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An insight on retaining new users


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This showed up on Hacker News, which is a forum for startup people. An email program vendor had a problem with retaining new users. This is what they did:

Our Aha moments, the features that made us different, were also the reason people weren’t sticking around. People expect an email client to work a certain way. Our unique features made us too different. They made the interface unfamiliar — if you didn’t engage with our onboarding, chances are, you were lost.

We took all of these features out. Every single one of them. And by doing so, we created a bog standard email client. It did everything a regular email client did, and nothing else. It worked exactly as users expected it to — so we didn’t need our complicated on-boarding anymore. But that’s not exactly a compelling proposition.

We took them out of the UI, but we put them somewhere else. We created a ‘Skills Center’. You accessed it via a button that we highlight early in the user journey. It is the only thing that stands out from an otherwise familiar UI. Now, when a user played with Hiri for two minutes and realised that there’s nothing new or different, inevitably they clicked on the one thing that was. And when they do — we have them.

In the Skills Center, you can add the features that make Hiri unique. In your own time, you can explore these features and turn them on.

It reduced our time-to-Aha moment from one week to one hour. Our conversion rate shot up from 1 in 50 to 1 in 10.

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37 minutes ago, animats said:

We took all of these features out. Every single one of them. And by doing so, we created a bog standard email client.

SL Viewer 2: Basic Mode. The one that LL thought it would be a good idea for everyone to start with, by default. No inventory. No preferences.

37 minutes ago, animats said:

We took them out of the UI, but we put them somewhere else. We created a ‘Skills Center’. You accessed it via a button that we highlight early in the user journey.

SL Viewer 2: Advanced Mode. The one that LL realised everyone was screaming for when nobody - not even new users they were hoping to retain, let alone veterans of SL - could even so much as access their inventory in the default Basic Mode version.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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1 hour ago, animats said:

Our Aha moments, the features that made us different, were also the reason people weren’t sticking around. People expect an email client to work a certain way. Our unique features made us too different. They made the interface unfamiliar — if you didn’t engage with our onboarding, chances are, you were lost.

We took all of these features out. Every single one of them. And by doing so, we created a bog standard email client. It did everything a regular email client did, and nothing else. It worked exactly as users expected it to — so we didn’t need our complicated on-boarding anymore. But that’s not exactly a compelling proposition.

So, what's the interface for a bog-standard virtual world like?


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I have always wished that SL would create a out of world sign in feature that instead of you just making a name and choosing an avatar would actually make you 'build' your look, realise what your name is for, interact with items and understand what things are, how to move items, rez an item, unpack an item, all in the actual website and that when you are finished each level the end is the log in, so you come in on the move, you are ready, you have ideas, and you understand what a store is, how to buy things, even going so far as to make people BUY their look instead of just choosing it, not to spend real funds but just to know how to interact with a vendor. 

There would be so much more insight into Second Life that way and if they didn't get as far, then they don't create an account that sits there to never be used again. 

Kind of like a driving school simulation. 

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Virtual World is Not an Email Client.
It's not really about trying to make it simple,  it's about making it straightforward.   


I started with a nice tl;dr version, but a summary up near the top is probably better.  

1) The users are the number one source of help for other users.  

2) We answer questions and type in how to find a setting repeatedly. 

   So ...  Do you want that to be easier on the helpers?

3) Make the PATH to a setting be direct.

   So ... Is it more important to make it look simple,  or to make it straightforward to communicate 'How to Do'.  

  Help Me to Help you to retain users.   


A good analogy to making it simple but very much NOT straightforward is this.   You take a car.   In order to not overwhelm a new car user with all the tricky controls.  One can locate the turn signal and the wind shield wiper lever under the rear seat to keep it out of the initial line of sight.  Additionally one can place the emergency break and the air conditioner controls in the car's trunk.   See!  That way the new driver is not overwhelmed with all the buttons and levers and switches.    *sighs and facepalms  

So translating that into terms of the Viewer....  

I postulate this.   Majority of SL user help interactions are resident to resident text chat, and to make it FUN!  Google Translate is gonna be involved sometimes.   

Sometimes as an experienced resident you already know it is gonna be some long drawn out process of helping. eg.  "Can you help me learn my Mesh body?"
Other times you know it is gonna be something simple and straightforward.  A find X setting in preferences, or click X button on HUD. 

-- top menu / Me (or Avatar)  /  something / something | click X

-- top menu / Preferences / Preference Tab | click X, or adjust slider Y

But ...  and this is the part I think is really Important.  It takes time to type all this junk out.  Time that takes away from doing whatever other stuff YOU logged in to do.

So each time someone needs help, you have to make a decision.  Do you stop what you were doing and help?

So make a path to a setting .. a PATH.  Not a Do this, do something else, go back to where you were.  


So...  Lets look at three examples that I can think of offhand that could be simple and straightforward, but... someone put the gearshift lever in the trunk, under the spare tire.   

In all these cases.   I see unneeded Steps that I have to type to help others.   Now helping people is nice and all that, and sure it seems like I am making a big deal out of a few tiny extra steps.

But type THEM a few hundred or a thousand times!!!

Anyway.. the examples

Since we are assuming they are a total new user.  Let's show the setting in the menu or the preferences to 'show' approximately where to find it for later versus using a keyboard shortcut.
-- since they are new they might get confused between the use of Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F3+A+username+favorite_drink & Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F3+A+username+favorite_sandwich

Case 1)  Some Adjustment to a Preference.  

Hypothetically they are lagging badly and a good first step is lowering draw distance
(then other things can be considered but seriously try lowering draw distance, and a coupla other things... before installing new router firmware)

top menu/preferences/graphics, click advanced settings and find the new window floater thing that opened.
    then ...  find 'some setting' on that window and adjust

Case 2) Some Adjustment to Advanced menu

Enabling Quiet snapshots, b/c they are tired of the shutter click (or you are tired of hearing it)  and the holding camera animation is screwing up the picture

top menu/preferences/advanced,  Show advanced menu
   then ... (second attempt) ...  top menu / advanced |  check Quiet Snapshots

Case 3)  Animation went weird so need to Stop avatar animations and turn the AO HUD on and off.

Assuming they are using Starter Avatar with Starter Avatar AO b/c a New User

1) top menu / movement | stop all animations

2) click the AO HUD....  Whoops!   No.  is an invisible prim.   Um.   Oh so ... 
   find in inventory, detatch, reattatch...  Um.   Nah.  that takes too long 
   Um.... Eh... Er?   
   top menu / Choose an avatar -- > be something different, and dont argue!   I don't care if you don't wanna be an elf!  be an Elf! Change Later

So....   Potential Solutions

Case 1)  Some Adjustment to a Preference.

                Preferences is not complicated if there is two or more graphics tabs. Actually is simpler / less typing
               And potentially easier for a more inquisitive new user to find on their own 

               Preferences / Graphics 1 | click X thing, or Preferences / Graphics 2 | click X thing, or Preferences / Graphics Presets | click X thing   

               Also I will Postulate, the more inquisitive new user is one who will probally more likely stay b/c can self entertain
              And it Still won't be as big as the Preferences in some of the tpv's  .. but that is Okay.

              LL viewer is kinda the defacto 'Starter Viewer too'  and this is not a bad thing. so Own it!  

Case 2) Some Adjustment to Advanced menu

             *coughs*  to turn on the Advanced menu it says Use at own risk  *snorts*  It is that dangerous?   Just have it already turned on


Case 3)  Animation went weird so need to Stop avatar animations and turn the AO HUD on and off.

               Well the Starter AO's...   Just no.
               Why is it not a HUD in the corner with AO on the texture?   Click on and off!  like a simple old style ZHAO!!! 

Now that is me rambling on for a bit to lay out some examples... 

To me it matters less if menus and stuff is all spread out.  It might just matter more that the path to a setting is just that.  A path.
Not turn this on first, no check if something is already on.
Especially...  since they are new and you already have an advanced setting showing by default and you forgot that you enabled it 6 years ago.  

Additionally....    Try everything possible to make the Path be less that the length of a gesture text field!

     them:  "How do I ______?"  

     me:   plays a gesture instead of just ignoring them

Also a coupla additional Corollaries.

1) Just lose the pronouns in the menus and in the system folder names.

     This is not a Firestorm is better than other viewers thing, and even though Avatar is more characters than Me, so the gesture would be more text.   Having to play with a translator can / does garble it.  

2)  Have the system folders always shown as the default.
     Items in the inworld view,  avatars, dialog menus, some different AO, gray shapes b/c new and not up to speed on tinkering with settings, ie General Randomness is just a given.   Having the inventory appear consistent between logins is a good thing even if a folder is empty.   When I am trying to help someone and I type 'Look in X system folder'  and they say 'I don't have X system folder', or a screenshot of the system folders is different.      Don't add extra layers of confusion  

Remember -- If advanced user, can always turn it OFF.  If they are new, make it consistent to show where X is.


Anyway Just some thoughts.   Even if I typed a lot complaining about typing a lot.

 If I type less when trying to help users.    Who knows?  maybe they will stay.

Edited by KathrynLisbeth
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7 hours ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

So, what's the interface for a bog-standard virtual world like?

I suppose somebody has to set the standard. ;)

The basic principles for a good user interface are very simple. Two of them are:

  1. Keep the screen as clean and free from distractions as possible. Make the functions that everybody need right from the start - and only those functions - clearly visible by default and place the more advanced functions somewhere where they are out of the way but still easy to find for the users who are experienced enough to need them and know how to use them.
  2. Be careful with default keyboard shortcuts. Only add them to functions that are used frequently by a large number of users and try to follow the de facto standards whenever possible. (User configurable shortcuts are a different matter - we can't have too many of those.)

A drastic UI upgrade isn't really an option for SL though because new user friendly won't be old user friendly. No matter how counter-intuitive and illogical the interface is to a newcoemr or an outsider, it's second nature to those of us who have been active SL'ers for a while. Change it, and everybody would have to relearn how to handle the viewer. That's not going to go down well with the established userbase.

It would have worked if it had been done gradually over time but that didn't happen. Making a new more user friendly UI would certainly make SL more accessible to new users but at this stage there's no guarantee they would be interested anyway and such a change would almost certainly alienate a lot of the old-timers. There are some flaws that shouldn't be fixed because the cure is worse than the disease and I'm afraid this is one of them.

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I think LL is in a slightly different boat, than this email company.

The email company can build up from the fact, that their userbase has a universal expectation for email accounts. No matter which company someone choses for their email account, they are going to have fixed core of things they expect and this core is easy to understand and easy to overview, because its composed of a small amount of simple elements.

LL doesn't have that benefit. Their product is part of a niche market and they don't have the easily compareable competiton. Many people who create an account don't even know what _they_ want from SL or don't understand what SL is and come with the wrong set of expectations. Another factor is, that LL doesn't have the same controll over the difficulty like the email company has. LL could toy around with the UI, but can't cut the functionality and when they toy around, they annoy the people who already got used to the old interface...and are quite passionate about it (see the whole V1 vs. V2 thing back in the day).

LL can also not really influence the biggest learning curve in SL: User created content.

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13 hours ago, Sasy Scarborough said:

I have always wished that SL would create a out of world sign in feature that instead of you just making a name and choosing an avatar would actually make you 'build' your look, realise what your name is for, interact with items and understand what things are, how to move items, rez an item, unpack an item, all in the actual website and that when you are finished each level the end is the log in, so you come in on the move, you are ready, you have ideas, and you understand what a store is, how to buy things, even going so far as to make people BUY their look instead of just choosing it, not to spend real funds but just to know how to interact with a vendor. 

There would be so much more insight into Second Life that way and if they didn't get as far, then they don't create an account that sits there to never be used again. 

Kind of like a driving school simulation. 

I REALLY like this idea!!!  Incorporate a sort of interactive 2D simulation into the sign up process.

Kathryn's long post gave me another idea, too.  You know those applications that let someone else take control of your screen remotely, to do troubleshooting?  We could have a similar function that gives a helper access to another person's UI.  (I hear you screaming now about the potential for abuse.  Hold on a moment...)  But instead of actually CONTROLLING the other person's UI, all the helper would be able to do is move a cursor around and highlight things for the user to click.  And even that would require the person's permission.

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1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:

...... instead of actually CONTROLLING the other person's UI, all the helper would be able to do is move a cursor around and highlight things for the user to click.....

Gyazo for Screenshots and Short Video Clips.    It already exists.  

Having used it many times to show a fresh noob a 'Hey looket!  in inventory'.   Then replying to the follow up of 'But I NO Have that System Folder'.....

That is why I included that one 'nit picky' recommendation of the default NOT being the HIDE EMPTY SYSTEM FOLDERS.

Actually I think that initially long long ago... in viewers far in the past.   Hiding Empty folders was not default behavior, it was a FIX.  

Edited by KathrynLisbeth
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3 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I REALLY like this idea!!!  Incorporate a sort of interactive 2D simulation into the sign up process.

Kathryn's long post gave me another idea, too.  You know those applications that let someone else take control of your screen remotely, to do troubleshooting?  We could have a similar function that gives a helper access to another person's UI.  (I hear you screaming now about the potential for abuse.  Hold on a moment...)  But instead of actually CONTROLLING the other person's UI, all the helper would be able to do is move a cursor around and highlight things for the user to click.  And even that would require the person's permission.

No. Absolutely not. I will never grant permission. Ever. No one has ever been allowed to connect with my pc using TeamViewer and no one ever will.

I get the appeal to Sasy's idea but it won't fly. For most it will have the opposite effect. They will never complete the process because there are too many hoops to jump through before they can ever log in. Which means there isn't going to be many (if any) new accounts to retain. Games give you the option to either do the tutorial(s) or not AFTER you've created an account, not before. In this one respect, LL/SL should be no different.

The idea would be to make the sign up process more appealing, not more tedious.

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5 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

No. Absolutely not. I will never grant permission. Ever. No one has ever been allowed to connect with my pc using TeamViewer and no one ever will.

I get the appeal to Sasy's idea but it won't fly. For most it will have the opposite effect. They will never complete the process because there are too many hoops to jump through before they can ever log in. Which means there isn't going to be many (if any) new accounts to retain. Games give you the option to either do the tutorial(s) or not AFTER you've created an account, not before. In this one respect, LL/SL should be no different.

The idea would be to make the sign up process more appealing, not more tedious.

It could be opt in, skip etc, because alts etc would not need it, but many people want to learn and be shown at first what it really is here, torleys old stuff was helpful in that, now the main page usually shows real life person creating in 3d program for SL....that is a huge leap from new user to content creator, without any of the inbetween. 

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3 hours ago, Sasy Scarborough said:

It could be opt in, skip etc, because alts etc would not need it, but many people want to learn and be shown at first what it really is here, torleys old stuff was helpful in that, now the main page usually shows real life person creating in 3d program for SL....that is a huge leap from new user to content creator, without any of the inbetween. 

That already exists in world after you register, not before. LL isn't going to allow access without registering first. Do you know of any game that allows access without registering an account? I don't. Not a successful one.

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I like how it used to be,even though orientation island was really creepy..

You came in at orientation Island,then after,usually ended up at Help Island where there were lots of people just hanging there to answer questions for new users..plus all the things they had to do there..

Now it's like getting dumped at a random info hub anywhere in the grid.. Although,it's been awhile since I made an avatar..

Mayeb it's different now..Maybe I should try to make a new one to see what it's like nowadays..

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2 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

That already exists in world after you register, not before. LL isn't going to allow access without registering first. Do you know of any game that allows access without registering an account? I don't. Not a successful one.

Its not an in world thing, im saying walking through some basic things to know what to do in world, there are plenty of games that make you do things before you continue a level, not mmo's but like drag this onto this now you are ready things. You are already here, you already know, many don't and language is often a huge issue...a basic this is how you walk, this is how you access inventory, this is where your money is etc is not a bad idea, it can be as basic or detailed as it needs to be, I have seen years old accounts not know where to find transaction history to check if they actually bought something etc say so in groups. The forums, groups and so on are full to overflowing with basic questions and often when asked someone makes a snide remark, laughs at them or they are ignored, there are holes, gigantic ones...and if joining up had a run through even if after rego but before entering , like many games, that would be very cool, not with people but with a program. Back when orientation island was a thing each step along the path, do this wear this edit that, it was good , and funnily enough all those oldies are still here because we were taught at the start, you weren't landing at a store straight off joining. I had a friend who stayed at help island for two weeks so that he really knew what he was doing, adorable but true, and he was able to manipulate prims like I have never seen anyone do.

When residents owned hubs, again more people stayed, more help was given. I used to go to help island once a year to try and help, and each time people there were vile, older residents being bullies etc, so it would take a year to forget and try again. The last time a group of three started abusing me for being an alt of someone they knew. I had to defend myself, it was ridiculous. If that had happened to me day one I would have not made day two. Anything engaging, anything that says ok you landed here and its an empty sim, nothing to do, but remember how in registering home page, whatever..,we showed you how to open search and look for groups or destinations...try that. Remember we mentioned sandboxes for unpacking or making stuff, try visiting those. 

My friend joined sl because she saw linden lifestyle posts via flickr, she knew fashion, shopping, modding and looking fabulous was in Second life, she joined. I joined after seeing a friend share on his cam transylvania sim and him salsa dancing, so i knew dancing, socialising, shopping, building, events etc...i bought my pc with second life specs on a piece of paper and pushed them at salesperson "i need this".

The post is about people not staying, mostly everyone that lasts a month in SL stays, how could you not it is fabulous. But we are also from a time of buying gowns to actually wear to places, dressing up to go to an event, when events were not shopping. Fashion shows were huge and fun and social for those not on the runway, sims like the gossipgirl one and the csi one engaged the people in a huge way, parties, competitions, etc. RP sims, clubs, music etc a lot of it is great. Joining SL now is harder, and people on the internet usually expect to be entertained, and not to work so hard to find something to do and people to meet, there are so many things and places yes, but even those that know that find it hard to find them. I still think something on the website as a walk through is a good idea, even paperclip guy was useful back in the day..we could have CUBEY the PRIM. 

Sorry long

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6 hours ago, Sasy Scarborough said:

Back when orientation island was a thing each step along the path, do this wear this edit that, it was good , and funnily enough all those oldies are still here because we were taught at the start, you weren't landing at a store straight off joining.

As a fairly recent joiner, I can confirm that you do indeed start off at orientation island - not at any store. You're invited to walk along a path while following a tutorial on learning how to move your avatar; how to use the camera; and how to interact with objects; then at the end there's a bunch of pavilions with more tutorials on things like building and clothing - I forget what else as I didn't stay too long. Never been much of a manual reader.

I didn't really find Second Life that difficult to get my head around though. There was some confusion on what to do with my first outfit - kept clicking 'wear' or 'add' and walking around with a big poster of the thing extruding from my chest - but I figured it out eventually.

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7 minutes ago, Fontula said:

As a fairly recent joiner, I can confirm that you do indeed start off at orientation island - not at any store. You're invited to walk along a path while following a tutorial on learning how to move your avatar; how to use the camera; and how to interact with objects; then at the end there's a bunch of pavilions with more tutorials on things like building and clothing - I forget what else as I didn't stay too long. Never been much of a manual reader.

I didn't really find Second Life that difficult to get my head around though. There was some confusion on what to do with my first outfit - kept clicking 'wear' or 'add' and walking around with a big poster of the thing extruding from my chest - but I figured it out eventually.

That is good then, because my store is on a sim from the library outfits, and we can never work out how new people are choosing to go there...mind you the sim is Genesis, and the store that made the starter avatar is Adam n Eve so that probably makes a good place to start 😁 some people will get it straight away, experience in other places etc, some won't...I still want my driving school screen time learning thingamajig...mind you I have wanted it since 2009ish so maybe it needs an upgrade. I met a two year SL resident the other day, she didn't know there were fashion bloggers. When I joined it took me a few months to look at sl outside of sl too, I was fully immersed inside. Everyone takes their own route. 

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I not so long ago made a throw away alt just so I could see what the process is like now for new comers. The area is not accessible to anyone other than someone logging on for the very first time, which is good IMO. Like Sasy said people tend to be asshats to newcomers so keeping them safe should be a priority.

I know I probably got bored with the tutorials because I already knew all the info but even still, I think that there's little to motivate a new comer to complete the tutorials. So, I was thinking about WoW and how the tutorial areas work with not only learning basic moves but equipping your avatar for battle. Perhaps there could be rewards in the new area. Not cash rewards because we all know that would be gamed within the first week of going live, but why not make clothing and accessory rewards for completing tasks in the new area? I think that could add to the enjoyment and would certainly give a newbie more motivation to complete tasks. 

Edited by Blush Bravin
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44 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

I not so long ago made a throw away alt just so I could see what the process is like now for new comers. The area is not accessible to anyone other than someone logging on for the very first time, which is good IMO. Like Sasy said people tend to be asshats to newcomers so keeping them safe should be a priority. 

That explains the last ten minutes fruitless searching then. I was motivated after reading this thread to go and meet some fresh-faced newcomers and offer welcoming words of encouragement; but tried all sorts of words like 'welcome', 'orientation', 'newbie' without finding the place.

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11 hours ago, Sasy Scarborough said:

Its not an in world thing, im saying walking through some basic things to know what to do in world, there are plenty of games that make you do things before you continue a level, not mmo's but like drag this onto this now you are ready things. You are already here, you already know, many don't and language is often a huge issue...a basic this is how you walk, this is how you access inventory, this is where your money is etc is not a bad idea, it can be as basic or detailed as it needs to be, I have seen years old accounts not know where to find transaction history to check if they actually bought something etc say so in groups. The forums, groups and so on are full to overflowing with basic questions and often when asked someone makes a snide remark, laughs at them or they are ignored, there are holes, gigantic ones...and if joining up had a run through even if after rego but before entering , like many games, that would be very cool, not with people but with a program. Back when orientation island was a thing each step along the path, do this wear this edit that, it was good , and funnily enough all those oldies are still here because we were taught at the start, you weren't landing at a store straight off joining. I had a friend who stayed at help island for two weeks so that he really knew what he was doing, adorable but true, and he was able to manipulate prims like I have never seen anyone do.

When residents owned hubs, again more people stayed, more help was given. I used to go to help island once a year to try and help, and each time people there were vile, older residents being bullies etc, so it would take a year to forget and try again. The last time a group of three started abusing me for being an alt of someone they knew. I had to defend myself, it was ridiculous. If that had happened to me day one I would have not made day two. Anything engaging, anything that says ok you landed here and its an empty sim, nothing to do, but remember how in registering home page, whatever..,we showed you how to open search and look for groups or destinations...try that. Remember we mentioned sandboxes for unpacking or making stuff, try visiting those. 

My friend joined sl because she saw linden lifestyle posts via flickr, she knew fashion, shopping, modding and looking fabulous was in Second life, she joined. I joined after seeing a friend share on his cam transylvania sim and him salsa dancing, so i knew dancing, socialising, shopping, building, events etc...i bought my pc with second life specs on a piece of paper and pushed them at salesperson "i need this".

The post is about people not staying, mostly everyone that lasts a month in SL stays, how could you not it is fabulous. But we are also from a time of buying gowns to actually wear to places, dressing up to go to an event, when events were not shopping. Fashion shows were huge and fun and social for those not on the runway, sims like the gossipgirl one and the csi one engaged the people in a huge way, parties, competitions, etc. RP sims, clubs, music etc a lot of it is great. Joining SL now is harder, and people on the internet usually expect to be entertained, and not to work so hard to find something to do and people to meet, there are so many things and places yes, but even those that know that find it hard to find them. I still think something on the website as a walk through is a good idea, even paperclip guy was useful back in the day..we could have CUBEY the PRIM. 

Sorry long

In what way(s) is it harder to register for SL now than it was a year ago? Two years? Five years? Ten years?

People who expect to be entertained for free and without making much/any effort to find something to do are simply lazy. Give me 5 good reasons why I should enable laziness.

What you are asking for already exists. 

Once you get to the bottom of that page you are directed to go here: https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/

Oh look. There's even one that tells you how to open boxes: 


Edited by Selene Gregoire
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