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Premium Home access is removed

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I downgraded my premium account which is still good until august 26th and when i went to check i now cant even get any premium home until the remainder of my fully paid for Premium. If  in fact i paid for a time period of premium how is it justified to end it's full service prior to my premium ending ? If this is considered normal i will likely have to dispute this on principal.

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Yeah no - sorry, not sorry on the following: Nowhere whatsoever does Linden Lab state that you can Downgrade your account to Basic and retain your Linden Home and to expect otherwise is ... Well the most polite way i can put this is "entitled" or "presumptuous" at the very least.

You should have waited until your renewal date was closer, picked up your things, teleported elsewhere and then downgraded.

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When you choose to downgrade the effects take place immediately, so best to downgrade/cancel close to the time you plan to actually downgrade. 

It's simply not the same as some subscriptions where you can cancel in advance and still retain benefits until the contract you signed up for is over.

* I'd like to be able to cancel in advance myself in case I forget in a year. I only hope that if I'm charged another year if I forget to cancel or don't get a warning email that I can dispute the charges.

Edited by Kiera Clutterbuck
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8 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Yeah no - sorry, not sorry on the following: Nowhere whatsoever does Linden Lab state that you can Downgrade your account to Basic and retain your Linden Home and to expect otherwise is ... Well the most polite way i can put this is "entitled" or "presumptuous" at the very least.

Shouldn't have to.

If a user pays for 1 months premium, and downgrades after 3 days .. the intent is to prevent a renewal, not cast away the service they paid for.

This is not how it works on other subscription services and shouldn't be how it works here.

No excuses.

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1 minute ago, CoffeeDujour said:

This is not how it works on other subscription services and shouldn't be how it works here.

I might open up a support ticket and cancel renewals on two alts, stating I want to maintain benefits for the coming year despite not renewing. I had to do that with another subscription service once.

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Tell that to Humble Bundle, Coffee - an example I had ready to hand thanks to personal experience.

Many services thatoffer a basic and a premium level may not do what Linden Lab does but to state that such is not how it works on other services is ... false. The correct phrasing is many or most.

This is also how it has nearly always been where Second Life and Premium subscription is concerned - you're a bit late to the "no excuses" party there.

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1 minute ago, Kiera Clutterbuck said:

Yep my experience was with CGCookie. Had to file a support ticket to cancel auto-renewal.

In my case it wasn't that there was an issue with the auto-renewal whatsoever: Humble Bundle allows you to "Pause-a-Month" if you've subscribed to their offered Monthly Bundle service and - in my experience - once you do so, you lose access to the subscriber perks until you unpause.

They use the same "Pay for the Month in Advance" system Linden Lab uses.

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10 hours ago, LiteHouse said:

I downgraded my premium account which is still good until august 26th and when i went to check i now cant even get any premium home until the remainder of my fully paid for Premium. If  in fact i paid for a time period of premium how is it justified to end it's full service prior to my premium ending ? If this is considered normal i will likely have to dispute this on principal.

Well, that's unfortunate. It does indeed seem counter-intuitive that you should not continue to receive the services for which you've actually already paid merely because you've downgraded in advance.

I don't think expecting that you should -- given that LL already has your money -- makes you "entitled," but it does appear that you were careless in not checking out the implications of your actions beforehand: the page to which Polenth links above is pretty clear.

Carelessness -- or never having enjoyed the experience of being a subscriber to Humble Bundle -- is not, however, a capital offense, and I would hope that you take Coffee's advice and try a support ticket.

Good luck!

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32 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

How long can one wait with the downgrade, if they will have the benefits as long as possible? The day before the renewal? Three days prior? One week?

I think the ideal day to downgrade to Basic is the day before renewal.

When I downgraded to Basic, I had to give up my Premium Land first before I even was allowed to Downgrade. I think the same applies if you have a Linden Home: You have to give it up prior to downgrading the account.

And after giving it up, of course you have no access to it anymore.

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If I recall correctly (and things may have changed since I last downgraded) - when you select to downgrade to basic from Premium, *it warns you* that you may lose some benefits immediately. Whether it specifies which those are or not is moot; you still are warned about it. You also are asked to give feedback, including the reason for your downgrade. I was warned and asked for feedback when I downgraded a year or so - I downgraded an alt I rarely use anymore so I could "transfer" it by subscribing with this alt.

That process is still pretty fresh in my memory. Which is why my OC states: OP did it willingly and intentionally.

As for some subscription services continuing full benefits after a "cancelation of renewal" - that's fine and fair, but this is not a cancellation of renewal, it is an outright downgrade. Words have meaning. Or, at least, they used to.

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15 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

Yeah no - sorry, not sorry on the following: Nowhere whatsoever does Linden Lab state that you can Downgrade your account to Basic and retain your Linden Home and to expect otherwise is ... Well the most polite way i can put this is "entitled" or "presumptuous" at the very least.

You should have waited until your renewal date was closer, picked up your things, teleported elsewhere and then downgraded.

Redacted with Bananas

Edited by LiteHouse
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What you expect and the reality here are two different beasts - your agreement is not required.

Furthermore as Alyona already noted - unless such has changed - you are warned that some of the services/perks associated with Premium will be revoked on the spot when you initiate the downgrade.

Even further: In the past one simply could not downgrade until they had released all of their Mainland holdings as well as their Linden Home plot.

If such has actually changed then honestly ... it needs to be changed back so that people do not choose to downgrade with the notion that they will have all of their benefits continue until the downgrade process is complete - which does not always equate to the end of the originally paid for billing cycle.

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3 minutes ago, LiteHouse said:

You're actually talking to me like a child , does it make you feel like you are high in the dominance hierarchy ? Are there barking emotes i can respond with and how many would be equal.

Um. Because I noted that you were "careless" for not checking out what was actually involved in downgrading before doing it?

And you weren't?

No, I don't feel "superior": I could imagine myself making precisely the same error. And if I did, I too would be "careless." The point of saying so was not to "put you in your place," but rather to point out that it put you at a disadvantage should you appeal to LL about this. But, really, whatever.

Best of luck, and I hope you're able to resolve this in a satisfactory way.

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A couple of years ago, facing a financial crisis, and subject to a confusion about dates (1st November versus 11th January, USA versus the Rest of the World), I did abandon my mainland parcel and Linden home and downgrade.

I couldn't downgrade without first abandoning my land.

When the crisis turned out to be a damp squib, I submitted a support ticket and LL allowed me to rescind the downgrade and buy back the abandoned mainland parcel at L$1 m‾². I had to find a different Linden home, though.

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That's quite "cute" and does not at all put you in a good light.

I am being - as my lovely little title states - Quite Blunt.

Visa doesn't get to decide - they can offer you recompense but that will not come out of Linden Lab's bank account, making the entire thing quite meaningless.

Oh yes and "we" will "let" no one do anythig whatsoevr. You can take it up with Visa if you'd like.

Got any other "witty" comebacks or are you done?

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   If the option was to 'cancel future payments', then yes, you might still be entitled to keeping all your premium benefits, unless otherwise was to be specified. The option isn't that, though, the option is 'downgrade', and all which that entails is specified - and you even receive a warning upon starting such a procedure. What I, or anyone else think, is irrelevant; Linden Lab can write pretty much whatever they want into their contracts and agreements, you are at liberty to accept the terms or refuse them, by signing up for Second Life and upgrading your account to Premium, you agree to their terms.

   Linden Lab, Visa, or any other company is not economically responsible for your inability to read the terms to which you agree.

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58 minutes ago, LiteHouse said:

We will let Visa decide if i was short changed. You're actually talking to me like a child , does it make you feel like you are high in the dominance hierarchy ? Are there barking emotes i can respond with and how many would be equal.




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10 hours ago, Orwar said:

   If the option was to 'cancel future payments', then yes, you might still be entitled to keeping all your premium benefits, unless otherwise was to be specified. The option isn't that, though, the option is 'downgrade', and all which that entails is specified - and you even receive a warning upon starting such a procedure. What I, or anyone else think, is irrelevant; Linden Lab can write pretty much whatever they want into their contracts and agreements, you are at liberty to accept the terms or refuse them, by signing up for Second Life and upgrading your account to Premium, you agree to their terms.

   Linden Lab, Visa, or any other company is not economically responsible for your inability to read the terms to which you agree.

To be fair, in many places (including in the US), a lot of what's put in said contracts is illegal and irrelevant, and LL's actually at fault for doing it as written.

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13 hours ago, Gadget Portal said:

To be fair, in many places (including in the US), a lot of what's put in said contracts is illegal and irrelevant, and LL's actually at fault for doing it as written.

Issues you another bag of warning points.

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