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"Starter" Homes, more like Retirement Homes, amIright?

Kat Shadow

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So, as I so often feel about LL,  they have good ideas and are headed in the right direction, but I feel like they misread the motivations of residents pretty often.  Bellisseria is not a jumping off point, it's a long sought destination. I've talked to quite a few Bellisserians about this and a theme has emerged: oldbees (like me) after years are rediscovering what is good about SL, prompted by a newfound sense of community.  The new continent, with it's banning of banlines & beautiful, public congregation spaces is encouraging us to get to know each other & open our homes & hearts and that's what we wanted from SL all along.

Many if not most of us call this home now and if we move at all (unlikely since the community sense in Bellisseria is rooting itself quickly and deeply) will likely move to other new  homes on different  themed LL continents as they are built.

 So, I really believe,  LL should rethink the whole idea that these are "starter" homes we'll graduate from.

That is not how the citizens with the longest term commitment to SL are perceiving this, by and large. 

Know your market, LL.

Edited by Kitten Kaos
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I feel this. The fact that only 12 (out of roughly 3300) homes in Belli were abandoned due to rage quit protest over the premium membership hike speaks voulumes about this. 

Established, longtime accounts are more likely to see the rate hike as “fair”, given that LL kept the premium price unchanged for 10 years prior. 

So the tiny 0.004% of rage-quit abandonments tells me that the vast majority of Belli homes are owned by long established accounts (regardless of whether they used a newer alt to stake a claim) who see Belli as a destination. Not a “starter”.

I could be interpreting the numbers wrong—but that’s my considered hunch. 

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Topic title made me laugh because this is very accurate from my perspective. I've been looking for somewhere beautiful with a community feel for so long that I began to believe it couldn't exist. Patch in his interview, said that they knew Bellerissia would be popular, I'm still thinking they haven't quite got it themselves yet.

I feel like I am past that excitement of OMG a world I can build myself, and moved onto OMG a world I don't have to build myself. 

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And we don't know why exactly those homes got freed (some  people may have had other reasons than "outrage").  I'm not allowing this thread to go on the Premium Increase Bonfire- there are plenty of threads for that but...

As usual with LL- it's probably more the timing & the way this was done that's the biggest source of friction:  hey, maybe don't do this when a ton of people are frustratedly trying to access a taste of the new premium benies. IE: F5ing like crazy to try & get in Bellisseria. And maybe don't offer a grandfathered term  due on all your premium alts at once.


 But yes the popularity of Bellisseria, esp. with us olds  should be telling them something about how to approach land management elsewhere and I'm not sure they are really hearing us.

Edited by Kitten Kaos
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7 minutes ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

Topic title made me laugh because this is very accurate from my perspective. I've been looking for somewhere beautiful with a community feel for so long that I began to believe it couldn't exist. Patch in his interview, said that they knew Bellerissia would be popular, I'm still thinking they haven't quite got it themselves yet.

I feel like I am past that excitement of OMG a world I can build myself, and moved onto OMG a world I don't have to build myself. 

That is perfectly said, Raspberry. Prosocial values means so much more to most of us than: a bunch of cool stuff I bought or built that only I ever use or look at.  Meh.

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What do we want?

Morning beach with friends

When do we want it?

Oh about 7 + years ago?  But that'll do, LL, that'll do.

(pic taken  just this morning as 5 really cool people opted to start their day on the beach near my home with coffee & chat)


Edited by Kitten Kaos
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40 minutes ago, Raspberry Crystal said:


I feel like I am past that excitement of OMG a world I can build myself, and moved onto OMG a world I don't have to build myself. 

Instead of building the world we are building the community. 

Although, I have to admit that I am building a lot more than I have been since sculpties hit the scene and started the the downfall of prim building. I may actually learn Blender finally!

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What’s been in most demand? House boats. That seems to tell LL something about the demand for access to water.

Then LL restricted orbs and banned ban lines. A few people got upset and panicked over fears of what could happen. Now many of those same people  are big boosters and lovers of what has been created as a result. And LL got a good, measurable response to this when they saw the response to the second release of house boats. They disappeared in under 30 minutes, making the original Linden home release look like a slow selling unpopular product by comparison. Which says something about the demand for places without the ban lines and orb abuse that litter the rest of the mainland. And many more people are wanting in. We see people upgrading to premium just to get into the new continent, thereby earning LL more revenue. 

To make the demand even more obvious, we see that Bellisaria and the surrounding area have become crazy busy places for both sailing and flying, much like the Blake Sea. Why? Because the area around Bellissaria is one of only two places in the entire grid that are safe to fly and the only one that lets you check out the land from above.

LL said they wanted to create a space with community. And what are people praising about Bellissaria? Community.

LL is getting a clear message that this is what their customers want. And what they tried to do is working. Seems to me that it would be smart to do more and to roll out what they can from this experience to the rest of mainland. This experience is giving clear indications of how to go about revitalizing and bringing back to life the rest of the mainland. 

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I have to agree with everything that is being said here.  I have lost count, over the years, of longtime members saying that they miss the feeling of community that use to be prevalent in SL.  I have also lost count of how many people have said, since Bellisseria opened, how they feel that we have rolled back time to when the community was strong, vibrant, and made SL so popular.  People are once more enjoying that sense of community, that sense of togetherness that was missing from the grid for so long.  I travel around and I see people who are actually more open and friendly again.  That has been missing and it's really great to see it coming back.  

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retirement homes amirite ?

yes you are. I hadn't thought of it like this before, so thanks

as people get older they do tend to want less disruption, less hassle, more surety, more certainty that expectations will be met, get settled in their ways, be more comfortable in themselves and their surroundings, and prefer to be nearby others who think and act the same

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9 hours ago, Mollymews said:

retirement homes amirite ?

yes you are. I hadn't thought of it like this before, so thanks

as people get older they do tend to want less disruption, less hassle, more surety, more certainty that expectations will be met, get settled in their ways, be more comfortable in themselves and their surroundings, and prefer to be nearby others who think and act the same

Oh dear...I think I'm older than my years LOL.

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