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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. I almost never type "lol", but... lol, gamergate.
  2. Looking at all those pictures, I'd ban that too.
  3. Rolig Loon wrote: I assume you know that neither of the bits of code you linked to is a complete script. They are functions that set the vehicle parameters at the head of a script in which you have to provide all the control functions. When you do that, the code you provided ought to work, as long as you haven't restricted rotation in any of the three directions (X, Y, and Z). The banking parameters in it should make your airplane respond well. Yes. I pulled that section out, because I thought that's where the problem was. I haven't restricted anything and the vehicle "works" fine. It just won't bank. arton Rotaru wrote: Make sure you are applying an angular motor around the roll axis to make use of the banking feature. Usually the X axis. All it does is to make a rotation around the Yaw axis, when rolling. The vertical attractor timescale has a rather strong effect on how far it will bank. Stronger banking = longer vertical attractor timescale values. That could be what's going on. Currently my control inputs only change the angular.z axis, which presumably causes left/right turning.
  4. I've got a vehicle script I picked up and I'm trying to get it to bank, but none of the banking parameters seem to have any effect. I'm sure I'm missing a paramter, is anyone able to spot it? http://pastebin.com/inJjxFdZ
  5. Doors should have nothing to do with the viewer. Weird.
  6. I'm inclined to agree with jkessels on this one, purely because of my experience with F2P MMO's. Games like Star Trek Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Neverwinter, and a handful of others offer these packs that you buy with US dollars. When you open the pack, you have a chance to get anything from some crappy trinket to the +100 Sword of Awesomeness that everyone wants. They can get away with doing it without falling under gambling regulations because no matter what, you're getting something from the pack that they said you would, even if it's not the Sword of Awesomeness.
  7. Do it the way F2P MMO's do it- as long as you win something after you pay in (the "I Played the Game" t-shirt instead of the jackpot), it's not gambling.
  8. Mesh deformer isn't work looking into. It was a term thrown around prior to fitted mesh, which replaced the concept.
  9. My first thought, if you don't mind wearing another script and if they're mod, is to make a simple script that makes them transparent on the changed event. That would take care of the problem. You can IM me in-world for a script if that's what you want to try. Other than that, ask other owners of the mused and see if there's a toggle for that?
  10. Trying to find a PFD type vest. Inflatable, float, anything like that. There doesn't seem to be any full perm ones out there.
  11. Except when you're scripting an attachment to behave as an attachment and you need to see if it works as an attachment... Scripting it on the ground won't work. You have to remember to detach the attachment in order to save your work that you intend to use as an attachment... Because according to LL, it's "not practical" to save the status of attachments while attached at all, because "some change many times per second".
  12. It's absolutely insane that it works that way, is what the JIRA is about.
  13. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6273 Found this bug tonight. Hours after a script was finished, getting logged off completely deleted the script. I'd call that a pretty severe bug in the system.
  14. People are still building malls? I thought the only ones left were those abandoned places on the mainland.
  15. I've been seeing the server not responding in a timely fashion errors all week. There's definitely a problem and it's not just your sims. I've only seen it in Firestorm though, not in others. Have you tried asking in their group or filed a JIRA?
  16. I was gonna say something, but I changed my mind.
  17. I recently tried to gift a friend of mine, and kept getting a maturity rating error, even though she had her browsing set to show everything. LL had to flip a switch on their end to fix it. So there's definitely another control somewhere.
  18. Aethelwine wrote: If I was you I would be contacting support for an update on what has happened with your report and specifically whether it was the sim they crashed or you specifically. If it is the latter then I would be impressing on Linden Labs their obligations to advise and support you with regards to a potential need to report what has happened to the police for your own protection. Absolutely agree with this. Normally LL says they don't give updates on Abuse Reports or anything, but in this case, threats of murder and rape on the internet are a federal crime. That's the sort of thing that gets the FBI and local police agencies involved, and if LL doesn't follow up with you on this, you've got every right to hold them just as liable as the person making the threats. If it were me, I'd already have FBI cyber crimes already ripping hard drives out of LL's servers.
  19. I must be insane or an absolute fail at searching, but it seems like every single flight and/or hover animation I try has ballet pointed toes on them. Nothing that keeps the feet flat and close together. Has anyone seen anything like this or willing to make it?
  20. "[Recipient] can not accept items of this maturity level." However, if she goes on to the marketplace herself, she can see it and purchase it for herself, so clearlt her maturity level is fine. What gives?
  21. Dillon Levenque wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: Sassy Romano wrote: Exactly that. Like I said, I challenged the "warning" because rezzing a copiable object in my own region, over and over is hardly anything wrong and I simply could NOT know what a no mod script inside the item did. It's their fault entirely if they're spammed by their own creation. No surprise though, I suspect the LL droid just looked at a pasted chat log of spam from their creation, originating from owner "me". Wow. I've always known LL was made up of really stupid people, but that's a new one. Only a really stupid person would believe what you wrote there. I've seen enough of your writing to know you're not stupid so I can only assume you were trolling as usual. You missed. Anyone with even a fraction of a brain can see that LL is not made up of 'really stupid people'. Really stupid people could not have created this environment and kept it working. Yes, the person (or droid) who dealt with Sassy's issue was way off base (might not have been stupid, but was clearly not up to par on how things work in SL). Your comment, if it can believed to be your actual opinion (which as I said I doubt), makes you look stupid. Really? Everything in this thread, and you're going to nitpick that? I think PC is right.
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