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3 hours ago, Leora Greenwood said:

@Frigga Freidman You should know by now that I will need to know where those lovely wallpapers are from and also the built-ins in your kitchen!!  Please, please?



The kitchen is: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ROOST-Palm-View-Kitchen-Set/9798462  As I recall, it needed to be resized down quite a bit. All the units along two walls have been linked and are only 10 LI. If you tint the panels as I've done, you also need to tint the backsplash as it's linked to the side panels on some of the units.

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47 minutes ago, Baiphen Quintessa said:

I have to ask if it's very difficult to get the textures around the windows and doors? I've wanted to ask for ages, seeing what all of you do with the textures on this thread.

Most interior shells have a single face for each wall, sometimes a single face for an entire room.  In that case, you can just drop the wallpaper on the face and it will look great.  For this houseboat room, I used a texture with white molding on the top and bottom of the texture.  You can see that on the tall wall that the bed's on, the shell maker had set repeats so that the two sets of moldings merged to give this odd effect that I really liked :)  I did not have to fiddle with repeats or anything.  The boat is here, if you want to take a look.


Edited by Nika Talaj
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1 hour ago, Nika Talaj said:

Most interior shells have a single face for each wall, sometimes a single face for an entire room.  In that case, you can just drop the wallpaper on the face and it will look great.  For this houseboat room, I used a texture with white molding on the top and bottom of the texture.  You can see that on the tall wall that the bed's on, the shell maker had set repeats so that the two sets of moldings merged to give this odd effect that I really liked :)  I did not have to fiddle with repeats or anything.  The boat is here, if you want to take a look.


Thank you, Nika. That is so much easier then what I was envisioning. I have a few wall shells I can play with even! Thank you! Thank you! (And I'll go check out the Houseboat. I managed to find your Log Cabin by accident and I fell in love with it, I'm sure the Houseboat will be the same.)

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3 hours ago, Baiphen Quintessa said:

I have to ask if it's very difficult to get the textures around the windows and doors? I've wanted to ask for ages, seeing what all of you do with the textures on this thread.

I used an interior shell from the MP, so the issue of doors and windows was already taken care of. But the shells aren’t perfect. I’ve found there’s often a sliver next to a corner where the texture has to be applied separately, and then the pattern will be slightly disrupted. (You can nudge it horizontally.) You also might want to change the pattern repeat from 1:1 to something like 4:4. Just experiment and then set the repeat back to 1:1 if it doesn’t look right. (I’ll be able to add a screengrab to this explanation later tonight when I can login.)

I think the most important thing to remember is that not all wallpapers on sale are seamless - avoid any that don’t explicitly say they are!


Edited by Frigga Freidman
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6 hours ago, Frigga Freidman said:

The kitchen is: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ROOST-Palm-View-Kitchen-Set/9798462  As I recall, it needed to be resized down quite a bit. All the units along two walls have been linked and are only 10 LI. If you tint the panels as I've done, you also need to tint the backsplash as it's linked to the side panels on some of the units.

This is one of all time favorite kitchens. I've used it in so many homes. I always ... always shrink it down and unlink and rearrange things. But it is the most useful kitchen I own and is unbelievably low prim. 

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3 hours ago, Frigga Freidman said:

I used an interior shell from the MP, so the issue of doors and windows was already taken care of. But the shells aren’t perfect. I’ve found there’s often a sliver next to a corner where the texture has to be applied separately, and then the pattern will be slightly disrupted. (You can nudge it horizontally.) You also might want to change the pattern repeat from 1:1 to something like 4:4. Just experiment and then set the repeat back to 1:1 if it doesn’t look right. (I’ll be able to add a screengrab to this explanation later tonight when I can login.)

I think the most important thing to remember is that not all wallpapers on sale are seamless - avoid any that don’t explicitly say they are!


That's really good to know. Thank you for answering the question before I had to ask it Frigga.

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16 hours ago, Frigga Freidman said:

I used an interior shell from the MP, so the issue of doors and windows was already taken care of. But the shells aren’t perfect. I’ve found there’s often a sliver next to a corner where the texture has to be applied separately, and then the pattern will be slightly disrupted. (You can nudge it horizontally.) You also might want to change the pattern repeat from 1:1 to something like 4:4. Just experiment and then set the repeat back to 1:1 if it doesn’t look right. (I’ll be able to add a screengrab to this explanation later tonight when I can login.)

I think the most important thing to remember is that not all wallpapers on sale are seamless - avoid any that don’t explicitly say they are!


That may be caused by the shell, not necessarily the wallpaper.  Not all shells are equally created.  Some creators take the time to make their shells seamless, others don't (and it does take a fair amount of time to do correctly).  If the shell was originally made to use with a specific texture, shiplap for example, It may have appeared to be seamless for the creator's original purposes, or they may not have bothered to make it seamless from one surface to the another (corners). 

Many add-ons are made by residents who just want to share their creations, but aren't necessarily great builders.  I include myself in that statement, which is one reason I don't sell anything.  I'm not saying that is the case here, and I certainly am not criticizing anyone who does share their creations, but I wanted to inform those who may not have purchased many add-ons and aren't aware.  

Also, changing the texture scale can result in the same issue.  Here's an example.

Here you can see a texture that seamlessly wraps around corners of this Log Home add-on:

You may decide to slightly change the horizontal scale to make the texture more pleasing to your eye:

Suddenly your texture is no longer seamless:builddemo_003.thumb.jpg.eb79e9f06d34bd3b851418577be48797.jpg


You can usually safely increase the scale in whole numbers (2.0 x 2.0, 3.0 x 3.0, etc.) but not fractions.  There are exceptions, but it depends on the texture.  Some vertical scales can be safely fractionally changed, depending on how the shell was constructed, but not if the texture is only seamless horizontally (seamless wall textures that have shadows for trim, for example).

Somewhat related, if you ever resize a mesh item, and don't configure the texture stretching option correctly, you may end up with a table that looks like it was painted by Picasso.  This is easily fixed by changing the texture scale to 1.0 x 1.0.


Edited by Matthieu Quander
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I was hopping around Sakura a while ago, and got a parcel at the base of the grand staircase on the canal in Shiawasena Itachi (Happy Weasel?) region.  There's a water rez zone there, and so I've created two Ferry rides which I hope you'll try!  You can ride either by touching this sign at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shiawasena Itachi/171/64/23


One ferry goes to Shobu's main garden entrance, which I think a lot of folks have never seen.  This is a fairly short, leisurely trip, on a little coracle that seats two. The other ferry goes "Surfing", that is to say to the surf beach in Treeowatoor.  That is QUITE a distance, so that ferry zips right along.  Even so, I've done one or two things to avoid boredom during long open water reaches.  Also, that boat can seat 3, so there are a couple of right-angle turns to be sure it crosses region boundaries at a right angle, to minimize troubles.  If you see something you want to take a closer look at, the ferries tell you in chat how to pause the trip at any point, no need to leave the ferry.  Please let me know if you have any troubles with them!

(psst don't tell the moles, because this 1-LI kiosk is obviously outside of my parcel.  I'm hoping they don't read everything in the LH forum on Sundays 😎  I used Sakura textures, and it's not in the way!  I just want to give folks something new to do in Sakura. Shhhh.)

My next post will share a little more about this home.

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I find it easier to decorate if I'm making a home for a specific avatar (I think that may be one reason I had trouble with Fantasseria; I never had an avatar in mind for there).  So, this is a home for my guy alt Nite, who lives alone but is a social person.  He likes Japanese art and culture, but has no Asian relatives.  It is here.

His gardening is a bit chaotic, but hopefully fun, sort of like him.


He's made room for the HPMD (happy) little weasel on the right of this pic.  He's also fished around in inventory and come up with an ancient freebie from a Dyna Fleur exhibit, a "Magical Wishing Stone", the round thing that's making all the particles.  Touch it and it may say something like this.


      Let your love flow outward through the universe,
        To its height, its depth, its broad extent,
        A limitless love, without hatred or enmity.
              Then as you stand or walk,
                   Sit or lie down,
               As long as you are awake,
         Strive for this with a one-pointed mind;
          Your life will bring heaven to earth.          
                     Sutta Nipata                     
                     Buddhist saying

The benches here are a Stay@Home gift from early in the pandemic. They have the neatest set of activities!  If you play guitar or an African drum (!), it actually plays music.  There's a choice of guitar songs. Or you can blow bubbles!

The interior of his Tsubaki home is comparatively calm.  He's seated at the game table, feel free to stop by for a game of Sun and Moon.  Two or one alone can play.  There's a (working) gong on the sideboard in the dining room.  SInce the windows are often left open, someone soaking in the hot tub right outside can easily hear it and know that dinner is on its way!


Nite leaves his doors open and welcomes visitors.  But little Hiroshi from next door has a penchant for mischief, and no matter how patiently Nite explains that this plant is not edible and those eggs are not toys, Hiroshi comes right in and creates havoc.  Thus totally destroying Nite's attempts to re-read one of his favorite books.


Drop by any time!


Edited by Nika Talaj
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9 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

I was hopping around Sakura a while ago, and got a parcel at the base of the grand staircase on the canal in Shiawasena Itachi (Happy Weasel?) region.  There's a water rez zone there, and so I've created two Ferry rides which I hope you'll try!  You can ride either by touching this sign at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shiawasena Itachi/171/64/23



This is lovely, thank you! I think it would be a great idea for the the Moles to put small ferry rezzers like this available at the various rez zones.

EDIT - I've just found a little boat available in the gardens, so they have done that, but it was tucked away,  not at one of the rez zones, so not very obvious that boats are available .

Edited by Evangeline Arcadia
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Back to textures: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/169036

Sell textures for 1 L the first week/forthnight. I have bought so many of them, lol. Many more than I use. I found two I needed in my inventory a short time ago, cobblestone and terrace stone. It is a hit or miss, it is not all their textures. Some are set to 50 L from the start. I buy up the 1 L textures and use maybe 1 of 20.

But it is still a lot to save if we will use normal and specular maps, uploads for them too makes 30 L for one texture. And also, I never know if I will need a slab wood or wall texture for a project in the future.

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On 5/14/2023 at 10:38 PM, Nika Talaj said:

There's a water rez zone there, and so I've created two Ferry rides which I hope you'll try! 

This is absolutely adorable! I've tried both, and everything went smoothly. Loved the little "whee!" animation when the boat gets 'caught' in the lilypad. 😄
Thank you so much for this. 🖤

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I've always been less-than-keen on Houseboats (though I love the idea of being near/on water), but I thought I'd give the new styles a try for the first time. And... I really like this one. It reminds me of the Williamsburg trailer, except much bigger. Still a work in progress, needs more pretty decor, but I'm happy with it so far.





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Spent a few days house hopping before settling on this Newbrooke solely for the location. There is a pond next to it and you can see the train station from the back deck. It's in Allrutti just north of the Newbank Community Center. Still working on the inside but here's a picture of the view. Looking forward to riding my zooby bike with my baby Athena to the community center.


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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Nika Talaj said:

What a warm comfy space, @Maitimo!   I wonder if I own that very cool sofa/chair set ... can you share what it is?

Congrats on getting a parcel you love!

The sofa and chairs are from the Ashdon set at Trompe L'oeil, the coffee table is from the enfield set, also from Trompe.

And, thank you!

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12 hours ago, Maitimo said:

The sofa and chairs are from the Ashdon set at Trompe L'oeil, the coffee table is from the enfield set, also from Trompe.

And, thank you!

everything works as though it were all made for the space!  Really lovely decor.

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On 5/27/2023 at 4:31 AM, Devilgrey said:

looks like i'll have to take pics of my bellisseria home soon. 👀

i use the dolye liden home, and recent bought a shell to add wallpapers after learning about them from this thread. i used the Stormy Creations - LH Victorian Doyle Add-on from marketplace with wall paper and floor textures i also bought on marketplace.



living room & kitchen


the yard


still unsure what to do with this main room tho.


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