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Just Ignore and let this one die

Maureen Boccaccio
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On 12/4/2018 at 5:47 PM, Clover Jinx said:

Hubby sends me this pic of 2 sheep dogs from a local animal group:


Me: You think Bear sheds a lot? You think Horse is always dirty? Now look at that picture again


OMG they are adorable.

Ghosty and I will be the (eventual) proud cat parents of a Maine Coon kitten. 2 years from now LOL. We are on the waiting list from a breeder that I've been following for a while now. I practically fainted when I got the email yesterday that we were picked since they only have about 2 litters a year. Hence the long wait which works for us since our older one is now 17-1/2 and not in good health. It wouldn't be fair to him to have an itty bitty running him ragged. It's pretty doubtful he'd be here in 2 years (being realistic) so it's a time frame that works for us.  Our other one is about 10 but she's more cat friendly than the other one so we're not too worried about her accepting a newb.

PS please nobody @ me about getting a purebred vs rescued. We both already have 2 rescue kitties and will continue to as the years go by. Our plan is to get a companion kitten for the MC when the time comes from a local rescue/shelter ❤️

Edited by Elora Lunasea
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Oh wow, just seen this thread here. I have seen them before on other places and always thought they were fun ways to see into the minds of the people that posted in them by what they posted. You can actually learn a lot about someone by the manner and the content they post in these seemingly random and innocuous threads. As much as some try to roleplay being someone else here at times the true nature of a person will slip out at times. Just because of the nature of the conversation and how it works.

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1 year ago i posted thread about my ex, who lied in really weird way and manipulated just perfect .And 4 days ago i met him at place,where we first met, se said OMG hi, and we had nice conversation, and then i logged off to sleep. He asked for friendship again and i was like ok,  was curious whats next,lol. So he wrote me things i already knew-that he had 2 avis and a wife on alt.And cancer is also was a lie( how adult dude can joke about it?).and my fav part is:i was hide things from you, i loved both of you, and lied about cancer because i felt bad about the lies and wanted to escape just for not hurt you.But i will fix all that and slowy gain your trust again.i m so awful person

and then he hides his online-offline status from me.haha.so no reason to ask him question... but i wonder:what kind of doggo are you, mr doc***?)



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Mad props to all of you who help people either here or in-world. I really don't know how you let the negativity roll off and not make you jaded. The majority of times that I have tried to help or answer a question it has not been a positive experience to put it mildly.

This morning while getting ready for work someone asks about one item having a hud and a different color of the same item not having a hud. There have been a few notices and group chats about this, mostly due to the hud being no copy and not unpacking with a script. This person waited 2 minutes then asked "Is anyone there?"

Replier 1 - You need to send a notecard to the CSR

Replier 1 - read the notices

Person with issue - ok

Person with issue - ok

Me - did you rez it on the ground and open it, the hud might be no copy

Person with issue - I've been SL for 11 years don't you think I know all the tricks by now

Person with issue - thanks all

Me - lol



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14 minutes ago, Dillon Levenque said:
3 hours ago, Clover Jinx said:

Person with issue - I've been SL for 11 years don't you think I know all the tricks by now

There is so much wrong with that sentence that I don't even know where to start.

Yeah, I've been in SL for 11 years also and I have no doubt that I definitely do NOT know all the tricks by now.


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5 hours ago, Clover Jinx said:

Mad props to all of you who help people either here or in-world. I really don't know how you let the negativity roll off and not make you jaded.

Frequent and voluble IM bitching sessions with the other CSRs/moderators ;)

It's frustrating more than anything else, especially when you ask someone to do a specific thing, they tell you "I've already done that", and then - after about 15 to 30 minutes of troubleshooting other possibilities - they let slip that they have NO DAMN IDEA how to do the very first thing that you asked them to do: the one they told you they "already did".


Edited by Skell Dagger
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Attention forum threadies/friends/acquaintances - I have an important announcement / request:

I think more people need to populate their Wishlist in the MP.   Now that LL has given us this fabulous tool, it makes Christmas shopping for people so much easier.......... at least for those of you that put items there.

/end Annoucement


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15 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Attention forum threadies/friends/acquaintances - I have an important announcement / request:

I think more people need to populate their Wishlist in the MP.   Now that LL has given us this fabulous tool, it makes Christmas shopping for people so much easier.......... at least for those of you that put items there.

/end Annoucement


I do but you would have to be faster than Rhonda to actually see the items in there. =~.^=

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12 minutes ago, spellbound Auster said:

@LittleMe Jewell What do you have in your post?
for a Russian person it is difficult to understand your text.

Внимание, темы форума / друзья / знакомые - у меня есть важное объявление / просьба:

Я думаю, что больше людей должны заполнить свой список пожеланий в МП. Теперь, когда LL дал нам этот невероятный инструмент, он делает рождественские покупки для людей намного проще .......... по крайней мере для тех из вас, кто кладет туда вещи.

/ конец объявления


переведено с помощью Google


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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Внимание, темы форума / друзья / знакомые - у меня есть важное объявление / просьба:

Я думаю, что больше людей должны заполнить свой список пожеланий в МП. Теперь, когда LL дал нам этот невероятный инструмент, он делает рождественские покупки для людей намного проще .......... по крайней мере для тех из вас, кто кладет туда вещи.

/ конец объявления


переведено с помощью Google


I understand the whole text even in English, what was meant by the wish list?

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4 minutes ago, spellbound Auster said:

I understand the whole text even in English, what was meant by the wish list?

Ohhhhh - The Marketplace has added a feature called a Wishlist.  When you are looking at an item, on the lower right you can add to Favorites -- which is private to you -- or add to Wishlist - which is public for all to see.  Others can use that to gift items to you.



And then you can see other people's wishlist by going to https://marketplace.secondlife.com/wishlists/name
  where 'name' is either first.last or just first name if the last name is Resident.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Ohhhhh - The Marketplace добавил функцию под названием Wishlist. Когда вы смотрите на предмет, в правом нижнем углу вы можете добавить его в избранное, которое является для вас личным, или добавить в список желаний, который открыт для всех. Другие могут использовать это, чтобы подарить вам вещи.

ah I did not look at this, function!
for example, you and I are friends, in my chosen house I can’t afford it and you give me a house for example the price of 450L I dreamed of if I understand you correctly.

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1 minute ago, spellbound Auster said:

ah I did not look at this, function!
for example, you and I are friends, in my chosen house I can’t afford it and you give me a house for example the price of 450L I dreamed of if I understand you correctly.

Yep. Though one point since I'm not sure how you are using the term "friend" -- we don't have to actually be on each other's Friends list.  I just have to want to give you a gift.

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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Ага. Хотя один момент, поскольку я не уверен, как вы используете термин «друг» - нам не обязательно быть в списке друзей друг друга. Я просто хочу сделать тебе подарок.

In this case, any user of the market, or the creator can make a gift to anyone!
even if not friends.

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Yes they can and do.

Surfing other wishlists is also a lazy way to go shopping for self........

Especially if that person is a fashionista. I've dropped on a few ideas that way.....

Know all the tricks? Me? What tricks?? There are tricks here????



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1 час назад LittleMe Jewell сказал:

Ohhhhh - The Marketplace добавил функцию под названием Wishlist. Вы можете добавить его в избранное, или добавить в список желаний. Это может подарить вам вещи.



Вы можете увидеть список желаний других людей, перейдя по  адресу https://marketplace.secondlife.com/wishlists/name,
  где «name» - это first.last или просто имя, если фамилия Резидент.

* подумал *, в этом случае вы показали эту ссылку https://marketplace.selifelife.com/wishlists/name
если, например! Если вы хотите узнать, что я добавил в свой список, напишите https://marketplace.selifelife.com/wishlists/spellbound.Auster , если я вас правильно понял.

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9 minutes ago, spellbound Auster said:

* подумал *, в этом случае, вы показали эту ссылку https://marketplace.selifelife.com/wishlists/name
если, например! если вы хотите узнать, что я добавил в свой список, напишите https://marketplace.selifelife.com/wishlists/spellbound.auster, если я вас правильно понял.

For your own, just use https://markeplace.secondlife.com/wishlist  (no 's' at the end of the word 'wishlist') .  You add the 's' and then the / and the person's name for other people's.  You can use the longer version (with your name), but it is not needed to get to your own.

and your link above says marketplace.selifelife.com but should be marketplace.secondlife.com


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