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The Linden Homes Photo Thread

Patch Linden

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47 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

OOO!  That really is cute!  Let us know how it drives, please?  I bought this Manji car as a gift recently on recommendations in the forums, and was INCREDIBLY saddened to find that it drives like a pre-Havok 4 vehicle.  WAY too fast, could not find a way to slow it down.  Lurching all over the place.



So I took it for a drive. You can go turtle-like slow if you want. No issue. I backed up well. It does not TURN WELL.  All that said I am a HORRIBLE driver. The only car (cart really I think) that I have managed to drive well was from DLab.  That cute little "Bug" car from last Spring worked well too.    


I do like that there is NO HUD as it is more pleasant for me that way.   The view is up high rather than behind the driver. That might be my camera settings and likely you can change this manually. You CAN take passengers and you can set who can drive. I have it set now to I can drive and group members can ride along. 


So, I can't really advise anyone that really wants to drive all day, that's just not me. But I am very impressed with the build. It comes in adult, kid and "baby" sizes (have no clue as didn't rez those others. 


Here is the info from the notecard if that helps along with a photo of the dashboard.


~   T B F   C A D D I E   G O L F   C A R T   M A N U A L   ~


The following controls apply to the TBF Caddie Golf Cart:

• Steering - Left and Right Arrow keys
• Throttle up - Up Arrow key
• Throttle down/brake - Down Arrow key
• Reverse - Down Arrow key

• Turn signal left on - Shift + Left Arrow key
• Turn signal left off = Shift + Right Arrow key
• Turn signal right on - Shift + Right Arrow key
• Turn signal right off = Shift + Left Arrow key
• Toggle headlights on and off - Page Up key (FN + Arrow Up key on a Mac)

• Car horn - Page Down key (FN + Arrow Down key on a Mac)

• Car color - Color buttons on the dashboard
• Car access - Keyhole button on the dashboard
• Upend and rotate car 90 degrees - Click on the steering wheel
• Toggle avatar position console - Click on the seat that is in use

The Car Access key can only be used by the owner of the car. Upend & Rotate and the color change button can only be operated by the owner (even when not seated) or by the driver. The avatar position console can only be operated by the driver and the relevant person on the seat.

The camera target and position can be adjusted by changing the coordinate values in the Object Descripion field of the vehicle in Edit. Any change in value will take effect after resetting the script.

~ 2. TERRAIN ~

The Caddie Golf Cart can overcome rough terrain and sim crossings to a certain extent. Objects that stick out of the ground vertically can only be overrun when they are no more than approximately 10 cm tall. Taller obstacles may be overrun at significant speed. The Caddie Carts for Kids, Toddlers and Babies require a smoother terrain.

Upon crossing a sim, the driver may become misaligned with the driver's seat. This can be prevented by turning off your Animation Overrider (AO) prior to seating, or remedied by unsitting and resitting. Some sim crossings involve transition from one Second Life Simulator or type (e.g. Main Channel) to another (LeTigre or Magnum). Such transitions may sometimes result in unseating, severe avatar displacement and even loss of the vehicle. This is a general problem with vehicles in Second Life and the only solution to date is to rez a new car.



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Okay, I had to try it because I love sailing/boating and trains in Belli, and I've been searching for the perfect road car for use in Belli. I've tried SO many cars and 95% of them suck because it's way too easy to oversteer and therefore you can never center yourself on a typical Belli street. And forget about the dirt paths in the Camper areas of Belli. Also, most cars don't have a "cruise" mode and you have to constantly ride the throttle and brake to maintain an even speed. Sight-seeing is impossible in most SL cars. 

But this cute little thang? WOW.  The size is right. The speeds are right. (From super slow to not-very-fast-and-just-right-for-Belli-street-trail-design.) The steering is RIGHT. And best of all, it simply "remembers" your speed you set with the up/down arrows and will cruise forever at that speed. All you have to do is tap A-D or the L-R arrows to occasionally steer. 

Here's a short 4-minute video showing how well it handles camper-area dirt/sand tracks and 90-degree turns. At the fastest speed you might go slightly wide on a really tight turn like these, but at medium and slow speeds you can stay perfectly in the track all the way through a 90-degree turn.  The steering wheel tap "bump 90" turns are pretty useful too!


Edited by Fushichou Mfume
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Okay so we have regular bicycle rides, regular horse rides, regular (on foot) parades, regular sailing regattas....

.... Now imagine a regular "Belli 500" race, styled loosely after the general theme of "It's a Wild, Wild, Wild World" kinda sorta.

The main idea behind any Formula 500 race is that everyone has to have essentially the same type of race car design, right? So imagine a "Belli 500" where everyone in the race must use one of these fantastic TBF Caddie Golf Carts (talked about in the previous two posts).  Then imagine the format of the race is essentially to start at point A and race to point B using any STREET/ROAD route you want to take.  The only rules being that you MUST stay on a street/road at all times (allowing for wide turns is okay), and that you must stay on the ground in the golf cart at all times.

Yes, it would be somewhat based on an "honor system" as racers diverge and take different routes to the destination, but the race could also employ airborne flying AVs as "race monitors" to help ensure that nobody cheats and takes an off-road shortcut.

I don't have the availability to organize such a thing, but I'd sure try to participate in as many as possible if someone else in Belli organized something like this!

Edited by Fushichou Mfume
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2 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

I didn't MAKE it (so not that skilled) just pointed it out :D

Yes, I know. But I've seen several of them driving around the continent last night. And I guess you've spread the word. 😄 So thank you! 🤗
I think this is the perfect vehicle for Belli roads. Not too fast, super smooth steering, easy region crossings AND it's keeping its speed all on its own. I love it! 

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A couple of people have asked me recently why I haven't taken a journey along the giant canal that separates South Bellisseria from the lands to the north. The answer is that from a mermaid's perspective, it's booooooring.  It's been hard for me to get enthusiastic about making the trip. Still, I'll admit that it sounded like a lovely area from the perspective of a land-dweller, so I decided to make it as interesting as I could.  

The grand canal crosses the continent from west to east, starting near the lighthouse in Ebb Tide and ending at the light in Oleander. I remember showing you a mermaid's eye view of another lighthouse, so this view of the Ebb Tide light shouldn't be much of a surprise. The water around here is much deeper than it was where I posted that other photo, though, so it's possible to get a more dramatic photo looking almost straight up at it.


Ebb Tide is a beautiful island with a single home, generously provided to the successful bidder in the recent American Cancer Society's Christmas Expo. I swam all around it, admiring the landscaping, the peaceful beach, and this tiny "extra" island just to the west. 


The western mouth of the canal is in Caladium, to the southeast.  I popped up to the surface to take a look as I got there and was startled to see a small sailboat bearing down on me, no more than 25 meters away.  It's my own fault for not paying attention, but it was a very small craft and it was moving very fast.  I had only seconds to dive out of its path.


As I said, the canal is quite boring from below the surface.  Here's what it looks like from Caladium well across Century, where it finally starts to have more rocky shorelines but still has nothing but sand along its bed. No plant life, no fish ...


In Century, I surfaced to admire the first of four spectacular bridges on this journey.  Bridges in this part of the world are designed to span the canal with plenty of room for large vessels to travel under them.  I imagine that the view from way up there is quite something.

The channel narrows through Hyacinth, to the east, and has steep banks. There are majestic Victorian homes up there.  I began thinking about how delightful it must be to sit up on the rocky heights and watch boats far below. Cliff-climbing is not one of my skills, though, so I will never know.


I can hop up on low rocks, however, as I did to get a look at the second large bridge, at the border between Hyacinth and Lantana.  It's an imposing feature, don't you think?


Here's a particularly nice spot in Lantana, where the channel widens locally and the north bank is less pronounced.  From here on, the north bank in Lantana is much gentler, although the south bank stays relatively high and rocky. I won't bother you with another underwater photo, but I can tell you that the channel is a little shallower and yes, it's still all sand.  Ho hum.

The channel gets narrower in Banebury and has some interesting reedy bits along the shore.  Kind of fun to poke around in, if you are fond of frogs. There's also another pretty bridge in Banebury, which I won't show you.


Once I passed the Banebury bridge, though, I could start to sense the eastern end of the canal.  The sea breeze off of the harbor in Remember Amistad has a lovely fishy smell, and seagulls venture up the canal to here.  That's the final bridge up ahead in this photo, by the way. It's actually two bridges spanning the canal in Oleander, one for the train and the other for street traffic. The railway bridge has the lowest clearance of all the bridges, so it's the one that keeps full-sized ocean vessels from traveling along the canal.  Well, that and the shallow bottom right here.


And here I am at the eastern end of the trip, looking off toward the Oleander lighthouse that sits at the mouth of the channel.  It's an imposing structure, sitting up there and guarding the channel.

I guess, after all, that this is a pretty part of Bellisseria to explore, as long as you don't spend much time underwater. I feel a little ashamed of myself for having dismissed suggestions about doing a travelogue here until now. Now I wonder what else I have been missing.

Ebb Tide 1-27-2020 Hyacinth 1.png

Edited by Rolig Loon
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The homes in Bellisseria are beautiful, but you have probably guessed by now that I am much more impressed by the parks. There are some truly lovely places to explore and relax outdoors here. You just have to put on good walking shoes and go. 

I want to show you three city parks today. All three are quiet spaces at the heart of regions near the west coast of South Bellisseria, within easy walking distance of each other.


This one in Popinjay is little more than a stone's throw from the shore. I suppose once it may have been coastal marshland, but today it's a small garden community, bounded on the north and west by gentle bluffs and on the south by the canal at Alban Heights.  There are only a few houses around the park, each with its own thoughtfully planted garden.


I smiled to see this bit of statuary -- a classical figure of a young woman greeting a bird -- because it seemed so much in tune with the soft, natural feel of the area. There's such a profusion of flowers here, and there are little birds everywhere, chirping in the underbrush.


The fountain here, like so many similar ones in South Bellisseria, provides a soft focal point for the formal garden.  I sat here for quite a while, taking in the smell of the hydrangeas and listening to the birds. If I lived here, I would find this a fine spot to curl up with a novel.

To the east of Popinjay is Oatley, which has its own small park -- a pond surrounded by well-kept lawn and some very large shade trees. It would be a good place for a picnic or for children to run and roll in the grass. I didn't linger to take photos there, but I encourage you to visit yourself. I was much more eager to see the twin Welsh communities of Bryn Tawel and Llyn Brithyll, just to the east.


Bryn Tawel is a curious name for a region with no hill, since Bryn Tawel means "Quiet Hill" in Welsh.  The only high land nearby is this small knob, which is actually in Oatley. It is a quiet area, however, with a large lake that snakes through its middle.  It takes quite a while to walk all around its perimeter, but it's worth doing.


There may be fish here -- I can't be sure.  If there are, though, this footbridge or the rocks nearby would be good places to drop a line. 


I find it very calming to stroll around places like this.  They help to tie a community together and at the same time bring it closer to nature. Without parks, ponds,  and woodlands, a neighborhood is just a collection of houses where people sit, isolated from each other.  I believe we all need somewhere to sit under the trees and think, or to lie back on the grass and daydream. It's healing, good for the soul.


The third park I wanted to share with you today is in Lynn Brithyll, just to the south of Bryn Tawel. The lake here should have fish in it, because Llyn Brithyll means "Trout Lake" in Welsh. I didn't see any, but I have faith. 

I was much more taken by the incredible show of hydrangeas, roses, poppies, and other flowers here.  There are flowers everywhere in Bellisseria, of course, but I have rarely seen so many in one place as this. They line the entire east bank of the lake.


I know I've gushed about the hydrangeas in some previous reports, but my favorites are still the roses.  I wish I had a green thumb and could grow ones like these.


So I don't forget to show you, here is Llyn Brithyll itself -- another beautiful, quiet place to enjoy on a sunny afternoon.  There are water lilies out there beyond the rushes, and I'm sure there must be a frog or two -- maybe even a trout.  I wish I could post more photos to show you, but in a way it's just as well that I can't. You really ought to get out and see for yourself.


Edited by Rolig Loon
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Few land-dwelling Bellisserians venture beyond the south coast of the continent, but there's a vast community in the islands and atolls in the south sea. Although mermaids know these waters well, they remain a secret to most people other than those who live there. Late last night, I decided to take a short swim to explore the most remote parts of this exotic corner of Bellisseria and take a few photos for you, starting in Sinker ( That's a lovely name for a houseboat community, don't you think?)


Sinker is at the very southernmost tip of a gigantic atoll that includes 40 regions. I arrived well after the sun had gone down, but the moon and stars were quite bright enough. The houseboats are even more colorful at night than during the day, I think.  The water is calm, too.  There was hardly a ripple as I swam through, headed east.

I followed the islands into Seas The Day and turned north into the deeper waters between there and Escheat.


The bottom is surprisingly rocky here, with tall spires rising far above the sea floor. I wove in and out among them, curious about the debris that I found scattered there.


These can be treacherous waters for sailors.  The passage between the islands narrows just to the north of here, so I imagine that the waves can be choppy at times and can surprise an inattentive navigator. I guess things fall overboard.

I swam through that passage and around the north end of Sweeps, headed for Sirens Cove, which is at the mouth of the channel that a lot of small boats follow into the large island there.  At this time of night there is hardly anyone out  in the cove, so I felt safe doing some practice leaps and stretching my tail.  It's such fun to be out in the night air!


I thought for a while about swimming up the channel and exploring the big island and, in fact, did swim a few hundred meters along it. There are beautiful houses perched up on the high banks, and there's a picturesque bridge at the spot where the channel narrows.


It was getting much later by then, though, so I decided to turn back and leave that journey for another day.  Instead, I swam south into Piarra Waters, where I could look back west toward the atoll.


Those tall rocks in the distance are in Escheat. I had missed seeing them because I was underwater as I came through there just a while earlier. They are quite imposing, standing out against the night sky.  That must be a popular spot for beach parties or family outings.

My greatest surprise of the evening came as I swam in the shallow waters along the south coast of the big island, past Coral Bay and into Carcossa. This bit of coastline is dotted with houseboats and small beaches .... a truly pretty stretch of shoreline, like so many others in Bellisseria.  In Carcossa, though, I was delighted to find a true underwater treasure.


This houseboat owner has created a beautiful garden with seaweed, rock sculptures, loads of fish, and a turtle. And at the center of it all, a cheerful statue to welcome visitors. This was such a friendly thought .... it's an excellent place to relax at midnight.  It definitely made this mermaid smile.  :)


Pier Pressure 2-2-2020 Sirens Cove 4.png

Oh, I almost forgot!  This is the lighthouse at Siren's Cove.  Well, as much of it as you can see from underwater at midnight.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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I know some of you have been concerned about my horse. Well, OK, two people asked why they hadn't seen him recently.  That's some. He's been on vacation, relaxing since the holidays. I think New Year's Eve was too much for him this year.

In any case, he was up for a trip today, so I thought it might be nice to start in the hills south of Orion Falls and then follow Madison Creek to the coast.  You may remember that he was not along when I went looking for swimming holes in Orion Falls back in early November.


This is Madison Creek, where it widens after it comes roaring and giggling down from the hills. This is a lovely camping area, so there are trailers stuffed in among the trees all through here. The bluff here offers a spectacular overlook, a nice place to sit and contemplate if you don't have to keep a horse busy.


You can see Orion Falls from just beyond the trestle bridge in that first photo, so I had to take the horse back there to show him. He was impressed.


"Impressed" may not be the best term. He's easily distracted and has low standards.  He was also impressed by this bug zapper, or maybe the watermelon. I can't tell.


From there, we went south through Lake Dacus on little dirt roads, headed for Rabbit Run. I noticed in passing that the ranger in Lake Dacus still hasn't taken down the Christmas lights around the cabin.  I am so glad that I am not the only one.


Madison Creek continues to widen as it flows into Rabbit Run. We stopped several places along the high banks to admire the view and then finally reached the main road.


This is the coastal highway that picks up where I left it in West End last Fall and runs down the east coast of Bellisseria, past the marine communities of Wobbegong and Farragut Sound. It's not much of a highway if you want to travel fast, but it takes you through some very pretty villages.


My horse truly was impressed when we reached the mouth of Madison Creek, here in Toad Hollow. He stood at the railing for several minutes, enjoying the sea breeze and making chuffy horse sounds at gulls, out past the buoy in the sound. 


The coastal highway pretty much comes to an end at the bridge over Madison Creek, so we were left to wander through a tangle of local streets . There are colorful traditional homes all along the beach in Dorma and Heirlong.  Some, like this stately yellow one with the wraparound porch, look like they have been there for ages.  

Those are the houseboat marinas in Hunky Dory and Getthe Point in the distance, by the way. There's a lot of pleasure boat traffic out there in the sound on a day like this.


We decided to stop for the day when we got to this wide public beach at the south end of Heirlong, just where the coast turns abruptly to the west toward Myopia Falls.  The sun was getting low in the western sky but it was still high enough for some relaxation time on the sand.  My horse wanted to play with one of the rubber donuts.


So that was the end of the trip. I was tempted to take a swim but the sun wasn't all that warm and the water certainly wasn't.  I did take my boots off after a while, though.

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On 2/1/2020 at 9:47 PM, Rolig Loon said:


don't forget to show you, here is Llyn Brithyll itself -- another beautiful, quiet place to enjoy on a sunny afternoon.  There are water lilies out there beyond the rushes, and I'm sure there must be a frog or two -- maybe even a trout.  I wish I could post more photos to show you, but in a way it's just as well that I can't. You really ought to get out and see for yourself.


I've found frogs!! :) In one of the new, still unnamed, Victorian regions! (Can't find the SSPE number, sorry, maybe 1041?)


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1 minute ago, Frigga Freidman said:

I've found frogs!!

Don't forget to rub their noses for good luck (although maybe that only works in Crieff):


I have heard that it is good luck to rub the nose of one of the gigantic bronze frogs at the ornamental pool here.

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So I was at an impromptu dance party at Campwich Station, and we noticed something lurking in the forest nearby...


Top left, circled in red... let's take a closer look...



From his profile:


The Bellisseria Slenderman is the enigmatic presence of the collective fears of all Bellisserians.  His origins are unknown but he was first sighted at Campwich Forest by a group of party goers. [That was us]  Bellisserians are advised not to approach the Slenderman.  He likely will not interact with you, but with too many unknowns is probably best to steer clear of him and give him his space.  Your fears may increase his powers and when he is at his strongest tentacles can be seen protruding from his back.

It ended when Mystic ran him over in a freight train, but there was no sign of his remains...

ETA: It came back. And now there's no sign of Mystic...

Edited by Matty Luminos
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3 hours ago, Matty Luminos said:

From his profile:


The Bellisseria Slenderman is the enigmatic presence of the collective fears of all Bellisserians.  His origins are unknown but he was first sighted at Campwich Forest by a group of party goers. [That was us]  Bellisserians are advised not to approach the Slenderman.  He likely will not interact with you, but with too many unknowns is probably best to steer clear of him and give him his space.  Your fears may increase his powers and when he is at his strongest tentacles can be seen protruding from his back.

It ended when Mystic ran him over in a freight train, but there was no sign of his remains...

ETA: It came back. And now there's no sign of Mystic...

This . . . is . . . AWESOME !!!

I love that people have the creativity to do stuff like this.  I kinda hope I run into this Slenderman ...  but then again, hmmm ... maybe not  :)

It's just so cool knowing something like that is wandering around Bellisseria and could be anywhere.

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6 hours ago, Sparkly Rainbow said:

This . . . is . . . AWESOME !!!

I love that people have the creativity to do stuff like this.  I kinda hope I run into this Slenderman ...  but then again, hmmm ... maybe not  :)

It's just so cool knowing something like that is wandering around Bellisseria and could be anywhere.

He is apparently a brand new thing - his profile pics have an entry "First Sighting" with the date 10 February and a photo of us lot dancing.

One of our group said it was a pity he didn't interact with us, but in a sense, he did. Though he did not speak, he came closer and closer, just standing there watching us. When Mystic ran him over in the train he got up in the cabin and sat next to her. I wanted to IM him to tell him how awesome I thought it was but somehow it seemed like it would break the immersion of his character, so I didn't.

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There's a huge lake in Gridley Crossroads.  It's so huge, in fact, that it laps into Levity and two other regions that don't have names yet. I was visiting over there this afternoon because I saw it on the map and thought at first that it was a meteor crater. (It's not, but you know ... curiosity.) Anyway, I walked most of the way around it and was impressed.  I didn't dive in to find out how deep it is, but it's certainly deep enough for sailboats and recreational diving. It is on the scale of the lakes far to the west in camping country -- not as large as Lake Tatakaka, but close to it -- and here it is in a residential community.


In case you are not familiar with this part of Bellisseria, let me explain. Gridley Crossroads is on the north side of the grand peninsula that juts out to the east as you come down the main road from Walrus Beach and Porthole. Quite a long time ago, before this area was settled, I showed you a glimpse of the coast but the land was still wild and undeveloped. Times have changed.

This is a peaceful neighborhood of traditional homes and three main streets now. I couldn't figure out where the crossroads are, but that really doesn't matter.  I don't know who Gridley was either.


The land rises to the north of the lake.  Here's a view looking back to the south. It's a community of well-tended homes with carefully-maintained lawns and creative gardening.

To my surprise, the region opens into a beautiful forested park beyond this point.  Let me show you...


See?  There are lovely big rocks to climb and sit on and sturdy shade trees all around.  From the top of that hill ahead, I could see over rooftops and through the trees all the way to the coast. 


And look at the size of these trees!  This is not what I expected to find. I got giddy leaning back and staring up into the canopy of those branches. This part of the park is in Falcon Heights, so I suppose that's what these hills are called.  I didn't see a sign.


The railroad runs along the north edge of the park, and the northwest corner is the site of a charming little pond in the hollow that you can see behind me here.


You know me by now ... always on the lookout for a good place to swim. Well, this isn't one. It's too shallow and there are too many houses right around, but it's a fine place to dabble around the edges or just sit on a rock and smell the flowering shrubbery.  This pond is actually just over the line into Quercus Alba, by the way.  It's named. obviously, for those gigantic white oaks.


Please don't tell the railway management, but I couldn't resist climbing this signal tower. I always wanted to do that.  I'll tell you, it's not easy in a long skirt, but it was fun.

From Falcon Heights, it's only a short walk to the coast.  There are houseboat piers all along the shore from Porthole to Surfdom, and there's a lovely cove at Fraid Knot, due north of that little pond in Quercus Alba.


This was a good place to end a short exploration. It looks like it could be a busy spot on a weekend, but there wasn't a soul around this afternoon. I walked down to the beach and discovered that someone had taken off and abandoned a perfectly good picnic lunch.  Their children had left their sand toys and a pretty little castle too.  Who does that sort of thing?  I waited for a polite time to see if they were coming back and then decided not to let their sandwiches go to waste.


And then yes, I had to test the water. I didn't dare swim right there, but I at least ditched the skirt and waded out to a little sand bar to sit and enjoy the sun and the breeze. 

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