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The Linden Homes Photo Thread

Patch Linden

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My first Bellsseria was a houseboat at Wheelhouse which I claimed in the first thirty or so minutes of the first release. Sadly, I could not get into decorating my houseboat, so after thinking it over, I released it back into the wild so someone else could have her.


After I spent a week holiday at Second Norway, I claimed a land based home at Millers Pond which I did like. I was keenly waiting for the camping release but I also liked this home so I didn't really know what I would do. When I saw the buzzing happening around, I chose to released her back into the wild and went to bed for the night after asking if I would have enough time to sleep before any releases. While I was told there was no time frame they could give, it was fairly safe I could have a night's sleep before anything is ready. As it turned out, I had plenty of time to sleep, have a morning coffee and chill alongside other people as camping regions were prepared for release.


One thing I enjoyed about this Millers Pond was the unused greens space in the adjacent region. This gave me space to use my street as my runway for my little gyro.

I took up my camping ground with caravans which also at another good space. This time, I was located at NE corner of Placid. It was to die for.


Oh, I thought I would be staying here but Victorians were released. I wasn't going to take one but I decided that since I had spent time living in the first three three themes, I may as well try out the Victorian theme. This way I could know which I like to live in. So far it's a toss between camping and Victorian.

My brother and I both have Victorian homes. We live rather close actually. Close enough to travel by Air-Cannon to his home, landing just behind his yard.

I planted violets as the violet was a symbol of love shared between two women in the Victorian era.



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Today was a great day for discovery, and I hadn't even planned on exploring.  If I had, I would have put on better hiking clothes.  All I meant to do was check out a little garden spot in the northwest corner of Paislee Springs, so I tossed on a skirt, grabbed a light jacket, slipped on a pair of flats and wandered over.


It truly is a pretty spot, hidden away almost at the place where Paislee Springs, Colchester, Hartnell, and Holliday come together. You have to cut through between yards to get there, but it's all on public land.  There's a little rock garden, some nice flowering shrubs, and a soft blanket that some nice person left draped over a log.

Anyway, I had been sitting there for a while when I noticed that there was a footpath at the other end of the garden...


... and the footpath led to a paved walk between some lovely homes ... and then to a dirt road ... and then to a few stone steps that led to a quiet resting spot.


So I rested ... and realized after a few minutes that there was another path, well hidden behind an overgrown bunch of bushes and a herd of butterflies.

That was too enticing to pass up.  I don't think many people have come this way for a while, because was hard to see that path, even from the bench.


Once I started up it, I could see the Antelope Lake water tower ahead, so I knew this was a direct route to the main ridge, the highest land in the area.  I was probably going to regret having started out without proper shoes, but what the heck?  It was too late to turn back.


I do love the hills!  It is so peaceful once you get above the tree line.  Surprisingly, the ridge is very easy to walk -- there's not a lot of up and down and there's very little uneven ground to twist an ankle on.  There''s a pretty pond near the crest, too, surrounded by pines and low shrubs.


I was very tempted to go for a swim, and probably would have except that I really wanted to see what was farther along the ridge.  I told myself I could always come back later too.

Look how clear the sky was today!  I thought about trying to find a way to climb the water tower for a really good view but then decided that it would be a dumb move in these shoes.  It looked like the trail in the other direction was a smarter walk.


Isn't that spectacular?  Looking back behind me, those hills in the distance are the peaks in Holliday and Wiggle -- really rugged climbing. It's almost all forested land with a few camping trailers between here and there.  As I said, though, I was more curious about following the ridge the other way, to the northeast, which was much easier going.


I'm glad I did. This is the view to the northwest, where I had started from.  Those are neighborhoods in Paislee Springs and Hartnell behind me, and I'm pretty sure that the houseboats way in the distance are in the harbor at Bowhead,  I ought to go over there some time to see.


I was enjoying myself, glad that I had stumbled on those hidden pathways. I wandered northeast along the ridge for a way, listening to the songbirds, and then spotted a very pretty small pond nestled on the north side of the ridge, below me.

This one was too good to pass by -- high, secluded and, best of all, with some rocks that looked great for diving.  Much too good to ignore.  It took a while to get down there, but ...


it was definitely worth it.  This pond is almost circular and it's deep, with high ledges on three sides and beautifully clear mountain water. I love finding spots like this. This one was especially fun because I hadn't been looking for it, and I hadn't even left Paislee Springs.  It was just hidden away in the hills.


So yes, you know how I spent the rest of this afternoon. This one is a keeper.  😉

Edited by Rolig Loon
typos. as always.
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I finally got my linden home ❤️ I went with the Winchester originally because I loved the stairs and the back deck off the top floor, but... it didn't work for me.  Everything I tried fell flat.  So I scrapped it and went with the Adams... and I LOVE IT.  Here are two exterior shots.  My silly little car is in the carport (yes, takes up LI, but WORTH. IT.), and I adapted the Winchester add-on Pergola Blush did as a gift for the back of the Adams, and I am tickled pink.

Linden Home Exterior_002.edit.png

Linden Home Exterior_003.edit.png

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6 hours ago, Chuckey Jigsaw said:

So now I need to know where those chairs are from, please. 😄


2 hours ago, Ziggy Starsmith said:

Those chairs and table are from Dench Designs.

Ziggy's right :)  They're in the outdoor section, relatively near the store entrance, near a barbecue set.

Edited by Ajay McDowwll
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When I took this scooter out to explore around Shreve, back in January, I was a little afraid of taking it into the maze at the foot of the monument there.  I always get turned around in those places, and I didn't want to get this thing stuck in a cul-de-sac. A couple of my more loyal friends have been getting on my case about that, so I decided to go ahead and try, this time at the maze in Milton Down.


It turns out that the paths are quite wide enough for the scooter, so I didn't get stuck. Yeah, I made a few wrong turns, but I got to the center and out again, so now my friends can stop teasing me.


I'm still not a big fan of mazes, but the monument is pretty, and it has a nice fountain.


I headed north out of Milton Down, into Lockwood, which is a lovely little community ... and it's green! Residents have planted many large trees in addition to the ones that are all along the manicured streets.  I just love seeing how the large homes look among all that greenery.


Lockwood's central park, like many others I have visited in South Bellisseria, is clean, open, and well kept. I rarely see other people out in these parks, which I find puzzling. They are such beautiful public spaces. If I owned one of the homes facing onto this one, I would be out here every evening chasing the dog or flying a kite or something. There is a guy in a house on the north side of the park who has some kind of makeshift bowling alley in his yard, but that's different. 

From a side street, I could see the tall peaks of the mountains in Mole National Park in the distance, so I decided to keep moving north to get a better view.


It takes a little ingenuity to get from the park in Lockwood to the huge park at the heart of Darcy.  They aren't that far apart, but the roads don't take you there directly.  Still, when you get there the park is marvelous.  I set my scooter aside for a while and wandered all the way around the lake. This place is a real treasure.  Again, I'm surprised that I didn't see anyone out in a rowboat or even a kid on a raft.  That's what I would do if I lived around here.


Heck, if I lived here, I would just come out to sit on a rock and listen to warblers in the bushes.  It is sooooo peaceful.


Here's another view of Darcy Park, looking back down the lake from the west bridge. Look at the size of those willows. They just tower over the homes.


Looking north from that bridge, I could see the mountains ahead easily.  That's an imposing range.  There are only a few ways across them by road or rail. I want to get there soon for a long hike because I suspect that the scenery will be spectacular and there will be good lakes and ponds for swimming.  For today, though, my goal was just to get a closer look from the south.


And here is the first really good vantage point on my trip today. I took a lot of photos here in Hyacinth on the bank of the great canal, which you can see down below me. The homes over there have everything going for them, with the canal on one side and the mountains looming on the other.


This is the approach to the High Bridge over the canal at Century. It really is a high bridge. They can sail deep draft ocean-going vessels through here with plenty of clearance. It's quite a feat of engineering.  I'm glad my scooter is powerful and has a big battery. The slope up a bridge like this is a real challenge for it.


I came down off the bridge and into the actual village of Century on the north side. As you can see, it looks very different from the communities to the south.  Century is squeezed into a narrow bit of land between the mountains and the canal, so most of its homes are stretched out along a single main street.  It reminds me of other places in foothills that I have visited over the years. 


Here's one last view, right on the north bank of the canal, looking back at that High Bridge. This is a dramatic spot to end a trip.  I hope you get a chance to come see it yourself.


Edited by Rolig Loon
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5 minutes ago, PrudenceAnton said:

Love this bedroom set. Can I ask where its from, please? :)

It's from KAZZA 🙂  They have a Marketplace presence, but I believe the bedroom is only available at their inworld location.  It's named something like "Rustic Bedroom," and it's got multiple textures available via HUD.

I'm at work so I can't look precisely, but this is the link the Marketplace store tried to send me to for the inworld location:  secondlife://KAZZA/121/217/23

Edited by Ajay McDowwll
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20 hours ago, Ajay McDowwll said:

It's from KAZZA 🙂  They have a Marketplace presence, but I believe the bedroom is only available at their inworld location.  It's named something like "Rustic Bedroom," and it's got multiple textures available via HUD.

I'm at work so I can't look precisely, but this is the link the Marketplace store tried to send me to for the inworld location:  secondlife://KAZZA/121/217/23

Ajay McDowwll, thank you for sharing out KAZZA, which is a store I wasn't familiar with. I went in-world and just flipped out. Your darling bedroom set also comes with wooden wall panels...plus all the decorative goodies! Well, my budget took a hit but that's just fine since the whole set is only 49 prims. For other shoppers http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/KAZZA/83/196/23 is the full size showroom.

Edited by Eleanor Anderton
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25 minutes ago, Eleanor Anderton said:

Ajay McDowwll, thank you for sharing out KAZZA, which is a store I wasn't familiar with. I went in-world and just flipped out. Your darling bedroom set also comes with wooden wall panels...plus all the decorative goodies! Well, my budget took a hit but that's just fine since the whole set is only 49 prims. For other shoppers http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/KAZZA/83/196/23 is the full size showroom.

It does!  It comes with all the things, and I just love it.  I also have the set called Time Room, which is adorable as well (it's a sitting room area).  I tend to rezz out the whole room, pull out the stuff I intend to keep out, then "take" the rest and store it in a folder so that when I want one of the items I can just pull it right back out 🙂

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Here it is, Friday again.  This week has just flown by.  I have a growing list of places that I want to explore and share with you in Bellisseria, and there always seem to be new uncharted, unexplored regions too.  I'm having fun keeping up, so I hope you don't mind me adding to your viewing like this.

Yesterday afternoon, I finally made my first real exploration into the mountains just north of the great canal that separates Bellisseria from South Bellisseria. They really are mountains with some beautiful lakes and incredible overlook points.  I've explored lovely rolling hills in other parts of the continent, but these are in a different class. .  Take a look ...


There's no perfect place to start a day hike but I liked the sound of Peace Canyon, so I started off from the main highway there and just headed uphill. It was a warm, clear day -- aren't they all in Bellisseria? -- and I was ready for a stiff climb.  The lower slopes are lush and green, and the flowers are in full bloom.


Halfway to the crest, though, the land gets rockier and a bit steeper.  If you are going this way, I strongly suggest good boots and maybe a hiking staff, although you notice that I don't use one myself.  I do carry water and a few energy snacks, though, and I throw a windbreaker and a sweater in the day pack just in case the air gets chilly.


Here's the view southwestward from that notch at the top-left of the last photo. Isn't it breathtaking?  
That's the High Bridge in Lantana down there, spanning the canal.  Beyond it, on the other side of the water, are the communities of Hyacinth and Darcy (which you can't see through the trees). On a normal day there's busy boat traffic along the canal, since this is the only way to travel between the east and west coasts without sailing all the way around the southern regions.


And here's the view the other way, looking southeast across to Banebury and the lake village of Price.  The bridge at Banebury is at least the scale of the High Bridges in Century and Lantana and is just as pretty.


Finally, here's what it looks like to the northwest from almost the same spot.  That's the main highway that heads up to Woorermal and Leomund, connecting to the road where I started this hike.

In the nearer slope are three of Peace Canyon's charming lakes.  There are another two just beyond the ridge to the left side of this photo and a small, very secluded lake to the east, not quite behind me.  That has to be a record of some kind in Bellisseria.  I've already marked them down as places to visit for swimming.  In fact, as I started back down slope, I went first to check out the largest of these three lakes, which you can just barely see through the trees on the very left of this photo.


This lake is at a low enough elevation that it is surrounded by grassy meadows. The water is deep and clear -- beautiful for paddling around in, if you want to haul a canoe or a kayak all the way up here. It would also be a great swimming hole. I was very tempted, but I wanted to see what else was in the area.


I did kick off my boots for a while and sit to enjoy the afternoon. There was a fairly stiff breeze, as you can see from the way my hair is behaving, but it was warm. I think there may have been an otter or maybe a muskrat by the tree on that little spit down there. I could hear it but never quite got a glimpse.


The mountains are fine places to sit and gather your thoughts.  There are few distractions, other than songbirds and whatever that animal down below was, so I find myself daydreaming a lot.  It's very restful.


At this point, I had to make a decision. I really wanted to see the other two lakes that I had spotted from the mountain crest, but I was curious about the little one that my map said was just out of view to the west. 

I pulled my boots back on and worked my way around the high side of the rocks where I had been sitting, and then came back down to the place where that smaller lake had to be. There's a marked trail, so they evidently do expect hikers here -- not that I saw anyone else.  What you're seeing here is a bit of ledge that blocks the flow of water from the that little lake (to the left) from the lower one where I had just been sitting. It's quite a scenic spot....


... with a vigorous and noisy cascade.  I imagine that this is a popular spot for hikers and landscape photographers. I spent quite a while clambering around on the rocks to admire the view from different angles.


This was such a beautiful hidden spot that I decided to spend what was left of the day there before hiking all the way back down.  I didn't end up swimming, as it turned out, because the water felt a little too chilly yet.  It is still early in the season at this elevation.  Still, the air was warm enough despite the breeze that it felt good to take in some sun and splash my feet in the water.  I truly do love the mountains, so I will be back to visit the other lakes of Peace Canyon and the rest of this huge park.

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Good morning.  🙂

I spent much of the weekend decorating my new Doyle home in Swithins Bridge.  I am still making changes in the other rooms but am very happy with the rooms I've included photos of here.  What do you think? 

Using furnishings/items from:  INDULGE, ValArt, BOUTIQUE, DIGS, O.M.E.N, Dust Bunny, Loft & Aria, Apple Fall, Fancy Decor, Bazar,  Domineaux and a few other talented creators I am sorry I am forgetting to credit. 

My door is always open.





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44 minutes ago, Limber Twine said:

I spent much of the weekend decorating my new Doyle home in Swithins Bridge.  I am still making changes in the other rooms but am very happy with the rooms I've included photos of here.  What do you think? 

Using furnishings/items from:  INDULGE, ValArt, BOUTIQUE, DIGS, O.M.E.N, Dust Bunny, Loft & Aria, Apple Fall, Fancy Decor, Bazar,  Domineaux and a few other talented creators I am sorry I am forgetting to credit. 

My door is always open.

All beautifully done, and I love your lounge wallpaper!

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2 hours ago, Limber Twine said:

Good morning.  🙂

I spent much of the weekend decorating my new Doyle home in Swithins Bridge.  I am still making changes in the other rooms but am very happy with the rooms I've included photos of here.  What do you think? 

Using furnishings/items from:  INDULGE, ValArt, BOUTIQUE, DIGS, O.M.E.N, Dust Bunny, Loft 


Love the sense of tranquility and light of the blue tone you've used,  and that closet!!!!!! I might stop for coffee sometime 😊

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1 hour ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

All beautifully done, and I love your lounge wallpaper!

great job on the bathroom, especially the closet and the tile! I spent most of my weekend doing the same as you but I am not ready to post pics yet. So much fun!

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