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  1. Oh, oh, oh! This is so me! Every Monday is a new year, and every day is a Monday. So basically I celebrate the new year for 365 days! 😁 Hooray! Happy new year! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜†
  2. I'm curious to see what those stats would look like. πŸ˜†
  3. Love these photos you took of the moles. It's like trading cards, collectors items but only for sl. ☺️
  4. Getting into the spirit of this year's steampunk theme at sl19b. Can't find a steam-punkish pet so this one will have to do.
  5. No, I haven't been able to do that since I dropped the credit card. I transfer money to my friend through Paypal and she's the one who purchases the lindens for me.
  6. I closed down my credit card early this year and the bank attached to my debit card isn't in the list of recognized banks as far as I can tell.
  7. I've tried before but it won't let me. I think the issue might be between PayPal and my bank. Oh well. Thanks anyway.
  8. Didn't know you can do that, but not really comfortable with linking my debit directly to sl. Thanks for the suggestion anyway. I guess I'll just shelve this idea of getting premium again for another time.
  9. Yeah, my PayPal account is linked to my debit card.
  10. No, I haven't yet. Still trying to figure it out on the bank and paypal level. Thanks for the reply πŸ™‚
  11. Trying to figure out if it's verified or not but its already linked to my bank account. My previous linden and premium purchases was with a different bank with a credit card. Never used Paypal with sl before.
  12. Was hoping someone knew of another method, thanks anyway for the reply. πŸ™‚
  13. I thought it was already verified since I've been making transactions with it.
  14. Is it possible to get premium without a credit card? I've tried using PayPal linked to my debit account but it won't let me. Says there's a problem. Are there other legitimate methods to get premium? I've bought games on steam and Origin before, wish getting premium was easy like theirs is. I miss owning a Linden house now that I don't have a credit card anymore.
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