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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. You don't need either to enjoy SL. Basically, log in, go through the intro island experience, progress to an advanced 'How To' region like those listed in Help & How To, visit the various Safe HUBs, and after that check YouTube for recent Second Life tutorials. Once you have a sense of what SL is then you can ask more specific questions. If you are thinking of SL as a competitive game, you will be confused and frustrated. It is more about experiencing things in life that you can't in real life because of finances, danger, social taboos, and physical or health limitations.
  2. I've always assumed there was no limit on forum image storage as until the post goes away the image should remain. The Lindens seems to archive forum posts forever. I tend to use Flickr for those images I plan to share here or elsewhere. So, I have very few in the Forum Attachments.
  3. Try Mollymews' suggestion first. You are not giving us much to work with. Notice that Damian gave the hardware and software specs using the viewer's HELP->About... That is a basic starting place. Telling us you have tried everything is just silly. If you really have then you are doomed and there is obviously nothing anyone can do. Also, clearing the App Data from Local and Roaming makes things worse when it is a connection issue. While you have a new laptop and list some of the hardware, you haven't given us a clue whether you keep the drivers up to date. Nor did you mention what you found when working your way through Troubleshoot your SL Connection. Your packet loss is on the high side. That it is consistently that high suggests a connection problem with your ISP. The value shown in the Stats Panel is a running average. You can look in the secondlife.log file after a log off disconnect to see what the overall numbers are. I suggest you open the Stats Panel (Ctrl-Shift-1) and watch Ping and Packet Loss to get a sense of the real time state of the connection.
  4. You don't need to tent things separately, BoM or Pre-BoM. Put Body, feet, and hands on and click an applier. All the parts get the skin. True. But, buying a Slink body, 5 feet, and Dynamic Hands to get what one gets with Maitreya is L$2,800 as a BoM bundle. The equivalent Maitreya is L$2,750. So, price isn't really much of a consideration. The Slink HUD now handles feet. Click and change to any of the 5 foot styles (flat, kitten, mid, high, and pointed). So, you only need apply skin once. No need to change feet as in the past. With BoM the body hands and feet use the system skin layer so no applier needed. In the update, if you have a majority of the Slink items, you get the new full bundle. You may have to request it via customer support as the automated redelivery is limited and won't do the upgrade. About the only advantage Maitreya has now is its outrageous popularity. Slink's advantage for now is you can play with the BoM Demo.
  5. Lots of people are confused. If you can make a classic look and wear system clothes then you basically know how to use BoM. Without using any mesh body parts dress your classic avatar. Add skin, tats/makeup, underwear, and even clothes if you want. When you put on a BoM-mesh-body, all of what you are wearing will magically appear on the BoM body and the system will automatically alpha out the classic body. No need to add the full body alphas we use now. Your mesh clothes will still fit the BoM-body. The Slink BoM bodies are the same size and work with all the mesh clothes that previously fit the Slink bodies. Classic bodies use worn alpha layers to hide classic body parts. Those classic alpha layers will work with the new BoM-bodies. The alpha transfers too making the same parts of the mesh body invisible as they did the classic body. This means we are no longer limited to the alpha cuts of the current pre-BoM-mesh-bodies. It also means that if you put on a full body alpha layer the BoM-mesh-body will be invisible too.
  6. You post reads like you think you are talking to Linden Lab staff. This is a user-to-user forum. If you want to talk to a Linden, file a support ticket.
  7. There is a known bug that causes voice to cut out. You are talking and for a couple of seconds voice stops then comes back. If that is what you mean by 'spotty' then Oz Linden is working on a fix. I anticipate a fix within the month. That doesn't mean it will happen. Also, the fixed viewer will have to go through QA and RC Viewer stages.
  8. I'm not an authority on reading SL log files... so add salt. It looks like a couple of minutes before you got kicked the viewer could not find the asset servers. I think 'asset servers' were what it could not find. It seems textures were not being found. So this may be a problem with the CDN you use, which are a part of the asset system of SL. The one used may well have changed when you moved. You have no control over that. CDN is picked by Linden Lab. So, file a trouble ticket with LL Support and include the log file. They might take a look at the CDN you are using. I suggest you change the DNS servers you are using and see if that makes a difference. Read this to see how to do that: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using If you go through my Troubleshoot connection, you'll see I am a fan of adding big name DNS services ahead of the ISP's DNS servers. But, keep the ISP's in the list. Just move them father down the list. On your Max Bandwidth setting... you pretty well eliminated that as being the issue. For the remainder of the time you are troubleshooting I suggest you leave it set to 1,500. Once everything is working, you can experiment with higher settings. I have mine at 1,500 as the setting only affects the amount of UDP data the server will through at you. UDP is mostly status data now, like which way avatars are walking. Mesh, prims, animations, and textures are now transmitted via HTTP. It has the most impact on how fast your scene renders. So, the Max Bandwidth is a depreciated setting with minor performance impact. We still associate it with connection issues because SL server side lagging regions choke on getting the UDP load sent out which leads to viewer problems. Lower settings (1500) are more reliable. 2019-09-04T17:43:23Z WARNING #CoreHttp# llcorehttp/_httppolicy.cpp(434) LLCore::HttpPolicy::stageAfterCompletion : HTTP request 000001F8C2761E90 failed after 0 retries. Reason: Not Found (Http_404) 2019-09-04T17:43:23Z WARNING #Texture# newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(2097) LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted : CURL GET FAILED, status: Http_404 reason: Not Found 2019-09-04T17:43:32Z WARNING #CoreHttp# llcorehttp/_httppolicy.cpp(434) LLCore::HttpPolicy::stageAfterCompletion : HTTP request 000001F8CF4273C0 failed after 5 retries. Reason: Timeout was reached (Easy_28) 2019-09-04T17:43:32Z INFO # llmessage/llcorehttputil.cpp(282) LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroHandler::onCompleted : Possible failure [Easy_28] cannot POST url 'https://sim10476.agni.lindenlab.com:12043/cap/6a534940-96c5-2041-05ee-10978a2084fb' because Timeout was reached 2019-09-04T17:45:26Z WARNING # llmessage/llcircuit.cpp(1053) LLCircuitData::checkCircuitTimeout : LLCircuitData::checkCircuitTimeout for last ping 100.503766s seconds ago. 2019-09-04T17:45:26Z WARNING # llmessage/llcircuit.cpp(1063) LLCircuitData::checkCircuitTimeout : LLCircuitData::checkCircuitTimeout for still dead, dropping. 2019-09-04T17:45:26Z WARNING # newview/lltoastalertpanel.cpp(178) LLToastAlertPanel::LLToastAlertPanel : Alert: Darn. You have been logged out of Second Life.\n\nThis region may be experiencing trouble. Please check your connection to the Internet.
  9. Draw distance: 128mBandwidth: 4000kbit/s Take this down to 1,500, 1,000, and eventually 500 and see if any of those lower settings make a difference. Since you are seeing UDP fall off it may be the server that isn't keeping up. The recommendation is bandwidth should be 80% of your max download or 1,500 whichever is smaller. UDP use has drastically changed since the Firestorm team came up with that recommendation. But, we still use it. Have you looked through the viewer log file after a disconnect? (I mention and link to info about that above) Comparing SL to other online games isn't helpful. The only other game that comes close to being technically similar to SL is Sansar. There are people all over the world using SL without the constant disconnects. That means this is a problem you have, not the SL system. With the Connection Troubleshooting, you don't pick a part of it to try. You work your way through the whole thing. That is how one finds what they don't suspect. Also, the age of your router is important. Routers last about five years then need to be replaced. Not a hard and fast rule. Some fail sooner and others last longer. Restarting a router is a basic step in troubleshooting. Some cheaper routers can't carry the number of connections needed for a modern home, phones, tablets, computers, TV's, security, systems, home controls, appliances... So, after some time they can become connection bound and SL will fail. So, if a restart gives you more time online, then consider the router a suspect. Your system and settings look good, except for the bandwidth. So, I don;'t see a reason for the disconnect. I am assuming this happens in a variety of regions...
  10. Probably not. Pose ball animation is either via the classic face-morph built-in the classic avatar or by animating the Bento bones. Neither of which the static heads can do. The sort of flash card animation used by static heads is done via a script that changes the various layers to visible and to invisible. No pose will know how to do that, unless it is made for that head.
  11. You can avoid all the problems and get more control by getting a SpaceNavigator (SN - 3D mouse). They often go for US$50 to $100 on eBay and Amazon sells them new for $120 to $300. Once you start using A SN for camera control... you will be so totally spoiled. Shopping, machinima, snapshots... all are way easier.
  12. All the mesh avatar bodies on the market now are pre-BoM-Mesh avatars. Slink is the exception. Within 3 to 6 months I suspect all the avatar bodies on the market will be BoM-Mesh avatars. So, buying all new now may not be the best move.
  13. When you are working to match skin colors you need to adjust your Windlight settings. Assuming you are using the LL SL Viewer, top menu: World->Environment Editor->Environment settings. Change to CalWL or Analu neutral to get a flat lighting. Match colors in neutral light to get the best match across all lighting.
  14. I'll spin this off into another thread, so we don't bore peeps with the tech talk.
  15. This one is better. But, 2x to 8x better... I don't think so... maybe. Did the 2x to 8x make ANY difference in your FPS? If the viewer is doing the AA you should see a change in FPS. For us to really tell, we need an image that is a 1-to-1 image. So, in Firestorm take a snap using Current Window for size. Then crop that image to a 512x512 for posting in forum. Here you can see my FXAA handled by the GTX 1060 using Current Window is about the same as the 8x you are seeing. For photos, I use a 3000 x something px image snapshot and usually down sample to 2048 or 1024. So, you do not have to get your AA to anything other than what pleases your eye for daily use. To get to the AMD control panel check this https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/dh-004
  16. With the release of Bakes on Mesh (BoM) the static heads are going to become even less desirable. Before buying more animations/expressions for your head, you may want to see what comes out for Bento-BoM heads. The basic problems come from the nature of Bento. Static heads have numerous onion skin layers. Basically, a separate head for each animation. Each layer/head is an expression. The head does not animate or morph between expressions. The HUDs switch which head/layer is visible. Furniture cannot animate these faces. The old static heads add expressions by adding more heads... layers of onion skin. A big ACI problem. This typically means only the original maker of the head can add expressions. The new Bento heads use animations to move facial bones to create expressions. To get new expressions for a bento head, you get new animations. The problem is not all facial animations work with all heads. Well, all facial animations move the Bento facial bones in any avatar as all avatar skeletons are the same. But, not all heads use all the facial bones or use the bones the same way. So, you have to test with a demo to see if they work on the head you have. But third-parties can make animations for any head and many work well. Just test before buying. Many of the furniture animations were made before Bento. They didn't know about Bento bones and so there is no animation info in the animation file for the Bento Facial bones. $L3,000 for a facial animation HUD seems high, but that depends on what they are giving you. For instance the Smash Couch at about L$1,400 (that's from memory) animates Bento heads and hands. But, for better facial expressions than what's included there is a L$500 addon. This is more price right IMO.
  17. You need to catch up with reality. LL Viewer is out now but the RC version has been around for months and works as intended. Slink BoM bodies are out now but test bodies have been around for months. People have been experimenting with them to see what could be done. And in all those months the applier stuff you use didn't break. Slink now shows what can be done with mesh BoM bodies.
  18. I am not sure what you have. My skin came with no provision for any head other than the classic. The classic skin that came with mine covers head, upper, and lower.
  19. Now the challenge is seeing of a texture for the classic avatar was included with the skin applier you bought. In my YS&YS skin there was a texture for the classic avatar. So, I'm good. Plus a bunch of the Applier features (tan lines, cleavage, etc) are included as tattoos. Now you'll find out how good your merchants are. Will they update whatever you've bought in the last year? Slink update are free depending on what you own. Plus Slink is updating people that bought single items to Delux or Bundle packages depending on how much of whatever they have. So, what will Catwa and Maitreya do? We'll have to wait and see. You may be misunderstanding what was meant by EASIER. The Slink release has a way simpler HUD, going from 5 panels to 1. Also, one can make swimsuits, lingerie, stockings, and other things without having to learn Blender or how to script appliers. Outfits will be easier and have fewer parts. Both the design and user side of building/using an avatar got simpler. My existing skin works just fine. Plus a number of my old classic avatar swimsuits work well with my Slink BoM body.
  20. When an item is made the designer decides if it will use BoM and makes that setting change. The end user switches to the classic avatar and removes the alpha layers that make it invisible. Puts on a system/classic skin. When you put on any of the BoM body parts the system stops rendering the classic SL body. The BoM system bakes all the layers of system skin. tats, underwear, clothes, and jacket (etc.) layers into a single diffuse texture and that appears on the BoM body or body part. It is pretty straight forward. You can read my blog How to Use BoM with New Slink Bodies for more details. You can also get a Slink Demo and play with BoM yourself.
  21. Playing with a look in between playing with my updated Slink bodies. BoM takes 6+/-% off the body's ACI, no biggie. But, it cuts 300+% off the script memory KB. If you are curious see How to Use BoM with New Slink Bodies.
  22. I've been playing with the Slink Physique Redux v4.0.0... aka the Slink BoM body. I have 2,200 word review of what I found here http://blog.nalates.net/2019/08/27/how-to-use-bom-with-new-slink-bodies/ There is a part of the BoM process that seems to be causing confusion. All diffuse textures on a classic or mesh BoM body now have to pass through the bake service. We can only send them by wearing a system skin, tat, underwear, shirt, or jacket item. The bake service composites these and sends them back as a magic UUID. When Siddean, Slink designer, says appliers will work with the new Slink BoM viewer, that is true but ONLY for applying materials, normal and specular maps. If one were to apply a diffuse texture via the applier, it would replace the magic UUID texture. So, appliers CANNOT apply diffuse textures to BoM items. But Siddean built in the controls to allow all the neat stuff we did with appliers to be done with the BoM bodies. So, I can have specular map control of shiny and control the color of the shine. I can have glow, add a specular map or normal map. The alpha layer can be adjusted in the Slink HUD. There is a video showing how to make alpha layers to work with the Slink HUD. Since this is a basic aspect of SL I expect other designers will do things the same way. The cloth stretch between breasts, butt cheeks, gloves, stockings, and camel toes is handled by the HUD. I haven't figured out for sure, but they seem to be the few places where that is some onion skinning. I was curious how asymetrical tats were going to be handled. BoM provides for left arm and leg textures. Slink has a solution they call the Asymmetry Harness. I think this is a removable use as needed onion skin. I have yet to do any more than look at it. I think the big advantage in Slink BoM is the reduction in the number and size of scripts used. The script memory use was reduced by 2MB. I was doubtful BoM was going to be as good as the current mesh bodies. Slink has put my doubt to rest. Once Firestorm comes out with BoM support, I'll be BoM all the way.
  23. We need more information... However, if you are using the viewer's built-in browser and web-profiles you will have this problem. The viewers have a problem deciding which cookies to keep. So, you arrive at Profiles logged out. Profiles are 'locked' when you are not a logged in resident. This is the ONLY time you are locked when viewing your own profile.
  24. Nalates Urriah

    White avatars

    When asking for technical help include information about your viewer and computer. With Firestorm you should make some Graphics Presets settings. I've found I can toggle between a couple of settings and Firestorm seems to wake up and start rendering and completing the file downloads. Also, check your network quality. Press Ctrl-Shift-1 to open the viewer stats. Look near the top of the panel for Packet Loss. This should be 0 to 1%... above that and you will have issues. When logging in this number can jump up. So, five minutes after login is a better time to look at the number. If it is >1% then you will then need to sort out what's up with your ISP.
  25. Nalates Urriah


    You may have accidentally turned off avatar rendering, Ctrl+Alt+Shift ⇧+4. You most likely have some setting messed up. You can flush your settings and restart with the defaults. You do that by closing the viewer. Then in the folder... C:\Users\[login_ID]\AppData\Roaming\[viewer_name]\[avatar_name] Find the file settings_per_account.xml and rename or delete it. When you restart the viewer it will build a new settings file with default values. When you ask a tech question, include information from the viewer's HELP->About...
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