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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Positively Wumpkins Stark Wumpkins Raving Wumpkins StarkRaving Wumpkins Wimple Wumpkins Chunkin Wumpkins
  2. Thanks. I've been inside their building in Austin. I got out of there as fast as I could when I realized all they really cared about was did I have any money.
  3. My parents' epitaph reads "Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to slide in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, screaming 'HOLY SH*T! WHAT A RIDE!'" Not even kidding. It's how they lived and what they both wanted.
  4. Alright Rolig, where did you hide that confounded camera?
  5. Nah. It's just your mental age is finally starting to catch up to your physical age. At 60, I don't "feel 60". I don't feel any older than I did at 30. Sure there were those occasions when I felt like I was 90 when I was 30. That was my own fault. The price you pay to party while young.
  6. When we could still afford cable, I would watch it in morbid fascination, as I do with any cult. They all freak me out.
  7. It does. The map is still there. Not as many LMs though. But still a fun place to hang on an alt and drive the Goreans 🦇💩🤪. They never know what hit them, much less what to think of me.
  8. You know what works even better than blocking or ignoring? Not bothering to look even look at the forums. I did post some in the early days but when everything went wild, wild west I left and didn't come back until a bit over a year ago... maybe 18 months. It just was not worth the hassle.
  9. You really should let him out a little more often.
  10. I would think they would have more important things to worry about but... *looks around* it is SL. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. Sorry, no. I know about him from reading articles. I can't watch things that are a part of the larger picture of what I see happening every day, within the US and around the world.
  12. pfft Why not just let it ferment until you can drink it? Or better yet buy some banana beer for breakfast.
  13. Then you wake up the next morning all hung over and remember you spent all your money on booze, you'd left your keys in the door and your cell phone had been flushed.
  14. Nah. That song makes me think of the SIL that I can get along with. My brother blamed me for one of his girlfriends dumping him when I had nothing to do with it. A guy friend was visiting (invited) me when my brother's (now) ex-girlfriend showed up out of the blue (uninvited). As far as I know, when they each left, they went their separate ways. Next thing I do know is my brother is raging at me that she left him for the guy she met at my house and it was all my fault. When I denied having anything to do with it, he spit in my face. Rhonda (SIL) was just what he needed to settle him down. Only problem is, my brother has held that grudge against me ever since. He refuses to believe the truth.
  15. Would you really change Ziggy Starsmith to something else? Nooooooo!
  16. https://theweek.com/articles/859739/meet-man-keeping-americas-dead-malls-alive I recently had the flu and was in bed for a week. I didn't have the strength, energy or even desire to log into SL. What makes anyone think being ill with coronavirus is any less debilitating than the "normal" flu can be? If it had just been a bad, flu like cold, I would/could have logged in every day or even a mild case of flu. SL will be the last thing on the minds of people suffering with COVID-19.
  17. /me mutters something about a poke in the butt with a sharp stick
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