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SL's most exclusive club


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9 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

I have no idea why I actually know that, though, except that it has something to do with altruism. 

Thank you.  At least I almost got the right era. Auden would have been among my next guesses.  Yes, it's a fine sideways commentary on altruism, related in a strange way to the common sentiment: "No good deed goes unpunished."

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30 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well, we can cavil about the appropriate word count for a "rant" some other time.

The key point is that you unnecessarily and unkindly took Beth to task, not so much for her argument, but for being upset.

When you see someone is upset, it's ungenerous and actually counterproductive to blame them for that -- in part, because you can't possibly know the personal context that might have triggered an emotional response. By all means, continue to address the arguments being made here -- but the best response to someone who is in obvious distress is, if respond you must, to be supportive and give them space to recover their composure.

I know that you present here as a slightly edgy, semi-tough, plain-speaking guy, but I actually like you anyway. And one of the reasons I do is because I know that you are not ungenerous. You're better than this. Really.

I hope you enjoyed your movie. I hope it was something appropriate. The Notebook perhaps? The Princess Bride?

Here's my issue, we were discussing the exclusivity of a club and the people that go to such clubs. The rant had nothing to do with that. In no way did any of the previous conversation have anything to do with lack of family or friends around the holidays or the forced holiday spirit of the workplace. Which i would talk to the manager about, personally. 

In my "rant" i pointed out that we all have issues. Be they mental ro loss, we all have them. If one feels the need to talk about them there are places for that. This thread isnt one of them. Perhaps if we all stayed on the topic of the thread, there wouldn't have been any distress. People read into written text what they will depending on their mood at the time of reading. Which is why i said to take a bit and come back to things later. That wasn't directed at ANYONE in particular, just good helpful info in general on the forums and n SL.

And as to the movie... Appropriate? IT chapter two.. in my case, very appropriate.

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37 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I have a story for you, Drake:

What My Puppy Knows About Thunder (That I Don’t)
(What I Learned From a Little Cotton Puff About) How to Carry The Burdens of Existence
umair haque



August 2019

I guess that all depends on how you were raised. I was raised to show my emotions and tell how i am feeling. Not bury things and let them fester. I kept something buried once.. its caused a lot of people a lot of pain.. and i will hold that guilt until the day i die. My friends and family know how i feel, and what is going on in my life.. I just dont feel the need to share them with strangers. 

i think this emotional derailment has gone on long enough, personally. Lets get back to talking about $50 USD SL clubs and why we wont join them. 

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9 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:
51 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I have a story for you, Drake:

 Puppy Knows

I guess that all depends on how you were raised. I was raised to show my emotions and tell how i am feeling. Not bury things and let them fester. I kept something buried once.. its caused a lot of people a lot of pain.. and i will hold that guilt until the day i die. My friends and family know how i feel, and what is going on in my life.. I just dont feel the need to share them with strangers. 

i think this emotional derailment has gone on long enough, personally. Lets get back to talking about $50 USD SL clubs and why we wont join them. 

I'm glad that you're emotionally in touch and have people to share with, and I was kind of feeling you out with that poem in directing it to you, though it was really meant for everyone.

I think you point out something important by saying (regarding your feelings) that "I just don't feel the need to share them with strangers".  People should have the right to share at whatever level they choose without being accused of being insensitive or not caring. Likewise, there's nothing wrong with people who want to share at more of an emotional level here -- it appears that those who do share on a deeper level don't consider others as "strangers" on the forum. Might they be needing too much though? More than you would or more than is healthy for this forum? That is a separate issue.


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26 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

Here's my issue, we were discussing the exclusivity of a club and the people that go to such clubs. The rant had nothing to do with that. In no way did any of the previous conversation have anything to do with lack of family or friends around the holidays or the forced holiday spirit of the workplace.

Sometimes when people feel rejected or disapproved of they slip into feeling the pain from all the times they've felt rejected, past and present. I've certainly done that.

I have a friend, a therapist, who deals with a lot of chaos during the Holiday season. When she's expressed feeling horrible due to a rough day at work I used to say "Oh, lots of difficult clients"?  And she'd say "no, it's the staff".  lol

During the Holidays she frequently goes around saying "Ho Forking Ho" frequently, and without the filter I applied there.

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1 hour ago, Tari Landar said:

I know, I try to include more of them now, but I usually get stuck in a typing , most would probably call frenzy but for me it's really not it's just a pattern, sort of, I'm not sure what to call it, lol.

Once I start getting typing, I don't stop very easily-that's where the muscle memory thing kind of lets me down, a lot. I keep going and going and going, it's a very bad habit of mine. One I'm working on, but most days, I'm still really bad at it. 

I  also forget to check where I need more white space, or if the day is going particularly badly, vision wise, I'll look up, see what LOOKS like empty space and...

it's really not white space at all, lol. 

A lot of people just jump past my posts anyway because they're really annoyingly long, and I get that completely. It used to bother me, especially when people pointed it out, but now, eh, it is what it is.

It's no slight against me, and I don't hold it against others, most of the time.....sometimes I do, when I'm in a pissy mood (and that's also usually the point when I realize I need to walk the hell away from a thread and either take a break, or just go into "read only mode" for that thread.

Some days I'm good, some days...eh...I've run into the wall one too many times so even a leaf hitting my foot that I didn't want to hit my foot gets under my skin. 


I would not have mentioned it if I did not invariably find your posts worth reading. Otherwise I would just not make the effort. But as a former teacher of writing, I taught my students that using conventions is all about one thing: making it as  easy as possible for your reader to read and understand your message. (These days we are more likely to be used to reading tweets than JANE Austen, so our attention spans are trained to be very short.)

Just for fun I made some more breaks above. 😀 

Edited by Pamela Galli
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18 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

Here's my issue, we were discussing the exclusivity of a club and the people that go to such clubs. The rant had nothing to do with that. In no way did any of the previous conversation have anything to do with lack of family or friends around the holidays or the forced holiday spirit of the workplace. Which i would talk to the manager about, personally. 

In my "rant" i pointed out that we all have issues. Be they mental ro loss, we all have them. If one feels the need to talk about them there are places for that. This thread isnt one of them. Perhaps if we all stayed on the topic of the thread, there wouldn't have been any distress. People read into written text what they will depending on their mood at the time of reading. Which is why i said to take a bit and come back to things later. That wasn't directed at ANYONE in particular, just good helpful info in general on the forums and n SL.

And as to the movie... Appropriate? IT chapter two.. in my case, very appropriate.

Here's my issue... my "rant" as you've taken to calling it was in response to a specific poster seeking specific information which only I could provide. Someone felt I was "hiding" something because of my impassioned defense of members-only sex clubs. Someone was trying to figure out what was being hidden. I answered, using as many words as I felt necessary to use, by stating in an admittedly long-winded manner that I was having a really bad day. 

You said in your original comment on the matter that you were going to come across as harsh, and you did, and now you've got your back up because it was taken in the spirit which you intended it to be taken - harshly. You don't get it both ways, sugarplum. If you're going to set out to be harsh, don't be all persnickety when someone is harsh right back. 

Also, I made an attempt to bring the conversation back on topic by saying that I don't believe this club exists, and asking the OP to point me in the direction of it so I can go check it out and report back. 

Strange how that was completely ignored, though, by other people's emotional reactions, including yours. 

Men never, ever mansplain on purpose or even realize they are mansplaining, and certainly won't admit to it even as they mansplain how they weren't mansplaining. 


Have a cookie. 

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18 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

Everyone needs to see the headline of the day.


ETA: In case anyone thinks I made it up...


That so sounds like something I would say

True, and really long, but unrelated, story....earlier this year I was at my mom's house, I got sick while there, a cold I thought, because everyone (my nieces and my oldest child) were also sick on and off with colds. That time of year and all that jazz

Long story longer..the night before I went home I was up literally ALL night, not even remotely sleepy, my mom comes out middle of the night asks why I'm still up  and I told her that her couch feels amazing. She says "ok..then" and thought nothing of the fact that I was feeling up her couch. What I was actually doing-and didn't tell her-was feeling the couch because it felt like things were crawling in it, I could FEEL it in my fingers, my hands, my legs and my back, things were poking me (I thought). 

The next day, I am on my way home, clearly very sick, I was as pale as one can get, sweat pouring off me (that's no joke, I had to stop at family dollar to get tissues and cold medicine, but had to use a larger bill to pay because it was all I had, and they just opened, I probably looked like I was robbing the place I was sweating THAT much, the poor cashier had to go into a vault/safe thing to break my bill and I probably made her scared standing there, lol).

I get home, think "ok, I;'m going to take a bath". This is after trying to show my child-who thinks I've lost it-that there is stuff moving under my skin, she can't see it, but I literally CAN, and I'm blind, so....I don;t think she was really looking (it actually was there, but I'll get to that). I get in the tub, sit down, cool water flowing and I can not only feel it in my legs, but see it, I can physically MOVE what is moving under my skin. I freak out, go to get ready to take a nap instead. I sit on my bed....and then realize..ok something is seriously wrong (this was the last time I was really lucid for a few days). 

I get a ride to the ER, go in, lady's chatting on her phone to her bf (clearly, not a work related call) and she does the finger one minute thing at me, I slapped the glass and asked her if her bf can wait for his (I can't post what I said) because I'm dying here and I can't wait. She got mad at me, started taking my info...triage lady overheard me and says "how about you come over here and I'll start with your vitals"..(I was screaming ..things..at the lady behind the glass, btw). I go in, she asks what's wrong, I tell her my heart is exploding and there are creatures trying to escape...no joke.

She hooks me up to heart machine, gets vitals, realizes I have a fever of 105.8, my bp is beyond stroke level, and then asks me what I was doing. The whole time I had my hand on my thigh, my left thigh, and was slowly using my right hand also, to PUSH whatever it was I thought was there, back down, or up, either way, to get it away from my groin because it hurt really, really bad. No one, not even once they brought me back in the ER thought to actually LOOK at what I was doing, they just kept asking stupid questions I eventually couldn't answer.

My final response before I freaked the hell out and started thrashing and screaming was that if they didn't get these tremors out of me (and by tremors I mean...the movie ones..THOSE worm things, look them up if you don't know what they are, lol) I was going to put a curse on them, feed them the tremors and then not help them. I was pissed thinking they were making things worse on purpose. Then I started smacking them all, knocking things down and screaming at the top of my lungs-two BIG guys, a smaller guy and two nurses were all holding me down at this point. Got stabbed in the shoulder (they knocked me out, lol) and woke up about 8-ish hours later being told "this is your room"

I thought for sure they admitted me to a psych ward. Turns out, I had the flu and pneumonia and had developed sepsis almost overnight...THAT was what I was feeling. Sepsis(and I had no idea it did this) does actually move through your body sometimes and makes it look like worms/things are under your skin/in your veins and arteries and definitely trying to kill you. I knew the fact that something was moving upward was bad, and had I not gone to the ER when I did, I'd be dead, because they stopped it from going into my heart just in time. 

That's my long winded way of saying....I said some crazy ***** during that hospital stay, even after I was admitted and on 8 different, and very dangerous, medications. I told doctors they needed to stop putting the worms back, told them they stole things, like my organs, and all kinds of weird things. I can relate sometimes to people that say stupid *****...except in my case it wasn't some drug induced stupor but rather infection induced lol. 

I can also laugh at myself for it because...holy hell I was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off the deep end. 

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I've been reading this thread since the OP. I get close to writing a post, sit back and think and in the meantime the convo has a tectonic plate shift and what I was going to say is moot... Repeat. So just a few thoughts before I go back to wherever it is that I came from (that point will vary depending on the various readers and their memories). 

RE: the $L10K club. I wouldn't join, for various reasons, but I don't care if (generic) you do, nor would I think badly of you. I'll reserve my energy of "thinking badly of you" for folks who are racist, trolls, etc. Does the club (any club) make you happy? Do you feel you get your money's worth? If yes, cool. Can I ever imagine paying 10K for a club? Yup, but there would have to be a lot of caveats.  I get miffed if I spend $L300 for rez rights on sims so I can go crazy with the photography and the sim closes so soon that I don't get to use that $L300 for its worth (and I have no idea how much "its worth" is, just that I didn't get it). With $L10K I'd be more than miffed if the place went away, didn't provide as expected, etc.

RE: I saw where the thread turned. I was both surprised and not surprised (Internet, forums, instant heat = not surprising).

I am not a regular Forumite, not anymore, not since... well, a long time. Because my experience in SL Forums is mainly of a long while back, I'm a little shocked that this mildly heated (by historical comparison) thread has brought people to various degrees of posting angst, from "can't we all just get along" to "I'm leaving" to "I piss everyone off" or "Everyone hates me." I'm typing this with a wry smile because I know darn well there are some folks out there who know what I'm talking about, that this cranky thread is just rainbow unicorn farts in comparison to some of the OLD threads, that didn't really start getting epic until way after 100 pages of pure bile had been spilled. (Somewhere Scylla just mentioned her infamous "Acrimonious" post, and that brought back a (bad) flood of memories, and it left me wondering if it was that thread that led to my years-long cluster-clucked experiences.) So, I guess just to say, "It could be much worse." 

And I'm feeling like the old coot on the porch ranting about how easy the kids have it these days, and while you're at it get off my lawn.

I think I'll just keep quiet the bits of wisdoms I wrote (deleted and rewrote and deleted), regarding whether to post personal things or not, people being quick to assign drama queen — or whatever derisive term — to anyone who does share, alts, perspective, mental health issues, benefit of doubts, double standards... yada multiple yadas.

We all come at forums from a variety of perspectives, wants, needs and expectations. I know from personal experience that forums and their ilk can be very fulfilling and sanity helping. If they provide mostly positive things for you, then think long and hard before leaving. I know from the same personal experience that forums can be traumatizing and damaging, so much so that the effects can last years and years. If that is the case for you, or you get more aggro than positive, then cut the cord asap.



Edited by Seicher Rae
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15 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

That so sounds like something I would say

True, and really long, but unrelated, story....earlier this year I was at my mom's house, I got sick while there, a cold I thought, because everyone (my nieces and my oldest child) were also sick on and off with colds. That time of year and all that jazz

Long story longer..the night before I went home I was up literally ALL night, not even remotely sleepy, my mom comes out middle of the night asks why I'm still up  and I told her that her couch feels amazing. She says "ok..then" and thought nothing of the fact that I was feeling up her couch. What I was actually doing-and didn't tell her-was feeling the couch because it felt like things were crawling in it, I could FEEL it in my fingers, my hands, my legs and my back, things were poking me (I thought). 

The next day, I am on my way home, clearly very sick, I was as pale as one can get, sweat pouring off me (that's no joke, I had to stop at family dollar to get tissues and cold medicine, but had to use a larger bill to pay because it was all I had, and they just opened, I probably looked like I was robbing the place I was sweating THAT much, the poor cashier had to go into a vault/safe thing to break my bill and I probably made her scared standing there, lol).

I get home, think "ok, I;'m going to take a bath". This is after trying to show my child-who thinks I've lost it-that there is stuff moving under my skin, she can't see it, but I literally CAN, and I'm blind, so....I don;t think she was really looking (it actually was there, but I'll get to that). I get in the tub, sit down, cool water flowing and I can not only feel it in my legs, but see it, I can physically MOVE what is moving under my skin. I freak out, go to get ready to take a nap instead. I sit on my bed....and then realize..ok something is seriously wrong (this was the last time I was really lucid for a few days). 

I get a ride to the ER, go in, lady's chatting on her phone to her bf (clearly, not a work related call) and she does the finger one minute thing at me, I slapped the glass and asked her if her bf can wait for his (I can't post what I said) because I'm dying here and I can't wait. She got mad at me, started taking my info...triage lady overheard me and says "how about you come over here and I'll start with your vitals"..(I was screaming ..things..at the lady behind the glass, btw). I go in, she asks what's wrong, I tell her my heart is exploding and there are creatures trying to escape...no joke.

She hooks me up to heart machine, gets vitals, realizes I have a fever of 105.8, my bp is beyond stroke level, and then asks me what I was doing. The whole time I had my hand on my thigh, my left thigh, and was slowly using my right hand also, to PUSH whatever it was I thought was there, back down, or up, either way, to get it away from my groin because it hurt really, really bad. No one, not even once they brought me back in the ER thought to actually LOOK at what I was doing, they just kept asking stupid questions I eventually couldn't answer.

My final response before I freaked the hell out and started thrashing and screaming was that if they didn't get these tremors out of me (and by tremors I mean...the movie ones..THOSE worm things, look them up if you don't know what they are, lol) I was going to put a curse on them, feed them the tremors and then not help them. I was pissed thinking they were making things worse on purpose. Then I started smacking them all, knocking things down and screaming at the top of my lungs-two BIG guys, a smaller guy and two nurses were all holding me down at this point. Got stabbed in the shoulder (they knocked me out, lol) and woke up about 8-ish hours later being told "this is your room"

I thought for sure they admitted me to a psych ward. Turns out, I had the flu and pneumonia and had developed sepsis almost overnight...THAT was what I was feeling. Sepsis(and I had no idea it did this) does actually move through your body sometimes and makes it look like worms/things are under your skin/in your veins and arteries and definitely trying to kill you. I knew the fact that something was moving upward was bad, and had I not gone to the ER when I did, I'd be dead, because they stopped it from going into my heart just in time. 

That's my long winded way of saying....I said some crazy ***** during that hospital stay, even after I was admitted and on 8 different, and very dangerous, medications. I told doctors they needed to stop putting the worms back, told them they stole things, like my organs, and all kinds of weird things. I can relate sometimes to people that say stupid *****...except in my case it wasn't some drug induced stupor but rather infection induced lol. 

I can also laugh at myself for it because...holy hell I was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off the deep end. 

You are such a good writer Tari!

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