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How Many Skins and Shapes and How Often Do You Change?

Lucretia Brandenburg

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Just curious, I have literally dozens of high quality skins and a lot of shapes and more eyes than most have shoes in SL, and I switch it up all the time. I doubt a week goes by when I haven't changed my skin at least 3 times. I used to have one look that I stuck withall the time and then thought hey, this isn't RL, I don't have to stick with one look. I know a lot of people who have fantasy avatars they switch up frequently, just wondering how many have "regular" avatars who like to change skins and shape with different outfits.

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Never change my shape, although occasionally I will tweak it bits.  Skins, I generally do not change...I buy the Fat Pack or whatever they are called with all the make-up options so if a skin is changed it is simply for makeup purposes.

If  am going to do major changes, I just hop on one of my alts.  All look different, has a different shape, different brand skin, eye color, etc.  That is how I mix up my SL.

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i have a few skins but i only ever wear one of them i spent a long time skin shopping and the skin i've been wearing the last few years was the only one that made me feel like me if you get what i mean. as for shape i've had the same shape since day one except i did tweak it exactly how i wanted it over a period of a several months and haven't changed it since

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When it comes to skins, I too have a folder(s) full of them but rarely change away from the one that best conveys the "me" as I see her in my mind. If I find a new one that better conveys that then I'll change, but until then all my other skins sit unused for the most part. Even the giant Pout fatpack I bought last year has just sat there in my inventory, and I think I've worn one of them maybe one time.. that's it. I also create all my own makeup in photoshop, so I almost never have to change skin layers at all. Unlike skins though, I have ONE shape and won't change it unless it's a special occasion. It's the template by which every skin I've ever tried on is measured against, and it's the one thing in this crazy world of copies that's uniquely my own. I get all of my "change up" fix by swapping styles, and mix-n-match, and coming up with new looks. Dong that however requires a constant supply of new shoes/boots and hair.. which is a whole other issue lol.

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I make and sell skins ,shapes and avatars so i have lots to choose from, i generally experiment wearing skins from one display and a shape from another, the one i wear now i combined a shape and skin from different displays and it was very nice so i made it for sale and for now and prob for the forseeable future it will be me.

Before i made skins i bought a shape and skin and i kept that look for a couple of years, i am not one to change if i like the look

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I have had the same skin and hair for over 3 years now. I have worn the same outfit for the last two years, just my leather jacket and jeans. I know i am not the norm, as my SL friends are always out to get me to change, or go shopping with them so they can "just dress me up and see what it looks like" :) I am busy in SL, I film, and don't like to shop, so this works for me. Some have said it is nice they can recognize me in any crowd. LOL

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i am constantly buying new skins that i like..also the past year or so have been making new shapes all the time..especially for mesh..

messing with the sliders has become something that is fun to play around with..so when i am bored..i just make a new shape and shop for the fatpack that go well with it..

but i always keep them close to my look..they end up looking like a different age more than anything ..that or i have gained or lost weight..

it's fun..hehehe

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I have yet to find an "ideal" skin. I know there is like Curio, belleza, redgrave and all that but really, I have found that Razzanova is the closest thing to my "ideal" as I can get.

Shape - though it goes thru minor editing time to time, it is basically the same and always has been. I have tried drastic different shapes and it just feels weird.

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I have a few different 'characters' that stay more-or-less the same, just go through updates.

Two human males: one petite/white, one more manly/black; a female hispanic, and a furry (he doesn't get updated so much as he just wears clothes from other avis).

None of the have had shape changes in at least 2 years, but skin and hair updates are done when needed and clothing updates even more frequently, though they have 'default' outfits.

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I'm still really new, just putting my avatars together, but I'm doing my best to make them look like actual humans, so it's a decent amount of work to make them 8 heads high, 8 heads across from fingertip to fingertip, with a crotch that actually ends up somewhere in their middle, all while still making sure they're a normal height.  Well, it seems like alot of work because I'm new, but I guess some of you have been here long enough that half an hour to make a shape isn't very much at all, heh.  Now that I've got the shapes down though, I can't imagine I'll switch them much.  I'll probably change the skins quite rarely too, as they're not very cheap if you want a bunch of them...

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I change everyday!

Many of my avatars seem like different people. All with certain styles that stand out. Its sometimes tough to find them clothes. Especially trying to find actual Lolita styles.

I find Second Life a way to be someone else. And when that look gets tiring...just a click and I can change from club wear to a garage mechanic!

While I admire the unique 'look' people have on their avatars it just doesn't float for me. Though, I am in love with the style of a few bloggers.

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I hardly ever change my shape.  It's the result of long time tweaking and fine tuning.

The skin I hardly ever change either.  I have tried lots of skins over time.  For this skin I have three variations, only difference between them is the darkness, one darker, one of middle darkness and one a bit lighter one.  So I just change between those.  Still looking for the "perfect" skin though, which is a very difficult task as I don't want anything radically different one from the present skin.

After wearing the present shape and skin I have grown so used to the look that it feels that it's "me".  If I try something else I feel odd, like being in another person's body and skin.  However, for some fantasy outfits I can use different shape and skin without any odd feelings.  :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Well, there is only so much I want to go into about my av(s) on a public forum. :) But basically, it is the same per av. 

I don't really change the shape much. I tweak the shape from time to time. A week or two ago I shortened the legs on this shape and added a bit of hips. She was too lanky and long-legged. It worked in dresses, but in long flared pants with heels on she looked like a stilt walker. 

When it is summer I also make it summer in SL and dress for 'summer' or spring, so my av wears a fair amount of capri pants. (She isn't a short shorts type of girl usually. Lol) It is odd, but I guess it is like any creative effort. The creation sort of guides its own creation. When I started this av I had this image in mind. I don't know where it came from. I'm not a superrealist for SL. I just make what comes to mind.

So, Melita began as a lanky, skinny fae. I wanted to hang out in Avilion and they had rules about avs being 'too bare.' It seemed a lot less threatening in the setting to wear very skimpy fae costumes consisting of little more than leaves, if there were not many curves on the av. And she could be more of a sprite and less Tinkerbell (who was supposedly based on Marilyn Monroe, in the Disney film.)

As I distanced myself from Avilion for one reason and another, and wore 'human clothes' she became a 'tomboy' - she still usually wears pants and jeans and such. So she still stayed lanky tall and skinny. Then as I got more 'serious' in SL and actually 'worked' (ran some sims etc.) she had to look more 'official' so she got more curves, just a bit. She didn't look as much like a cheeky gangly youth any more, more of a mom.  :)

On some level it's all been very conscious.

Now that is just the evolution of this shape. To outsiders it probably wouldn't seem like much of a change at all from start to finish. But to me, it is. But then I have to see the av every log in. 

As far as skins, the face hasn't changed an awful lot (the main thing I ever did was make the nose a bit smaller than at first; then made the shape of the head just a little different; both were ages ago.) So the skins have only been bought as skins improved or when I need a new makeup, or if something is free or dirt cheap and fits my av's face. I'm not one to 'collect' skins or have skins from every designer (and there are some amazing talents in SL) as I just can't afford that and can't see a need. Plus not all fit my av and I'd have to change the entire av, including shape each time - which would also mean more than one wardrobe, more than one head to fit the hair to, etc.

I mostly change hair and clothes and shoes if I want a 'new look' (vs. skins/shapes), but I am lazy with that and tend to just leave a good outfit/hairdo on a week or two at times LOL. But I fit the hair so the tendrils aren't sticking where they shouldn't be or it isn't too big or small. Then I'm set. I can just slap on this wig or that, this outfit or that. If I changed shapes often I'd have to do that over again each time (or save sizes in separate folders) for wigs or prim/sculpt clothing. It would be a hassle. Some wigs can be a difficult; they are made for an entirely different head shape, and require editing a single link, repositioning several prims 'by hand' so the hair isn't in the forehead, growing out of ears etc. If I stick to one head size and shape, and one body size, (per av), I can edit or fit things once and be set.

I'm dreading upgrading to mesh, but eventually I know the current favorite outfits and hairs will begin to look awful to me, the same way I used to think prim shoes or system skirts were cute, and now wouldn't be caught in one.

Hope you have enjoyed this novel. :D

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Several times a week. :P

I have loads of skins going back to when I first started, though I tend to stick with just a couple for day to day use, with my variations coming more from makeup or skin tone options that an entirely new skin.

I also have shapes I've made to fit each skin, and I am contantly teaking and making shapes while always looking out for good ones. I used to do shape work before I took a long break from SL, but I still have loads and loads of shapes in my inventory.

Some days if I'm bored, I'll pick up skin demos of something I've seen in the feeds and work on trying to make a shape I like. Sometimes it works out and I end up going back and adding a new skin, sometimes I just file it away under my demo folder for another day.


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

I think it's your PR, probe and evisceration are not necessarily shades of gray.


we do not ever ever eviscerate

that is a rumour started by other races who are suffering from **bleep** envy

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I hardly ever change my shape and skin. I've had mine for at least 2-3 years now. I just bought a new skin to go with all the hair fari demos but I may just switch back to my old skin. I guess I don't really change skins and shapes. I change avatars more often.

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Melita Magic wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:


why are earth females so scared of martian sex?

Would you want to give birth to something with a head four times in size as that of a human's?

Not to mention possible antennae.

It is the male of our species that carries the baby.


p.s.........you would not ever want to see us when we get morning sickness.  the colors we turn.

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I have 2 shapes..my everyday and then the one with no butt to wear with system skirts so they don't look weird. Everything else about the 2 avis is the same. I have numerous different skins on my different avis. Bobbie is using Red Queen and CStar for the most part. The Red Queen, I have 4 different lines of skins for the makeup. However, I've been wearing the same skin lately and using MOCK tattoo layer makeups to change the makeup rather than changing the skin. The makeup is a lot cheaper than skins. I also prefer a darker lip than most skin makers do so I can add the darker color I like.

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