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Thank you, but they're really not the same! Perhaps I took the pictures from too close, I took new ones and edited my main post. They're not even close!!! I can't believe you guys can't see the difference!

My windlight/graphic settings are the exact same! Every setting is! I opened two clients to see it myself, I didn't change a single setting. I tried changing every setting even in the advanced/developer menu, still same result! Nothing seems to work. :C

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No one will ever see you exactly like you see yourself.  There are too many variables between computers.  This is just a fact of Second Life. What other's see depends on

  • what their computer specs are and what graphics card they use, even the drivers
  • what light settings they use (particularly windlight)
  • what graphics level settings they run (low to ultra high)
  • what hardware, rendering and depth of field settings they use or not use

Frankly I don't see any difference between the photos other than a few very minor details that aren't even worth mentioning.  No one is going to stare at your avi that closely anyway to notice these minor details. You just have to accept that and not get all OCD over it and get on with having fun in your SL.

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I opened two clients on my own computer... same computer, same viewer, exact same settings. The problem is in the game itself. The same thing happens in every viewer. But yeah, I guess I'm wasting my time here trying to find a solution. I'll just stick to a blog or something. Now I understand why everyone has a blog and posts pictures there... it's a shame.
Thank you for the replies everyone.

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First ...your entitled to nothing. Demanding an explanation...not going to get you anywhere here.


That said. Try this. On your computer, using a viewer that looks bad. Change your avatar back to one of the classic LL default avatars. On a standard viewer you would do that from Me | Chose and Avatar. Make sure you selec a classic. Then remove the clothing and attachments from that avatar and verify things look "normal". After that start adding one piece of your normal Avi on at a time. Start with the shape, then the skin, then hair base and then system eyes. Check after you wear each piece to see which causes an issue. Keep doing that till you are back to your normal look or till you find the culprit. Once you find it, try another item of that btype other than what you normally wear and see if it causes the same thing. See if you can ID an issue that way.


I agree though people will never see you like you see yourself. So many people play with such low graphics that everything appears jagged and broken.

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PlayboyBunneh wrote:

Hello guys,


I'm experiencing a serious problem with my avatar's look and I just can't seem to figure out what is causing it. I don't see my avatar the same way others do!


What I see:


What others see (I tried to double-client, the result was the same):




1.  How exactly do you know what others are seeing?

     a.  As pointed out you have no control over other peoples computers and settings.

     b.  You may actually even look worse to many people.

     c.  You may even look better to a few.

     d.  I can't figure out exactly what it is you are complaining about.

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At first I thought it was just a difference in lighting, but now I see a distortion around the eyes. It does change the look of the avatar, and I'll admit, slightly for the worse. I don't know what's causing it.

That said, there is a difference in lighting which could be distracting other posters. It could be you are in edit shape mode, or 'render attached lights' is on in one viewer and off in the other. There are a thousand settings that can affect this kind of thing. Is there, perhaps, an avatar in the second photo wearing a facelight which is not present for the first? Could a nearby point light source have been switched on? 

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i've had similar problems to this before, people seeing me one way etc etc, I think all us ladies go through it at one point.   But like so many others have said on this post that it really is coming down to SL.   Nobody will ever see you as YOU see YOURSELF, but that is the same with RL at the same time right?   It shouldn't be about what other people see, they're always going to see something different, be it their graphics low, different windlights as silly as it sounds really make a HUGE difference, I personally stick with CalWL on MID graphics, as it seems to eliminate a lot of face lines which seems to be what's going on for you.  In the end, play and tune settings, you can alwyas reset them to default, try different options especialy in the graphic tab with the custom sliders, find what looks best for YOU and don't worry about everyone else because you're alwyas going to look different to them, even if one person sees you the same as you see yourself, i can bet that hundreds will still see much different, choppy, blurred, you name it.    

Your Avatar is beautiful, in either picture, but SL can be finicky, you hav4e to remember it is a program, it is just technology, and it is very dated, and it will not ever be perfect and flawless, and unfortunately as a resident in SL that's something you either have to accept, or perhaps leave the game.   But given the opportunities, the peolpe you can meet, the experiences you can have here, quitting over problems like this would be silly given the time you've invested.   Make it so that you're happy with yourself, and everything else will be natural.   If someone comments you poorly on your avatar, maybe they should be questioned as to their integrity as an actual friend, because realistically it shouldn't matter.

Don't give up. :)

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I'm not an expert but this happened to my avatar and I remembered that I had used a pose animation sometime before. Apparently there was a glitch with the animation not fully stopping. So, I stopped all animations through my viewer. Look for the tab for avatar health or Me and that option is in there. Maybe that is the issue for you also. good luck

also, are you using a new AO?

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I made a bet b4 clicking on this thread - this titles can only mean: no problem at all :D

1st - there is no difference between the 2 pictures - at least none that i'm patient enough to find out.

2nd - In my personal settings I rarely use that full-bright-5000W-virtual- beamer-array setting. So it will be alot darker and there will be shadows and by your standards you probably would find yourself butt ugly on my screen.

Well, you cant do anything about that and I dont care and I dont zoom into other faces all the time and the atmosphere of the whole scenario is more important than faces.

Hey, thats SL :D


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PlayboyBunneh wrote:

Hello guys,


I'm experiencing a serious problem with my avatar's look and I just can't seem to figure out what is causing it. I don't see my avatar the same way others do!


What I see:


What others see (I tried to double-client, the result was the same):






p.s. Tried opening two clients on my own computer like I mentioned above - the result was the same. Same client settings. Graphic, lighting settings, all the same. Why the hell is this happening? >.<

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I also tried using a different viewer (Currently using Firestorm), with no luck however. The result was the exact same.

EDIT2: Changed the pictures, I hope you can see the difference now clearly!

Save what you are wearing as an outfit. "appearance> edit appearance>save as> NAME OUTFIT"

Take off everything you are wearing, huds, clothing, mesh parts.

use the "stop animating my avatar" and revoke all permissions.

Wear one of the starter avs in the library folder of your inventory.

use the "replace with" feature with your created ouitfit folder.

It should fix your issue.

if you need a second pair of eyes that arent attached to your PC I will be online later this morning.

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I did that. Didn't fix it. The skin itself without ANYTHING equipped is not displaying properly to others. And it's not just one skin, but every skin I have.

@Ina Fairport
It's not different windlight settings, the color of the skin itself does not display properly to others. Both the shape and the color look different.

@Perrie Juran
I asked a friend to take screenshots, I opened two clients (logged on two diff accounts) and saw it myself. I even downloaded SL on my laptop to try it out. All had the same result. The look is distorted, that is what I am complaining about.

@Ohjiro Watanabe
Thank you, but I already know all these things. I've been around for almost a year.

@Kelli May
Not in edit shape mode. Just zoomed in using the camera controls. And no lights around me at all, I tried disabling the lights to make sure either way. 

@Meldina Ashbourne
Thank you.

@Pamela Galli
I still consider it a big issue, because SL for me is all about looks.

Took every AO off, took off every object basically. Reset my avatar to the default one, stopped animations and revoked permissions, refreshed textures, tried a ton of things - nothing worked. Thanks anyway.

@Nova Convair
I respect your opinion, but please allow me to disagree. I don't care that much about what you call the "atmosphere of the whole scenario," I care about looks only. If I wanted a nice atmosphere/gameplay, I would not be in SL by now. I find SL's atmosphere boring. A game with a huge world and a population that can't even fill up 1/10 of it. You can't even have your own house/land without paying. I repeat - I'm here only for the modelling part. And if I can't get that working right, I will simply leave.

@Drake1 Nightfire
Already did that, but thanks anyway. I downloaded SL on another computer too like I said, to make sure it's not a computer issue. 

Thank you for your replies everyone!

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PlayboyBunneh wrote:


I did that. Didn't fix it. The skin itself without ANYTHING equipped is not displaying properly to others. And it's not just one skin, but every skin I have.


@Ina Fairport

It's not different windlight settings, the color of the skin itself does not display properly to others. Both the shape and the color look different.


@Perrie Juran

I asked a friend to take screenshots, I opened two clients (logged on two diff accounts) and saw it myself. I even downloaded SL on my laptop to try it out. All had the same result. The look is distorted, that is what I am complaining about.


@Ohjiro Watanabe

Thank you, but I already know all these things. I've been around for almost a year.


@Kelli May

Not in edit shape mode. Just zoomed in using the camera controls. And no lights around me at all, I tried disabling the lights to make sure either way. 


@Meldina Ashbourne

Thank you.


@Pamela Galli

I still consider it a big issue, because SL for me is all about looks.



Took every AO off, took off every object basically. Reset my avatar to the default one, stopped animations and revoked permissions, refreshed textures, tried a ton of things - nothing worked. Thanks anyway.


@Nova Convair

I respect your opinion, but please allow me to disagree. I don't care that much about what you call the "
atmosphere of the whole scenario," I care about looks only. If I wanted a nice atmosphere/gameplay, I would not be in SL by now. I find SL's atmosphere boring. A game with a huge world and a population that can't even fill up 1/10 of it. You can't even have your own house/land without paying. I repeat - I'm here only for the modelling part. And if I can't get that working right, I will simply leave.


@Drake1 Nightfire

Already did that, but thanks anyway. I downloaded SL on another computer too like I said, to make sure it's not a computer issue. 


Thank you for your replies everyone!




Do you consistently wear a particular rigged mesh item? Some rigged mesh can distort avatar bone positions which may cause the difference between your view and the view of others. This distortion will remain after the item is removed.

Do you wear avatar physics layers? I've had problems with them "sticking" and distorting the skin mapping, particularly after changing shapes/skins.

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We know that one person saw you that way. Do many people see you that way? Because for one person, again, it could be anything in their settings. I know someone here has already offered to take a look inworld; I will as well, if you'd like. 

I think your avatar is beautiful, and though I do see the difference, it is very minor to me. I understand that it isn't to you, though. However, please be kind to those of us who are just trying to help! 

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SL plays its tricks on us sometimes. Once I was standing with my friend on a beach. I saw his other shoe not on his foot but floating in the air about one meter above the ground and two meters away from him. However he saw that both his shoes were on the feet. I relogged and then I saw his shoes on the feet.

We have experienced similar other things too, the other one sees things that the other one does not see. Like open mouth on avatar, other one says it's open, the other one says it's definitely not open.

A big Joker the SL is occasionally. :smileyfrustrated: :smileyvery-happy:

Sometimes just clearing the texture cache resolves wonky things. (Note: no need to clear the object cache, which will force inventory re-loading.)

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I can see the distortion around the eyes on your pics but not the other 2 and understand your frustration, I tend to just not look at flaws that bug me but that`s obviously not an option for you. Seeing as you`ve tried all the obvious fixes and many not so obvious ones, think I`d file a jira with as much detail as you can provide and a link to this thread. At least then a linden will see your issue, they probly won`t in this thread. Btw jiras for obviously fixable issues get filed all the time.

Hope you find a fix :smileyhappy:

Edit : Was in a bit of a rush, if you`re a bit nervy abou jira don`t be trivial ones get filed all the time(not that I think your issues trivial). This one made me laugh


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