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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. They're not common, but you could get a yacht or RV. The problem is you wouldn't be able to customize it much, if at all. And you'd still have nowhere to put it. The only way to get land without tier is to find some generous person that might share theirs. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/Hiring-Assistant-and-or-Clothing-Model/td-p/2461537
  2. I'm not sure you know what "fanboy" means, as you call someone else a fanboy while you flood the forums about how great bitcoin is...
  3. As a resident of Second Life, it is perfectly reasonable and well within my rights to start a forum thread about any topic that doesn't violate the ToS, EULA, or forum guidelines. Including topics about poor communication skills. I suggest you not read the general forums if random and sometimes pointless topics bother you.
  4. This thread is more a general request than directed at any specific person. As evidenced so far, poor communication isn't restricted to ban lines.
  5. I asked for clarification. They never answered. That's when I thought it was time for a PSA here on the forums. It's apparently advice you should take. That said, I welcome them coming here and posting. Maybe they'll make more sense in public.
  6. Awesome. No, I'm not xenophobic. I don't know anything about the person that sent me the IM. I got a message that was complaining about ban lines at my new airport. Except I couldn't make heads or tails of it because the message made no sense. Something about bad advertising and ban lines. I have no ban lines. On any of my parcels. I don't even have security orbs. So it'd be nice if people learned to communicate with semi-literate English (this includes some Americans and British) before they sent an IM to an English speaking person. Especially if they expect said person to be able to do anything about it.
  7. Because until you do, I have no idea what your incoherent rant about ban lines means. Thank you. (Disclosure: I don't use ban lines on any of my parcels. Ever.)
  8. Spamming the forums begging LL to take bitcoin makes you come across like a scammer that needs to launder some money. If bitcoin is so great, why are you trying to cash it out in a virtual world?
  9. Dude, get over the bitcoin thing. It's not happening. Not only is it a legal mine field, but it's not worth it due to the conversion rate. Bitcoins aren't accepted here. Obsessing over it is making it seem like you're eager to cash in on a scam.
  10. Designers that sell clothing and accessories, prim or mesh, and do it no mod, are bad designers that no one should buy from. Sellign something no mod is almost universally bad. I've only ever heard one good reason for selling something no mod- so that script functionality won't break. Functions that use link numbers can go real bad if you change links, for example. Clothes don't have to be scripted, so there isn't a single good reason to sell them no mod.
  11. LL doesn't read the forums. You just wasted your time. File a JIRA next time.
  12. On two different browsers, there's no way to add a credit card to an account. Is it broken?
  13. So, I was going to add a CC to my alt tonight, but it turns out I can't. There's no submit button on the page. I've tried two browsers, both IE and Firefox. I've disabled any and all ad blocking/popup blocking features and software. I was accepting bad certificates from the advertisement sites, so I knew everything was enabled, but there was still no button. Is the website broken, or what?
  14. Or... You can lock your crosshairs on them and leave head movement enabled, which is all enabled by default.
  15. Gadget's Gadgets Due to RL scheduling conflicts, a position has opened up. I find myself overwhelmed and I'm looking for help getting products made and sold. Choose the option(s) best for you! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOB DESCRIPTION: Personal Assistant / Model DUTIES: Option 1: Assist with making products sales worthy (potentially including but not limited to writing documentation, naming, beta testing, images). Option 2: Test and model mesh and system clothing, particularly for tango appliers. Option 3: Sit at desk and and look good. REQUIREMENTS: Motivation is a must for either of the first two options. Must be able to make suggestions and take initiative even while I'm busy or distracted. Option 1: Understanding of SL marketplace listings. Good writing skills. Basic SL skills and experience. PhotoShop/GIMP experience preferred but not required. Option 2: Female avatar. Understanding of SL permissions, creating/editing clothing and alpha layers. Lolas (Tangos and/or Tangos Mirage) preferred but not required. Option 3: Female. Boobs. Single. COMPENSATION: Option 1: Commission based pay (i.e. negotiable percentage of all L$ made from products sold). Negotiable bonus payments. Options 2 and 3 included. Option 2: Commission based pay (i.e. negotiable percentage of all L$ made from products sold). Free copies of any and all clothing tested/modeled. Option 3 included. Option 3: Free land usage for skybox/home/whatever. Personal use only. Roughly 600 prims. Completely private- no other neighbors on the sim indefinitely. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: No sexual harassment policy in place. No OSHA or EEOC standards at all, as a matter of fact... Contact Gadget Portal if Interested
  16. Just trying to dump off this roadside parcel ASAP without abandoning it. Just over 9000 sqm. IM me in-world.
  17. Nio Skytower wrote: Please don't insult me and tell me I do not make sense. And if you can afford a super computer, great for you. Not everyone has the money these days to spend on that. I'm just saying, can't we all enjoy secondlife, you with your awesome computer and me with my older one. So the verdict is you get to stay in the game and I must leave it, because we have different computers with different operating systems.......is that fair? Yes, let's dumb down SL so that it can run on typewriters! Who needs things like graphics and textures. Everything should be text based. While we're at it, let's ditch LED lights for wall mounted torches. Advancement is for mean people with super-mega-rich-people-computers, those meanie faces.
  18. Here's the thing to consider. It's SL. When it comes to fashion, 90% of it is made for women, 9% is made "unisex" (which is just a word for women without boobs), and maybe 1% is for men. Of that 1%, you either have the option of skinny iPad using hipster punk, or dark greasy refridgerator shouldered thug with t-rex arms. It's very hard to find anything in the middle. Those of us that do, we really have to search for it. A lot. When I'm human and in clothes instead of some sort of tech armor, I have maybe 3 pairs of pants and the same amount of shirts. Luckily I buy everything mod and can change their colors, so that allows me to alternate things a little.
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