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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. You have PING'd the SL servers (I assume you mean the ones listed in Help->About...). Now have hubby run a TRACERT to the SL servers.
  2. To modify or search for perfection... sort of the question. Either way you want to watch for Mod-OK and Copy-OK. Most importantly the animations should be Copy-OK. This gives options later on. Also, newer animations tend to include Bento, a level of animation not previously possible. It mostly means fingers are animated. But, can include facial expressions. Look at [Ruckus] Smash Couch. Check the demo. Ruckus also makes a bed which I think is horrible but it has awesome animations. Fortunately I can move the animations to a bed I think looks better as they are Copy-OK. Then Iren Tinkel made animations to go with Ruckus' bed and couch, which are Bento facial animations. They add an amazing dimension to the sex. I'll warn you the animation are not what I would call 'romantic', but they are ... say... vigorous. 😮 The problem with moving them is I have to script a new AVsitter setup. This is a rather tedious process. However, AVsitter has done all the heavy lifting. You just have to figure out AVsitter and put in all the starting positions.
  3. Animats makes some good points. The viewer PING and Packet Loss are different from the Windows system PING and Packet Loss, as Animats points out. The Troubleshooting link I provided explains how to tell if the SL servers are causing lost packets or it is from network problems. You can open the Resource Monitor and in the Memory section see the actual Hard Faults page swapping in real time. Since you are using the Linden made SL Viewer, the video memory maxes at 512...
  4. More people have been complaining. File a trouble ticket and list the time you tried to login as precisely as possible and which region. Ask the information be forwarded to Caleb Linden.
  5. The red lines may be adding to your problem. You are running the BoM RC Viewer. Unless you are working with BoM stuff, I suggest you switch to the default SL Viewer, 6.2.3. Maybe even try the Firestorm Viewer. Bandwidth is recommended to be 80% of your download speed or 1500 whichever is smaller. That is from years of testing. But, it is very dependent on your hardware and location. So, experiment to see what setting gives the best results... even over 1500. But, make your first tries at or below 1500. LoD 9 is forcing your system to download more than it needs. Take the setting to 2 and see if you have better results. Novice creators that have no idea how to use LoD tell you to turn the number up to save them effort. People even complain about Firestorm using LoD @ 2 as they think it leads content creators to be sloppy causing everyone lag. The packet loss is not good. But, at 0.6% it isn't deadly. Also, 1.6k out of 255k looks like you just started the viewer. It is common to have more packet loss when first logging in. I would expect the % to drop lower the longer you are on. If it increases after login, then it is bad and you likely have connection problem.
  6. This picture comes from the FOCUS Photography Class. I was surprised. I was expecting another "click this then this then.." It was about seeing composition and the mental side of photography. Interesting class. They are regularly scheduled classes.
  7. The changes in ARC and ACI are from hardware changes. As video card tech changes how the render tasks are weighted needs to change. They didn't get ARC or ACI wrong. No excuse is needed. The world has changed and it is time to revise what was once a decent rating system to a better one with more appropriate meaning for today's users. ARCTan has never been in a 'release ready' state. I have no idea where you came up with that. Also, the numeric value chosen isn't about user familiarity. The consideration is in how the numbers will impact the over all SL system and its various components. ARCTan will also change Land Impact. So, the numbers, if poorly chosen, could force a massive return of prims on land. Part of the delay is in choosing numbers that work based on objective data observed in SL. ARCTan is coming because of how users are using SL and improvements in networking, video tech, and improvements to the SL system. Content Creators need to focus on more appropriate design considerations. Some of the delay is from other projects that are running over time-wise and the need to extinguish conflagrations. Plus, the challenge of getting a better system to fit within the ACI rating scale we have now. The current deficiency we see in ACI isn't from the algorithm used. It is from the "I didn't see that coming" side of anticipating what users would do. Content Creators have found ways to drop ACI using this algorithm that don't improve the render performance. Essentially circumventing the purpose of ACI and producing a result opposite the intended one. This coming change will improve things. Once it is out users will figure ways to get the result they want and only a few will consider design in regard to render efficiency. So, at some point there will be a new ARCTan replacement once the Lindens learn all those new twists users come up with.
  8. I guess your virtual mom and dad didn't explain... 🤔 SL Sex is something you probably should have a friend help you with. Or you can hire an escort to show you how it all works. Since this is an answers section... Understand there is more to virtual, pixel, or role play, or whatever you call sex in SL than just fitting the two or more avatars together. That 'fitting' is the simpler part of sex. Beds, chairs, pool tables... a huge and varied array of things in SL have animations that put the avatars together. So, if you can sit in a chair and change poses, you know the basics of getting the avatars together. There are HUD's, pose balls, rugs, tables, desks, and BDSM furniture that are for having sex and you just sit on them. The challenging part is meeting someone to hook up with. There are places for that, nude beaches, escort services, dance clubs, strip clubs... Look in the Adult section of the Destination Guide. Explore. Once you find a place, then it is a matter of how good your pick-up lines are. The other avatar has a person behind it. So, avoid being a self-centered-jerk. There are AFK Sex places where there is no person behind the avatar... usually. AFK places provide a good opportunity to practice. (The Odd AFK Sex Thing…) I think the real excitement comes from another person. Of course to put genitals together you first have to have them. The quality of genitals ranges from horrible to sophisticated and prices range from free to thousands of Lindens. If you find a hot babe with a smokin body they have probably spent at least L$3k and way likely more on their body. So, wearing a classic body and hitting on them is not likely to work well. However, if you are a smooth silk tongued player you might score even with a classic avatar. Looking good helps in SL just as in RL. Then there is the role play of having sex... The level varies hugely. It is all about what you say and how you say it. You need to get past your noob stage. We look at your avatar, how well you control it, and often your profile to decide if you are new. New generally means trouble for the more experienced person and the new are a pain to deal with. So, read up on Stop Being a Noob. Once you have that down, read up on HOW to have sex. You most definitely should read through ALL of the last article.
  9. I am seeing more people complaining about not being able to get into Aditi. Right now I only go into Aditi once or twice a week. I haven't had a problem. Be sure to try logging into other regions. Morris and Ahern are possibilities. If that doesn't work, file a trouble ticket. This gets numbers into the SL system. Talking with Caleb and Maz Linden they were unaware of anything that would cause a problem. For them to be able to do anyting, they need trouble reports and precise time of the problem. Give them as much detail as you can. When filing a trouble ticket ask it be CC'd to Caleb.
  10. About 3 or 4 years ago ACI was made from a revision of ARC which is older but came in after I joined. So, what we are using isn't 15 years old. I am not sure Black Dragon's values can be called "better". They are different and a good try. But, they are causing problems. People will use whatever is available to hopefully solve a problem they have. Pushing people to lower their ACI is being done by using scripting to check ACI values and kick those they arbitrary think are too high. BD users are getting some surprise kicks. Going the other way if BD users are early to an event it throughs off the detectors and they let in higher ACI avatars. A project named ARCTan is in the works. It is somewhat delayed as other projects have hit bumps. But, several Lindens tell us it is coming and will reset ARC/ACI. Because of the high impact on the community they are working out how to bring it in without causing massive problems. I assume if its values are higher than the current ACI all ARC/ACI values will be pushed down so the new ARCTan numbers will be in the range of the Current ACI. But, that is just my guess.
  11. Mollymews provided the best source for what's what. What they don't tell you is that different things cause different reactions in the Avatar Physics. So walking/running/flying (= moving triggering the Havok physics engine) is a bit different from when you are dancing (= animated no Havok influence). So, I have different physics settings for different activities. And different settings for Slink versus Classic. The Firestorm Physics is very conservative, well for mesh bodies. I have a pose stand that has a walk animation. Any walk animation will do. Switch between walk and physics edit... you'll get something that looks realistic. I think the trick is to get adequate movement that dampens quickly.
  12. Right... If minis are making a come back in SL, it would have to be to replace the micro-skirts. Sadly too true. And Orwar is right. The way avatar animation works in SL it isn't going to happen. BoM, Animesh... they aren't the solutions.
  13. I tend to go with Region Default Windlight. But, when I break out the camera I open Firestorm's Photo Tools, click New Sky and start adjusting from whatever starting point the region supplied. When I am putting on my makeup I use a couple of different Windlights, CalWL, Nam's, and Analu's. But, the recent changes for EEP seems to have thrown these off a bit. It will be interesting to see how EEP changes things.
  14. I love the colors. This looks really good too. Insilico, Hangers, and others were so totally awesome when the first opened. I wonder if they have changed all that much, well Insilico has, or if I've just grown used to them? Whichever, you look good... and not that ancient looking...
  15. You may have a bad icon that you are using to launch the viewer. The icon points to the OLD install. You can delete whatever icons you have (right-click delete) and reinstall the viewer. That should replace the icons with new ones that work as intended.
  16. If you have a home computer that you run SL on, you can connect your Android via Remote Desktop. You are essentially duplicating what Bright Canopy provides in a DIY fashion. The problem is the entire viewer is scaled down to fit on the small screen. It makes all the buttons SMALL. Also, you need arrow keys and that usually means changing the keyboard on the Android. Otherwise it works very well.
  17. The SL system is being moved to the cloud. the hope is this will allow copies of SL in Europe and other places outside the USA. So, might sort of get a Linden living near you. You can troubleshoot your connection using this information: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection.
  18. BYE! To get technical help one has to provide good information about their computer. If you haven't figured that out, SL is probably beyond you. Lindal's suggestion to use the viewer's HELP->About... reveals all the tech info we need to help. Paste it here and YOU have to know very little and we can usually figure out the problem.
  19. The problem comes from the hard shut down. That you recently downloaded and were launching the viewer is coincidental. The SL system and downloads are well protected. Catching a virus from SL is WAY unlikely. If it did happen that a virus was spiked into an SL download, you would hear like 10K screaming people and a flood of posts about it in this forum. That hasn't happened. Your problem is in the laptop settings. Laptops have settings to enable/disable various features on the laptop for use with docking stations, external keyboard & mouse, and for additional security when mobile. Look through you various function key locks. For this problem Google is your best bet. Keyboard Stopped Working. Without specific information about the brand of laptop and model, there is little we can suggest.
  20. The only fix is an update to Lumiya. From what I heard when I went digging is the author Alina is Russian and missing from SL. Not answering email or logging in. Last update to the viewer was more than a year ago. I can't find the source code anywhere. Presumably it was proprietary. You can try attending the Server Scripting UG meetings on Tuesday and Open Source on Wednesday. UG Meetings Tell Oz Linden how badly SL needs an Android viewer. There are rumors the Lab is building a mobile app. Oz has mentioned it. But, no real details nor info on the priority level. People may be able to change that by showing up in the UG meetings and asking for help.
  21. Nalates Urriah


    If we have to read minds... I insist on large print. @DIPPY17 When you ask a technical question include information about the computer and viewer. Use the viewer's HELP->About... to gather the info and paste it here. If English is a second language, you can write in your native language. We will use Google Translate to read it. So, use good grammar to help Google.
  22. 7/16 @ 12:43 AM... I was able to log into Morris, ADITI... ps: I'm using the new Firestorm 6.2.4
  23. For occasional use there is Remote Desktop. It works well on my S8 and worked on my S5. It almost gives you the Bright Canopy experience.
  24. I would say yes. The new Peanut Open Collar RLV has simpler (and reportedly faster menu response) to wear outfits. The difference between the two Outfit Styles is RLV outfits can be exposed for another to do the dressing and undressing. This has become way popular for AFK-Sex workers. I have both Inventory/Appearance Outfits and a few RLV outfits. I find it takes more clicks to make and use RLV outfits than it does for Appearance Outfits. I now tend to make an Appearance Outfit and then copy it into an RLV folder to make the RLV outfit. Appearance and RLV outfits all live somewhere in inventory. I think the Inventory and Appearance panels respond quicker and they don't time out. I only use an RLV outfit when I have a ... bedroom ... experience in mind for it.
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