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Everything posted by LoriLexa

  1. 4pm HOJO WARF @Club Zydeco~LIVE on VIOLIN & VOCALS along with custom arrangements to create a unique show that showcases rock, blues & alternative favorites along with his original tunes. Hojo also jams live on his violin with other performers around grid. Come check out his solo show tonight! now at 4pm~Saturday TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pengo%20Ceres/160/61/25
  2. 4pm ♬ VIOLIN ROCK FUSION SHOW♬ with HOJO WARF Hojo will be singing and performing live on violin while he entertains us with various rock favorites & his originals. Come for a listen to something unique and join us at this new club to celebrate Turkey Day! Hope to see you there :) Who: Hojo Warf Where: Etta's What: Violin Rock Fusion When: 4pm Wednesday (today!) TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oupolis/214/197/22 
  3. 6pm Hojo Warf @ Furr Unity Lounge Hojo Warf sings and performs live on violin along with custom arrangements to create a unique show that showcases various rock favorites & his original tunes~Come for a listen to something unique! All avatars are welcome! Come dance or relax and enjoy Hojo's creative sound!  TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fox%20Grove/44/32/2
  4. Hojo Warf @ Club Zydeco 4pm Saturday Join us for a pre-Halloween celebration and grab the gifts in the box on the stage! Hojo will be performing Spooky Rock tunes and some originals, singing & playing live on violin with custom arrangments to create a unique listening experience! Hope to see you there :matte-motes-big-grin: Special appearance: Scary Doll Dancer TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pengo%20Ceres/160/61/25 
  5. Thank you MizukiKioko!!!!! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  6. Thursday~ 10-13-2016 @ 5pm SLT@ Furr Unity Lounge Hojo Warf sings and performs live on violin along with custom arrangements to create a unique show that showcases various rock favorites & his original tunes~Come for a listen to something unique & grab the Halloween gifts! TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fox%20Grove/22/44/2 All avatars are welcome at this show :matte-motes-big-grin:  
  7. 7pm Hojo Warf @ Club Zydeco Violin Rock Fusion~Hojo Warf sings and performs live on violin along with custom tracks to create a unique show! ~Halloween Gifts in the box on the stage. Classic Rock, Pop, Alternative Rock & Southern Rock! Original & Cover songs! TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pengo%20Ceres/160/61/25 
  8. Thanks Gwen but I was looking for mesh hair, I appreciate your response :matte-motes-grin:
  9. LoriLexa


    Thank you Tazzie for your post, I appreciate it very much. It's not what I was looking for but I do appreciate your response. Thank you, hugs
  10. Any idea where I can find this style? Mesh only please. Thank you in advance :matte-motes-grin: 
  11. Hojo Warf 3pm SLT Sunday@Vincent's Violin Rock Fusion Show Join us for a unique sound and fun party! Grab the gifts in the box on the stage! RIDE: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Virtual%20Holland/216/230/22 
  12. ♬ VIOLIN ROCK FUSION SHOW & gifts♬ with HOJO WARF @Vincent's@3pm SLT~ Today~SUNDAY♬ Violin replaces lead guitar and Hojo creates a customized arrangement of the following tunes using his intense vocals, his talent on violin & his custom tracks for a sound that is very unique: The Devil went Down to the Bayou (Charlie Daniels Band with a fiddle & Heavy Metal accompaniment) Nerdy Woman (Pink Floyd re-arrangement) Come with me Now (Kongos) Bluegrass Rock version and many more surprise arrangements! Come for a listen to something different and grab the Summer Time Gifts! TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Virtual%20Holland/216/230/22 
  13. ♬ VIOLIN ROCK FUSION SHOW & gifts♬ with HOJO WARF @Club Zydeco @7pm SLT~ Today~Thursday♬ Violin replaces lead guitar and Hojo creates a customized arrangement of the following tunes using his intense vocals, his talent on violin & his custom tracks for a sound that is unique: The Devil went Down to the Bayou (Charlie Daniels Band with a fiddle & Heavy Metal accompaniment) Nerdy Woman (Pink Floyd re-arrangement) Come with me Now (Kongos) Bluegrass Rock version and many more!!! Come for a listen to something different and grab the Summer Time Gifts! TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wolves%20Moon/59/167/24 
  14. 4pm SLT~~*>@Brazen Head ~~*>Rock&Roll Fusion Show<~~* Hojo Warf combines multiple genres, his live violin skills along with his live intense vocals to create a unique show & sound ~♬~come for a listen & grab the gifts! ~♬~Tunes include: Charlie Daniels Band, Pink Floyd, Kongos, Muse & more~♬~ TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Benvolio/142/49/22 
  15. 3pm SLT~~*>Bluegrass Rock&Roll Fusion Show with Hojo Warf ~ combining his violin skills with his intense vocals to create a unique show & sound ~>come for a listen & grab the Mother's Day gifts!~♬~Tunes include: Charlie Daniels Band, Pink Floyd, Kongos, Muse & many more ~♬~@Vincent's TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Virtual%20Holland/216/230/22 
  16. ♬ ELECTRIC VIOLIN ROCK SHOW♬ with HOJO WARF @Palace Domina@7pm SLT~ Today~Friday♬ Singing with his intense voice & jammin on his electric violin, Hojo will be performing all genres of Rock 'n' Roll~ Come get the new Spring Time Gifts! Look for the egg on the stage. ALL Avatars Welcomed! TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Terra%20del%20Bonaire/200/35/26 
  17. Halloween Eve costume contest & Show with HOJO WARF @ GRINDERS October 30 ~ 4pm SLT ~ Friday Duration 1 hour A bunch of Gifts for everyone (Click the skull on the stage) Halloween Lucky Chair Top prize 500L ~ 2nd prize 200L (prize lindens may increase) Stop by for a bit and grab the gifts or stay to join the contest if you like, for a chance to win some lindens. Hojo Warf will be singing Spooky Rock Tunes and some Halloween Favorites. Come check out his intense voice while he throws in his skills on electric violin to accompany his creepy tracks. This is going to be a dark high energy show, so come and get yourself in the mood for Halloween on the Eve of this fun holiday. All are welcome, come and have some fun with us :matte-motes-big-grin: You must be at the club to collect the prize if you win, secret judges will be checking everyone out :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: Ride: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bubblegum/215/102/22
  18. SAVE the DATE! Halloween costume CONTEST & Hojo Warf Show @Grinders On the Eve of this spooky holiday come join us for a costume contest @ Grinders 4pm SLT ~Friday~ October 30 Celebrate Halloween with Hojo Warf Top Prize= 500L and 2nd prize =200L *Free Gifts for everyone (Click the SKULL located on the stage) Duration: 1 hour Hojo will be singing spooky rock tunes and some Halloween favorites. Come join us at this great venue! All avis welcome! Ride: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bubblegum/215/102/22 You must be at the club during the show for a chance to win the costume contest & collect your prize. Secret judges will be checking out the crowd throughout the show :D so stick around. 
  19. HOJO WARF will be performing tonight for the Relay for Life Charity Event. Please come and support this Furry singer and important charity event. JUNE 10~~~Wednesday TONIGHT! Everyone is welcome! Song requests are encouraged! Come and stop by to hear Hojo's intense vocals and party with us :D (((huggies))) When: 8pm SLT Where: The Dirty Bird http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wellston/65/204/21 See you there :D
  20. Thank you Coby, I changed it to "True" and it worked
  21. Theresa Tennyson wrote: The current "maintenance" viewer is set to default to not keeping your settings after login, but there's a debug setting now to allow you to switch it back to the old behavior. Details: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-8739 Thank you Theresa, I went into debug settings, then changed environmentPersistAcrossLogin to "True" That fixed it, I just hope it stays that way LOL Thanks again for this information
  22. Nalates Urriah wrote: Yes. Top menu: World->Environment Editor->Environment Settings... You can pick a sky or day cycles. It will stay until you change it. Hi Nalates, that is the problem, It is not staying when I change it. It used to stay but now it does not, it just goes back to region settings when I log on again. Any ideas to why it won't stay all of the sudden and how I can fix this? Thank you
  23. I customized my windlight setting about a year ago. (Saved it) Everytime I logged in, my windlight would be set to that cutomized setting. After recent updates, everytime I log in , my windlight is now automatically on region settings. The customized one is still there but my viewer is not staying on that setting as it did before. Is there a way I can make sure that every time I log in, my viewer will stay with the customized one like it did in the past? Thank you for your help
  24. Cerise Sorbet wrote: You're getting the mandatory update mesage because that candidate is already out of date, with more bugs fixed on this round. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers is a better spot for tracking pre-release viewers. At the moment, is the latest on the maintenance branch. Expect that to be updated within a few days too, unless it happens to graduate to the main viewer. Thank you Cerise, I was able to update my viewer to the version that you mentioned > and those previous bugs/glitches are now gone. I would also like to add that I had to check/choose something in my preferences that allows updates to release candidates. Thank you for your help
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