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-Bellisserians Show Off Your Home and Garden-

Blush Bravin

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Just now, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I hadn't thought about wall murals!  That gives me a place to start.  Maybe a wall aquarium...  Hhmmm...  Going shopping.

I'm also going to dig in my inventory for shelves.  I'm sure I have some already decorated ones with books and other random items.

Don't forget that you can make your own posters for cheap, just the cost of an upload (L$10)! I do that a lot, too. I either slap the photo on a big flat prim, or take a mod frame from my inventory and stick the photo in it. You can really customize your place for low cost if you use art that you've uploaded (or photos that you've taken in world). :) 

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1 hour ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Looking for advice.  I was trying to decorate only using stuff I had in my inventory already, so its a bit random in theme.  I picked sky and sunset colors and just started digging.  I found items I never unpacked in a folder of SLB17 freebie gifts ( the wire chair and the short table with 4 chairs) and some random gacha furniture.  Most of the furniture pieces are really short leaving me a ton of wall space to fill.  I could just unload my "Wall decorations" folder, but does anyone have any other ideas? More plants?  Random art? The walls just look so bare.

Most of my decorated homes end up looking like motel rooms because I just haven't mastered the art of clutter like some of you have.  I still have 80+ LI to use, but will probably use 20 at least on deck furniture.  I haven't linked anything yet, so I'll have more when that's done.

Edited to add - I am not opposed to spending $L.  I already had a kitchen, dining table, and that orange couch.  I did buy that Black Nest shelf with decorations from a 50L Friday sale, but only used the decorations because I already had a shelf I liked.  I also didn't like any of my bedrooms, so I bought a coastal themed set.  Help a gal out who has no natural decorating sense.


You might like these cute tropical prints:




I think it would look really nice on the wall where the dining table is, and with some plants in the corner, I used it on my upstairs wall here (trying to limit my prim use), I think it did the work for me I used the birds:



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7 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Procurando conselhos. Eu estava tentando decorar apenas com coisas que já tinha no meu inventário, então é um pouco aleatório no tema. Escolhi as cores do céu e do pôr-do-sol e comecei a cavar. Encontrei itens que nunca desembrulhei em uma pasta de brindes SLB17 (a cadeira de arame e a mesinha com 4 cadeiras) e alguns móveis de gacha aleatórios. A maioria das peças de mobiliário é muito curta, deixando-me uma tonelada de espaço na parede para preencher. Eu poderia simplesmente descarregar minha pasta "Decorações de parede", mas alguém tem alguma outra ideia? Mais plantas? Arte aleatória? As paredes parecem tão nuas.



if u want a little Art: Brazilian Artists in COPACABANA is an exhibition that I am opening on my stilt in:

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Good Tidings/210/87/23
There is a free package with some of the works on display, maybe you like some to decorate your walls.





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@Nando YipThank you for another outstanding exhibit! The house is in a photogenic location too.

I thought it was very generous of you to include these paintings as giveaways. Truly they are exquisite; there is something eerily captivating about Tarsila do Amaral’s Autorretrato ou Le manteau rouge, and I was happy that you included Tomie Ohtake’s 1988 piece in the package. They definitely deserve a place at our home.

Edited by Yuumo Ichibara
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13 hours ago, SarahThe Wanderer said:

 From my old stilt home:




The last picture always remind me of this song 🍹💕🎵:



I love pretty much everything about this decor.

10 hours ago, SarahThe Wanderer said:

You might like these cute tropical prints:




I think it would look really nice on the wall where the dining table is, and with some plants in the corner, I used it on my upstairs wall here (trying to limit my prim use), I think it did the work for me I used the birds:



Runs off the forums to buy these bird prints.

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4 hours ago, Nando Yip said:


if u want a little Art: Brazilian Artists in COPACABANA is an exhibition that I am opening on my stilt in:

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Good Tidings/210/87/23
There is a free package with some of the works on display, maybe you like some to decorate your walls.

I haven’t been yet to check it out, but I can see from the photo posted by Yuumo that you’ve included a work by Eduardo Kobra - definitely one of my favorite street artists! (Here in the UK people get excited by Banksy, but Kobra’s paintings require infinitely more skill and effort, and they’re just gorgeous!)





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1 hour ago, Elena Core said:

Simply amazing @SarahThe Wanderer, you're upgrading the neighborhood!!! 

Oh thanks neighbor, it's nice of you to say that ^^

But to be honest it doesn't look good from afar, because it's full of colors among a dark green area, but with the right wind light it does blend in nicely, sad that not everyone use the same windlight, so everyone sees a different environment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Moved out of a stilt house late January and into one of the houseboats region. It's small and a little hard to take photos off but I had a lot of fun doing this project. I didn't know if I'd like staying in a houseboat but I love it! I love being this close to the sea, with access to open water to boot.











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