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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. Yes, yes - I am thinking it's like the airplane is spinning down the runway, gaining speed (setting up the web site to shows Campers) before takeoff! Claps hands together, slams eyes shut, prays to the Almighty, repeating quietly "Please, Patch, please, Patch, please, Patch..." Ooh, page is fixed again.... I'm still thinkin' that was them makin' ready! LOL
  2. SUMFIN FISHY.... Are they, like, updating the "Select Your Home" page of something? I'm getting constant "Belliseria" hits on every refresh, but with an empty list! /me crosses fingers, toes, eyes, and boobs in the hope this is a precursor to a release.... (Hey, I can hope can't I? LOL)
  3. Textures are even easier, just look through your Viewer Cache, because there they all are in their full-permissions glory.
  4. The End ~Snorts and wags a finger~ LOL I luv U Madelaine, I rly doo! (Next person, it's okay by me if you build off Madelaine's post LOL)
  5. Looked it up: something like 1/4 of Mexico males carry the name Jesus and 33% of all Latinos carry the name Jesus, most with the surname of Just-Kidding. As for Dungeons and Dragons - a long time before my time in its hey-day, apparently. Though I've seen the old cartoons (Netflix is your friend, people) and it took me a while to grasp what it was all about. I've since learned a lot more and there are many D&D role-play reagions, though they don;t call themselves this or follow any particular set of rules (Back when Teribithia was a big thing I role-played there, I never knew what a Drow was, now I do). I think the current (closest) variation is Chronicles of Lynnia - calling themselves "Medieval" genre, but it's a lot more "Fantasy" genre than Medieval.
  6. I'm watching the LL Homes "Campsite" regions very closely. That's what I'm watching right now. Well, and these forums.
  7. You don't make any sense. You are speaking mumbo-jumbo, because I understand gobbledeguk. (I've always spelled it that way: -guk LOL) Though it's this in Korean: 고 블덕 (My RL nationality)
  8. That's exactly what I went through during the preview period. Then I went back a week later and looked at the inside of each and I was amazed, they are actually pretty large. So I decided to drop my house and houseboat, contribute those tier-wavers to my group, bought a nice chunk of land to plop my community place onto in my favorite continent (Heterocera) - now it's not "Yes? No?" but rather it's now "OMG! That? No, That one! No, no, THAT ONE!"
  9. My answer to that is to address them as "Formerly known as [username]" The worst I've gotten then was a "*rolls eyes*". 👍
  10. There are still all those who come here via Google and mistakenly reply to old threads. I use the "Unread" button all the time. Then I see new posts into so-called "necro" thread, I may reply if I wanna contribute to the resuscitation. Because the thread is no longer "necro'd"; it's alive again. It's basically a battle between those who are annoyed and contribute to the resuscitation by commenting in the same thread that annoyed them, helping to keep it alive, and those like me who really don't care how old a thread is and will add to it if the newer stuff is relevant or to annoy those who were annoyed and oxymoron'd themselves by complaining about it *in that thread*. A.K.A.: HYPOCRITE. Hahaha
  11. Whoa... could he be relaxing *after* a hard day's work? ~Runs to ensure that browser is properly logged into her account and on the "Claim your Home" page, because expecting tomorrow and being caught off-guard because today would be EPICFAIL~ Bettah Safez din Soweez Edit to add: As my heart STOPS when an alert that "Bellisseria" text is found on refresh *as I type this* (UGH! Traditional, Pffft). Hahahaha! @Patch Linden - YOU ARE EVIL. Never stop!
  12. Unless they come up with styles that still fit within that same green monopoly house, I can't see it being an option for the stuff already released. If a new house style was offered that did not fit within that monopoly house, there could be all sorts of issues with trees poking through houses. New house styles will be for the free 2048-sized parcels that you can get with Super-Premium, to be announced later, then after that the 4096-sized houses for the Super Duper Premium, then, of course, will come the Region-Sized ones next year, all officially announced, honest and for true! Oh, and that Region-Sized one is only available in the Just-Kidding level of Premium. It will be on sale at first for 50% off, that's only $999 U.S. a MONTH! It's a STEAL!
  13. Hey, all the red SIM-testing markers are gone! I say SIM-testing because it was obvious to me they were doing some kind of stress-testing the SIMulator software or something as all the regions were restarting over and over and over (like every 60 seconds or so) while those were there, now they're gone. Cannot wait for the Green ones to start appearing! CAVEAT: I most certainly know about how the entire SL grids works... enough to be dangerous. Squeee!
  14. See that one there? That's gonna be my spot. No, wait, that other one there. No, no, That one over there. Noooo, THAT one over... OMG they are all so wonderful!
  15. I can only hope others are excited for this entire theme as I am! I remember during the preview I was thinking "meh" and it just slowly percolated for me. Then I went back to the preview a week later for another looked *inside* these campers and was stunned at how large they actually are (you know that whole bigger on the inside than the outside thing?) So, yeah. I've been really *excited* for these! Oh yes, yes! I want to express my heartfelt thanks for all of you, Lindens and Moles. I know there are a lot of you that no one ever sees or hears about and they do the "unrecognized" and "thankless" stuff! (I kind of do that myself in RL LOL). There should be a plaque or something, somewhere in Bellisseria, that lists the names of all the Moles (and Lindens, too) who contributed to this amazing creation. Yes, really. Because you ALL deserve that recognition. And even though we won't get to know who the Moles really are, I think it would be a wonderful gesture for each to see their aliases recognized somewhere.
  16. Woohoo... or should that be CHOO-CHOO! I spy @Squeaky Mole dancing while putting finishing touches on Campsite SLRR, these train guides tell me we'll be able to run our engines here (I could be wrong, of course) But oh, yeah!
  17. Be sure to FOLLOW this thread, and set notifications to go to email. Patch *should* make an announcement here when the new Campers (and homes) are released:
  18. Patch just confirmed (even though it may have been a presumption) that the Campsite's dirt roads will eventually link up with the paved subdivision roads.
  19. My one chance to beg Patch for his Linden Bear (I know he must be utterly swamped with IMs and stuff, so busy). /me does Snoopy Happy dance! Hahahaha! For those who weren't here "back in the day" - A Linden Bear is a thing. Yes, it is.
  20. *Have train carriages, will travel. (There are a few double-tracks and also passing sections, so still hoping we'll be able to drive our own as well)
  21. Patch Linden is here and Naughty, Fox, Alotta, and Squeaky, and Lulabell Moles are here. It's a PIZZA PARTY! Oh, Abnor is here too! Abnor says the Zip Line drops you in different places randomly! Sunny Mole is here, too. And Mystic... Whoa.
  22. See? I wasn't kidding! I stalked @Patch Linden and told him he is an EVIL TEASE on the forums, and thanked him for it.
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