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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Pray tell how we ignore ban lines at the end of our runway? Would be great if muting/ignoring people would allow us to pass through them.
  2. Christin73 wrote: I am wondering how high up the skybox is? i know the area around Honnoh Lee Field you have to have it a certain hight. The Airport owner sould be working with her on the issue to resolve it. because of that persons ban lines it makes the airport undesirable. This is mainland. Anything goes. Anyone that's asked her about it has been put on the ban list. Including me. Means we can't even fly over it anymore. At this rate, we're either going to have to move the airport, or find some way to be super annoying within the TOS to make her leave.
  3. Hugsy Penguin wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: So I did some research on this and ban lines and found, contrary to what is stated in other posts here, go to the height of 4096 now, per this wiki entry. From the link you provided: "If the parcel is simply not pubic access or restricted to certain Residents/groups, then the lines go up to 50 m above the terrain mesh." These are the most common ban lines that you'll find. My neighbor has this type of ban lines and I can fly over them all day long. I can also get out of any vehicle, fly my avatar over their parcel, press F to turn off fly mode, and trampoline on an invisible field. It's the explicit named bans that go up higher. IIRC, they used to only go to about 800 meters. Today, I believe they actually go to about 5000 meters. She may have some people banned by name, but for everyone else, the lines stop at 50m AGL. The ban lines this land owner is using are not only doing absolutely nothing to protect her skybox, they could actually be driving curious people into the sky to figure out why there's ban lines on the ground protecting empty land. Bingo.
  4. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: The airport owner planned it poorly or is using unsuitable land if planes need to fly into someone else's lot to take off. It was discussed. The answer was, "Well, it's L$500,000 to get a 1024 plot at the water. It's L$8192 to get a plot twice as large two sims in. We're getting the one that isn't priced by a **bleep**ing retard." Ahhh, NOW it becomes clear. We have a conflict between a neighbor who doesn't understand ban lines and an airport administration who understand neither the importance of clearway nor having a community-relations officer without a long history of lacking interpersonal skills. A real-world solution would be to issue a NOTAM and new approach charts to have takeoffs and landings go the opposite way on the runway and to establish a minimum altitude for the region crossing - it would be similar to a noise-abatement procedure. A SL solution would be to raise the entire runway to just above ban-line altitude, which would give those not explicitly banned sufficient clearway and have the added advantage of driving the neighbor CRAZY. The inevitable spite fence that would follow would almost certainly be visible (she doesn't seem bright enough to figure out how to make an invisible one, and her brand of spite seems like she would want it visible anyway.) I'd love to change traffic to go south instead of north. The problem with that is A) Now we're heading away from the Blake and further inland, into more of this no-man's land (more skyboxes and ban lines), and B) Across the street is another skybox, literally right where the glide slope would be. It was also discussed putting a runway in the sky, but then we lose the road, and we'd have to redo the build (which was another thing discussed- going east/west instead of north/south...) Times like this, I wish there were some sort of zoning on the mainland... Or some sort of something. As it stands, it's just ugly chaos.
  5. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: The airport owner planned it poorly or is using unsuitable land if planes need to fly into someone else's lot to take off. It was discussed. The answer was, "Well, it's L$500,000 to get a 1024 plot at the water. It's L$8192 to get a plot twice as large two sims in. We're getting the one that isn't priced by a **bleep**ing retard."
  6. Hugsy Penguin wrote: Regardless, she thinks the ban lines are protecting her skybox. It would be helpful if someone informed her that that's not the way they work. Tried that. It made her ban me by name. She won't listen to reason.
  7. 750 meters below their sky box, she put up ban lines. At the end of a runway of an airport between her and the Blake Sea. The reason: "I don't want people in my sky box." Worse, the ban lines are invisible. Even with the option to see ban lines turned on, because these are over a sim border, they simply don't show up. Fly up over them and land on the sky box, and you're fine. I'm not sure if this is an example of LL screwing up, or the land owner being stupid.
  8. I think we're getting a little off topic here.
  9. Janelle Darkstone wrote: "I’d always end up broken down on the highway. When I stood there trying to flag someone down, nobody stopped. But when I pushed my own car, other drivers would get out and push with me. If you want help, help yourself—people like to see that." — Chris Rock If they aren't learning, it's time to stop teaching. Maybe it's time to remove some of those people? Yeah, I started doing that. Pretty soon the only people on my list will be the ones that haven't logged in for months.
  10. I've taken to giving links to the LSL wiki instead of making scripts for them, but they still ask.
  11. Janelle Darkstone wrote: I wish. I would love friends who would send an IM to ask for help or to ask if I wanted to join them someplace. 'Talking for the sake of talking' is ... extremely boring, in my opinion. Good IM's: "Hey, we're down at suchandsuch club and listening to a really good live guitarist. Wanna come?' "Oh, hey, can you do a profile pic for me sometime?" "Can you tell me where you found that hair in that one pic?" Bad IM's: "Hi." "How r u?" "Wut r u doing?" "How was ur day?" "Why do u have me on ignore?" To me, that bolded option there doesn't belong with the other two. I'd love to get either of the other two from time to time- all I ever get is the "can you do [this] for me?" Never because they want to see my latest creation or show off some item or location.
  12. Only ever IM you when they need you to write a script for them, or need a build, or need music edited... I find more and more, unless I send a message to people to make casual conversation, they only ever talk to me when they need my technical expertise. The friends I had that used to talk to me just for the sake of talking to me don't seem to use SL anymore. Do we all have "friends" like this?
  13. ShugRT wrote: Hey thee Gadget, i would like to apply for option1 off course I believe i am fit for the job because I've worked as an assistant in RL. Im good at writing documentation, naming, very organized, I currently have a Bachelors in science and a degree in Graphic design I can contribute a lot when it comes to images, displays, previews, coding etc. Been on SL roughly about a year now, and ii've experienced lots during my SL Thank you for yout time, -Shug You sound overqualified.
  14. SweetLadyMell wrote: Hi, Umm, look at my profile...I fill in the requirements fully...however, in name of womanhood everywhere, I'd turn this one down flat. Come on guys: Option 2: Sit at desk and and look good. - please, a blow-up doll can do that, women are much more that this... Option 2: Female. Boobs. - umm, a bit on Human Anatomy 101: boobs ARE female, ever seen male boobs (that look the part)??? No sexual harassment policy in place - oh, well, thanks for the heads-up... One simple answer : not interested as the ad itself is a form of harassment... It's so hilaryous, I'll NOT report this, you guys should consider stand-up comedy... Too proud to be a Woman, too proud for this job, if you can call this a job Mell xxx ... ... So I take it you're more interested in Option 1?
  15. I know your friends apparently can't take no for an answer. Bad friends are bad.
  16. Been asked and answered before. Repeatedly. The answer is no. Reasons are both technological and behavioral. Your friends are the problem, not the system. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4823
  17. JamieThunder wrote: I can meet all the requirements and not only do I have boobs I also process a vajayjay That's funny, I like that reply.
  18. Fairly easy to meet the requirements, isn't it?
  19. Verena Vuckovic wrote: "There may or may not be a solution for your problem but I can't find a single post by you saying "Help." It's quite clear that people who's entire approach is ' It can't possibly be anything wrong with SL....it must be your system' are incapable of even understanding the concept of help....let alone providing it. I don't want your patronising and condescending 'help'....I want a probem with SL to be fixed. If you really wanted to fix the problem, you'd post your system specs. Connection diagnostics/method. You'd offer up your environment for troubleshooting. Most people that think they're running "top rate machines" are running toasters that are better off scrapped. Server side baking is working as intended. If you're having problems, fix your computer. If you don't know how to do that, give us the information for us to offer solutions.
  20. GP Operations Gadget's Gadgets Job opening --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOB DESCRIPTION: Secretary/Personal Assistant DUTIES: Option 1: Assist with making products sales worthy (including but not limited to writing documentation, naming, beta testing, maybe images), and/or assist with finding and scheduling DJ gigs. Option 2: Sit at desk and and look good. REQUIREMENTS: Option 1: Self motivation. Basic SL skills. Understanding of SL Marketplace listings. Option 2: Female. Boobs. COMPENSATION: Option 1: Commission based pay (i.e. negotiable percentage of all L$ made from products sold and/or DJ gigs). Group role for access to many group and land controls. Roughly 600 prims on a semi-private (no other renters/neighbors) homestead sim to use at will. Option 2: Group role for access to some land controls. Roughly 600 prims on a semi-private (no other renters/neighbors) homestead sim to use at will. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: No sexual harassment policy in place. No OSHA or EEOC standards at all, as a matter of fact... Contact Gadget Portal if Interested *Edit: clarification
  21. Wait. Does that say you can't build and you can't script, but you want to split the profits 50/50? If someone is building and scripting these, what do they need you for?
  22. Doesn't matter how good the system is if the user is a moron. It's the same with cars.
  23. Some agents got caught playing MMO's at work. To get out of it, they said "No, no. I'm not raiding Thunder King. I'm tracking Adam Yahiye Gadahn, he plays a blood elf rogue. That's why rogues never get a buff."
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