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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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1 hour ago, Jordan Whitt said:

I have already discussed the "differences" I have with you in private, as well as in previous public threads that led to my being banned for a day and were deleted by moderators.  I am not going into them again here, except to say...not gonna happen!

Differences we all tolerate.  Behavior, not so much.

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3 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I had to look up glogg.  I don't cook in SL, but I can supply some ingredients.

   I saw a recipe the other day for a Victorian winter punch called Smoking Bishop, which is basically the same thing as glögg and Glühwein. I was tempted to give it a try, but we already have so much stuff on our kitchen to-do list .. So many nice things, so little time!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! I'm freshly out of the hospital. Turned out I wasn't having an allergy, but was leaking brainfluid through my nose. Yep. But good luck finding a doctor who takes you serious with that. "Oh you read it somewhere...?" Yes, yes my dear doctor, I am able to do some informed research. I'm not a goddamn idiot who clicks the first link and goes "oh it's cancer!" (The doctors actually thought it might be cancer. It's not.)
So yeah, I'll actually see if I can sue one of the doctors I went to, because she dismissed me hard, and didn't do even the most simplest of checks, which could have saved me 2 months. Now imagine it would have been cancer. Two months can make a lot of difference... 
Please, do yourself a favor and get second opinions whenever you have an inkling of doubt.


Also, I'm doing good. Got released a bit early today, still need to be carefull with the pressure so the wounds not open up again.
But I am glad I am back home with my kittycat, who's first action upon my arrival was to promptly ignore me and stuff her face with food. She cuddled with me after she was done eating tho, so all is good!

And again: it's not cancer!
Happy Holidays!

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15 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

leaking brainfluid through my nose

Well, this gives new meaning to "blow your brains out".

15 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

it's not cancer!

Yay! I'm so glad you got it all sorted out and it's hopefully all behind you now.

17 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

Happy Holidays!

You too!

I'll light a Kleenex on fire in celebration for you tonight.

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Second opinions can be huge. I spent a decade in back pain because this "doctor" said I was having pain because I have scoliosis. I knew it was bs and tried to get a second opinion. However, because this was in the military, they wouldn't authorize an outside opinion. People who had a brain knew that it wasn't right because first off, back then scoliosis made you ineligible for military service, and is also something that develops over time with noticeable affects. If my scoliosis was that severe, I would never have been allowed in high school sports. And secondly, the level of severity that would immobilize me for a simple jog within less than a quarter mile would have to have me physically deformed in some fashion. A decade later after being rejected from multiple doctors who didn't want to deal with a service connected injury, finally found a chiropractor that took an x-ray. The problem? Two vertebrae towards the bottom of my spine that were misaligned. The reason why I was dealing with immobilizing pain was because they would pinch a nerve that chain reacted if they were agitated. A month later, I couldn't believe I was running, something that I had sworn would never happen again in my life. Second opinions make a massive difference. 


Also had a doctor tell me that I had asthma, another disqualifier for military service, that was bad enough to have me collapse on the ground. Again, 18 years old, not even 6 months had passed since the last track and field event I competed in. 2 weeks after being diagnosed, I was brought in after collapsing once again. The lady was dumbfounded as to how the first guy completely missed the fact that I had pneumonia, but had decided that it was asthma instead. 

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On 12/24/2019 at 4:44 PM, Hippie Bowman said:

 'Twas the night before SL Christmas, when all through the house 
Not a prim creature was stirring, not even a talking mouse; 
The stockings were rezzed by the chimney with care, 
In hopes that St. Philip soon would be there; 
The prim babies were nestled and linked to their beds, 
While visions of cracker crumbs danced in their heads; 
And mamma in her flexies, and I in my chaps, 
Had just sat on poses for a long winter's nap, 
When out on the mega platform there arose such a clatter,
I stood from my pose to see what was the matter. 
Away to the window I TP'd like a flash, 
Derezzed the shutters and unlinked the sash. 
The SL moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow 
Gave the environmental setting of mid-day to objects below, 
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, 
But a scripted miniature sleigh, and eight scripted tiny reindeer, 
With a little old driver, so lively with skill, 
I knew in a moment it must be St. Phil.
More rapid than physical objects his coursers they came, 
And he IM'd, and shouted, and called them by name; 
"Now, Flasher! now, Lancer! now, Enhancer and Nixon! 
On, Vomit! on Stupid! on, Blender and Whitson! 
To the top of the prim! to the top of the wall! 
Now crash away! crash away! crash away all!" 
As dry leaves that before the Second Life wind fly, 
When they meet with an object, and mount to the sky, 
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of prim toys, and St. Philip too. 
And then, in my headphones, I heard on the roof 
The prancing and pawing of each little scripted hoof.
As I held down the left arrow, and was turning around, 
Down the hollowed box chimney St. Philip came with a bound. 
He was dressed all in fur, from his white flexie hair to his scripted boots, 
And his clothes had a texture, all tarnished with ashes and soot; 
A bundle of toys he had rezzed on his back, 
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack. 
His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a berry! 
His droll little mouth was drawn up with an AO, 
And the beard of his chin was as white as the textured snow; 
His scripted pipe he held tight in his teeth, 
And the smoke particles encircled his head like a wreath; 
He had a broad face and a little round prim belly, 
That shook, when I clicked it like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, 
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself; 
A wink of his eye and a jerk of his head, 
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread; 
He spoke not a word, as he was not a talking prim elf, 
And rezzed things in all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, 
And laying his finger aside of his head, 
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rezzed;
He TP'd to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, 
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle. 
But I heard him exclaim, ere he flew out of sight, 
Happy SL Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!
On behalf of Lagrange Point Spaceport and LadySue and I, I would like to wish all of you a 
very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, and a awesome New Year! The Bowman Family! 
Peace On Earth!


I had to go back to 2019 to find this poem.  It's one of my favorites!  Happy holidays @Hippie Bowman (miss seeing your positivity) and all forumites.

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2 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

Hello! I'm freshly out of the hospital. Turned out I wasn't having an allergy, but was leaking brainfluid through my nose. Yep. But good luck finding a doctor who takes you serious with that. "Oh you read it somewhere...?" Yes, yes my dear doctor, I am able to do some informed research. I'm not a goddamn idiot who clicks the first link and goes "oh it's cancer!" (The doctors actually thought it might be cancer. It's not.)
So yeah, I'll actually see if I can sue one of the doctors I went to, because she dismissed me hard, and didn't do even the most simplest of checks, which could have saved me 2 months. Now imagine it would have been cancer. Two months can make a lot of difference... 
Please, do yourself a favor and get second opinions whenever you have an inkling of doubt.


Also, I'm doing good. Got released a bit early today, still need to be carefull with the pressure so the wounds not open up again.
But I am glad I am back home with my kittycat, who's first action upon my arrival was to promptly ignore me and stuff her face with food. She cuddled with me after she was done eating tho, so all is good!

And again: it's not cancer!
Happy Holidays!

I didn't even know leaking brainfluid through one's nose was a thing! That sounds awful, but thank goodness it's not cancer and glad you're out and doing good! ❤️

Second opinions are definitely necessary imo for major things. My brother played football all throughout school and got a minor concussion once, and a year or so later he started getting migraines that were so debilitating he would have to go to the hospital almost weekly. They immediately blamed the concussion or concluded he had brain trauma or permanent damage and that was pretty scary -- but after MRIs and appointments with neurosurgeons and neurologists, a family friend hooked my brother up with a free visit to a chiropractor and for the first time in a while, was able to go a few months without a migraine at all. Apparently the vertebrae at his neck were a bit misaligned (from tackling, they presumed) and it was in just a way that was putting pressure on a nerve. @_@ So... that was an adventure. It was a relief to know the cause was much less serious than brain trauma, that's for sure. Poor kid wasn't even out of high school at the time.

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10 minutes ago, LilNosferatu said:

I didn't even know leaking brainfluid through one's nose was a thing! That sounds awful, but thank goodness it's not cancer and glad you're out and doing good! ❤️

It's a rare thing to happen, I think it was something like 5 in every 100.000 people have it happen for some reason or another.
And, while it's dangerous, I was rather lucky and didn't have the most severe symptoms. Not completely in the greens yet,  I got released early due to christmas, but it's not fully healed yet. The pressure that's usually present when your braincavity is filled with fluid *could* open up the wounds again. Then I'll have to go back and get another surgery, which I am not looking forward to, heh.
But here's hoping that I can prevent that!

Thanks everybody!

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5 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Ya know, all this brain talk has me seeing your signature image as a purple brain, on fire, walking through SL on legs made of spinal nerves.


I will never un-see that - it is now forever there in my mind.

Actually a pretty good description of the image though - it really does fit well.

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