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sad lost and depressed in sl

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my question is 

Why am i so sad in second life? why cant i find my purpose in second life? why do i come here just to grief and piss people off but wont do that in rl? why can't i find something to get into so i can look forward to logging in to sl other than just pissing johnny off from last nite? im just so lost and sad 

maybe you guys have some ideas for me

im not smart so building and scripting isnt for me

im into family roleplay and city roleplay but im just an outcast and banned from damn near everywhere i just dont know what to do anymore

please help

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It sounds like you are your own worst enemy.  You will get banned from places if the highlight of your SL is pissing people off.  You sure can't find friends let alone love when you act that way.  Try to change your attitude. 

You say you are into family role play.  Check out the Lifestyle and Role Play sections of this forum.  There are people that post there all the time looking to be part of a family and women looking for men to roleplay having kids with.  IM a few to see if you might have a connection.  You could IM several interested in being in a family and get together and form your own.  Pool your resources together and get some land for your family and set up a nice place for your roleplay.  You don't have to be a builder to do this.  You might enjoy shopping for just the right prefab to call home and setting it up, punishing it and landscaping around it. Your family could get a large place and everyone live together, or smaller groups can set up smaller separate houses in the same area to form a family compound.

Treat your family members as you would your real family and you may find yourself with a group of people that can turn into genuine friends and family and even find love.  You could find yourself anxious to log in every day to see them and anticipate all the fun and adventures you will have together.

SL is what you make of it.  If you only put anger and sadness in, you won't get much out of it.  Put other's first, respect them and try to be cheerful and you might get the same in return.

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I hope you actually read this

I enjoy socializing and making my friends laugh, its  how I relax on SL when my man is offline.

Trolling vs Griefing

The art of trolling is a subtle thing, The way I do it makes EVERYONE laugh, and its an occasional thing, its mixed in with genuine affection and bonding and most of my close friends do it, Its a lot of fun for EVERYONE. I have no axe to grind and people know it.

Griefing is just silly, nobody enjoys it except the griefer and then sometimes not even them. I have a nasty way of dealing with griefers and 90% of the time it works, they leave the sim of their own accord.

Don't be a griefer, troll your friends for fun occasionally and you will soon become a popular person on whatever sim you choose.

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Intriguing... I'd thought that this (not so new) forum trolling fad of practically asking to be flogged for 'being sooooooo bad' was wearing itself out... oh well. Apparently not.


To the OP: you might want to wait a bit more before trying these things again... the last attempts were so recent. And for God's sake, next time try making it just a little bit less obvious, will ya :matte-motes-asleep:

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I am reluctant to answer, as I do not wish to be the next victim of this person's griefing...but, as I put it out there, I've jumped in with both feet so I might as well continue.

my question is 

Why am i so sad in second life? why cant i find my purpose in second life? why do i come here just to grief and piss people off but wont do that in rl?

Because if you grief and harass people in RL, you're very likely to get beaten up.

why can't i find something to get into so i can look forward to logging in to sl other than just pissing johnny off from last nite? im just so lost and sad 

You asked the question...you need to find the answer. What is it that causes you to piss off Johnny? Is it the group itself? Nothing to keep your attention? Is Johnny just an a***ole? Think about what is making you this way and change it.

maybe you guys have some ideas for me

im not smart so building and scripting isnt for me

im into family roleplay and city roleplay but im just an outcast and banned from damn near everywhere i just dont know what to do anymore

If you're griefing and harrassing, you're actually lucky that banning is all that's happened to you. You could just have easily been reported to LL and have your account suspended.

Again, I would suggest sitting down and taking a good, hard look at what is causing this behavior. Is it them or could it possibly be you? Maybe you enjoy the attention? I have no idea..I'm not a psychiatrist, nor do I play one on TV. Maybe you need professional help??? Or am I just a fool who fell into your attention grabbing trap??

I do wish you the best in figuring out your problem.



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punkedyo wrote:

my question is 

Why am i so sad in second life? why cant i find my purpose in second life? why do i come here just to grief and piss people off but wont do that in rl? why can't i find something to get into so i can look forward to logging in to sl other than just pissing johnny off from last nite? im just so lost and sad 

maybe you guys have some ideas for me

im not smart so building and scripting isnt for me

im into family roleplay and city roleplay but im just an outcast and banned from damn near everywhere i just dont know what to do anymore

please help

Tolya, is that you?

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SL is in many ways a reflection of who you are in RL, even for those people who create a unique avatar and/or primarily come to SL for fantasy pursuits.   If you are not happy within yourself, you will not be happy anywhere.  Perhaps spending some time looking within to understand the source/s of your unhappiness would be a starting point.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

omg i saw this movie last weekend..it's the cutest movie ever.. lol


Honey! Don't look down!!. look up!!look up!!

Waiter she's got snails on her plate!!

Honey keep looking up!!


now bring us those cheese appetizers you tried to talk me out of!!pronto!!


omg that was so funny!!

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My father and I watched this when it first came out on Video..if anyone is old enough to remember those. One of us will still yell "He Hates those cans!!" when the mood strikes us. (we're kind of weird that way)

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  • 10 years later...

Why am i so sad in second life? why cant i find my purpose in second life?


Very difficult question that psycholog would return to yourself. 

* you are sad because you stay alone - You don't accept yourself - you are victim or want to be victim - You want to attract attention but it does not work - You need someone who love you - You need to be appreciated at your real value - Purpose of SL does not exist this is the reason you can't find it

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33 minutes ago, Gabriel Isodo said:

Why am i so sad in second life? why cant i find my purpose in second life?


Very difficult question that psycholog would return to yourself. 

* you are sad because you stay alone - You don't accept yourself - you are victim or want to be victim - You want to attract attention but it does not work - You need someone who love you - You need to be appreciated at your real value - Purpose of SL does not exist this is the reason you can't find it

The OP posted over 10 years ago. He has probably long since left SL.

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22 minutes ago, Gabriel Isodo said:

I reply to this message because such topics can be interested still today.

If this is too old why does that still exist. There is a right to be forgetten


At the top and bottom of threads that haven't been responded to in a long time, there is a big blue header.. The OP never came back, the thread never went more than half a page..

If it wasn't too interesting  for OP back then, then it probably wouldn't be too interesting for them today..

It still exists because it's a forum and if it wasn't locked or removed at the time, it will stay.. Bringing it back up 10 years later and it will more than likely get locked or removed and when they archive the forums it won't get archived..

If you think the topic is important, they suggest making a new thread rather than bumping one that has died off on it's own.. That's why they have those headers there saying, "You are about to reply to a thread that has been inactive for bla bla days. Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping."


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You are about to reply to a thread that has been inactive for 119 days.

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