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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. You can't seriously think that there aren't merchants on the MP trying to game these "features", including the terrible demo system. You're not that dumb. I will definitely agree though that these are all problems that LL can easily fix, if they weren't so bad at this.
  2. Alwin isn't wrong. Many merchants absolutely are gaming the system with it. It's no different than keyword spam. Nothing like seeing a rigged (not fitted) mesh piece of clothing, and in the keywords are all the mesh bodies... This is no different.
  3. Bingo. I've seen those estate owners and landlords, including some fairly prominent ones that have been around for a very long time, simply vanish without a word. Since then, if I want a location, I always pick a good sized mainland one.
  4. Funny story, according to BMI, venues in SL are responsible for licenses for their DJs. SL is a legal mine field when it comes to DJs. Definitely do all the research you can.
  5. Yeah, there really should be a section for patch notes, outages, news, etc. What we have now is third party websites, user submitted wikis, and meetings that only a tiny fraction of residents can actually attend, thanks to things like time zones and jobs. Let's be honest. Saying "anyone can attend" a meeting that happens in the middle of a weekday while they're at work is silly. Not everyone in SL is a retired old lady, after all.
  6. Drown victim is a fetish. Or was that asphyxiation?
  7. Oh, they did rolling restarts and broke it again? You'd think they haven't been doing this for almost two decades now. Even funnier, the grid status page says the issue is resolved.
  8. I'm not sure that matters in this particular case, whether it's a toaster or licensed item like that, when we're talking about the original provider trying to set your price.
  9. Until I can put it in my own group, return all the crap that isn't mine, rename the parcel to mine, it's barely renting. When you rent from private estates, you get all that. Also, that. If I have all the controls in that system, so does everybody else, and it's not so much my land as it is community land, so I'd want it for free or silly cheap. Personally, I buy mainland, and that's what I tell everyone else to do, too. No middleman between me and LL that way, and I get full control over the land.
  10. I have to echo what others said. "Renting" by joining the group of someone that actually owns the land is barely renting at all, and is the minority. Every other situation when you get land, rent box or not, you get the land including all the land controls and abilities. If you're not getting full control over the land you're paying for, why pay for it? Unless it's massively discounted.
  11. I'm not talking about a specific situation. I've just seen that sort of thing in the past. This is more a general discussion of just how enforceable price fixing in SL is.
  12. Weeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllll.... Federal Antitrust Law Does Not Preempt State Law https://www.naw.org/govrelations/advisory.php?articleid=641 Since many states (not to mention the EU) have laws regarding it, I would think that that part of the agreement wouldn't apply to someone in one of those locations, at the very least. This falls under the DMCA thing. Anyone have much experience with that? If I lived in California and put something up on the MP for less than the price they said, then they filed a DMCA, and I countered it and cited that case, LL has to put it back up and the original merchant has to take me to court, correct?
  13. My friend has recently started looking into retexturing and selling mesh clothes like you see so many creators do. However, while working with her, I noticed a lot of these mesh sellers have purchase agreements (we won't get into how including a notecard after the purchase doesn't count), and that these purchase agreements often say what price you have to list your merchandise at. Now, I'm no lawyer, and most of our fellow forum residents aren't, but in the interest of conversation, I gotta ask- wouldn't that count as attempted price fixing? Which, of course, is technically illegal.
  14. This is trolling, right? "They told me they were 18!" and "I clicked some unknown links". Really? This has gotta be trolling. Or the worst nerd porn ever.
  15. It would be nice to see SL updated to use any of the modern rendering functionalities available out there. PhysX is another good one that comes to mind.
  16. I've met some truly stupid customers. And really, really arrogant merchants. Moral of the story is, terrible human beings exist on both sides!
  17. I'm always tickled at how the status page will say for hours, or days, that everything's fine, when it's not. Usually the status page doesn't get changed to reflect the actual status until after said status has passed. Sort of like sending tech support an email saying you can't log in, and two days later they reply saying "it's fine right now, check your internet connection".
  18. This is LL we're talking about. If they can break something while fixing something else, they will.
  19. Actually... Did LL come out and say that southern flags aren't allowed? They may have and I simply don't recall it. But technically there's nothing in there that says it's not allowed. If "because it offends me" was a reason to delist things, the marketplace would be empty by now.
  20. You can even make a special Owner* role or something similar, and give it every ability needed to essentially control the group, without completely giving up the group. There's no reason to waste development resources fixing a "problem" that users intentionally create.
  21. For me, any no modify body is junk, right out the gate. I can't wrap my head around wearing something that I can't edit unless I wear a HUD, only to be able to edit it less than I could with the system options.
  22. As a dude, I could do without either one. Everyone says you gotta have a mesh body these days, but the options for men are terrible.
  23. If they had some sort of building code that they enforced, this would be a good idea. That's what makes private estates so popular. Admins that clean up the crap. As long as mainland is the wild west, people will always dislike it. [Full disclosure, I own a mainland parcel or two.]
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