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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Rhetorical or not... They haven't really said. I suppose if they have a problem, they want to be able to associate it with a RL person and avoid future problems from the same person. Also, providing RL information indicates a level of responsibility not present with an anonymous submittal.
  2. Providing everything is working, the login is a 'guaranteed' (well, programmed) trigger. But, do not expect your inventory to be up to date at 6:01... the sync process takes some time. It starts at 6:00 AM SLT. When you get updated depends on how many people need to be updated and the size of their inventories. You will only need to contact support if your updates stop working.
  3. The Lindens make it clear they do NOT vet the viewers on the list. They will however remove a viewer from the list if user complaints show it does not comply with Linden Lab terms. The Lindens only take responsibility for the viewer they build. AFAIK, the extent of the Lindens going after a bad viewer is to remove it from the list. In the case of the Emerald debacle they banned some people from SL. The viewers on the list have been used by enough users to find any problem. But, so has Cool VL Viewer which is not on the list. Selecting a viewer other than the Linden made default viewer incurs a risk. We are each personally responsible for our choice. As far as the Lab is concerned... if you have security concerns, use the Linden made viewer. Otherwise you are on your own. They will not allow a known bad player to remain on the list. But, they do not investigate a new applicant or dig through the code... very much an innocent until proven guilty.
  4. I have over 50k inventory items and a good portion of that is clothes. I have over 300 Outfits saved in Appearance. I tend to wear an outfit for about a week but, I may change outfits several times a day depending on what I am doing or where I am going. For a UG meeting I'll wear the week's outfit, which is conservative, by my standards. But, I change for the Topless Cruising event. I, of course, am normal. 🤣 There are Lindens that have never changed their look in all the time I have known them. The point of SL is to enjoy it. How we do that is up to each of us, provided we don't inflict ourselves on others.
  5. You have the right idea. Any viewer that has the problem will have the problem. It is a problem in the viewer not the SL assets. Firestorm has (or is developing) a fix. So, those using the next release will not have the problem. Those using a viewer without the fix will still see the problem. However... the Firestorm team shares their fixes with the community, including the Lab. So, the fix will propagate to all the viewers that need it.
  6. Everyone is guessing... To actually be able to help you we need to know about your computer. Use the viewer's HELP->About... and copy-paste that information here. If the panels and menus are transparent too... you'll need to Google for how to collect your computer specs.
  7. Slink does have the bundle, body, feet with all sizes, and hands with all the poses. One does have to buy the Omega addon that installs in body, feet, and hands. The Slink things have a 'relatively' low polygon count. Some others have ridiculously high poly counts. In the past, Slink has upgraded body, feet, and hands for free when SL changed (think Bento). We will see BoM release, probably, this month or at least next month. BoM will change how mesh bodies work. Siddean says the new Slink is 99% ready for BoM. So, both should release at nearly the same time. So, while there is a change coming soon, we are in the window where most designers give free updates. But, it is nice knowing Slink has been good about providing free updates without time limits. Slink comes in two basic flavors, Physique and Hourglass. Hourglass is more popular with designers. I am not sure why. It is easier to design for Physique and modify that design for Hourglass. And Slink recommends that design process. But, there are more clothes for Hourglass. Personally, I REALLY dislike the butt cheeks on Hourglass. But, I have both... bodies... not cheeks...
  8. The best place to ask for help is in the Answers section of this forum. You can see the link in the top menu. Your plea has been made a number of times and answered each time. So, if you search in Answers before asking, you will often find your answer and not have to wait for someone to help. Also, whenever you ask a technical question, click the viewer's HELP->About... and copy-paste that info in with your question. Instructions for all viewers are similar, but the 'click this then this...' instructions vary from viewer to viewer. If we know which viewer you use, we can give precise instructions. While 98+/-% of users use the Firestorm or Linden viewers there are differences that complicate things. The best 'how to fix' is written for the Firestorm Viewer. Lost Inventory Substitute 'SecondLife' for Firestorm in the directions and it works for the Linden made Second Life Viewer. It is rare that SL drops an inventory. Literally, your inventory lives in the SL servers, not in your viewer. At login, the viewer downloads a copy of your inventory from the servers. Something has gone wrong on your side and created a viewer problem, most likely. So, it is a relatively easy fix.
  9. Xcite! fue una vez los mejores genitales que uno podía comprar. Pero la atención al cliente ha desaparecido y las actualizaciones se han detenido. ¡No recomendaré Xcite! Además, la carga del script es muy pesada.
  10. ...and... You can run it on a PC. It is a bit more complex. The basic idea, download an Android emulator, Blue Stack is one. From the emulator add the FaceApp. Then struggle to figure out where the input and result images are kept. Then you can do these on you PC. More details here: http://blog.nalates.net/2019/06/18/the-faceapp-and-second-life/
  11. Maybe you could go by and do like a Snow White kiss thing... ❤️ an enviro green resuscitation thing... save energy... just an idea. If you do... remember. You have to share. 😈
  12. Every game and software maker has dropped Win-XP, like 5 years ago. $20/month for 5 yrs or 60 months = $1,200. You can buy decent older but new i5-650 3.2GHz computers on eBay for US$160-$370... originally sold as gaming machines. So, we aren't going to have much sympathy for you. However, Cool VL Viewer and Singularity are frequently updated and are said to run on XP machines. How well is a matter of opinion. The Lab strongly recommends 64-bit whatever OS you run. The crash rates are dramatically lower. Whatever your priorities for your money, they are yours and your choice. We can respect that. Just don't expect the world to stop to suit your preferences. The rest of us are moving on.
  13. Yeah... I don't understand either. I am working just to keep my avatar script load under 4MB. Wearing my genitals drives the load way over 4MB. I mostly use Firestorm. So, I have all the genitals and porn-parts in the Firestorm Favorites panel. They are easy to add when I need them. I have also avoided over use of the Right-Hand attachment point. So when first rezzing, things tend to start closer to their final rez position because of smarter use of attachment points.
  14. There is a trick to getting the mirror image for various shots. It is based on the aspect of SL that renders only one side of a surface. Whether cubes or mesh you can use this aspect to get your mirror images. With a cube you use clear textures on one side of the cube. This can be done with a wall to create a sort of one way mirror effect for walls. Mesh is naturally transparent from the back side. Because the wall and mirror in the backdrop are mesh it was easy to move the camera behind the mirror and take the shot. From the back they are both invisible. I have a green screen skybox room with walls and floors that transparent from the outside. To get a reflection in the floor I can move the camera under the room take a shot. I have to think about camera angle and placement and sometimes it takes a couple of tries. The green makes it easier to clip me out of the background. The floor is messed up in this shot... that ceiling made a shadow across to floor. The room does not have to be green. (Green-Screen is the name used for the concept. Green is also generally a good general purpose color.) Because I am wearing red, green is ideal. If I were wearing blue yellow walls would be better. If you IM in world I'll give you an LM to the skybox so you can see how it is made (2 hollowed cubes).
  15. You may have more success using the web page for profiles. https://my.secondlife.com/settings/profile More information here:
  16. Next time you have a tech question include info on your Viewer and computer. As Whirly says, use the viewer's HELP->About..
  17. You probably aren't going to get any help getting unstuck...
  18. There is no real 'supposed to' nor 'should'... Society attempts to press those ideas on you/us. While there is an objective or universal morality (all sane people think murder, rape, etc. are wrong) there are no universal "preferences". I like caramel and chocolate. It is OK for everyone else not too. I think they are crazy but I'll have to deal with their dislike. I can try to change them or I can enjoy the Caramel and Chocolate they leave alone. Someone doesn't like your pictures... so what? The major psychological difference between animals and humans is the ability humans have to decide how they will react to any stimulus. Even pain... our body may flinch, but what comes after the automatic body response to pain is up to us... anger, fear, aggression... all our choice. Words are words. We totally choose how we react or not to them. You have your very own bully. You'll learn if you react, they are encouraged. So, they are mean to you and use your pictures on you as a club. They are mean and probably always will be. Sad... for them. Pity is often the only appropriate response. However, your ability to make pictures that you and others enjoy will improve with time and practice. No matter how bad and hopeless we think we are, with practice we get better. If you look in the 10-Year thread, you'll notice not just do avatars look better, the quality of the images improved. Part of that practice is posting our beginning images. We get them out there where we can see them and compare them to what others are making. It is how we get better. AND... there is no mandate that says you HAVE TO GET BETTER. All of this is SUPPOSED to be fun and enjoyable. You'll find that mean people often remain mean and miserable all their lives. That is a pity. My revenge is often to just leave them in the mess they are making and never tell them life can be better.
  19. Talk to the person that made it. I assume you have read the included note cards. You can IM or send a note card to the creator of the hair base. Their Profile will usually have information on contacting them if it is not in the included note cards. Give them a link to this thread.
  20. You didn't really tell us where you are and what your viewer is having to render that pulls you down to 20 FPS... So, we can only guess at what may help. Your Windows version is behind, but updating is unlikely to help SL FPS. Your NVIDIA 416.94 is behind a couple of versions. Current is I think or 430.86. But, that isn't likely to help much either. Your Bandwidth at 500 may hurt a tiny bit. Try 1500, which is the recommended max from days gone by. If you are around lots of avatars, you can decrease the non-impostor avatars settings. Also, set the ACI limit to 150k or 250k. Both of those will help in crowded regions. At ground level on the mainland with no one around, you should get 20 to 50 FPS. At 3,000m altitude with nothing around you should go over 120 FPS. Take a look at the recommended NVIDIA settings: http://blog.nalates.net/2016/06/05/nvidia-settings-2016/ - These settings can have a big impact. Look through the viewer settings explained here: http://blog.nalates.net/2010/12/17/graphics-tweaking-for-second-life/ - You can tweak your settings to get better performance. Performance comes at the cost of quality render. So, you will need to balance acceptable quality versus performance. It takes some experience and experimenting to get the best balance. And it is summer. If you live in a hot dusty place, check the computer temperatures. Use HD Monitor (free) to read temps without having to open the case. 75C is a max. Lower is better. But, above 75C you may see the CPU and/or GPU throttle back to reduce heat build up. If you are running hot, consider dusting the computer insides, air conditioning the computer room, or buy a better heat sink.
  21. Going through my list of places to take fun photos... This is in the Remarkable Oblivion store. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nileswarm/223/157/131
  22. I remember getting my first skin from a strip club in 2008. Free Dove had free new peep hair from Gurl6. I wore only Gurl6 hair for a couple of years. In 2009 I spent months deciding on a new skin. eventually picking Nomine, which I still use when I go with a classic avatar for ultra-low ACI and scripts. Now I have YS&YS skin.
  23. I like Xcite! but they are right, it is WAY script heavy. The male X5 came out 2 or 3 years ago as I remember. The female X5 was coming real soon. No word on it and Xcite! support has gone silent. So, while once upon a time it was consider the Cadillac of pee-pees... I don't recommend it. Remember. Not many lovers know how to use Xcite! or other genitals other than their own... and many not even their own.
  24. Aditi is the Linden testing grid. We are ALLOWED to use it. But, they very rarely tell us when they are taking it down or changing it. Maz and Caleb Linden at the Thursday Beta Server UG may say something. But, no guarantees. We find out when we bump into a problem.
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