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Why do we need a 'security system'?

Anna Nova

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1 minute ago, Quartz Mole said:

I think, however, that if you read the interview with Patch to which I linked above, you will find the following exchange:

In other words,  sex al fresco is not permitted in Bellisseria, even with parcel visibility switched off.

I see, question though....if no one can see you and no one can hear you.....are you even having the cartoon sexo xD ...... Sorry it's late for me! I just find humor in the smallest things around this time. 😛 

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1 minute ago, Jaulistine said:

I see, question though....if no one can see you and no one can hear you.....are you even having the cartoon sexo xD ...... Sorry it's late for me! I just find humor in the smallest things around this time. 😛 

If no one sees or hears you, then Governance will receive no ARs on which to act, obviously.   

However, if someone does happen to enter your parcel unexpectedly and surprises you, and then, equally obviously, they will be able to see you, and they may choose to file an AR.

Similar situation to First Life, when you come to think of it.

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45 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

Much of the article, though, seems to amount to "Read the Knowledge Base":

i totally agree to that, and for me it's quite clear :)  but as you already see at the newer post... people don't look at the knowledgebae even when you clearly point to it.

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25 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

If no one sees or hears you, then Governance will receive no ARs on which to act, obviously.   

However, if someone does happen to enter your parcel unexpectedly and surprises you, and then, equally obviously, they will be able to see you, and they may choose to file an AR.

Similar situation to First Life, when you come to think of it.

Actually in first life you are allowed to have sex in your back yard, on your patio or even with your blinds open as well as on your house boat.  Perhaps it comes down to what country you're in. But again as I stated I was just finding the humor in it....wasn't being serious about it what so ever. I get that some people see naked cartoons and freak out as if someone just tinkled in their cup of milk. xD

Anyways I have no intentions, since sexo in SL isn't my forte. I was just curious is all. Which brings me back to a previous question, why would people want to enter someone else's parcel without being invited?

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4 minutes ago, Jaulistine said:

why would people want to enter someone else's parcel without being invited

A common complaint on the mainland is that people find it difficult to fly around without being confronted with ban lines and (in the case of skyboxes above the ban-line limit) over-aggressive security orbs.

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Ah I see, so they're not really walking across your lawn or looking down into your place. Most of them are just wanting to fly over homes to take short cuts perhaps?

I myself found the streets to be more my cup of tea...that way I can see all the lovely work that went into all the corners and such. Love the public relax spots and the public pool....or the spots by the beach to meet up with people if they so choose to leave their home. Wouldn't wanna miss all that by being way up in the sky. That's not for everyone I know. Each to their own ^^

Edited by Jaulistine
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15 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

[...]some might consider it rude[...]

Remember that any time you are rude to others that it is their issue, not yours as rudeness is a perception and not a fact. I never apologize for anything someone may feel is rudeness from me and I will never change my ways unless I am shown that I am tangibly-wrong in something. Though the best course of action is to just let "them" have the last word in anything, then the tit-for-tat will fizzle away.

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2 hours ago, Emma Krokus said:

YES please - same name inworld :)

i adore this stuff - used on friends I hasten to add.

Emma :)


read a bit further in thread - will IM you inworld, Alyona :)



I did not see your IM - you can IM me or my alt (Alyona Chernov) and I'll drop you my "2006 Awesome Toys" folder. More guns and other fun stuff (a harmless "FaceLight 4400 Turbo" for example that you can give away to anyone using an annoying facelight and explain how this one is better LOL) All the guns in there do pretty good as "manual security" as well. Especially the "Cage-Orbiter" gun. And I don't think it's "griefing" if you use it on an intruder in your home. Bahahaha

But never use it against a Linden because they always have eminent domain!

Edited by Alyona Su
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1 hour ago, Quartz Mole said:

In other words,  sex al fresco is not permitted in Bellisseria, even on your own parcel with parcel visibility switched off.

And for all those people who think my head is so far up the behinds of the Lindens and Moles that I can't see sunlight anymore, this is a prime example of where I have a YUGE difference of opinion with LL and what I tried, rather unsuccessfully, to argue with @Patch Linden about. 

I have considered attending one of the governance meetings to plead my case on this since I know it's not actually up to Patch, but the governance people scare me. 


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19 hours ago, Aethelwine said:

That is sort of what I thought it meant, but I have never bothered with parcel privacy. I don't see what function it serves to protect your privacy when you don't have banlines up. Anyone can just cross the parcel border and cam you. It is pointless, and a pointless protection is unreasonable to insist on. Especially when a consequence of that somewhere like the Seychelles is your passengers constantly rendering and derendering every time you cross a parcel boundary.

Apologies for not responding in depth on this yesterday. I was rather indisposed most of the day and unable to access a proper keyboard.

I'm not going to speak for Patch on this, and I'm not going to repeat verbatim how he explained it to me since I'm not authorized to speak on his or anyone else's behalf.

My understanding, though, is that it is sort of a double protection method - parcel privacy AND behind closed doors. According to the rules, one needs to do both of these things but LL is not unreasonable and understands that sometimes, possibly, in the throes of passion one may forget to do one or the other so that if you forget to go inside, at least you've got parcel privacy on to protect you from someone camming in, snapping pics, and filing a report on you, or if you forget to put parcel privacy on, at least you're inside and if someone cams in, snaps a pic, and files a report, you're protected because you're behind closed doors. 

I think it's a measure that should allow both the sexual and non-sexual populations of SL to live side by side on moderate regions. With the double rules in place, someone really would have to make an effort to see the naughtiness and not just happen to be sailing by and spot the willy in action. 

That said, I still disagree with the "behind closed doors" rule on my own parcel. 

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3 hours ago, Quartz Mole said:

People may find it helpful to read this recent interview with Patch in The Bellisserian, since it seems to answer many of the questions about "adult activities" that have been raised in this thread:




An interesting thing about that article is that the author states "Restricting the parcel to a group, or making it private isn't possible in Bellisseria". Of course, I think you can do just that by using the orb.

So when Patch states several times during the interview to "read the FAQ" yet also states that orbs aren't required, that seems inconsistent to me. I will continue to err on the side of caution, although I, unlike @Beth Macbain, am NOT scared of the Governance team. xD

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2 hours ago, Jaulistine said:

Actually in first life you are allowed to have sex in your back yard, on your patio or even with your blinds open as well as on your house boat.  Perhaps it comes down to what country you're in.

Yes, this would definitely be dependent on where you live in RL.  I cannot go outside my house and have sex on my deck  - if it is within easy view of neighbors - without getting in trouble. 

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46 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

If the door is open, and parcel settings correct, can they see you inside the door or not?

If all settings are correct they cannot see you wether you are in your bedroom with closed doors, open doors or in your garden or on your balcony.... as long as they keep OFF your parcel.

As soon as they walk in they can see you (and take pictures) in your garden - or on your deck -  but inside your closed bedroom only if they cam through the walls. They can do that till you notice them and eject them if you have NO security orb installed. But they can still do that for 15 seconds IF you have one installed. After that they are ejected to the street outside your parcel.

By the way, what I do not know: If they are impertinent and just walk back in ... another 15 seconds?? ... and another ... ad libitum??


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15 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Off your parcel, if you are inside the house with the door open.

If they aren't on your parcel, and you have the parcel privacy on, as far as I know they can't see you no matter where you are - behind closed doors, on top of open doors, swinging from chandeliers...

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Though everyone does need to remember that there is a bug with that parcel privacy tick box.  You need at least one person on your ban list for it to work correctly.  If you don't have anyone banned, just add Governor Linden, since that won't really impact anyone but will make the setting work correctly.

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8 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Though everyone does need to remember that there is a bug with that parcel privacy tick box.  You need at least one person on your ban list for it to work correctly.  If you don't have anyone banned, just add Governor Linden, since that won't really impact anyone but will make the setting work correctly.

Is that really the case?

I didn't even know about that feature untill about a year ago when I moved into a Cottage in a private rented region where it is activated by default. I wondered why I couldn't see my male alt through the window standing on the street ourside of my house and he could not see me either though he was part of my "family" permitted inside the house. I never had anyone on my banlist.

In Bellisseria I didn't test it yet but I assumed it worked the same way. Or is that a bug only in Bellisseria?


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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Though everyone does need to remember that there is a bug with that parcel privacy tick box.  You need at least one person on your ban list for it to work correctly.  If you don't have anyone banned, just add Governor Linden, since that won't really impact anyone but will make the setting work correctly.

I just tested this with my alt on my parcel.

1. Parcel privacy is on:
• I'm inside the parcel, my alt is not in the parcel. We cannot see each other.

2. Parcel privacy is off:
• I'm inside the parcel, my alt is not in the parcel. We can see each other.

NOTE: In both cases the parcel ban list is empty, nobody is listed there.

Works like this in Firestorm (which is the latest release at the time of writing)

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1 hour ago, Leora Jacobus said:

Is that really the case?

I didn't even know about that feature untill about a year ago when I moved into a Cottage in a private rented region where it is activated by default. I wondered why I couldn't see my male alt through the window standing on the street ourside of my house and he could not see me either though he was part of my "family" permitted inside the house. I never had anyone on my banlist.

In Bellisseria I didn't test it yet but I assumed it worked the same way. Or is that a bug only in Bellisseria?



29 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

I just tested this with my alt on my parcel.

1. Parcel privacy is on:
• I'm inside the parcel, my alt is not in the parcel. We cannot see each other.

2. Parcel privacy is off:
• I'm inside the parcel, my alt is not in the parcel. We can see each other.

NOTE: In both cases the parcel ban list is empty, nobody is listed there.

Works like this in Firestorm (which is the latest release at the time of writing)


I went back to my old notes and the actual JIRA on this -- BUG 37601.  I confused the issue a bit.  For people outside your parcel, all works fine.  However, the privacy tick box is also supposed to work for anyone on your parcel, but higher up than 50m - and that is what the JIRA bug is about. 

For Bellisseria, with a security orb, the range from 500 m high up to the 2000m height for a sky box is considered open territory -- security orbs cannot eject a person within that range.  Thus if someone is at 550m they will not be ejected.  If the privacy tick box worked correctly, they also could not zoom their camera down to your house and see you.  However, due to the bug, if your ban list is empty, they can zoom the camera down and see you.  Likewise, if you are not using the security orb, anyone above 50m should not be able to see you in your house, but they can if the ban list is empty.


There are a few posts by Whirly, myself, and one of the Lindens about this issue - in one or both of the pinned Security threads, if I remember correctly.  I have it all bookmarked at home, but not here at work.

Here's the JIRA link:  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-37601


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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So to be on the safe side it seems that one should put ONE person on the banlist... poor Governor Linden the most banned person in SL ;)

On the other hand: there would have to be an avatar with much criminal energy who knew about that bug und flew to 55 or even 505m in order to cam and spy on you ... and you must be doing mighty naughty things to be afraid of that image.png.66d2fd13fc86755b0be7d541de01026f.png



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