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Hi all,

I have a friend who dislikes the outfits feature and never uses it.  She says it propagates too many links in inventory, cluttering things there.  Me, I like the convenience of changing looks instantly.  Do you all see any downsides to outfits?  Do they promote laggy inventory, say?

(Incidentally, I found a post here indicating that you can move outfits out of the "Outfits" folder to other folders, where you can store them -- though they'll be invisible on the Outfits tab when editing your outfit.  I'm looking forward to trying that.)

Anyway, outfits: yea or nay?


No I don't use it except on very rare occasions, with the exception of an 'emergency' outfit I can dump on myself quickly if I arrive naked somewhere due to a system glitch etc.

I mix and match to make outfits a lot and I rarely want to mix and match the same way.  I have a well organized clothing and accessory inventory and can find what I need fast.


I like and use the outfits feature. I try to change every day I log in. Sometimes I don't want to spend much time going through my inventory mixing and matching. Sometimes I do. So I like that the feature is there when I need it. 


Yes, I almost exclusively use outfits opposed to using my inventory. Perhaps it is simply the woes of menswear and things often not fitting correctly together (shirts/pants mesh mashing, trouble with pant legs/boots, etc), but I find after I have went shopping and put something together that fits and looks nice, I tend to save it right away in my outfits. I have not run into any linking or inventory problems myself, but I assume my wardrobe is significantly smaller than most fashion-concious female avis on the grid. 


At one time I used it extensively.  Over time, base looks change and keeping all those outfits current took more time than cared to spend.  Now I have a few outfits for when I am in a hurry -- and one "Base" outfit I can open and quickly find what body part I'm missing :smileysurprised:--  but otherwise I dress from my folders.



Nope, I don't use it at all Before it was implemented in sl, I did have one particular outfit that I created a folder for, but it was a rather(at the time) complicated outfit I needed for a wedding, lol.

Then again, I don't change clothes more than maybe once a year, if that, in sl. Ive had the same outfit on for over 2 years now. So I have no use for it.

As for it creating a laggy inventory, meh, I'm not one to believe that such things happen as simply as people think. I have a rather large(by some standards) sized inventory and it's never actually created a problem. The only time it *ever8 loaded slowly(but didn't cause what I would call lag, it just loaded a bit slow) was when I had to use onboard graphics that were subpar. But that was 2008, so, no worries now :D 


I use the outfit feature as well, I create a folder and make copies of each item i wearing and then create the outfit. Seeing as i wear mesh bodies and things that may change from outfit to outfit, such a collar color. It can be kind of a hassle but i like saving my outfits. I also use wardrobe which helps with putting outfits together.


I use the Outfits as a way to speed up the time it takes to get dressesd. If I were to put together an amazing ensemble from variious items in different folders, I save the outfit so I can return to it in one click. I find that instead of dressing from the folders, I put on an outfit and then modify parts of it from the folders.  Lots of clothing have huds and I include the huds in the Outfit so I can wear something, hud adjust it, and detach the hud. It's definitely convenient!


I use it like crazy. Since I change clothes everyday (though I'll sometimes wear the same thing a few times; kid), trying to deal with this in my inventory would be a nightmare. I also have to go through and see what fits, since not every item I have actually fits with every other item (like pants shoeing up through shirts).


As for inventory lag, most people in SL seem to have closer to 100 000 items, so I highly doubt a few dozen links is going to make that worse.


The only downside I've found is that there doesn't seem to be a way to have a master outfit or to link to another outfit. I've moved my body and hit out if my outfits, because if I change my shape or add a new accessory, there is no easy way to update each outfit. Instead, I just add and remove the outfits to what I am wearing, then tweak things like if I wanna wear a hat today.


all the time

my Clothing and Body Parts folders are pretty well organised as well

i have a base folder as well which contains the bare essentials.When putting a new outfit together then apply the base folder and then add to it

base essentials for me is:

shape. eyes. eyebrow base. skin. hair

tattoo/makeup layers (hair base, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lippy, teeth, body dehancer) i used to have another skin once which included a nose layer and facial imperfections layer. So 6 tattoo layers (upto 8) as the base. And two clothing layers so not to be nekkid by accident

alpha layer: Eyelash hider

attachments: mesh eyelashes. eye sparkles, hintlight. smiler. AO and dance hud. I used to have mesh hands and feet and I will most likely get again so they will be base as well

and then I get dressed. mix n match. Saving this as a outfit. Saving as new when I add/remove stuff

i also have some tweaked shapes to fit some clothes. They are minor body tweaks. I am a bit picky like that when comes to fittings. I just dont like clothes that overgap or overleak. So I dont mind squeezing myself in, or letting my body relax, into something I really like. I do that in the RL as well. bc well !!

i try to only have one of a thing in my inventory/closet. Altho with a lot of the texture change HUDs now I will make inventory copies of the clothing/accessories with the textures I want. So I dont have to keep using the texture HUD. Same with boots and shoes. Sometimes need to move them a bit from standard bare foot/leg up or down depending on how the mesh pants cuffs are shaped, so I make copies that are in the position needed





Thanks for all the helpful replies.  Does the outfit feature save settings on a mesh avi's HUD?  Suppose, for example, I click off thirty-seven lines on a mesh avi's alpha.  Will the outfit "remember" how the HUD is set?  I haven't bought a mesh avi, so I'm pretty curious about that.  


not as such

alphas (textures) are a property of the mesh body. Once applied the alpha/texture remains the property until replaced by another alpha/texture

to avoid having to constantly use the applier then make a copy of the original mesh body. Wear the copy, apply the alpha/texture you want. Then while wearing the copy Save As Outfit

Do the same (make new copies) for each arrangement of alphas/textures on the mesh body that you want for each outfit

we do the same with mesh clothes, shoes, etc that have appliers. And also prims and sculpts that can also sometimes come with appliers



I do use the outfit feature if i'm making a significant change to myself so i can find what i've previously worn if needed some things i have with out being able to remember the specific name i might not find again as they're not labled trousers dress jacket etc. wich i'd search inventory for so it helps that i may have outfitted them


I save my outfit every time I get changed, and try to remember to save adjustments to my shape for the next outfit with save as, so i can easily go back if I prefer the previous look.

With an inventory over 130,000 and no issues I have noticed to having such a large inventory a few additional shortcuts in my inventory makes no difference at all.

It is a useful feature and i am surprised that not everyone uses it.


Omg. Honestly, 80% of my everyday secondlife is saving outifits! For me Outfit tab is one of the most important feature of the viewer especially if you are into fashion or you just love to dress up, shift shape , or even just want to troll lols! Maybe because many years ago i used to do fashion shows in sl and one of the things you need know back then is to how you properly save your outfits for quick changing back stage especially when you are modeling several pieces of wardrobes.  

I even spend more time in my outfits tab than the chat box ..honestly. This is sl version of walk-in-closet irl so who doesn't want to have that?

One of the cool thing you can do with this feature is to make your everyday sl more imversive. like for example, on one bikini/swimwear set, I made 3 versions . one is the "show off" which i pair it with my shoes, beach bag, har doo, proper make up. Next is the 2nd version which is the "tanning" and i wore it with my tan lines tattooes (pre mesh body era), and the proper hair that looks more natural. And last but not the least is the "swimming mode" which i wore the same outfit but ofcourse except the shoes, no make up, wet look hair (which i got from Argrace) , my swimming hud, and the water droplets on skin applier from Izzy. Imagine I arrive at the beach island wearing everything then i just click a button when i i want to do sun bathing..without opening my inventroy and "take off" each of the items one by one... then when i want to dive in the water its just one click away haha.   

Yeah, each feature on the viewer has pros and cons. You just have to be creative and learn how to maximise and enjoy it


*i dont care about my invetory. When i can't bare the clutter i just delete. :)



Yes, I use the Outfits function extensively.   I have several descripted parts of my Niramyth Aesthetic body with different alpha settings that correspond to the few different types of clothings that need certain alphas.   It takes some time to set up but you only have to do it once - unless you want to change something.


Aesthetic Alpha
Aesthetic Upper Full
Aesthetic Upper Partial
Aesthetic Upper Tuxedo (full alpha except neckline)
Aesthetic Lower Full
Aesthetic Lower Shorts
Aesthetic Pants (full alpha)
Aesthetic Feet Partial (so feet & toes don't stick out of perfectly sized shoes)
Aesthetic Feet Full (for flip flops & barefoot, etc)
For outfits that require boots, I just don't wear the feet at all.

You get the idea...  With those few descripted alpha'd parts, I can quickly and easily

Changing outfits for me is very quick and painless.

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