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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. You are free to do whatever you want. Those of us that have been tweaking SL Viewers for performance for years understand Microsoft and NVIDIA do not include custom settings in their systems for SL. If you want optimal performance in SL, or any game, you will use the NVIDIA provided controls and build a custom settings set for your game. It is obvious NVIDIA knows this and so provided the customization options as game specific sets. Microsoft makes the generic simple to use settings for the.... computer novice.
  2. If you think it is a bug, file a JIRA Bug Report. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz (3504 MHz) Memory: 32708 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 18362.295) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2 Some time back the Lab changed how they handle graphics cards. Previous to those changes the graphics card stuff was kept in a file downloaded with the viewer. Keeping up with new cards required updating the file which became too much work so the system was changed to 'probe' the graphics card and determine its capabilities. Card information is pulled from the card. There is a command line option (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_parameters) to turn off the hardware probe as it can block some from logging in. You may want to check the command line options in you launching icon. To answer your OP question, you don't. What you are reading in HELP is built into the card and viewer. You can use GPU-Z (free) to read the name embedded in the card. In my case the embedded name is 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB'. So, the viewer can capture that text and use it. I haven't read the code to see how it does that or how it assembles the text for the HELP panel. But, I suspect your problem is an NVIDIA issue, not a viewer problem. But, you can try other viewers... they probably all use the same code... 🤔 You had a problem getting an answer you wanted because no one thinks what is in HELP is all that important... it is helpful... not important. It certainly doesn't matter to the operation of the viewer. Everyone expected you to be interested in performance not pretty text in an informational panel. No one is THAT silly. So, we provided performance related answers. Your being insistent we answer a question as worded and not expanding on it just frustrated everyone. Just hope the key people here didn't put you on their idiots list and avoid answering you in the future.
  3. Left-click on the avatar and hold (per Whirly) to drag the camera around the avatar. Press W while doing that and you can walk and mouse-steer the avatar. The Alt, Ctrl, and Shift keys individually and in combination modify how that and the mouse-wheel work.
  4. All of the settings in the UI are also in the Debug Settings. It is a bit tedious making the changes in that panel, but you can move the rather small panel arround.
  5. With viewers designed for a 512MB VRAM card it is expected to run with those cards, not necessarily well but run. If the viewer design were changed, we could expect many of those cards to have problems. How many is where it gets fuzzy.
  6. At Errant's link notice the note at the bottom of the page. The SL system reformats all uploaded images to a size based on 'powers of 2'. e.g., 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024 the max size. There is no requirement or re-formatting to square. So, a 512x1024 image is possible. This means a 300x300 image will not be saved at 300x300 within the SL system. While 256 is the closest size it will require the image be enlarged and most enlargement algorithms are horrible. A 512 image will be downsized. Reduction algorithms are way better than enlargement algorithms. However, there is some debate as to whether and upload via the the web pages has the same restrictions as an upload via the viewers. I think it depends on where the image is stored. As best I can tell that depends on where the images is used. And if used on the web and in-world I suspect it is stored in two places and the in-world version ends up in the SL assets in JPG2000. Also, all in-world images in SL are forced into the JPG2000 format. That is an interesting format with lots of advantages for real time 3D rendering. Suffice to point out it is a JPEG lossy format. So, uploading JPG or other lossy format images makes for a double loss in quality as image editor to JPG loses and then JPG to JPG2000 loses more, which is why most experienced SL peeps use TGA and PNG as their upload. The viewer's conversion (or is it the server's - I forget) to JPG2000 sort of sucks when compared to Photoshop and GIMP. So, for best quality images handle your size and image ratios in your image editor then upload. The idea is to avoid triggering any of the SL systems re-formatting so, it just writes your image as uploaded into JPG2000 format. Some think Photoshop's downsize resample algorithm Bilinear is better than the often recommended BiCubic, for SL use. I think it is a very fine point most won't notice. RATIO - Then the profile picture has that annoying size ratio issue. See: ...and you thought uploading a profile picture would be simple... 😣
  7. @Orionof If you want to tweak the NVIDIA for the best performance read NVIDIA Settings 2016.
  8. The limit is a limit in the viewer's render engine. The FS team pushed the limit to 2GB. The Linden viewer is limited to 512MB. How much VRAM you use pretty much only affects when texture thrashing sets in (Clear, burry, clear, blurry, etc). The limit also affects those with older computers. The Lindens have talked about increasing the limit. But haven't to remain compatible with older systems. Yet, FS is used by many with older computers. So it is pretty fuzzy as to how old is old enough to have a problem.
  9. Nalates Urriah


    And you can run more than one viewer at the same time. I often run one copy of Firestorm (FS) and log into the main grid and another copy to log into the Preview Grid. If you log two or more viewers into the main grid at the same time you MUST use different accounts. If you try to use the same account, the second log in forces the previous to log out. You do have to change a setting in the LL viewer and, I think, the FS viewer to allow additional copies to run. Running more than one viewer puts a load on your computer. Two and three year old computers can handle two viewers running pretty well.
  10. All good answers. I'll add, there is an aspect to height where another performance issue come up. It is appearance, which degrades. Regardless of draw distance (DD), the viewer does render the ground. You can try that out. To test fly up to 100m or 200m and change DD to values less than those. Once up to Lindal's 1,000m that task disappears and you pick up a bit of performance. Below that 1,000m you are in an area where people fly. So, from time to time your viewer will be rendering those wonderful flying machines. Generally not a problem. At about 3,000m some other issues come up. The limit is about 4,000m for building. At about 3,000m some items begin to alter shape. You will find people talking about seams appearing in the avatar, mostly from those that use mesh bodies and more so from those that use bodies and heads. People also notice prims not fitting together as they expected. In these cases they have run into the math problems of 3D real time rendering. While we use floating point numbers for all we do when interfacing with SL 3D space the render engine uses integers. It converts. It is also limited in the number of digits it will use. This causes round off errors. At 4,096.0m building is disallowed (see Limits) because the round off problem is so great. At 3,000m it is a problem that is starting to show. But, is generally acceptable and mostly unnoticed. So, the sweet spot for skyboxes is the 1,000m to 3,000m range.
  11. If one has not studied drawing/painting of humans it can be hard to understand what makes a pleasing form. We see RL and SL people and think they are beautiful or not. We do not give a lot of thought to why the look pleases us. As a study you might collect images of those avatars you find gorgeous. When you have a bunch go through them and see if you can find what is consistent across the collection. It may be small nose, dark almond shaped eyes, dark hair long or short, small breasts, l o n g legs, 6-pack abs, ... make the list of what YOU consider beautiful. Then setup to build an avatar that meets the list's criteria. While much of our preference is baked into that evaluation of expectation there are some things we ALL expect and some we just prefer. J-Lo butts and exaggerations are popular with some. There are fat-girl porn magazines... they sell. So, some like that look. For others it is the slim athletic body. We decide what we want to look and work toward that look. I am perpetually tweaking my shape and face and have been since 2008. Not everyone is going to like my look. I'm not into JLo butts. Tho some really pull the look off well... like J-Lo, who is talented and HAWT. Yet, I prefer a Halle Berry shaped body. There are tools in the marketplace to help you make an avatar with human correct proportions. But, you can get the Standard Size shapes for free in the marketplace. These are good starting points with proportionally correct shapes. You can then tweak these shapes to your personal taste as they are full permission shapes. Faces are way difficult because we are subconsciously aware of incredible detail in the face using it to decide numerous factors... friendly, lustful, angry, hostel... So, finding a head that by default is close to the look we want is the easiest way to get to where we want to look.
  12. Solving this is complex. You have eliminated the viewer and AO problems. Next is the furniture issues. Furniture comes with different animating systems and animations, both made by various people. For instance AVSitter, probably the more popular animation system, remembers positions for individual avatars... sort of. Consider sitter #1, #2, and possibly more. If you are sitter one and have adjusted your furniture, you may have to do the same for sitter #2 as Sitter #1 setting have no effect on #2. Animations are made for small, medium, and large avatars... in some cases. You'll have to figure out what is being used in your furniture. Some use the large animation for whoever sits first (male) and medium or small animations for whoever sits second (female). That is an arbitrary decision that often annoys me. But, it seems mostly consistent. Avatars have two HOVER settings that affect how your avatar sits. One is in the Avatar Appearance panel. The other is in the avatar's right-click menu. Because of "shoes" (the system shoes) one or the other can be set for walking and throw off sitting. I find using the 'shoe size' that comes with shoes and a standard (...for me) Appearance Hover setting works best. I tweak the right-click Hover for walking and sitting as needed. Overall height (tallness) has an affect on the other two settings. The idea is to get both Hover settings to bring the collection of avatar attachments affecting avatar height to accurately reflect that height (tallness) setting in world. When they are correct then more things fit (?) and look right than not. A couple of years ago when Appearance and Right-click Hover were being discussed and designed the Lindens were explaining why it was so difficult getting it right. The problem is a legacy issue. Long ago in a young virtual world someone decided basing animations on the avatar center (pelvis) was the best idea. So the distance to the top of one's head, butt and soles of the feet are calculated values that begin at the pelvis because animations begin there. A number of things throw the calc off. So, the Hover settings were added to simplify correcting issues.
  13. The thread is moving quickly today. While this thread isn't the place for debating this issue... consider. None of us are the sole arbiters of what is thought of our bodies, actions, or thoughts. Or even what we do with our bodies. Civilization and socialization require we communicate and cooperate in a democratic way thus government and laws. One who has perfectly health limbs may decide they should be amputated... apotemnophilia. No society allows that. It is generally considered a form of mental illness and is treated as such. To think we get to impose our morality on another's thinking is considered a tyranny. Exposing out body to those that are not interested in seeing it is a form of abuse. Flashers are prosecuted for a reason. How is a male exposing his genitals different then a female doing the same? The idea of PC speech to avoid offense is used to force verbal compliance with with a small minority of people's thinking and introduces insanity into the public discourse. There are places where bare female breasts are acceptable. But no single arbiter made that decision. Outside our homes no one is that free or independent.
  14. Others are pointing to building in an area forcing the Pathfinding physics/terrain/map updates which leak memory. Consuming memory would affect scripts as some point. If that PF thing is a real problem the disparate problems may make it difficult to put a finger on the script % problem.
  15. It is difficult to know what is going on with the servers. Inara and I blog what is known. But, often the Lindens aren't sure. Simon Linden at the Server-Scripting UG Tuesday said he didn't know what all was in the updates rolling to the RC channels. Rider Linden knew that some of his fixes were going to the RC channel today. But, made no statement on which channel. Also, there are things changing that the Lindens say their work didn't change... For instance Script Run % is better or a continuing problem depending on who you talk to. But, no fixes for that issue have rolled. With Tuesday's update I have had fewer problems with disconnects when teleporting or crossing region boundaries. Before that disconnecting was an aggravating problem for me that was growing since the fix pushed 6 or 8 weeks ago. Did the servers change? Yeah, but according to the Lindens the update should not have affected that problem. So, was it the servers, my network, or my computer? No way to know. My thinking is there is no single Linden that knows what is happening with the servers that is talking about it.
  16. Go ahead and uninstall it. As Aishagain advised backup your settings first. Also, when the uninstall asks about deleting ALL files, if there is any doubt this is a beta in a separate folder say NO. And I would say NO in any case. If you say YES, in the worst case you will need to reinstall 6.2.4, but most likely not.. If you have an actual Beta, it installs in a unique folder. You can look at the launch icon's properties to see where it is. Once uninstalled you can delete the folder. If you are reasonably computer literate there is more you can do. Read through the Firestorm Instructions for a Clean Install. Adapt them to work with your beta install, mostly folder names need to change. This will clean out a bunch of stuff that is only ever used with the beta.
  17. There are details in the SL Wiki. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Preview_Grid One of the problems is on the first-time-ever-login you may need support to get your account working. Scroll down to see How To Login.
  18. You can continue to insist your avatar never had this problem. I expect you to get frustrated. No one can help and most are not going to believe you because most noticed the problem long ago. You can file a JIRA bug report explaining the problem so you get a response from a Linden. But, you are going to find people and Lindens telling you the problem has been around forever and it will not be fixed. You can check that it is not just a recent viewer thing yourself. Get an older version of the viewer. Link: https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/[version number here].html You can find old version numbers on mine and Inara's blogs. ONLY use main viewer version numbers. RC versions force and update BEFORE they launch. It is hard to install an older version and run it more than once. I find it easier to install the version in a folder other than the default. Doing so leaves you default viewer operational.
  19. Several good explanations. I'll add another from a different viewpoint. Your viewer has something like 3,000 controls. These are only available to you from your keyboard. No one else can use those controls. RLV - Restrained Love Viewer is a custom viewer. The custom viewer has code built-in to allow a number of controls to be accessed by another user. For various reasons control is only passed through a "relay", which is a scripted object you own and wear or not. A number of relays are available for free. Most BDSM collars, rings, other things have a relay built in. Relays have controls to allow you to say who can do what. The RLViewer proved so popular other third party viewers adopted the code and built RLV into their viewers. So, we have a good number of RLV capable viewer brands. The Lindens haven't decided to add RLV to the default Linden made SL Viewer. They decided to provide a number of RLV types of control via an alternate method we call Experiences. RLV is much older than Experiences. So, there is more stuff made for RLV than Experiences. The downside of that is RLV is so old it is pre-mesh. Using RLV with mesh bodies has a number of problems as the scripts do not understand mesh bodies. Ways to compensate are being devised. But, that places some ownious on the individual user to learn how to make their new generation mesh body work with old generation RLV. See: Second Life Tutorial: RLV, Mesh, and Folders – How it works, How to Use Very few people are using Experiences in the diverse ways RLV is used. I think the lack of grid wide Experiences has delayed the adoption of Experiences. One task RLV is used for is the Stargates. With RLV you activate the gate and walk through, poof you teleport. The gates are objects placed in various regions, one creator and many owners. With Experiences and no grid-wide key every gate would have to have its own key and Experience owner. No easy use... So, RLV is a mix of pain, frustration, and fun surprises, increased ability, sexy stuff, and more. And unfortunately... not many people in SL know how to use it.
  20. You and the Lindens. Having last names was thought to be easy. After all we had them once and sort of have them now (think Resident). It is the CHANGE that is apparently proving way more difficult than expected. The ability to change names is proving far more complex because of all the aspects that depend on Avatar name rather than avatar UUID.
  21. No... SL servers handle backend tasks like chat, finding and delivering assets, and running the region/simulator. Delivering an asset a bit faster is not a big plus. That Finding-delivering thing is mostly limited to just scene render time. A region handles everyone in the region. I can't imagine how you could have different performance for different people in the same region. Your Internet speed going from 80mbps to 300 is unlikely to make much difference in viewer performance. You may shave a couple of seconds off your scene render time. In Windows you can open the Resource Monitor and see how much network bandwidth you actually use when running an SL Viewer. Once the scene renders the bandwidth drops dramatically. Which is why the minimum requirement for SL includes DSL, which typically maxes out around 1mbps. Improving performance in SL is complex. In general faster CPU clock speed, faster memory, and a good, modern graphics card are the best options. As posted earlier... there is no reason not to use 'height' within a shape. But, changing height in a shape should be more of a one time like thing. So, avatar height is set once in my shape. Then when changing shoes I often tweak height in the avatar's right-click menu. Getting this type of kiss is not that hard. The AVSitter furniture I own I set to me. Then save those settings and make a set of default settings to use if the furniture has to be reset for any reason. Per individual pose it takes 1 to 5 minutes. For furniture with hundreds of poses that can get tedious. But, if they make the furniture well then you only need to adjust one pose and then save the offset for all poses. The problem is I find few items are made that well. With a regular lover you can include his settings too. If you are promiscuous... well it can get tedious... in more ways than just setting poses. To simplify things, I don't hook up with giants or tinies or with people having genitals bigger than me. To understand AVSitter pose adjustments you have to understand the X adjustment is East (positive) and West (negative) and Y is N(+) and S(-). Open the mini-map them move the camera to look along either the N~S or E~W axis and it is easy to tell what to click to move the avatars correctly.
  22. Good question... I do once in a great while look to see who liked someone's image... not mine... someone else's. Otherwise I am just happy with the Likes I get. We've talked before about why we give Likes... The reasons are so diverse I doubt one can take any serious information from the number of Likes... other than there is some positive something going. From Saturday.... after some Photoshop.
  23. There was only one new 'do' at Hair Faire I could not resist.
  24. Also, when you are trying to match skin use a Windlight that will help. CalWL and Nam's Optimal Skin are good choices. There are other Skin Windlight settings that work. You are trying for neutral colors and a low contrast environment. Once the skin matching looks good at those settings it will look as good as it can in all the other settings. It is difficult to get a perfect match if you use different skins on different parts of the body. The head-body is the most common problem as skin makers can easily make body, feet, and hands in a single applier. But, they usually have to make something special for the head. There is no uniform way that skin and tats are applied to the head. So, one needs special appliers or Omega, meaning the skin make has to do that extra work.
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