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UnilWay SpiritWeaver

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Everything posted by UnilWay SpiritWeaver

  1. My male alt has been on Belleza Jake and I'm looking to change that. Gianni is no-mod so I'm not going with that. This one is mod right? The first post says it would be. I was using a skin from Stray Dog for my male alt and it looks like they do NOT support 'Anatomy'. So, any skin recommendations for Anatomy that are also made for Lelutka / evoX heads?
  2. Yeah I should have split the politics part out from the other part. I guess the mixed rants confused some. But... if we want finer maturity controls then let me see if I can do a TL:DR. Split the maturity system for levels of violence and levels of sexual content apart. These are radically different things. Places should be rated for each independently. I don't want 'mainland A' to allow for extreme violence. While graphic decapitations, mutilations, severed limbs, and bloody gore are 'safe for church and kids G' content in the USA, in the rest of the world they're considered slightly unpleasant topics and I'd prefer 'violent A' be limited to estates. By contrast while 'holding hands or smiling at people' is nearly a criminal offense in the USA, most of the rest of the 'western' world is OK with people being romantic or even friendly. Give people the ability to assign themselves a maturity rating. If you're not set to that rating, you don't see them in search. Optional let us make a profile for G and another for A.
  3. I would like to see 'A' and maybe also 'M' split between sexual and violence. A-rated erotic themes should not be in the same rating as graphic violence. Those are two different ratings and if someone wants to mix them then they should have to declare picking both. But by default they shouldn't be the same, and 'Mainland' A should be rated for the sexual-A but not allow the violent. M, if it had the same split, would probably fall somewhat similar. It's in 'M' where we see a major split in 'Western' countries between the USA and everyone else. In the USA violence is liked but sexual themes are not, and most of the rest of the western world has the opposite opinion. So a split 'M' would probably be something to make a lot of places more 'non-USA friendly' by having 'action genre violence' not be included by default into 'older age appropriate themes like romance and taxes'. But this time I'd probably say Mainland ought to be flagged for both as knocking one of them out would be too dramatic a change. I think it would be even easier to do this with Marketplace. Flag your content on a spectrum of action (M) <---> violence (A) or levels or romance (M) <---> erotica (A). And not presume that if it's erotic it involves decapitated heads and vore like we do now. Another thing I'd like is to be able to flag our profiles with a rating or maybe even have 2 profiles depending on the rating of the search. In my 'that won't happen' we'd have a third split on this for 'political ranting allowance levels' where you'd have to be 'A-rated politics' to be putting out ranting political signs and things meant to trigger folks... but the drama of even figuring out what goes where on this one would be too much to be able to even make a policy.
  4. If you're ever AFK in SL it's not a bad idea to make sure you're on an A-rated region first, or have security on your furniture such that only group members, named people, or yourself can sit on it. At the same time - if you run one of, or partake in; those AFK 'stuff and things' businesses - the new TOS is protection for you. I presume all of those businesses were already on A-rated land (or just phenomenally stupid). Anyone in such a place, if it's on A-rated land, can now rest assured they won't be in trouble for screenshots people take. Once again, the point of M-land is a little confusing now. But at least a little less so than it was before. Child AVs would be best staying on G now as I presume that in any 'war of the screenshots' the burden will be on them. If on G-land, they'd win the issue. On A-land they'd lose the issue. On M-land... we have to look deeper and I'd think the burden is going to be on the one who causes the most bad press. But unless you have a venue that intends to cater to Child-AVs, the difference between M and A is largely meaningless for who can reach you - so go with A. If I was a large brand shop, right now I'd be closing any M-rated venues and getting an A-rated mainstore with a non-adjacent G-rated satellite. For some brands - the other way around.
  5. Is there something special about female child avatars that means showing bare butts should be OK for them? Or was the meant to be 'upper back' as in a 'bra strap' not required?
  6. Humble Bundle has 3 days left on a video training series for Blender. Seems like a good buy for anyone wanting to learn to make mesh for SL, though I'm not familiar with the brand for the videos ( cg cookie ).
  7. As a long time Belli resident I'm used to the opposite. I suspect half of Belli folk are stalking lindens. When a linden or mole shows up, the place fills with people who want to hang out with them.
  8. I would say that I like that this happens. You get tossed to the highest rated InfoHub per your 'search settings'. If you're in one of those A-rated places doing the kinds of things one can do in such a place, the last thing you want is to get thrown into a G-rated infoHub after a crash while you're "[un-]dressed for action" and possibly stuck in a highly non-G rated animation. Thankfully that's never been me. But you can tour A-rated Infohubs and see people who are clearly stuck in a loop from something they were up to before hand, and often have "things attached" and other things not attached. 😶🫣😍😐👀
  9. Sure. But that wasn't my point. The person I was responding to was talking about the fear of being AFK and getting AR'd when people do scary things. So... if you can mod your furniture - you can put in things to prevent people from using it. No need to worry about being AFK on a couch if no one can sit on it or use it's menus except you and your friends. ********************************** EDIT: On the other hand, being in an AFK zone on an A-rated region just got a whole LOT safer. If you're one of those AFK-stuffz people, and you left your AV on an A-rated AFK-stuffz venue, you're safe now. A child AV is no longer allowed on A-rated region. So if something happens, you aren't the one in trouble.
  10. What is or isn't a Child AV is not something you can make a checklist of things to declare for. It's a gestault of the overall effect and how the account holder presents themselves. Like the old SCOTUS ruling on obscenity stated so long ago, they declared that they couldn't tell you want it was per se, but everyone knew it when they saw it and it was not something rational people actually tended to disagree on unless they were arguing just to be difficult or to try and get away with things or unfairly persecute. People know what a child AV when they encounter one. It's not something that tends to be unclear. But making a checklist to define it will never work. When someone "gets it wrong" and goes after or fails to go after" someone they're not doing that because they don't know - they're doing it to make trouble. These claims of "I was banned because of..." or "...I saw some OMG stuff going on" always include an added layer of drama. We're just going to have to trust in subjective judgment of people who are NOT part of that drama. They'll only get it wrong when they decide to join in the drama.
  11. No there isn't. But at that point the person who sold that resident the skin layer is no longer included in the penalty of the resulting AR. Requiring the skin have the modesty layer baked in means they're planning to hold skin makers that market skins for child avatars accountable if they market them without that layer. It also means that if you're selling adult skins you'd be wise to clearly market them as such. Right now if I go buy an adult skins, most brands have the nipples and for female skins the lower part baked in - despite the fact that the lower part can as a result stretch across the entire buttocks and make it look like you need to buy a bidet or some tissue paper... They then often sell a tattoo layer to hide these. If I were an adult skin maker, I'd flip that logic in my next release cycle. No longer include the nipples or lower bits in the base skin. Have a tattoo layer for each of these. Most people who want to "show of their naked parts" buy attachments for higher resolution - HD nipples (usually included as a setting in the body itself) and props for the lower bits. So a skin maker is actually safest just no longer including those by default, and then baking on an entire "non-sensual" underwear layer for any skin marketed to an avatar design of someone under the age of 18 (the legal age in California, where this matters as that's where LL is).
  12. You know that will last all of 3.1 seconds before a land baron is selling it for 80,000L per sqm.
  13. Yet another reason for 'mod' furniture. If it's mod, put in the AVsitter security script, and set access to group. No one can use your furniture unless they're in the group. Done. Any furniture in my Linden homes has that, or is something I missed finding in my last check (which likely means it's something I don't use and only think of as decor). Sometimes I just edit the AVpos notecard and remove the adult items from the menus. I go back and forth on what kind of content I want in my SL so I'll remove them one week and put them back the next - this why I use the security script as that at least is something I stay consistent on.
  14. Maybe just rethink the idea of mixing adult content and child avatars. It was never a good idea to begin with even if it was allowed.
  15. Nope. New policy says skins for a child AV need baked on underwear. So derender away and you'll get nowhere. As for standing next to and reporting - they could probably suss out who was the instigator in that. Even my own logs tell me a timestamp on a teleport. I could probably track which avatar of any given two got it's current coords most recently or most recently changed it's appearance. I could probably write a script for that as a user. I'd be shocked if it's not just on-hand info for a Linden. It's only going to take a few people making drama over this with attempts to be bad actors, and then the lindens stepping in and fixing things, for the drama to settle down. We've had "OMG the sky is falling" drama before it always follows that pattern. Within a short while things settle.
  16. Easy to test. Just log in and set it. That was still true a few months ago when I changed my settings on accident and could get to my own land.
  17. That's actually a MAJOR change. That Child AVs were previously allowed on Zindra and other A places was a big point of contention back when Zindra was being announced with lots of anger on both sides. That was what... 15 years ago? I can think of some venues, even right in downtown Zindra, that effectively now must close and finally move to G land. There was a spot I spent some time in 2023 wanting to buy, but chose not to because the adjacent plot was a 'kids playground' and I felt weird 'acting A rated' even on 'A land' with that "next door".
  18. I tried to think it through some different angles. I think the 'real world' answer often means thinking it through more than our forum responses typically imply. While I will say I strongly prefer mod, and someone else will say they don't care. And a merchant will say this or that - at the end of the day the actual need is going to be very situational with the best answer not always being the same.
  19. So here we get into a particular point: Anything rezzed on the land as a building or permanently there prop (furniture, decor, etc) needs to be Mod so I can resize it, maybe even retexture it, and so on. In your above example you have two competing solutions and might want to consider both of them: 1. Sell it as a build kit - sell this version unlinked as pieces. 2. Sell a prebuilt. With this one take some of the parts back into Blender and link them there in such ways that they're not very handy isolated. The little side building, the main building, the balcony on the lower right and the stairwell of the main build. That's 4 items - import them as just 4 objects. Some tweaking would probably be needed to import the ideal composition for physics / land impact. If you bought this as a full perms kit to assemble a build then it gets tricky. If you have the DAEs then do the blender trick. If you don't option 1 is most likely not allowed by the full-perms seller. But you'd need to really weigh the value of selling it no-mod. Most people would not want a building as no-mod as they'd need to be able to size it, alter textures, etc. It's one reason why I'd never buy a fullperm walls and roofs kit with the intention of selling builds made with it. There's no product I could make that would be valuable to a buyer without breaking the terms. But I have bought many copy/mod walls and roof kits over the years. I've got stacks of them. If I was the person who made the items in your image over in a 3D modeling app and I wanted to sell it in SL, I'd sell it as a copy/mod "create your own fantasy village" kit. A couple of years ago that'd be a kit worth maybe 1000-5000L depending on how good it was and how many pieces, but the prefab building would likely not have been worth more than 500L at the most. These days I don't know prices of these things too well. You'd sell more prefabs though - probably by an extreme margin. I'd sell the kit only because as a customer I'd want to buy the kit over the prefab because I'm not the typical customer. But again, if I'd been the 3D modeler, I could sell a prefab that was in grouped pieces which wouldn't be of much use unlinked, and then ALSO sell the build kit - as per the example I began this post with.
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