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When Did it Become Acceptable to Bring Politic of Hate into SL?

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On 1/9/2020 at 5:06 AM, Beth Macbain said:

Since we're sharing...

Sort of controversial - If god exists, he's really an a-hole. As an omnipotent being, he's really lousy about saving people, especially small children, from suffering. He sits by twiddling his omnipotent thumbs while children are burned with cigarettes, thrown into walls, raped, and murdered, along with about a billion other heinous things. God gave my mom cancer, and my brother cancer. Eff that guy. Don't give me that free will crap. Ever notice how when something good happens it's one of god's miracles, but if it's something bad, either god didn't have anything to do with it, or it's all part of His Divine Plan. That's a truly sh*tty plan, you guys, no matter what the end game is.

I couldn't resist... Even more controversial free will doesn't exist if God is Omniscient.

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12 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

You should read some Boethius. Or Augustine. Or others. There are some pretty sophisticated and convincing responses to this.


Yeah have looked into all of those as well as others. Still doesn't prove that free will can exist if God is Omniscient. Prophecy etc claimed by various religions imply that God knows the future and what path you will take. The mere notion of prophecy goes against free will.

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I'll just leave this here as food for thought on both sides of the political aisle:

  • The point to remember is that what the government gives, it must first take away. -- John Strider Coleman, 1897-1958
  • Agree, for the law is costly. --Sir Wiliam Camden, 1551-1623
  • There is a holy mistaken zeal in politics as well as in religion. By persuading others, we convince ourselves. -- Lord Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, --1694-1774.
  • Democracy passes into despotism. -- Plato, 428-348 B.C.
  • A liberal is a man who will give away everything he does not own. --Frank Dane
  • Equality of opportunity is an equal opportunity to prove unequal talents. --Lord Herbert Louis Samuel, 1870-1916
  • The art of taxation consist of plucking the goose as to get the most feathers with the least hissing. --Ascribed to Jean Baptist Colbert, 1619-1683
  • Democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882
  • When you have robbed a man of everything, he is no longer in your power. He is free again. --Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, 1918-
  • Nobody outside a baby carriage or a judge's chamber believe in an unprejudiced point of view. --Lillian Hellman, 1905-1984
  • None can love freedom heartily, but good men; the rest love not freedom, but license. --John Milton, 1608-1874
  • Equality is the result of human organization. We are not born equal. --Hannah Arendt, 1906-1975
  • All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. --George Orwell [Eric Blair], 1903-1950

[Source: "The most brilliant thoughts of all time (in two lines or less)", edited by Joh M. Shanahan.]

Edited by Alyona Su
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On 1/6/2020 at 1:58 PM, Samie Bagley said:

In these last two days, I had encounters with Trump supporters who filled their profiles with hateful messages. Specifically, profile pictures showing gun violence, groups promoting lies that were discredit by US and UK intelligence, and groups promoting violence toward others. All were reported to LL.

As a result of these encounter and awareness of LL's permissible attitude toward the introduction of politics of hate in SL, I am no longer a premium member. I refuse to financially support an organization that allows the spewing of hate as evidenced by my encounters with MAGATS.

I am deeply disappointed at LL's lack of action in the insertion of politics into SL, and even more disappointed with the LL's inaction toward the infusion of politics of hate in SL.  I am wondering of anyone else has had similar experiences and how people have handled/reacted/felt in these situations. 


Best regards,



Hey Pebbles, BamBam here.  I just don't believe your words or your encounters as written.  Smells like a jussie to me. 

This is my not so humble opinion. 

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29 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

If you agree with Republican policies you're agreeing with abuse. I can agree to disagree on so many issues, but not about this one. When Republicans come into power programs for the poor are always cut. This means more children go hungry, more homeless sleep on the street,  and more lives are wasted without the resources to have a better life.

I realize many who vote Republican aren't aware of the cuts for the poor when they come into power, but it's easy to look up the stats. 
Even worse are those who believe the stratification is fair, who believe in a distorted 'might makes right' Darwinism where the poor deserve their plight.

I don't want friends who believe it's perfectly okay to abuse others.

Jerfferson quote on politics.jpg

I have not withdrawn from “those” friends, we just limit discussion to weather, traffic, technology, and the activities of various progeny. If discussion strays too far from those, they start confidently asserting completely ridiculous and/or racist claims. 

But I tell you, it is more than disorienting to hear these things from supposedly educated and long-valued friends, or just to know that it’s what they think. I have thought of severing the friendships, as one couple did, but for the time being I think in the long run it may do more good to maintain the connection. 

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6 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

He looks cute with it or without it. Silly socks or not. I wish this were the topic of debate south of your border. Crisis envy!

Not likely. These days a direct hit on the Pentagon wouldn’t rate more than a mention.

I am a Macron girl myself. 

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Well now you guys in Canada, possibly Toronto, appear to be getting the non-political (?) Meghan and Harry. Here's an interesting bit from an article on that:  Canada is a member of the Commonwealth. Even though Prince Harry’s grandmother is the head of state — he will see Queen Elizabeth’s face every time he uses Canadian money — he isn’t an automatic Canadian citizen. As a British citizen, Harry can stay in Canada for up to six months at a time without a visa. The couple could also apply for work visas.

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3 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

If you agree with Republican policies you're agreeing with abuse. I can agree to disagree on so many issues, but not about this one. When Republicans come into power programs for the poor are always cut. This means more children go hungry, more homeless sleep on the street,  and more lives are wasted without the resources to have a better life.

I realize many who vote Republican aren't aware of the cuts for the poor when they come into power, but it's easy to look up the stats. 
Even worse are those who believe the stratification is fair, who believe in a distorted 'might makes right' Darwinism where the poor deserve their plight.

I don't want friends who believe it's perfectly okay to abuse others.

Jerfferson quote on politics.jpg

And left wing governments have killed far more folk than right wing governments Mao, pol pot, stalin, lenin, chavez . Go talk to the people of venezeula and ask them how well left wing governments did for them so get off your high horse

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14 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

And left wing governments have killed far more folk than right wing governments Mao, pol pot, stalin, lenin, chavez . Go talk to the people of venezeula and ask them how well left wing governments did for them so get off your high horse

Nah... we good up here.


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30 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

And left wing governments have killed far more folk than right wing governments Mao, pol pot, stalin, lenin, chavez . Go talk to the people of venezeula and ask them how well left wing governments did for them so get off your high horse

Wealth inequality in the US is at alarming levels, with unbelievably high levels accumulated at the top. I'm not sure how taxing the wealthy more than we are presently (even up to a fraction of the amount we have in the past) and feeding a starving child or providing shelters for homeless people equates to Mao, pol pot, Stalin, Lenin, Chavez, and Venezuela -- only in your twisted mind I guess.
Because you appear to be less aware than this coffee mug sitting beside me, and tend to see issues only in black & white, it would be useless to debate with you until you've done more studying.

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4 hours ago, Pamela Galli said:

I have not withdrawn from “those” friends, we just limit discussion to weather, traffic, technology, and the activities of various progeny. If discussion strays too far from those, they start confidently asserting completely ridiculous and/or racist claims. 

But I tell you, it is more than disorienting to hear these things from supposedly educated and long-valued friends, or just to know that it’s what they think. I have thought of severing the friendships, as one couple did, but for the time being I think in the long run it may do more good to maintain the connection. 

That does not sound easy, Pamela, but I understand -- it would be difficult to part with a long-time friend for me too.
I remember a favorite family member who has since died, but I kind of idolized him. He was a gentle person and into pursuits of beauty and other constructive endeavors (a painter and helping the needy in his church). As he aged and spent more time alone with his TV though and started watching Fox news he became more conservative, leaving behind his liberal roots of caring for others and seeing us "all in this together".  He started acting angry and shouting about "that damn Kerry never went to Vietnam even". It really broke me up not to like him anymore.

In another incident with someone in SL, I knew them a long time before becoming aware they were Republican and a fan of the Drudge Report. This person actually thought all the poor were taken care of, and called them (I guess sympathetically), "the indigent" (a term from long ago). It's been awhile, and don't know what they think of Trump, but I like to think I at least educated them a bit about how the disadvantaged are treated in America.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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4 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

The point to remember is that what the government gives, it must first take away. -- John Strider Coleman, 1897-1958

What if the ones we want to take from through taxation have more money than one would need for a thousand lives on earth? Wouldn't it be okay to adjust taxes so more is given to those who are starving or without a place to sleep at night? Would that really be "taking" anything from them?

In school I remember a little game at snack time where oranges are divided into sections and children are instructed to take one piece. Would it be fair if one of the students who happened to be faster, smarter, or managed to shove all the other students out of way to swoop in and take all or most of the orange sections just because he can?

Republican policies are always skewed to give more to the wealthy through tax adjustments, and constantly trying to diminish programs for the poor. Democrats have also been purchased by moneyed interests, but when in power they do end up giving a bit more to the poor. Ideally, we need a tax system more like Europe where the poorest in society at least have health care and other benefits denied in the US.

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24 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

What if the ones we want to take from through taxation [...]

You do realize you've just vindicated, verified. and confirmed the words of a dead guy, right? A few other statement from that list, also. Especially number three.

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4 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:
29 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

What if the ones we want to take from through taxation [...]

You do realize you've just vindicated, verified. and confirmed the words of a dead guy, right? A few other statement from that list, also. Especially number three.

I have no idea what point you're trying to make.

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

Wealth inequality in the US is at alarming levels, with unbelievably high levels accumulated at the top. I'm not sure how taxing the wealthy more than we are presently (even up to a fraction of the amount we have in the past) and feeding a starving child or providing shelters for homeless people equates to Mao, pol pot, Stalin, Lenin, Chavez, and Venezuela -- only in your twisted mind I guess.
Because you appear to be less aware than this coffee mug sitting beside me, and tend to see issues only in black & white, it would be useless to debate with you until you've done more studying.

And most of those left wing governments I quoted had a damn site more inequality.....the ruling elite lived in luxury everyone else starved

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5 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

And most of those left wing governments I quoted had a damn site more inequality.....the ruling elite lived in luxury everyone else starved

Individual vs the group is always in tension.

I think we've gone too far to the right and need to dial it back to a more central position.

If you look at Bernie Sander's website, he is not recommending these extreme leftist positions you are citing.

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Just now, Luna Bliss said:

Individual vs the group is always in tension.

I think we've gone too far to the right and need to dial it back to a more central position.

If you look at Bernie Sander's website, he is not recommending these extreme leftist positions you are citing.

Mao killed at a conservative estimate 30 million via starvation due to his policies I dont care about bernie sanders I dont care about your economically illiterate beliefs, the left are far far worse than nazis

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