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Ways to improve SL

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Linden Lab's should be to do list which it seems like they wont ever improve SL where it needs it.

1. Account Security, it needs to be improved with things like multiple secret questions when registering, email, or phone verification when you login to SL so that malicious hackers cant just login from any IP address and wipe your inventory like they did mine with nothing LL could do to fix it.

2. LAG, people complain about it all the time, I know that Each simulator in SL has its own IP address, and Linden Lab gave us privacy when they added the only be able to see avatar agent on (X) Parcel when user has it selected people cant see you inside your parcel from outside you cant see them, however can't Linden Lab add something better the option in the viewer only to render all content within (X) Drawdistance meters to all neighboring sims so that basically a person can have the option not to load all neighboring regions and get lag because of so much to download.

( How this could improve the sandbox) basically if sandbox goguen is being griefed because scripts are on, and I am in a neighboring sandbox with no scripts and like to keep my drawdistance at 512.) and some griefer is spamming particles everywhere I have the option not to render everything on the other region just everything in that one region, as well as if I am entering a RP sim with like 15 or 20 sims connected to it, or mainland regions and want to render only (X) sim or IP I am connected to instead of all the sims around it too creating Asset lag on the viewer.

This would go a long ways.

3. Edit Terrain bug when you do not have rights to a neighboring regions and you try to raise or flatten your own terrain like for instance you are not an estate manager on their sim and it tells you that you cant edit terrain.

4. Improvements to Intellectaul Property rights giving any user the ability to report stolen content a person is wearing, or rez in world basically if someone creates intellectual property in SL for example and notifys LL that they are the only ones with rights to that content any user who reports content unauthroized basically can be removed by LL without the use of DMCA unless the actual creator made it.

For example LL can easily tell what content is stolen by looking at the creator of the object, and asset ID's on an object so basically if it says (Bob) Created the textures on a prim that says (Philip Linden) But (Bob) files a notification they did not give anyone else rights to that build or textures, anyone reporting multiple copies will be quene up for investigation and blacklisted the forged copies.

After all LL says they are not responsible for inventory or asset loss in their agreement right.

5. 3D terrain Instead of highlight terrain. (Similar to mine craft in a way.)

6. More God Rights over your own regions such as region rename, or region move instead of having to pay LL to do a rename for example this could be limited every 6 months or so and if more than within 6 months you would have to pay a fee for example to prevent abuse.

7. Way to stop griefers from creating multiple alternate accounts like 500+ accounts by actually require email verification, and RL Information. I know they all wont be stopped but because its so easy that is the problem.

8. Go back to age verification to get into Adult Regions. (No ID No Entry)

9. Realistic enviormental effects like Rain, Snow, Water, Lava, Lightning, I mean a system that works region wide, and can be controlled by Estate settings. Yes I know there are in game systems that do this  like with particles and objects that are phantom but I mean more realism.

Instead of LL wasting money working on path finding all the time these are changes that would benefit users now not later and also attract more players into Second Life especially if users knew their accounts were actually protected, and knew that they had ways to deal with the griefers, as well as create new 3D and realistic terrains with an in game editor instead of the highlight field.

These are things that would make users want to actually play SL again, I know that in SL using a 3D editor to edit terrain I could do better than I could with a highlight terrain lol.


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The most urguent improvement that SL requires is a complete overhaul of the new user experience. Without the ability to retain an ongoing volume of new users in their first few days of playing, then all other improvements are irrelevant. New user are vital if SL is to remain sustainable.

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GothGirl Demonia wrote:

5. 3D terrain Instead of highlight terrain. (Similar to mine craft in a way.)



Minecraft ? You obviously don't know what you're talking about. :robotindifferent:

Survivalcraft is way better. Has a better terraingenerator. Roaming animals everywhere, even werewolves at night. Electrics. Sensors. Day/Nighttime/Windlight effects. Weather effects.

And no lag. Oh how I wish SL was exactly like that.


But seriously .. you are mentioning a list of improvements here. This is more like dictating.



I doubt you are benevolent enough for it.

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I so very much agree with point 7. The fact that bullies can create a practically unlimited number of accounts combined with LL totally ignoring abuse reports, made made me capitulate for the bullies. At Freebie Galaxy we don't even bother banning them anymore. Cause it only resulted in making the bad people angry and coming back even more often.


SL is a playground where bullies, griefers and stalkers can go around without fearing anything.


Which is very sad.

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Good luck with any of those things. The very first thing that needs to happen is have LL start to get at least some idea of what Second Life is, I don't think they have a clue. I am in world and looking at the inventory window in LLV3, its no longer an inventory floater, there are buttons across the bottom of it, there is the completely useless Received items piece of, well you know, and it can't be reduced in size less than a quarter of the screen and the length is so long the chat window can't fit very will under it.

One thing for sure, when LLV2 came out, if it had not been for TPVs Second Life would have died and been dead and gone. Oh well whats the use, they don't get it, and do not appear to be interested in learning. When that new guy, what's his name, came along one of the things I put in with my welcome to him was that in order to improve SL every LL employee should be required to spend x number of hours a week in world. Put there time cards in world, put HR in world, every computerized part of there job should be in world. That way someone that can be heard would see just how sad it gets some times. I would be willing to bet that there is a large number of LL staff that have never seen what SL is.

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#1 alone is idiotic and unworkable, "multiple secret questions" solves nothing as idiots still give scammers their account details (name+password). If your account gets stolen, you're the one to blame for not keeping those details secure, don't try to blame LL for your own stupidity.
Phone verfication? So you want to require people from across the world to place international phonecalls to LL to "verify" their account? Even more unworkable than the idiots demanding that LL require residents to send them copies of their passports and birth certificates by snailmail (which btw is not just unworkable but illegal).

The rest are no better.

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If there's one thing I learned its pointless suggesting how to improve sl...lindens simply dont take any notice and dont tackle what needs to be tackled..

At one time lindens frequently bombarded all customers with questionairres.. I dont know why - they never took any notice...and I think the fact that they seem to have stopped now is conclusive proof that 'talking' to your customers was merely a cosmetic exercise.

The things sl really need to improve it are patently obvious to any long term user. Unfortunately Linden labs keep introducing tosh we dont need and it seems to screw up the system a little more each time some 'brainwave ' is introduced.

I dont bother now I stopped paying my membership and rent land instead. Lindens are getting some money out of myself and my sl partner but not nearly so much as they used to. I had 90 quid screwed out of me last year during the pathfinder introduction debacle by Lindens and wont forget that in a hurry - or the fact that Lindens can cut the service for any length of time or any reason and still expect you to pay the full amount - because the holy TOS  says so !

They do nothing to show appreciation of the long term core of enthusiasts who keep sl going. They throw feeble 'freebies' which are usless to any long term customer.  Unfortunately a few rave over these 'baubles' theyd probably be thrilled if lindens gave out free prim dog poop......





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Miserlie wrote:

I say better avatar mesh, its the least they can do.


Even the mesh deformer project is taking forever to implement due to the problems in the current avatar mesh.  Now it's like climbing a tree feet first, head pointing down.  Or like trying to build a Ferrari on T-Ford frame.

Better order would have been:

Stage 1:  Make better mesh for default avatars (female and male)

Stage 2:  Make mesh deformer

It would have been easier to make mesh deformer working well on good avatar mesh than on the bad present one.


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It's all fine and dandy, but - A big but- there are more pressing issues, like cleaning up and debugging
the server code. The last three weeks have been one big fat b0rkfest. The symptoms:

Regions dropping out of search,
Riders thrown off of automated vehicles.
Automated vehicles getting stuck at sim crossings,
sim crossings rubberbanding / failing consistently,
scripts running in no script parcels,
teleport fails on the departing sim,
sim stopping responding - relog necessary.
Exploding LandImpact-numbers on some old builds.
(Half of the Ross Infopoint is gone because of that)
Prims usage > 0 with no prims rezzed on that parcel.
(Area search/Highlight transparency shows nothing.)



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Porky Gorky wrote:

The most urguent improvement that SL requires is a complete overhaul of the new user experience. Without the ability to retain an ongoing volume of new users in their first few days of playing, then all other improvements are irrelevant. New user are vital if SL is to remain sustainable.

Yes, totally agree with that.  Most new residents log in once or twice and they don't come back. And why ?  because they don't know what to do here. They have no idea what SL is all about.


And just take a look at places like help island and the info hubs...The Korea sims still look the same as 6 years ago  !!

Nothing to do there than hangout with all the other noobs and dull grey buildings all over the place.

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Ina Fairport wrote:

Porky Gorky wrote:

The most urguent improvement that SL requires is a complete overhaul of the new user experience. Without the ability to retain an ongoing volume of new users in their first few days of playing, then all other improvements are irrelevant. New user are vital if SL is to remain sustainable.

Yes, totally agree with that.  Most new residents log in once or twice and they don't come back. And why ?  because they don't know what to do here. They have no idea what SL is all about.


And just take a look at places like help island and the info hubs...The Korea sims still look the same as 6 years ago  !!

Nothing to do there than hangout with all the other noobs and dull grey buildings all over the place.

Agreed totally, new people are the life's blood of SL and there are a lot of dedicated people who work hard, in their leisure time, to help new people. You know that vicarious joy of watching a new person finding their feet, the wonder that is SL when you first get hooked. Serjourn Daxter is one such person, she spends a lot of time and money helping and frequently gets not so much as a thank you for her efforts. Helping new people really is in LL's best interest and their efforts are inadequate IMO

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Jadeclaw Denfu wrote:

It's all fine and dandy, but - A big but- there are more pressing issues, like cleaning up and debugging

the server code. The last three weeks have been one big fat b0rkfest. The symptoms:


That's something I catch hell for saying each time I mention it. It's good to see that at least one person on these forums realizes that cleaner code means a better experience for all. I'd love to see the features that LL has optimized before they add anything new.


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  • 9 months later...

Can I add my suggestions too?


  1. This first idea can be scripted on the servers and automatic. When land is abandoned (maybe even have this as an option on the terrain edit tab for the owner to clean up their own land), remove all objects from it automatically then smooth the parcel land to the surrounding terrain levels. Put a few trees and shrubs on it (again this can be scripted and triggered when land is abandoned). Set the permissions on the land so that nobody can build on it until they buy it! The pros: No need for land management teams to admin the abandoned land (except perhaps to divide up or join). Adjoining land retains its value. Living near, next to, or in formerly abandoned land becomes more appealing. Having a wooded areas dotted around is pleasant to see, and if one is looking for land seeing a wooded area will immediately attract more attention of those interested.

  2. Consider upping the stipend by a small amount each year (50L$?), perhaps up to a sensible max of 500 L$, which was the stipend for early adopters. This might be a slight encouragement / reward for long term SL participation.

  3. Consider making the first tier level over 1024 rather than 512. This would probably invoke a negative response but consider the longer term effects. The SL economy grows because: Buildings can be purchased that are well built because they can fit into the parcel size, need for furniture etc (generating higher value L$ transactions). Less troublesome owners would I think be more inclined to voluntarily leave gaps between themselves and neighbours. There will be an incentive for fragmented land to be recombined into larger parcels which are more suitable for occupation.

  4. Increase the smallest parcel size to 256 x 256 sq m to make it impossible for "speculators" to plonk a 16 sq m square inside a desirable plot then put it up for sale at an exorbitant price.

  5. Make it impossible for sea based plots to have ban lines (I hate all ban lines to be honest). The idea of selling sea plots was really ill-advised as it's created floating ghettos instead of house boats. If boats or mer-folk was the intention it failed miserably. I think shore lines should have always have remained protected land so there is always a beach (plus rez areas for boating enthusiasts). There really should be navigable water around all land as well as maybe even between continents (a strip of sea rather than the whole thing, a "shipping lane"). Sea fairing adventure games/role play could be a possibility).

  6. Stomp hard on abusers of SL. The current trend of giving objects that ask for full account permissions are on the increase. SL is left by LL to just get on with it but there are still legal responsibilities that nobody but LL can shoulder, such as the existence of rape, torture, dismemberment and beastiality areas. It simply -isn't- acceptable to promote abuse (mental or otherwise) in any world. Excellent topic by the way. I hope LL read it.
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I'll add some of my observations...

Scythe Elfenbeim wrote:

Consider making the first tier level over 1024 rather than 512. This would probably invoke a negative response but consider the longer term effects. The SL economy grows because: Buildings can be purchased that are well built because they can fit into the parcel size, ...

Encourage builders to build things to RL scale instead of randomly oversized. Then even 512 square meter plots become more usable as the small land would not be eaten by huge objects. SL would be consistent in scaling of things. No more visual shocks due to random scaling. And it would make situations like in this photo obsolete:


:smileytongue:  :smileywink:

Scythe Elfenbeim wrote:

Make it impossible for sea based plots to have ban lines (I hate all ban lines to be honest). The idea of selling sea plots was really ill-advised as it's created floating ghettos instead of house boats. If boats or mer-folk was the intention it failed miserably. I think shore lines should have always have remained protected land so there is always a beach (plus rez areas for boating enthusiasts). There really should be navigable water around all land as well as maybe even between continents (a strip of sea rather than the whole thing, a "shipping lane").

I totally agree with this. All continents should have enough protected water around them. It would make long sailing trips fun and enjoyable. All continents should be also joined by sailable water routes (some are already).

One day I made a very long sailing trip - started from Gaeta V continent, sailed from there to Corsica continent's east coast. Then out of curiosity I headed toward Corsica's north coast to see how far I can go. Looking at the map it appears that it's impossible to go far by boat there. Well to my surprise I noticed that there actually are narrow strips of Protected Land there. Also at many region corners there is narrow Protect Land area where boat can pass through. So I sailed half way that norther coast of Corsica and then from there down the middle channel towards Nautilus continent.

One bad thing in those narrow Protected Land waterway strips is that they are very narrow (just wide enough to get Loonetta through). Engine in the boat is a must - going by sails in such narrow strips is no fun. On my way I noticed that too parcel owners had blocked the Protected Land waterway by their own objects (root prim being on their own land). I reported those and sent also IM to the owners kindly asking them to remove the objects (or make phantom at least).

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Coby Foden wrote:

I'll add some of my observations...

Encourage builders to build things to RL scale instead of randomly oversized. Then even 512 square meter plots become more usable as the small land would not be eaten by huge objects. SL would be consistent in scaling of things. No more visual shocks due to random scaling. And it would make situations like in this photo obsolete:




Scythe Elfenbeim wrote:


The idea of selling sea plots was really ill-advised as it's created floating ghettos instead of house boats. If boats or mer-folk was the intention it failed miserably. I think shore lines should have always have remained protected land so there is always a beach (plus rez areas for boating enthusiasts).

I totally agree with this. All continents should have enough protected water around them. It would make long sailing trips fun and enjoyable. All continents should be also joined by sailable water routes (some are already).


One bad thing in those narrow Protected Land waterway strips is that they are
narrow (just wide enough to get Loonetta through). Engine in the boat is a must - going by sails in such narrow strips is no fun.

That's not all that unreal.

You could use a sailboat on the Nile, Mississpi or Ohio river - but I'd recommend a powered or rowed boat instead.

Thank you for ARing people who blocked linden water. I've been in AR parties for that before - such people need to get AR'd.

I disagree on requiring plots to be landed, and no water lots. Yes a LOT of people just rez a box over the water like fools... (why pay 50,000+L for a 512 only to rez a box on it, when you could get flatland for 200L and do the same?)

But I love houseboats and under water builds. As do an overwhelming number of people who buy such land.

I love having such lots, and I love seeing others use such lots for good water build effect.


Oh, and SL already encourages building 'to scale'. Mesh builds which are more and more common now use up a LOT less land impact when scaled down. As more people realize this, builds get smaller.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:


Oh, and SL already encourages building 'to scale'. Mesh builds which are more and more common now use up a LOT less land impact when scaled down. As more people realize this, builds get smaller.

Yes, building mesh objects to RL scale indeed does save LI. However it seems that a lot of designers - even for mesh furniture - still size their objects "only for those over two meters tall avatars".

For fun I visited ten shops selling mesh furniture - in every shop everything was still very big. I couldn't find a single item built to RL scale. The largest beds are so huge that they cover an area what three or four normal sized beds would take.

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Coby Foden wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:


Oh, and SL already encourages building 'to scale'. Mesh builds which are more and more common now use up a LOT less land impact when scaled down. As more people realize this, builds get smaller.

Yes, building mesh objects to RL scale indeed does save LI. However it seems that a lot of designers - even for mesh furniture - still size their objects "only for those over two meters tall avatars".

For fun I visited ten shops selling mesh furniture - in every shop everything was still very big. I couldn't find a single item built to RL scale. The largest beds are so huge that they cover an area what three or four normal sized beds would take.


I always buy mod as a result, and I think I know more about configuring today's SL furniture posing scripts than most furniture makers do... as I pretty much have to rewrite the notecard for every purchase.

That said, I've also identified a few who, when learning of the process I went through - simply offered to do the rescaling for me. Though I'm not going to name them here because I don't want to get somebody stuck with extra work they're not ready to take on...

- I will say this: IF you read this and happen to make furniture in SL, you've got buyers waiting for you, if you ever consider adding an 'alternative scale' line.

And if you currently make no-mod, strongly consider going mod - because those of us saving prims by rescaling need it, and if you do it, you "risk" earning loyal customers.


@Cody: Yeah, I've bought some so large, even 8-foot avatars were too small for it... I will say that some of the best items I currently use fit that description - but are now resized. :)


To whoever makes the popular furniture posing system, the one with [adjust] and [save] as menu options: I would love an option to tell every single animation in the notecard to move me so much X, so mych y, and so much Z, all at once... and then to spit out the new values I should put into the notecard - even if I'm not the furniture maker... but an end customer.


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I'm riding on your coat tails, as this post is a little old. The OP may be dust in the wind by now. lol

I just love the how to fix SL threads, so much is broken, LL makes this easy.


  • Advertise what SL offers. There are a lot of Resident made videos, that are way better than LL's. LL could tag along.
  • Refine the all in one LH plan, even if you just combine the current amounts. 1 month 1 Fee, 3 months 1 Fee, etc.
  • Add additional starting avatars to the sign up page.
  • Sell a tangible product.
  • LL converts their headquarters into a garment production facility, and they start producing clothing offered at MP.
  • Rehire Mia, so that the bear that I made can be displayed with the other bears she was collecting.
  • Give Peewee those L$ back, unless you already did, then nvm.
  • I digress
  • Tier is too expensive at lower levels.
  • The abandoned land recovery feature is nice, but when I look for land, it's just the same plots being recycled.
  • What are all these plug-ins for?
  • Create and promote a verified Merchant program.
  • We're missing something, it's creating a Void.


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