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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. The amazing prevalence of cynical angst? LOL
  2. If you really want to be seen, then Luminaire is the way to go. (I thought of the Luminati because it sounds so secretively conspiratorial and stuffs! Just missing the I and first L LOL) 👍
  3. What about the Lumineers? Or you could spell it Luminieres and give it a French accent or something. I'm pretty sure it's "Luminatti" that or "Laminate"
  4. If it's from Market Place, only the person who gifted it to you (the purchaser) can request redelivery. I *believe* the same is true in CasperVend vendors, though you can find out for certain by going to any Casper-branded redelivery terminal and trying it. Other vendor systems: likely not, if there's a redelivery option at all.
  5. I HATE YOU! *I* am supposed to be the GENIUS! No, wait, that's Genus head, I musta mizzpelledit. Sorry. (That is actually a fantastic Idea that didn;t even flitter for a nano-second in my eclectically-chaotic mind!)
  6. I got Lake Tatakaka... as in "Boobie-Poop" - LOL I love that name, too!
  7. Since my very first day in SL until now I have only ever met one other person who *claimed* their "original" account had the last name Su (which is a Chinese surname), though I've never met anyone myself. My original is Alyona Chernov - never, ever met or even heard of another Chernov LOL (That one, I think, is a Russkie surname). So, an attempted reunion would likely be a lot more break than make for me. LOL Though, I have always thought of SL last names as all members of a family, like the Coberts family or in my case the Su family and so on.
  8. What most people are doing is using a browser plugin that automatically refreshes the page and looks for specific text on that page (we search for Bellisseria) and when that text is found you get a notice (alarm) and you can check it and try to grab your LL Home then. However, you can only refresh the page ten time in ten minutes, so you have to set the timer to 60 or 70 seconds (70 to play it safe). The plugin is for Google Chrome, so go grab the Brave Browser (which is Chrome without the Google Part because Chrome is BAD: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/08/why-some-experts-are-skeptical-of-googles-new-web-privacy-strategy/) then install the Autorefresh Plus plugin (there are two versions, I'll link to the better one: Brave Browser (because Google is literally evil): https://brave.com/ Auto Refresh Plus (Chrome Extension): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/auto-refresh-plus/oilipfekkmncanaajkapbpancpelijih Good luck!
  9. Remember that the International rules are that trains always take the RIGHT track when double tracks are available, including "passing pull-outs".
  10. Definitely this. As for any "discount in-world" - ummm, NO. Because the deeper the discount, the more it is costs to join the group. No discount is worth that. If the Market Place price is fair enough to me AND I can grab a demo from there then I will buy it if I like it. No demo? No sale. If I have to go to your in-world shop to get a demo, 80% likely: no sale. The only way I'll go in-world to gram or see a demo is if it's something that I rez out (like furniture, vehicle, etc.,) because I want to check your LOD skills. Other than that... No Market Place? No Market Place Demo? No sale.
  11. I'm not sure - though you may be on to something. Most in Lake Tatakaka (laughs, so easy to remember that name!) are still styled in whatever the default was. For myself, I've chosen the smaller version of this style (I forget what it's called) with similar color scheme, other than blue for the rooftop and brass for the metals. I plan to post some pix once I have most of the decorating done. Which is a long, carefully-crafted, extremely detailed, delicate operation. Because HOME!
  12. There is no solution other than turning eyelashes OFF. The problem is the alpha-blending that's happening and rather than resize that "prim" when changing eyelash size, Catwa only resizes the texture, so the oversized "prim" is still there. The *ONLY way to fix it is to turn eyelashes OFF. If you want eyelashes then you should look for mesh versions (there are plenty around) and always demo if you can.
  13. The MP listing says it's modify, can you just delete the script once you've set the texture? (I'm not saying you should, I realize you may one to change the texture, but if you're satisfied with one texture, deleting the script should solve the "anyone" issue, right?) OH, and thank you for the MP link, I was actually in the market for nice trees and was considering the Library stuff. Now I have this one in the cart!
  14. This is an understatement for me! Hahaha. SO happy you were able to get one also. I knew they'd go a bit slower than the houseboats and traditionals, though I'm also not surprised that they are all sold out now. OH, for anyone interested in exploring the Lake Tatakaka area and all surrounds, I've put my car and horse rezzers out (and it's a Manji car, so easy to drive and control on these dirt roads, loads of fun!). Come explore! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lake Tatakaka/214/65/34
  15. Yesterday I RAIDED Hive at her Market Place. Went to her in-world sim and GREAT LOD and very conservative on LI, wonderfully-decorative stuff that works well in a camper or trailer. But my bed I went with this because it doubles nicely: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/hive-the-loveseat-bed-cream-pg/9603216 - I literally bought like 25% of all their stuff! Hahaha
  16. I was looking around for kicks with my alt just to see what happens and.. they are GONE. All sold out now Hahaha. Surely there are many that are "catch and release" so for anyone still wanting one, do the refresh things and Campers should start showing up eventually along with the houseboats and Traditinals. As for looking around I've decided not because it's not just the location and stuff, but the neighbors and @Layla Claven is my next-door awesome! And we both have wonderful views of Lake Boobie-Po... er, Tatakaka! HUGS!!! hahaha!
  17. Haha, Already replied in a Private Message, easier to direct you there than repeat ALL of that here. In short - if you can login with LL Viewer, do it - strip down to system avatar and go to another region. Then try again and slowly rebuild yourself. A lot more detail in my PM message. I reply here so other readers will know my reply is as detailed as I can, but it's not here in this thread.
  18. OH guess what - if your trailer faces the wrong way, there is an option to rotate it 180 degrees if you prefer! Edit to add: Content Creation kit - OMG, WOW: Security System (expected) Awnings Bunting - multiple versions Campfire - two versions Fairylights - multiple versions Garden heater Interior lights (MANY styles to choose from) Lantern Picnic Table Potted Plants (same as Traditionals, I presume - high LI) Satellite Dish (! LOL) Striped Chair Tray with kettle Road textures, and three other texture packs Talk about under-promise and over-deliver. @Patch Linden and Moles have really outdone themselves!!! <-serious exclamation point, which I usually hate to use, but seriously: !!!
  19. Woohoo! I set it to the colors in the picture, so you can spot me if you look for that. Gonna add a car razzer and horse rezzer eventually. Because I love to share stuffs! /me thinks maybe should put PG furniture inside because freeloaders and stuffs. Because Manji car will be fun on these roads and Horse-riding in a place like this = DUH! Oh and I got what I wanted that is oriented to east/west so I can watch the Sunsets and stuff. And just discovered there is an option in the Parcel control (the camper sign) that you can also rotate your camper/trailer 180 degrees if you prefer! Awesome little detail!
  20. /me does Snoopy Happy Dance! Road access (as expected) and the porch has a great view of lake Tatakaka (also Region name) - which I translate to "Booby-poop" Hahaha. I LOVE IT! @Patch Linden and all the Lindens and Moles, too, I LOVE THIS!!!!
  21. FIGURES! Check on my phone just as I left office, but not out of parking loot yet LOL RUNS BACK GRABS CAMPER!!! SQUEEEE Woohoo - Camper secured! See? Praying to the all-mighty Patch works! LOL Now for commute home then to come in-world and do some decorating! (Snuck in and got a great place next to SLRR with the mini station that @Daniel Voyager took a picture of before.
  22. /me grins! Well, the refresh limit makes it a real timing issue Edit to update: I dunno about that. Because that many Campers would definitely bring up a selection for one on initial release and the page is now back to normal shmormal. Perhaps it wasMoles and Lindens the system (selecting from the web page and seeing that it works properly and stuffs). Ugh, I'll have to risk my commute home soon (about an hour) and hope they aren't released as soon as I leave office and sold out by the time I get home. That would be big boo-hoo! hahaha
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