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Whats the most you spent on in SL?


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As the title asks, and did you regret it? in my case I bought a panther avatar for an 1800L that I never use so just wasted, consideting I dont buy Linden nor work in SL thats alot to waste on a whim.

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L$1800 is nothing...That's less than eight dollars in US real-world money.

I remember once that I decided I really wanted to expand my parcel of land to include a parcel next to mine that had been set for sale. This was years ago, before the price of land in SL crashed, and when people still could get far more per M2 for land even leased in a private sim than what they are willing to pay today. I think they wanted something like L$34 per M2.

My parcel next to theirs was in a beautiful set of well-managed private sims that had lots of water sims along the edges for boating and swimming in, and I was right on the waterfront. What the neighbor wanted was pricy, but not too far out of line with what parcels of that size went for at the time, and it would allow me to almost double my parcel size, and gain an unimpeded view of the sunsets. I didn't have enough L$ to buy it, and so I actually bought somethink like $350 USD worth of L$ so I could get the parcel. Definitely the most I have ever dropped for any one thing I have ever bought in SL, since I have never, before or since, tried buying a whole sim or any single parcel of land that cost me so much up front.

I quite enjoyed having the additional land for the next year or so, and I was earning enough in-world at the time that I paid myself back that $350 within three months or so, which meant that my net out of pocket cost was essentailly notning. And when I later sold my land in those sims and moved to a more private location, I got at least something for my land, though by then land prices had already dropped a lot, and I didn't get anywhere near as much per M2.

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The most I have spent on a single object, a sailboat, is 3500 L$. It has given a lot of satisfaction and enjoyment. And still does. :smileyhappy:

On the other hand, I once bought a skin costing 1000 L$. I wore it only a couple of times. Money wasted. :matte-motes-frown:

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Ceera Murakami wrote:

... I didn't have enough L$ to buy it, and so I actually bought somethink like
$350 USD
worth of L$ so I could get the parcel. Definitely the most I have ever dropped for any one thing I have ever bought in SL, since I have never, before or since, tried buying a whole sim or any single parcel of land that cost me so much up front.



One could probably get an entire private region for that now, or at least a full Homestead. Well done on making the money back so quickly.

@OP: I've never spent more than L$14K on a single transaction, and that was for land. Not much land, nor anything very special: like Ceera's example it was back when prices were sky-high. These days it would buy me more than I'd care to pay tier on.

For 'actual' items, I've probably never spent more than about L$1500 at a time, probably on an entire avatar or a skin package. There's the odd thing I've bought then never used but it's never something that bothers me much. I rarely spend more than L$100 on a whim; usually I spend a little time researching my more expensive purchases.

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The most I've spent is L$35,010 a few months ago to buy my land at auction. I don't regret it.

The next highest I think is L$5000 on a fatpack of suits from a vendor that I usually really like. That one I regret because despite trying the demo for a while and thinking I liked it, as soon as I bought it and started wearing it 'for real' I noticed a couple of issues that put me off it. That's the only one I regret though I think, discounting a few purchases early on in my SL career made beofre I understood how things worked.

I certainly don't regert the L$4500 I spent on a yacht a month ago.


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Other than what I spend on my sims each month, my biggest purchase by far was one of my earliest, on skin -- over $4000. Yes, back then, before Eloh Eliot release her skin files full perm and opensource, that is what it cost to get the best. 

I don't know what I was thinking or why it was so important to me to have a fabulous avi. 

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Definitely land.

And Sion chickens. Ohgod those chickens. 

But money I got back on the land, with profit, so no regrets there.

And the Sion chickens were fun, so no regrets there either (although I wouldn't like to tot up how much I actually spent on those blummin' things).

Cheaper than **bleep**s and booze though I expect.

(That word bleeped out was a slang word for cigarettes - whupps, sorry!)

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The single most expensive purchase was for a private sim back in 2007.  Prices were high and the monthly tier was also choke-worthy.  I kept the sim for about 18 months and sold it for about 1/3 what I paid for it.  It was fun to have when I had it and no regrets.

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I can't remember the biggest sum I spent in SL but I can remember the biggest sum I spent by mistake in SL!

A long time ago, when land was very expensive I used to buy up small plots that were relatively cheap.  I'll admit I sometimes 'flipped' them, immediately putting them back on sale at a slightly higher price, but I also put my creations for sale on them so they served as mini stalls until someone bought the plot - and they got to keep the creations too, for no extra cost!

Anyway, I was once looking at a row of little 32 sq m rectangles that were for sale at L$350 each.  The seller of the plots was hovering nearby.  I clicked on a plot and bought it and the message came up 'You have paid xxxx L$3500'.  Sneaky landowner, who had now gone, had priced - or maybe re-priced, one plot at 10 times the price of the others.

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My largest SL expense is the 6,000$L per month that i spend on my rented island, but i dont regret that at all because it is in such a nice, quiet little corner of the Blake Sea. The most expensive single item i bought was 3,000$L for my 38 foot Scarab powerboat, which has been the most fun i've had in SL since i started :) There have been a few hairstyles and outfits that I have regretted buying, but only because because they ended up looking far worse than i expected them to be.

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My biggest expense is my land; I have 4096m mainland and an 8192m homestead at the moment, though the homestead might end up a temporary thing.

Most expensive single item, probably an Amaretto horse. I spent a lot on those, but it was fun times and I don't regret that.  I briefly got into the Amaretto K9 dogs and when they were very new, my breeding pair of pugs produced one of the first 4-trait pups and I sold it for 25k.

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3,760L for a rental on a roleplay. About 2 weeks later the owner said sorry the roleplay is going away. and no refunds for anybody

i went wahhh! and he went: to bad so sad

so I made a hunter orbiter bot. was in the days when could track/follow a avatar all over the grid when they teleported

he said wooooh! can I get off you and I said sure. costs 3,760L. He bought the script off me for that much. lol the big egg. About a month later LL nerf the tracking

jjejeje (:

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irihapeti wrote:

3,760L for a rental on a roleplay. About 2 weeks later the owner said sorry the roleplay is going away. and no refunds for anybody

i went wahhh! and he went: to bad so sad

so I made a hunter orbiter bot. was in the days when could track/follow a avatar all over the grid when they teleported

he said wooooh! can I get off you and I said sure. costs 3,760L. He bought the script off me for that much. lol the big egg. About a month later LL nerf the tracking

jjejeje (:


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5000L on a male mesh avatar.. I consider it a huge waste as the alpha hudis crap, mesh clothing wont fit and there was no way to find this out as the demo doesn't come with the hud.

Second highest was 2800L on an av that is extremely well done and has been updated several times since buying it.

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From day one until now I have probably thrown away well over 5 grand rl cash into this game over the course of time. I don't regret it because I enjoyed everything I used the money for. Would I do it again? Absolutely not. Outside of 20 bucks in the last 2 years I'd not drop another single dime into the game. Reason being when my RL wife had her avatar logged in without her knowledge by a person living with us at the time he got her account banned as well as gave me problems with mine that took several months to sort out and she tried to contact LL about it they would not assist or help her sort the situation out in anyway. End result is she lost her AV and anything she had put in to the game herself. So after that happened I refuse to give them anymore of my money. The 20 bucks thing was because of a friend. Alot of people like myself have stopped really putting any money into SL because of poor customer service by LL to be totally honest. I gave them alot of money I mean ALOT of money and to have poor service like that? Not in this lifetime. So until they step up game and restore her AV I all, but pretty much boycotted SL.

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Tamara Artis wrote:

L$15 000 on the castle that sits in my inventory
but I don't regret it because one day I will rezz it and make a really nice setup with it. 

Ooooh that triggered a nice memory. An ex-friend of mine bought a 15,000L$ castle that we used to temporarily rezz and play hide and seek in. Alt viewing was strictly not allowed. We rezzed zombies in the basement, and left each other gifts around in different rooms for each other. It was money well spent as is your castle. (You could hire it out for parties ;)  )

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  • 2 years later...

Too bad this is such an old thread,   I once paid $800,000L to buy a furry in a tail sale.   I never intended to do that, but there was another bidder that was so sure of himself he was just pissing me off and begging to be shown up!  So every time he bid, I doubled it!  (True story!)

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