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This would have been one of Cash's last big hits, except Country Radio had black listed him and refused to play it, so it didn't get out there in time before he passed away.
While the video parts with Cash show him as a young man, he recorded his vocals here in 1998 a few years before passing away. Of note is that Rodney Crowell was formerly married to Cash's daughter - divorced (but still friends that collaborate together and had 3 daughters) in 1992.

After hearing this I followed into a little more of Crowell's music and quickly decided that he goes onto my genre exception list - I don't normally listen to Country but just like with Cash, Crowell's now going onto my "except for this guy" list. He's really good.

Edited by UnilWay SpiritWeaver
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Ana Bárbara is a Mexican singer who I've not followed much so my facts are limited (I even sometimes confuse her with Natalia Jiménez who was originally from Spain). Spoiler: she's roughly the same age as me.

Christian Nodal is a young but massively famous Mexican 'Regional Mexican' / Romanticas singer (essentially the Mexican equivalents to Country and Ballads) who first came to fame in 2017 thanks to YouTube. In a way that gives him the same origin story as Justin Beiber - but to much better results for Nodal.

Sadly for me - despite being something of a Mexican heartthrob and all around nice guy - Nodal is obsessed with tattoos and recently dying his hair. In recent months they've spread to all over his face as well. His tattoo thing 'got out of hand' after his breakup with ex-girlfriend: A Spanish model/singer who was basically using him for money and tossed him when he refused to hand over his fortune to her mother. So these days he looks more like the Cholos I grew up with, but has the demeanor of a Mexican gentleman.


Edited by UnilWay SpiritWeaver
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