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A list of menswear stores


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   Where does one find menswear these days? It's a common, often quite infected question. I know of some stores that I like, and some that I don't much care for. So, I thought that perhaps those of us who shop for menswear could help each other by compiling a list of stores that we enjoy. Please don't invoke a thread lock by flaming about any specific store being 'terribad', no naming & shaming here!

   I'm going to start off with 3 stores because, whilst I know of more, I don't want to 'hog them all' in the first post (or deter people with a text wa-- yeah there's no escaping that anyway I reckon).

   Deadwool: No surprises here. Deadwool makes very high quality apparel, where the effort and attention to detail is very apparent, both in the mesh and in the textures.
   Style: A bit mixed as of late, whilst their focus used to be in 19thC 'Western' apparel (the store's name being an apparent reference to a certain TV series), they've made some interesting modern pieces of a more casual fashion. If you're looking for your first suit, Deadwool should certainly be on your list for consideration. Also, if you want a nice pair of shoes that works well for casual and formal alike, don't miss out on their Oxfords (which, are also rigged for some female bodies).
   Sizes: Gianni, Geralt, Jake and Slink for their latest releases (some of their earlier products are standard sizes only, but well worth a demo regardless as some things may well fit anyway!).
   Price: I'd say that in this case, you get what you pay for. If you want to deck yourself out with fatpacks of everything, it may be a fairly pricey trip!

   ContraptioN: Contraption offers a wide range of both apparel and accessories, for both men and women, and specialize primarily in Steampunk (Victorian) apparel. The accessories alone are amazingly varied!
   Style: Victorian and Edwardian apparel, mostly rigged for men (but some pieces come rigged for the ladies, too). Both high-end aristocratic outfits and workers' outfits.
   Sizes: Gianni, Geralt, Jake - though due to the nature of their apparel (i.e. being pretty much 'covers just about everything except your hands and throat'), using the 'wrong' size can work.
   Price: Very affordable. No buying single colours here; you get the entire product in all its colours and sizes with a single purchase - and, it's all mod, so that you can tint colours and mess around with the materials if you so please.
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ministry of Invention/117/67/119

   Cold Ash: A great store for more 'casual' modern apparel, without ending up looking like a 'bro' or 'bum'.
   Style: They seem to be focused mostly on shirts in various styles, button-ups, polo shirts, T-shirts. Things you'd expect to see 'regular' people wear on a weekday. They also have some other things, a few different kinds of trousers, and accessories, and such.
   Sizes: Jake and Gianni.
   Price: Decent. Getting a shirt and trousers to start off with from here isn't going to put an owie in your wallet, unless you want to go wild and hog fatpacks of everything you can see.
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cold Ash/173/197/35

   I hope to see others chime in with their picks (yes, I'm looking at you, @Skell Dagger). Having explored today I found some stores that, whilst perhaps not 'for me', certainly carry some interesting inventory - but it made me think, maybe there are some hidden gems out there yet?

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If you are looking for a great deal on menswear, EVERYTHING in the Kauna store in the Time Portal sim is free:

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Time Portal/242/130/1930

Tons of high-quality clothing for male avatars (mostly suits and formal wear, but a few other nice things as well), and it's the best deal on the grid.


Edited by Vanity Fair
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5 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

are you sure those all share the same slurl?

My bad. I must have been drunken

Gild http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cinnamon Bay/145/207/25
Noche http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Secret Isle/35/234/1515
RKKN http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/REKA RKKN/120/127/21
Etiquette http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/REKA RKKN/120/127/21

Etiquette and RKKN share the same LM as both stores are next to each other.

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3 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

thats a museum 😇,
standard sizes and texturelayer clothes, didnt know it was still around.

They actually have a bit of everything mate. lol Granted they do still keep a lot of their old stuff out for people who prefer that which I think is a good thing actually. They have mesh items though. Have you seen them? I ask because I shop there for suits and things of that sort. I have at least two off that line that I can can personally think of off the top of my head that come with color change huds for each part of the suit I want to customize. Been a while since I been though, but I would have thought they'd have upgraded even beyond that by now. They have a bit of something for everybody. ;)

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23 hours ago, Velk Kerang said:

They actually have a bit of everything mate. lol Granted they do still keep a lot of their old stuff out for people who prefer that which I think is a good thing actually. They have mesh items though. Have you seen them? I ask because I shop there for suits and things of that sort. I have at least two off that line that I can can personally think of off the top of my head that come with color change huds for each part of the suit I want to customize. Been a while since I been though, but I would have thought they'd have upgraded even beyond that by now. They have a bit of something for everybody. ;)

They haven't done anything new for men since probably 5 years and their clothes are still expensive ... too expensive for old stuff.

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4 hours ago, Conall DeCuir said:

They haven't done anything new for men since probably 5 years and their clothes are still expensive ... too expensive for old stuff.

Most really decent quality stuff on SL usually is expensive though mate. I didn't think it was 5 years since they last updated though. I didn't realize it had been that long. I think I bought my last suit there probably 2 or 3 years back at most my last visit there shopping. I've taken a few people there off and on since then and I've just not found any place that sells better quality suits mate. Where do you buy yours at if you don't mind me asking? What would you recommend? I am definitely open to suggestions brother. Thanks in advance. :)

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11 minutes ago, Velk Kerang said:

Where do you buy yours at if you don't mind me asking? What would you recommend? I am definitely open to suggestions brother. Thanks in advance. :)

Deadwool is probably the no. 1 adress to go. Adam Edelstein has a closed suit and a morning suit (the open suit is for Aesthetic but fits me too). Then there is L&B (Lapointe Bastchild) and Breakout has a Gentlemen's Suit which is fitting for semi-formal. You could also have a look at Gabriel.

Thats where i go :)

Edited by Conall DeCuir
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19 minutes ago, Conall DeCuir said:

Deadwool is probably the no. 1 adress to go. Adam Edelstein has a closed suit and a morning suit (the open suit is for Aesthetic but fits me too). Then there is L&B (Lapointe Bastchild) and Breakout has a Gentlemen's Suit which is fitting for semi-formal. You could also have a look at Gabriel.

Thats where i go :)

I'll definitely have to go check them out then. I recognize two of those names I completely forgot about. Adam Edelstein I think had a few outfits on market I thought were really well done and L&B I completely forgot sold men's clothing wear. I always think of jewelry when that store pops in to my head. I just looked up Deadwool though and I owe one big time mate. They had a outfit very decently priced I might add called Hart vest - antracite and a few others in that line which almost mirrors a few system versions I have of that exact same outfit. So now it's time for an upgrade. lol Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate it mate. :)

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  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...

Lapointe and Bastchild is pretty nice, their mens clothing is far better (in my opinion) if much less numerous than their women's, not quite Deadwool nice but pretty close.

As to Contraption I *love* their stuff, almost tempted to get a male avatar or Maitreya Flat (which can be considered a male body, most of the clothes for it are men's wear) just to wear some of it, everything that fits petite is upstairs in the sci-fi/cyberpunk section not down in the Steampunk/Victorian area.


One thing to note on Contraption, though, all of *their* stuff is mod but they do colabs for some things and they are not necessarily mod.

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  • 1 year later...

Pretty old thread, but I will bite.  Deadwool was great before mesh. I haven't been impressed since mesh came out.

Hoorenebeek is really good, but their "fit" is awful, at least for Slink. Alphas are required and the demos I have tried are NOT auto-alpha.

Honestly, men's clothes, in general, are not well-rigged to fit properly. Might as well buy standard sizing and plan on wearing alphas. Of course, that sort of spoils your look.

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