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Should nudity, sex and adult sims only be for premium members?


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10 hours ago, Klytyna said:

It's not how long you've been in SL or if you LIVE on the mainland that determines what you see, it's how much attention you pay.

Indeed. And that brings up something you obviously have failed to notice yourself: the worlds - both the real one and SL aren't all in black and white. We got something called nuances and colours too.

Take Mainland SL for example. Several thousand sims spread across multiple continents. There are certainly parts of it that fits your description but not all of it. Different parts of Mainland can be very, very different.

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My experience has been fairly positive when I take the step of making my home on a extreme-high-altitude skybox. My Partner and I have a lovely Spanish Villa build that she landscaped for us and we rarely (if ever) get uninvited visitors. 

Now, we have about 1/3 of the mainland sim we live in, so we have room to landscape and make it "pretty". I'm also fond of my dungeon build that's about 500m lower in altitude than the Villa, so maybe that's what scares the tourists away......

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As someone who has lived on the same Mainland parcel since 2008 (and who has subsequently bought up almost the entire region) what I have taken away from parts of this thread is that I am:

  • Arrogant and ignorant
  • Whiny
  • A Premi-Nazi
  • Educationally sub-normal
  • Self-entitled
  • Living in a hovel
  • Living in a hateful place

A little tale that I always remember whenever someone annoys me in SL:



One Sunday in church, the minister’s sermon was about forgiveness. He asked everyone in the church to stand up, then he asked those who had any enemies to sit down. Everyone sat down but one very old woman.

“You have no enemies at all?” asked the minister.

“Not a single one,” she answered, nodding her agreement.

“Please, come up here and tell everyone how you reached such a great age without having any enemies,” said the minister. A deacon accompanied the elderly woman to the pulpit and everyone in church applauded as she slowly made her way up the steps. The minister adjusted the microphone.

“You must have done a lot of forgiving,” said the minister. “Please, tell us your secret.”

The old lady smiled beatifically.

“I outlived the bitches,” she said.


People who have annoyed me and my partner in SL include:

  • The woman who rezzed a huge tree on the parcel boundary, so close that the branches filled our house (this was before we could return encroaching prims). After we asked her to move it, she rezzed a huge wall covered in pictures of her face (upside down, for some reason), laughed in our faces, and told us "you won't be there for long".

We ignored her. Nine years later, we can't even remember her name, we're still there, and we own almost all that region. We outlived the b!tch.

  • The woman who rezzed hundreds of animated objects, from breedable horses to full-bright waterfalls and rolling tumbleweeds that lagged the region to soup. We simply moved up to our sky-based homes (yes, in the plural) and waited for a few months after a couple of 'abusing sim resources' ARs.

She's long gone. We outlived the b!tch.

  • The woman who had a Meeroo farm, with hundreds of the 'adorable' little creatures running around, again lagging the region to soup. She'd bought all the surrounding parcels and banned us both by name after we asked her to consider moving her pets to a less-laggy area in the sky.

She lasted three months before she abandoned the parcels and we bought them. We outlived the b!tch.

You see, we're stubborn bastards. We don't run halfway across three regions to try and get away from people who annoy us. We dig our heels in and stay put. We have outlived ALL the bitches.

If that makes us educationally sub-normal, self-entitled, arrogant, ignorant, whiny premi-Nazis who live in a hovel in a hateful place, then that's what we are. And we're pretty damn happy about it.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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This morning as I was getting ready for work I realized I had misplaced my phone.  I remembered having it my  husband's truck while we were out last night so I went out there to look.  I found my phone right where I was looking for it.  It should be no surprise that I did not find my Kindel this morning.


11 hours ago, Dillon Levenque said:

Take your implication and......(remember to fold it three ways first).

You only find what you are looking for.  We all have our own perceptions and they are all biased by what we want to see. I look one way and I see a girl with a beautiful heart who finds the best in people.  I look the other and I see an angry man who finds dissatisfaction in everything.

But that's just my perception.

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35 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

This morning as I was getting ready for work I realized I had misplaced my phone.  I remembered having it my  husband's truck while we were out last night so I went out there to look.  I found my phone right where I was looking for it.  It should be no surprise that I did not find my Kindel this morning.


You only find what you are looking for.  We all have our own perceptions and they are all biased by what we want to see. I look one way and I see a girl with a beautiful heart who finds the best in people.  I look the other and I see an angry man who finds dissatisfaction in everything.

But that's just my perception.

My father used to say something pretty similar,Let's see if I can remember it right..

In so many words.

You'll find who you're looking for no matter where ya look,if you look hard enough.. He was talking about political groups at the time..mainly left and right..

When it all comes out in the wash ,we all bleed red and are as human as the next..they all have their good and bad ones..Just depends on what you are digging for that determines what you find.

He's always got something slick to say hehehehe


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2 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

You see, we're stubborn bastards. We don't run halfway across three regions to try and get away from people who annoy us. We dig our heels in and stay put. We have outlived ALL the bitches.

It means by your own admission, you've met exactly the kind of Madlanders I'm talking about, the ones some others seem to imply simply don't exist.

This started when some Madlander who psted elsewhere trying to sell over priced land, posted on this thread demanding 'premium for all' basically to force everyone to qualify to buy his land.

It started with the implication that anyone who isn't Premium isn't 'paying their share'.

It started with the implication that the 8000 Mainland sims with their very high percentage of empty parcels somehow, magically provide LL with more income than the 16000 private sims, with a much higher occupancy rate (because private sims that get abandoned get turned off, not left empty for years on end).

This sort of mentality isn't found only in SL I've encountered people in other 'MMOs' who having once payed $200 for a 'lifetime subscription' in a sale, claimed 6 years later that they had 'contributed' to the game, despite the fact that their subscriber stipend and perks amounted to over $450 they had received for $200 in, who then called people whgo pay for what they use when they use it 'leechers'.

Here's a couple of questions for the Pro-Madlands fans... 

If the Madlands are so damn great, why is so much of it empty, and why do so many live elsewhere by choice?

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4 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

If the Madlands are so damn great, why is so much of it empty, and why do so many live elsewhere by choice?

If the Mainland sim i reside in is anything to go by it's empty because the land has been abandoned to Gov Linden ownership some parcels for years (furthest back 2009 in the sim i reside) and it doesn't get put for sale or auction  

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6 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

This started when some Madlander who psted elsewhere trying to sell over priced land, posted on this thread demanding 'premium for all' basically to force everyone to qualify to buy his land.

I really would be careful about attributing motives.   It seems a bit far-fetched to me,since I'm a premium member and it's never occurred to me to buy this chap's land  because I wasn't aware he sold it.  Even if I was I'd buy it from him rather than LL or from anyone else only if I particularly wanted the spot he had on offer.

Having said that, I made it perfectly clear early on in the thread that I think his idea a dreadful one.   That isn't, I assure you, simply because I have a financial interest in the matter since I get a commission on a lot of Adult items I've scripted and I'm also involved in running an estate of Adult regions.  

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5 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

I really would be careful about attributing motives.   It seems a bit far-fetched to me,since I'm a premium member and it's never occurred to me to buy this chap's land  because I wasn't aware he sold it.  Even if I was I'd buy it from him rather than LL or from anyone else only if I particularly wanted the spot he had on offer.

Having said that, I made it perfectly clear early on in the thread that I think his idea a dreadful one.   That isn't, I assure you, simply because I have a financial interest in the matter since I get a commission on a lot of Adult items I've scripted and I'm also involved in running an estate of Adult regions.

I wouldn't care to guess at the OP's motives, other than a simple inability to think through the consequences of weapons grade stupidity.

I was refering to the would-be property dealer who chimed in halfway through, claiming compulsory Premium would some how magically reduce tier and membership charges once "everyone is paying their share".

And I'm well aware of the brand and location you are connected with.

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On 6/29/2017 at 2:57 PM, bebejee said:

Just a thought what do you think? BTW its that way in another virtual world, 

I'm fairly certain you are talking about IMVU which is geared towards a younger demographic than secondlife anyway. They added the "premium" membership so that adults that do indulge in IMVU can have a place of their own. 

Secondlife, as far as I'm aware, has never been geared towards children so there's not really a need for the "adult only premium" like IMVU has.

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1 hour ago, Klytyna said:


Here's a couple of questions for the Pro-Madlands fans... 

If the Madlands are so damn great, why is so much of it empty, and why do so many live elsewhere by choice?

Its empty because only premium members can own land there, plus like you say estates are way safer.  If there's trouble, your landlord will take care of it pronto.

I moved once because a person with a 512 ran some sort of noob visitor center and often maxxed out the sim with visitors to his place. I should have known there was a reason the price was so low for Zindra.

 On a private estate you don't have to worry about things like someone having a giant brick building covering 100% of the parcel, right up to your property line. I did that one time on mainland, and the person beside me whined and said she was gonna tell one of Lindens on me (all the whiners seem to be best friends with one of the Lindens). A friend of hers then pointed out that i wasn't breaking any rules. Next thing I knew a land flipper was offering to sell me the parcel for probably 5 times what he had just paid for it. I politely declined.

I lived most of my second life on private estates, but i vastly prefer mainland, if for no other reason than i get billed once a month to my credit card for my tier.


Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
changed property to property line
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4 hours ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

If the Mainland sim i reside in is anything to go by it's empty because the land has been abandoned to Gov Linden ownership some parcels for years (furthest back 2009 in the sim i reside) and it doesn't get put for sale or auction  

You can submit a support ticket and have any parcel you are interested in put up for auction. I've done it several times. If its not a desirable parcel, you can get it for the opening bid of $0.5 L per sq m. If it is desirable be prepared to bid as much as you are wiling to pay, because if you don't a flipper will buy it and offer to sell it to you at an inflated price. I always decline and simple look elsewhere for a parcel to buy.

I currently have a long narrow 4096 beside a full sim a friend of mine owns, i got it for the opening bid price. There is a 512 between me and a mainland road, and if the owner ever shows up I will make a generous offer to buy it from him.


bjs southland2small.png

Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
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Now that i think about it, if Linden Lab wants to reduce abandoned mainland, they should go thru all of the mainland, subdivide the abandoned land into lots of various tier sizes, and list it for sale at $1 L per parcel.

I'm sure many many premium account holders would be willing to buy mainland parcels with such an offer.

It might even induce more people to go premium to get a $1 L mainland parcel.  

And if land flippers buy it all up, who cares? LL will still collect tier from the flippers as they try to unload all the land they scooped up.


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6 minutes ago, mikka Luik said:

Plenty of mainland already available at 1L per or below but yes why not add more? I know someone who just did after juggling tier numbers and now has a lovely extra plot roadside.

Not $1 L per sq meter, $1 L per parcel, just like the private estate owners offer.

Under my plan you could buy a 4096 sq m for $1 L. If you get tired of it or just don't want to pay the tier anymore, you abandon it because you only spent $1 L to buy it.

Then LL list it for sale again at $1 L

That will destroy much of the the market for land speculators.


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4 hours ago, Klytyna said:

I was refering to the would-be property dealer who chimed in halfway through, claiming compulsory Premium would some how magically reduce tier and membership charges once "everyone is paying their share".

It would certainly be good, to my mind, if LL's income stream were less dependent on land, though I'm not at all sure that, at this point, changing things would be a realistic proposition.  Having more people take out premium membership would certainly be one way of fixing that.  Another option might be some sort of sales tax, though I'm not sure how well that would work for inworld sales, since LL need the US$ income to pay their overheads -- any charges in L$ don't really benefit them a great deal.  

So I see nothing wrong in principle with trying to make more people go premium, though how to do that is another question (and the proposal that started this thread would be a very bad of doing it) but that's because I think it -- if it can be done effectively, which I rather doubt, would benefit the SL economy rather than because of concerns about people "paying their fair share."

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6 hours ago, Klytyna said:

It means by your own admission, you've met exactly the kind of Madlanders I'm talking about, the ones some others seem to imply simply don't exist.

By my own admission? I don't see where I was actually denying anything that you appear to think I am now admitting.

And yes, I have met the kind of mainlander that you are talking about. In fact, I've met precisely three of them in a total of nine years. That's one every 1000 days, or a 0.1% occurrence, which is not exactly the hotbed of misery and awfulness that your posts are implying.

Since I don't expect my world - either SL or RL - to be 100% sweetness and light with everyone being perfectly pleasant to me (because people are people), I am quite capable of handling those rare occurrences with humour and irony instead of letting bitterness fester inside me to the point where I'm insulting every person who lives on mainland.

And therein lies what I actually took umbrage at: you calling me, my partner, and everyone else who lives on the mainland educationally sub-normal, self-entitled, arrogant, ignorant, whiny premi-Nazis who live in a hovel in a hateful place. I also took umbrage at you implying that I am (and my partner and everyone else who lives on mainland is) insane, by your constant sneering dismissal of us as madlanders.

Your lack of addressing in your response my clear dislike of those insults can only mean one thing: you meant them. Either that, or you were so caught up in proving your point that you simply forgot to apologise for calling me, my partner, and a very large number of other people educationally sub-normal, self-entitled, arrogant, ignorant, whiny premi-Nazis who live in a hovel in a hateful place.

Regardless, I won't hold my breath waiting for that apology, mainly because I'm busy getting a load of tar out of my damn hair. Have a care with how you wield that brush in future.

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5 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

By my own admission? I don't see where I was actually denying anything that you appear to think I am now admitting.

And yes, I have met the kind of mainlander that you are talking about. In fact, I've met precisely three of them in a total of nine years. That's one every 1000 days, or a 0.1% occurrence, which is not exactly the hotbed of misery and awfulness that your posts are implying.

Since I don't expect my world - either SL or RL - to be 100% sweetness and light with everyone being perfectly pleasant to me (because people are people), I am quite capable of handling those rare occurrences with humour and irony instead of letting bitterness fester inside me to the point where I'm insulting every person who lives on mainland.

And therein lies what I actually took umbrage at: you calling me, my partner, and everyone else who lives on the mainland educationally sub-normal, self-entitled, arrogant, ignorant, whiny premi-Nazis who live in a hovel in a hateful place. I also took umbrage at you implying that I am (and my partner and everyone else who lives on mainland is) insane, by your constant sneering dismissal of us as madlanders.

Your lack of addressing in your response my clear dislike of those insults can only mean one thing: you meant them. Either that, or you were so caught up in proving your point that you simply forgot to apologise for calling me, my partner, and a very large number of other people educationally sub-normal, self-entitled, arrogant, ignorant, whiny premi-Nazis who live in a hovel in a hateful place.

Regardless, I won't hold my breath waiting for that apology, mainly because I'm busy getting a load of tar out of my damn hair. Have a care with how you wield that brush in future.

You know, Mr. Dagger, I do not recall you at all from the other two versions of the SLForums in which I've participated: Jive and then Lithium. I assure you that you are gonna be 'appointment reading' for me from this point forward (actually you  have been since the first post of yours I saw).

That's good stuff. Also, toss me the bottle of thinner when you're done, if you would. :-)

Edited by Dillon Levenque
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Maybe we need another *NOT SERIOUS* question.......

"Should Residents only be allowed to initiate cybersex after passing a course of instruction and a competency test?

I mean, if they were good at THAT - they'd be otherwise occupied and maybe not getting into trouble :-)

I know - I'm playing to a bad stereotype about SL ..........


Edited by AmandaKeen
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On 10 July 2017 at 11:30 PM, Skell Dagger said:

Your lack of addressing in your response my clear dislike of those insults can only mean one thing: you meant them. Either that, or you were so caught up in proving your point that you simply forgot to apologise for calling me, my partner, and a very large number of other people educationally sub-normal, self-entitled, arrogant, ignorant, whiny premi-Nazis who live in a hovel in a hateful place.

Did you say you'd met the kind of people I was talking about, apparently you did, you've said that twice now, saying you HAVE met them is admission, no claims however were made of you ever denying anything.

I stated that mr. "everyone should be forced to go premium to help my land business" was an entitled madlander premi-nazi, I said absolutely nothing about you, if you feel insulted at an uncomplimentary reference to a group of which you are NOT a member, and take that as a personal insult, that is entirely YOUR problem, just as a law abiding citizen taking offence at 'damn criminals' being called 'damn criminals' would be there problem.

In short, if you do not self identify as one of them, why worry what others call them, and assume it refers to you?

Before you reply... Check out the threads over the last oh 7 months,  for those classic comments from these people. Here's a particularly fine example

Suggestions from the self proclaimed 'princess of the continent of ********'' that LL should immediately start a massive public works program on that continent to reclaim and beautify the massive amount of ugly tortured abandoned land, so as to improve property resale values for the remaining colonists, and the warm and earnest support of a number of well known forum names, for the idea, along with the suggestion that the US$ bill for all this should be met by... Charging non premium island  dwellers a transaction tax on their frivolous digital barbie wastrel spending on skin, clothes, hair, etc. instead of 'wisely' investing it buying parcels on the continent of ********.

I'm sure as a sharp dressed man about SL, you are almost as likely as I am to be offended by the idea that any money spent on anything other than owning worthless mainland swamp, is 'wasted' and that shoppers deserve to be punished for that by paying a special tax to benefit badly dressed amateur land speculators.. 

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On 7/10/2017 at 8:41 AM, Skell Dagger said:

People who have annoyed me and my partner in SL include:

  • The woman who rezzed a huge tree on the parcel boundary, so close that the branches filled our house (this was before we could return encroaching prims). After we asked her to move it, she rezzed a huge wall covered in pictures of her face (upside down, for some reason), laughed in our faces, and told us "you won't be there for long".

We ignored her. Nine years later, we can't even remember her name, we're still there, and we own almost all that region. We outlived the b!tch.

  • The woman who rezzed hundreds of animated objects, from breedable horses to full-bright waterfalls and rolling tumbleweeds that lagged the region to soup. We simply moved up to our sky-based homes (yes, in the plural) and waited for a few months after a couple of 'abusing sim resources' ARs.

She's long gone. We outlived the b!tch.

  • The woman who had a Meeroo farm, with hundreds of the 'adorable' little creatures running around, again lagging the region to soup. She'd bought all the surrounding parcels and banned us both by name after we asked her to consider moving her pets to a less-laggy area in the sky.

She lasted three months before she abandoned the parcels and we bought them. We outlived the b!tch.

You see, we're stubborn bastards. We don't run halfway across three regions to try and get away from people who annoy us. We dig our heels in and stay put. We have outlived ALL the bitches.

If that makes us educationally sub-normal, self-entitled, arrogant, ignorant, whiny premi-Nazis who live in a hovel in a hateful place, then that's what we are. And we're pretty damn happy about it.

Edited Monday at 08:45 AM by Skell Dagger

Skell, you are amazing. You've demonstrated why I love you once again! I don't understand why anyone with such a negative attitude about SL stays in SL, other than to have a reason to bltch and whine. 

Edited by Aislin Ceawlin
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