die and the strong live. This is just not our way as a people.  So, shut the country down, lock the borders,  minimise movement within, and work toward eliminating the virus within the current population today

it is working in the sense that only one person in NZ has died so far. And for us as a people this person's death is one too many. So we will do what is asked of us as a people for there to not be another

we know that there is a huge international effort going into producing better treatments and hopefully a vaccine. The worst scenario is that there will be no vaccine and if so then many more people will die no matter what we do.  This worst scenario is not on us yet. In the meantime we will do our best to keep people alive

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Anyone in the U.S. that gave your banking information to the IRS, Keep an eye on your accounts the next few days.. I just heard that they may start to send out  stimulus checks as soon as tomorrow or Friday..

I just thought I would share that for those interested..


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11 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

The US has just completely f'd-up testing, over and over and over. Even now they've not performed 1/4 as much testing as they promised to have delivered by mid-March.

There will be books written about how badly they botched up getting the PPE and tests out. It is so bizarre and demonstrates such incompetence that it almost seems unbelievable, and so spawns conspiracy theories as explanations.

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2 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

we know that there is a huge international effort going into producing better treatments and hopefully a vaccine. The worst scenario is that there will be no vaccine and if so then many more people will die no matter what we do.  This worst scenario is not on us yet. In the meantime we will do our best to keep people alive

Yeah, there's an early draft of a not-yet-peer-reviewed paper involving only 175 subjects that suggests a vaccine may be more difficult than we would have expected because a bunch of folks who've had COVID-19 apparently don't have much sign of antibodies. So maybe they cleared the virus by other means (T-cells, etc.). And maybe antibodies (as from a vaccine) aren't always effectively produced.

So besides a vaccine, one might wonder if the "cure" for this might be a targeted anti-viral. Not this desperate hydroxy-/chloroquine garbage, but something engineered to counter this particular virus. This wouldn't be the first time when we can't rely on a vaccine to put such diseases behind us. (E.g., HIV vaccine?)

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22 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Anyone in the U.S. that gave your banking information to the IRS, Keep an eye on your accounts the next few days.. I just heard that they may start to send out  stimulus checks as soon as tomorrow or Friday..

I just thought I would share that for those interested..


Somehow I doubt they will go out that soon. Even if they do, be my luck I'll be one of the last ones even though the IRS has had my bank info for years and I did file 2018. Which reminds me I need to call them and ask them where the hell my gd PIN is so I can file for 2019.

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16 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

So besides a vaccine, one might wonder if the "cure" for this might be a targeted anti-viral. Not this desperate hydroxy-/chloroquine garbage, but something engineered to counter this particular virus. This wouldn't be the first time when we can't rely on a vaccine to put such diseases behind us. (E.g., HIV vaccine?)

yes it could be. I hope not but it may be that there will only be treatment plans for these kinds of things.  If so then it's going to change how we organise ourselves as societies

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23 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

Yeah, there's an early draft of a not-yet-peer-reviewed paper involving only 175 subjects that suggests a vaccine may be more difficult than we would have expected because a bunch of folks who've had COVID-19 apparently don't have much sign of antibodies. So maybe they cleared the virus by other means (T-cells, etc.). And maybe antibodies (as from a vaccine) aren't always effectively produced.

So besides a vaccine, one might wonder if the "cure" for this might be a targeted anti-viral. Not this desperate hydroxy-/chloroquine garbage, but something engineered to counter this particular virus. This wouldn't be the first time when we can't rely on a vaccine to put such diseases behind us. (E.g., HIV vaccine?)

Tennessee put the cobosh on that drug, mainly because there is a limited supply which has been used for other people that have a constant need for it,like lupus and ,oh I forget the other one..

But  they noticed it being over prescribed,or in the woman's words at the mic,Hoarded, right after the first announcement of it..So they put a lock down on it so it didn't get drained..

I have to say, I am really liking how our governor and his team has been handling things in Tennessee..

I couldn't even tell you what Trump has said in the last month or so, but My Governor,I watch him and his staff  everyday giving us updates..


people don't have to watch this..but I'm going to put it up here anyways..Because to me this is how a leader should act in times like this..

There is no politics in it, it's just something that has been giving me comfort listening to each day.. I think it's good when we can look to a leader and feel comfort rather than afterwards feeling angry or confused.. I really like My Governor.. I never really paid much attention to him until recently.. But I really do like him..


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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31 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Somehow I doubt they will go out that soon. Even if they do, be my luck I'll be one of the last ones even though the IRS has had my bank info for years and I did file 2018. Which reminds me I need to call them and ask them where the hell my gd PIN is so I can file for 2019.

The first wave won't be going out to everyone..I believe those on social security will be getting theirs in the next wave..But the first wave is supposed to be going out tomorrow or the next day..

I think you just make a new pin each year, unless they are requesting you get one from them..

They will usually ask for a pin from the prior year or your prior years AGI Adjusted Gross Income or you just make a 5 digit pin yourself.. I don't know your tax situation..I'm just going on what i do every year..



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Some hopeful news:

FEMA to restrict exports of critical supplies leaving US

From CNN's Geneva Sands and Priscilla Alvarez

Companies will soon be blocked from exporting critical medical supplies needed by the US for the coronavirus response, unless the Federal Emergency Management Agency gives approval for overseas shipments, according to a federal draft regulation.

The combined effort between FEMA and US Customs and Border Protection, which oversees trade and travel, comes as the United States seeks to shore up equipment for hospitals treating coronavirus patients.

Late last week: White House trade adviser Peter Navarro previewed these actions, saying there is “a black market which you have described, where we're having people bid against each other, brokers come in, they're bidding and bidding on all this different (personal protective equipment)."

"It's driving the price up and guess what? You know where it's going? The domestic sources here are being exported," said Navarro, the White House's Defense Production Act policy coordinator, at last Thursday's White House briefing. "We are going to crack down unmercifully."

In a joint statement Wednesday, the two agencies, both of which fall under the Department of Homeland Security, said they're "working together to prevent domestic brokers, distributors, and other intermediaries from diverting these critical medical resources overseas."

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28 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Some hopeful news:

FEMA to restrict exports of critical supplies leaving US

From CNN's Geneva Sands and Priscilla Alvarez

Companies will soon be blocked from exporting critical medical supplies needed by the US for the coronavirus response, unless the Federal Emergency Management Agency gives approval for overseas shipments, according to a federal draft regulation.

The combined effort between FEMA and US Customs and Border Protection, which oversees trade and travel, comes as the United States seeks to shore up equipment for hospitals treating coronavirus patients.

Late last week: White House trade adviser Peter Navarro previewed these actions, saying there is “a black market which you have described, where we're having people bid against each other, brokers come in, they're bidding and bidding on all this different (personal protective equipment)."

"It's driving the price up and guess what? You know where it's going? The domestic sources here are being exported," said Navarro, the White House's Defense Production Act policy coordinator, at last Thursday's White House briefing. "We are going to crack down unmercifully."

In a joint statement Wednesday, the two agencies, both of which fall under the Department of Homeland Security, said they're "working together to prevent domestic brokers, distributors, and other intermediaries from diverting these critical medical resources overseas."

Interesting.  So, is this a good use of Presidential power, because it puts American's first, or it is evil because it denies resources to other countries?

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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Because to me this is how a leader should act in times like this..

Pffffft... I'll see your governor and raise you one Governor Andy of Kentucky! 

There's a reason y'all have to be quarantined for 14 days before you can enter our state! 😜




Edited by Beth Macbain
Didn't mean to make the picture so big!
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1 hour ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Got a link, Qie?

I read this morning that the chance for reinfection is relatively high as the disease may not be producing enough antibodies.  But, I'll let Qie answer once he finds his source.

I just wanted to say.  I, too, think it's possible I had COVID-19 in January of 2020.  My symptoms were fever, chills, sweats, body aches, severe nasal congestion, fatique that still after four months has not cleared one side of my nose to allow for appropriate breathing through both nostrils.  I have never been that sick in my life ever.

Next, regarding antibodies.  My ex of 20 years worked for hospitals.  He'd often bring colds/flus home during the Winter season.  At least that's what we though it was...a cold/flu as it was self-diagnosed.  I am saying this because I'm wondering one year if we had the Swine Flu.  No tests were done that year so I don't know if we had the Swine Flu.

But, with these colds/flus my ex could "catch" and then infect me...once we recovered and started kissing again, we were sick again within a very short time.  And, then once we recovered again a second time...we'd kiss, and we were re-infected a third time.  And, there were other years where we recovered from cold/flu only to be reinfected again and I believe it was because of going back to kissing once we thought we were recovered.  So to keep my story as short as possible...why didn't my ex and I develop any antibodies to prevent reinfection, and one year we reinfected each other three times.  We are both natural born American citizens who worked solely in America.  Hospitals was where my Ex was picking up the colds/flus.

But, as far as the OP, I just really need to vent about testing.  I think it's been very lackadaisical here in America for many, many years as most American hospitals are for profit businesses.  I know, my Ex worked for them and he told me "things" regarding their cutbacks and screamin' 'bout profits.   

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26 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

Pffffft... I'll see your governor and raise you one Governor Andy of Kentucky! 

There's a reason y'all have to be quarantined for 14 days before you can enter our state! 😜




I don't let anyone in my state in my house either.. Not until there is a cure and maybe still not after than .. hehehehe :D


Just to add..I like how your Governor approaches the people of Kentucky as well..

This is why I listen to local rather than national things.. We still get the national information through them, but without all the Cholesterol that comes with national..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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