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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Living Dolls Gentleman's Club is hiring. Dancers get 80% tips, escorts get 90% tips. Also included is a weekly salary, bonuses, incentives, and more. Event host positions are also available, 100% tips as well as payment per event. Contact AliceAnnaMaria Resident or stop by in-world for more info. secondlife://Risk/46/210
  2. Both my friend and myself have tried posting in the Inworld Employment section- both times it takes us to the post, but then when we look at the actual subforum, it's gone. Like it's being deleted seconds after being posted. Tried some different words, different formatting... Happens every time. I'm starting to think that her name or the club name is triggering the anti-spam, or something like that.
  3. Is this forum not accepting new posts or something? Or are mine getting deleted as fast as I post them?
  4. Last I checked, Firestorm was trying to make this happen- ability to use the viewer in multiple monitors/multiple windows. Lots of hurdles to make it happen. However, just now I noticed a JIRA get Fixed and set to "released" on the official SL JIRA, https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/vwr-467 Did I miss something?
  5. I'm having this problem myself. Filed a JIRA and done quite a bit of troubleshooting. As far as I can tell, SL doesn't support USB sound on Windows 10 unless it's the default device.
  6. I'm late to this party, but I don't see the big deal on voice. But then I'm a gamer. When I'm fraggin' noobs in BF4 or smashing NPCs in SWTOR, there's no time to type. You get on TeamSpeak or Skype and you shout "Watch out for that goddamned grenade!" without thinking of it. Switch me to SL, and I'm just so used to using voice, I think nothing of keying up and speaking.
  7. Has anyone been able to get a USB connected audio device working for voice in SL- separate from the default sound device? Unless I set my headset to be my Windows default audio device, I can't get any of my viewers to use it for voice. They'll use every other device except it.
  8. So, I'm online between 9 PM to 9 AM, and it seems like SL is fairly dead at these hours. Everywhere I go, it's empty sims or bots. Or both, which is just misleading. So does anyone have any interesting, active places to go when it gets ultra late in SL time?
  9. If you do not have a sense of humor, if you are easily offended by sexist jokes, or if you are not female (definitely the last one), this may not be the position for you! Since my previous secretary stopped showing up and the replacement wore WAY too many layers of clothing, I am hiring!Pay scales up based on qualifications and attendance. Basic requirements: Minimum 18 years of age (this is SL, you never know!) Understand basic SL usage Understand the SL Marketplace Able and willing to type documents, product descriptions, instructions professionally Able to handle customer service inquries (however rare they may be) Minimum of 10 hours per week attendance Active hours should be between 9 PM and 9 AM SL time Being able to use voice/Skype is a plus, but not required Pay Scale: L$ 100 per week: Show up, type some notecards/product descriptions/etc, sometimes test scripts or animations, sometimes help with names or design decisions, don't object to being occasionally objectified! L$ 150 per week: Previous requirements, plus product bug testing, occassionally modeling for product and advertisement posters L$ 200 per week + 15% sales commissions: Previous requirements, plus making prouct images for SL Marketplace (sales commissions active even if employment ends) 20 + hours attendance per week adds L$ 100 to each option L$ 300 signing bonus after first week L$ can be provided for work related expenses, including hair, clothing, or other modeling accessories Attendance will be tracked via login script. Jealous boyfriends/husbands, screen filling gestures, or AO's using the ancient, freebie sexywalk will cause immediate termination. Gadget's Gadgets is an equal opportunity employer and does not descriminate against furries, aliens, robots, or big boobed bimbos (as a matter of fact, being any or all of those things could be a bonus, especially that last one). If interested, send an IM (not a notecard) to Gadget Portal, or stop by the workshop; http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Furman/229/53/65 See my marketplace store to get an idea of the types of things that will be typed: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/67953
  10. They have retention issues because other MMO's cost a one time 60 dollar fee (or less) and 15 a month to give you the same experience that you get in SL for 1000 and 300 a month. And yes, that includes user created content.
  11. Blaze Nielsen wrote: This is the most outrageous example of Linden Lab helping "select" merchants game the system that I can imagine. Clearly a violation of TOS for marketplace! Gaming the search results to an extent we've never seen before, Shame on you Linden Lab. The way I look at it, this is good. It means the TOS doesn't really matter anymore. I can finally have some real fun.
  12. Maxed out on HUDs and BDSM attachments? Please uninstall SL and stop lagging up the grid.
  13. That's true, I did use unfriendly terminology. As for who put me on it, the creator did. He put a lot of people on it. Anyone that uses a system like this doesn't deserve to have me on their parcel to begin with, so I'm not going to bother with all that. I'm just surprised that people honestly think the list is only of legit bans.
  14. Nothing like the old, "I have no idea what it is or how it works, but I suspect that it's the problem." routine.
  15. Low traffic and tips only... I think that answers the question.
  16. Story time! One time, there was a merchant with lots of five star reviews on a certain product. Yet sometimes, a review would be made that was not five stars, for various reasons. Some of these less than perfect reviews were due to user error, some due to bugs, some due to personal opinions. However, in every case, the seller commented on the reviews listing the reasons why the buyer was wrong, sometimes very rudely. In one case outright insulting the buyer's intelligence. Further, the seller would IM the buyer repeatedly, telling them to change their review, and that they must be using the product wrong, or whatever else. Words like "malicious behavior" left in comments on reviews! Seriously. Calling a 3 star review "malicious behavior". So, fellow merchants, how do you handle reviews that are less than five stars?
  17. This is why I stopped DJing, actually. Software: 90 USD per year, assuming we keep our software up to date (7.5 per month) DJ Specific Hardware: 200 USD - but since it was a one time cost, I won't include it Stream: 5 USD a month Music: 15 USD a month We'll round down to 25 USD a month for the minimums to DJ "legally and professionally" in SL. For some, the cost is much higher. I don't include my high grade Internet connection and high powered PC (separate from audio hardware, including sound card and headset), since I use it for other things. But some people may not, and it may be part of their cost. Then you see how many venues and clubs don't pay at all, and rely only on tips. Of those tips, you see how many people don't think much of DJs, and how many don't have much to give, and how many think it should be free, etc. Most of the DJ's I knew never asked for an RL wage, but instead asked to at least cover costs. And that just doesn't happen. And that's why SL is filled with terrible Winamp playlist DJ's playing stolen music. So next time you complain about the DJ, just remember that you get what you pay for.
  18. So the other day I was spending some time optimizing my sound on my PC. Getting the speakers positioned and all my audio settings running nicely for the 5.1 surround sound system I have. Then today I was in SL tinkering, and realized that we don't have surround sound here. Left, right, and center channels seem to be respected, but not the rear channels (not sure about subwoofer, either). Think we'll ever see 5.1/7.1 support, or should we expect that on the "next platform"?
  19. It doesn't matter if we like the flag or not. Anyone has the right to fly any flag they'd like. In any country. But here in the United States, we have a pretty specific document that protects that right. It doesn't matter if it's a Confederate flag, a Swastika, the KKK's white robes, or what- we all have the right to like or dislike it as we choose. So we can each personally choose to not display it (or in the case of retailers, not sell it)- but banning it is out of the question. Personally, I dislike the flag. But I fully support anyone's right to display it. And further, if LL does try to ban it, I'll be one of the ones to fight that decision.
  20. The communication system is unreliable already, and they're going to increase the load on it. Yeah, that's the kind of problem solving skills I've come to expect from LL.
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