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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Maybe I should simply ask- is there ANY way to keep a linked prim level along just one axis?
  2. http://pastebin.com/dWGretHe I'm trying to keep a pair of engines on the side of a vehicle level. When the nose tilts up or down on the X axis, the engines stay level just fine. However, when I turn right or left on the Z axis, they go the opposite direction. Any idea why?
  3. Sign this contract that gives me permission to shoot you in the face with a shotgun. Once you do, that will make it legal to murder you, right? ... In other words, a worthless TOS is a worthless TOS. I intend to continue to create as normal, and if I find LL using my content in any manner outside non-profit, I'll sue them blind. No big deal.
  4. Surprise. LL doesn't care. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3529 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3090
  5. That's my guess. They rolled it out, it was terrible, then they changed their mind. They also closed my JIRA and said that support should refund me. Support read my ticket and told me how to find the item in my received folder. **bleep**ing morons.
  6. No, the button on the product page. Usually it says "Add to Cart" or "Buy Now". Well, "Buy Now" was replaced with "Instant Purchase". I used it, and was sent hair. Interestingly, I did contact the hair creator. Apparently he was swamped with IMs of people saying the same thing. Also interestingly, the button has now returned to "Buy Now". Instant Purchase doesn't show up anymore. Seems it was a bug in the system.
  7. So, I saw the "Instant Purchase" button today, and decided to try it out on a pair of demo jeans. Instead of being charged 0 L$ and being sent demo jeans, I was charged 250 L$ and sent some women's hair. Hair that I've never even looked at on the marketplace in the past. It seems they picked it randomly and charged me for it. Another broken goddamned system.
  8. So, I saw the "Instant Purchase" button today, and decided to try it out on a pair of demo jeans. Instead of being charged 0 L$ and being sent demo jeans, I was charged 250 L$ and sent some women's hair. Hair that I've never even looked at on the marketplace in the past. It seems they picked it randomly and charged me for it. Another broken goddamned system.
  9. ... I started making a post to compare tech specs and troubleshoot routing issues, but then I realized this is Linden Lab we're talking about. Letting things crap out at peak hours is pretty much par for the course. Knowing them, it's probably even an intentional decision.
  10. ... I started making a post to compare tech specs and troubleshoot routing issues, but then I realized this is Linden Lab we're talking about. Letting things crap out at peak hours is pretty much par for the course. Knowing them, it's probably even an intentional decision.
  11. Maestro Linden wrote: Hi Gadget, could you file a Jira with details about which parcels are having the issue? It's a whole chain of sims. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-3992
  12. Whatever was changed this week broke group access land. My estate uses a chain of 14 sims. Many are group access, specific for motorcycles. All day, people have been unable to access them, despite being in the required group, and despite having been able to access them in the past.
  13. At the sim where I'm staff, I regularly see people wearing 500 to 900 scripts. Usually resizers.
  14. A brand new toaster is still a toaster, and makes a terrible oven. Sounds like the laptop is junk.
  15. In the OP's defense, there is a metric ton of stuff that LL could be doing much better, and their prices are way too high for the service they offer.
  16. Internet chat rooms were mastered 20 years ago, but LL still manages to screw it up. Recently I posted about this topic, and the replies defending LL were about large groups and lots of people makes for lots of lag, etc. Except most of the failed group chat I see is in a group of 12 people, usually with only 2 or 3 in chat at a time. How can LL be so bad at this? I don't get it.
  17. Internet chat rooms were mastered 20 years ago, but LL still manages to screw it up. Recently I posted about this topic, and the replies defending LL were about large groups and lots of people makes for lots of lag, etc. Except most of the failed group chat I see is in a group of 12 people, usually with only 2 or 3 in chat at a time. How can LL be so bad at this? I don't get it.
  18. Dresden Ceriano wrote: There's absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a sensible facelight. I created one for myself that has a very small radius and is as softly lit as possible. I used directional lighting so that it would only cast light on my face and a little behind my head, which can only be detected if I'm standing with my back to a wall. I don't wear it all the time, but I do wear it quite often and I've never had anyone complain about it. I gave a copy to my sister to replace the one that we both used to wear, which was also very subtle but not as subtle as the one I made. She wears hers constantly and has also never had a complaint. I once had a friend tell me that I was vain for simply wearing a facelight, no matter how subtle it was. I considered her comment and contemplated it for quite a while until I came to the conclusion that what she was suggesting was not and could never be possible. I am not my avatar, which I consider to be the most attractive avatar in SL, simply because I created it to be extremely appealing to myself (which helps when you're attracted to the same sex... lol). In order for me to be considered vain, I'd have to be similarly attracted to my RL self, which I can assure you, I am not. As such, I see nothing at all wrong with wanting to gaze upon a thing of beauty as often as I possibly can. The only claim against wearing facelights that I've ever heard that is actually worth considering is the one about the limited number of light sources that can be rendered in SL without advanced lighting turned on. My answer to this is simple... I always run SL with advanced lighting turned on. While I'm conflicted about affecting users that cannot or choose not to turn on advanced lighting, I fail to see why I should depreciate my enjoyment of SL for them or anyone else, for that matter. That, plus, if they are so close to me that my very small radius of light is affecting their experience, then surely they need not be so close in the first place. If this makes me selfish, then so be it. ...Dres You're third person vain?
  19. Residents can no longer see new JIRA entries made by other residents.
  20. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: AzizaRomana wrote: Good to see that people assume so much without knowing what is going on. Having your answer here like that really doesnt make any sense and is of no help. It will only cause LL to act less and less and hide behind your skirts. Just as much as you are not aware what is going here I dont either from your side and I will refrain from posting things like: , if you have no problem it is probably not much of a life .. I can tell you, I am well aware of the problem whats going on and why I put down this thread here. Now going back and forth demeaning eachother is not a solution either, so I dont rewrite my words, I just apologize for them. Right now I am reaching out to people who need help with their complaints (read my words correctly), real complaints to offer them a way of trying to do something else than just loose the report in fastness of the SL grid. Anyone can IM me inworld and I will set up a booth with complaints. I assumed nothing. In fact I stated that I had no idea what your situation was and gave you the best advice I could and that I know works, from my many years of experience in SL dealing with children and drama llamas. It is also true that a majority of the people that have problems with others brought it on themselves directly or indirectly for the reasons i stated, and as other posters have attested. The fact that you took it so personally and responded the way you have and that abuse and harrassment is so prevalent in your SL, tells me you DO need to change something, be it your friends, the places you hang, or being more careful about how you interact with others. And what is with the passive aggressive "I will refrain from posting things like: , if you have no problem it is probably not much of a life ..". saying you won't post insults then insulting me? This exactly what I am talking about when I said you need to examine your own behavior and how to interact with others. The reason I have no problem with this kind of BS is because I know what I'm talking about and swiftly deal with potential situations that arise like an adult and then just get on with my own very full SL rather than dwell on it. Setting up a "booth" and publicly posting your grievances with other people and/or LL and encouraging other to do the same is not the adult thing to do. It will have zero effect on LL and is guaranteed to bring more harassment and abuse into your life because it will only attract the kind of people you should be avoiding. PS: when you get your booth set up please post its location here in the forums so we all know where we should avoid going. Yes. Please make sure to share the location with us. It would also be helpful to leave scripts and build enabled.
  21. Unless the scripts are using a TON of memory (lots of custom functions, lots of stored variables, long lists, etc), you almost always want to put everything into one script. Besides that, from what I understand, even when a script isn't running, it's still using memory and the sim crossing still has to process it.
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