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Is it time to rethink 'Pride Month' in Second Life?


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2 hours ago, Fionalein said:

liberal is left ;) always has been, don't call neoliberals liberal, it is an insult to all liberals who came before...

Liberal used to mean an individual who believed in individual personal  freedom. Liberal now means a belief in group identity and group rights, so yes to be a "liberal" today is to be a socialist.  


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1 minute ago, Phorumities said:

Liberal used to mean an individual who believed in individual personal  freedom. Liberal now means a belief in group identity and group rights, so yes to be a "liberal" today is to be a socialist.  


Proky, is that you?

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50 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

nobody forces you to support or celebrate Pride.. but being against it is something totally different, and with that last, i think it at the least smells kinda like homophobia.

I'm gay myself, totally out rl and sl,
am i a big supporter of Pride?.. no, it has to many forms that don't support the original case anymore.
do i think it's needed?...yes totally

I don't recall ever saying  I was against Gay Pride.

Not actively supporting something is NOT the same as opposing it.

Except of course, to a socialist.



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2 hours ago, Fionalein said:

Oh yeah? So far your new epitome of morality only succeeded in making the most Murican bike company of all leave the country :D he was right - it is great again - as a joke...

PS: America is not you. The Canadians and the whole bunch of middle and south American states have a say in what is American too, get some education, will you?

No one has a say in what the United States of America is, except the  citizens of United States of America. This country doesn't owe any other country anything.

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2 hours ago, Phorumities said:

This country doesn't owe any other country anything.

You mean apart from a vast amount of money, and the origin of most if the technology it's used over the last 200 odd years?

Try and name an actual original American Invention... Try hard, there are fewer of them than you think...


Edited by Klytyna
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Now that escalated quickly :D

1 hour ago, Klytyna said:

Try and name an actual original American Invention... Try hard, there are fewer of them than you think...

Patent trolling - I'm sure it originated over there

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8 hours ago, Fionalein said:

liberal is left ;) always has been, don't call neoliberals liberal, it is an insult to all liberals who came before...

That kind of gets to the HUGE difference between “Classic Liberalism” and the modern Liberal-Progressive.

Time moves on, things change and they don’t always improve.

Personally, I’m for fiscal Responsibility (I don’t like debt, personal or governmental or robbing generations as-yet unborn) and a social “Do as you feel led as long as you don’t hurt people”.

I’m glad that LGBTQ pride is something that can be celebrated publicly. (As it relates to me and my lifestyle), but I can also do that without any need to hate-on people who feel differently.

Edited by AmandaKeen
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10 hours ago, Phorumities said:

Liberal now means a belief in group identity and group rights, so yes to be a "liberal" today is to be a socialist.  


all them KKK ppl are a bunch of socialists. Communists as well most likely

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Somebody said... name an actual original American Invention... Try hard, there are fewer of them than you think...

The Internet?

I think that's right. It started in the U.S. as Arpanet, or something like that, didn't it? Which, I think, was an inter-college network, and grew from there.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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1 hour ago, Phil Deakins said:

think that's right. It started in the U.S. as Arpanet, or something like that, didn't it? Which, I think, was an inter-college network, and grew from there.

Yes.  Originally a military network for advanced projects research.

Advanced Research Projects (?) NETwork.  I can't seem to remember what the second A stands for :(

But yes, it allowed government funded projects to use colleges across the country to share resources and research.  TCP/IP was defined for this network which became the start of the information age.

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This was independent of the work of Paul Baran in the United States who had a similar idea in the early 1960s.[6] The ARPANET project, a precursor to the Internet, credited Davies for his influence.[7][8]

Influenced, but not involved.  In fact Paul had already published a report on the technology in 1960, 5 years before Donald's.

Paul Baran is credit with packet switching's creation as it is used today.  And as everyone knows, Paul was (a Polish born) American. :D



For the record, I think nationalism is funny in an Archie Bunker kind of way.  So I'm playing.  I'm only here for the giggles.


Edited by Rhonda Huntress
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3 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

The aeroplane?

The Wright Bros. didn't "invent" the aeroplane, they read about them, and decided to build a giant box kite with a petrol engine, they finally got it to fly a hundred yards or so, barely off the ground, thus claiming the prize for first powered flight, but a few weeks later a Frenchman made a real flight in a petrol driven MONOPLANE, design that made the American job look like a kiddies science fair failure...

And before you ask...

Internal Combustion engines, which made powered flight possible, were European too, people like Otto Benz...

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1 hour ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

Baseball!  Yes.  Thank you Abner Doubleday, we don't have to play cricket.

I hate cricket as much as any rational person who doesn't require mind numbing team games to beat insomnia, but...

Turning into tax  dodging terrorist revolutionaries who hate tea, and are obsessed with invading Canada whenever they think Britain isn't watching, seems a bit extreme as a way to avoid having to play or watch cricket...

Just saying...


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