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Pixieplumb Flanagan

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Everything posted by Pixieplumb Flanagan

  1. uh huh, how did you find this place and group? What were you looking for?
  2. Put the whole lot into a box; list the items and their permissions in the description on the marketplace listing.
  3. The store could have moved - have you tried a search in world for the seller?
  4. Probably not, if the seller is no longer active in sl. Did you purchase in world or on marketplace? If on marketplace, check to see if there is an in world store, or a sales/service rep. If in world perhaps there is a group for the store where you can ask.
  5. They look like very old sculpt shoes and will have a built in invisiprim. I expect that your new computer runs ALM which is why the invisiprims no longer work. Even if you disable the advanced lighting in preferences these shoes will appear to most residents as they do in the picture you supplied. Very few shoes are being made for the classic avatar feet now, as nothing can be done about the cankles, and alphas don't always give a good enough effect. Also there just isn't a big enough market for them. I'd bite the bullet and get mesh feet or a mesh body with feet. Your footwear choices will be so much better.
  6. He'll be waiting forever. One million linden dollars is over US$3,500. So, your friend is going to be disappointed.
  7. Sorry you're having issues, Sommerland; I was just in world unpacking and sorting some stuff and didn't have any issues. SL can be strange, and oftentimes a few people will experience these problems when the world is running smoothly for others. I always try a few different regions and a relog or three to see if that helps. Sometimes I just go to bed and all is well on the morrow. I hope this gets resolved for you and your friends soon
  8. It could be this: https://undergroundsl.com/2017/09/23/mesh-body-survey-results-2017/ Although it looks like the Slink Hourglass is actually second, by a short head
  9. Most mesh builds don't look hugely different from prim builds except if you examine them closely and see the (possible) increased level of detail. After all, a plain prim block and a plain mesh block are identical to the naked eye . There's no advantage at all to using mesh when an 'old school' prim will do an identical job, and a flat floor is a flat floor! Mesh naturally looks so much better when architectural details are added: cornicing, skirtings, mouldings, organic shapes and so on. It was more the textures and associated effects (normal maps, specular maps and so on) that make it look dated. If these have been similarly updated then possibly updating the listing with newer pictures would give a more accurate representation of how the build looks now? As you say, it is very rare to find full sim builds at all, so you'd do yourself a great disservice by not showing how it looks in mesh with updated texturing. Honestly I think adding a new listing showing the build in mesh (where applicable|) and with new textures would be worthwhile. And your previous customers would probably be delighted to receive an updated version too.
  10. Ah, you have updated the listing now I think that having 'xstreet' in the description would have suggested that the product has been available since way back when that was the name for what we now call SL Marketplace. That would make it very much a pre mesh item and possibly slightly heavier in land impact than other, newer designs, and less likely to make full use of normal and specular mapping, windlight effects and so forth. But Joe seems to like it, so perhaps he will soon be the owner of a new Mediterranean sim?
  11. Well you can be raped in SL - if you WANT to be raped. Otherwise you can't. There are special places to go for that sort of malarkey. Of course, as you say, it's not actually rape, just as it was not actually a dragon, or fire, just particles and pixels. We're all just particles and pixels down here......
  12. Lemme see. I do know of one possible source. Someone asked a question (it had to do with how a child avatar is defined). There were some assumptions made by the questioner, not without reason, but inaccurately as it turned out. The OP was given several polite explanations, some possibly with a touch of asperity maybe, but without any malice. As I say, the original assumptions were not without basis. At some point, someone else offered the opinion that these answers were intended to be unkind and hurtful to the OP. Later still, someone else with godmod powers pulled some of the comments. The thread also contained some decidedly amusing examples of the apparent ages of various avatars, using a jolly little program freely available on these interwebs.
  13. You're quite right, and in future I shall do that xxxxx
  14. Height has nothing to do with an avatar's intended age, even though there are places that use height as a metric to determine intended age. If an avatar has an adult profile, ie: one that does not describe them as children or preteens then we assume that they are presenting as adults and may go wherever they please. Some mesh heads may have a very youthful appearance, but this in and of itself is no indicator that the resident is playing as a child. Child avatars can be in some mature/non PG sims so long as they are not in immediate proximity to overtly sexual equipment or activities, and are not themselves engaged in such activities.
  15. Yup, this. There's just no point at all if you have a main store already. There really is no such thing as passing trade in SL except at events which is where most people find new brands. Malls attached to clubs are particularly awful and pointless because of the inevitable lag. If we want to shop we can either TP to a main store which will carry the full range, or at least all the latest stuff, or go to the marketplace.
  16. I think Klytyna meant that the default feet would be huge if the mesh body (and feet) were removed in a 'strip all' situation because yes, the TMP feet are teeny and do need the classic avatar feet sized up to make them look right.
  17. I've learned that some people can never recover from the dreadful shock and horror of being unable to distinguish a joke and sarcasm from genocide. It must be awful for them. Particularly when they are the butt of the joke, although that's something you would swear they'd be used to. Life is odd, and second life is odder and some of the people, well, let's just say I'm glad I don't have to share either a real or a virtual continent with THAT type
  18. Their next of kin would need to provide Linden lab with a copy of the death certificate and proof of any testamentary intent with reference to the account of the deceased. If there is no testamentary intent then the account will likely remain technically 'active' indefinitely. For details of how to proceed you could open a ticket with LL. If this is not an academic enquiry I would like to say that I am sorry for your loss.
  19. My philosophy in sl, if it can be called that, is simply this: Love upsets nastiness, anger isn't sincerity, overly flamboyant feelings help engender rage; mindfulness engenders deeper sincerity. I suppose initially it may seem odd, but I find it to be true.
  20. And with that in mind, JoeDex can Foxtrot Oscar
  21. There is one person in this forum I will never again reply to or in any way address. It should work very well.
  22. I believe I will follow your lead henceforth. You are wise in the way of fora.
  23. Are you seriously suggesting I did that? That I, presumably metaphorically, sh*t in Prok's face? LMAO, you are not a happy bunny at all, are you, Luna? And I am quite POSITIVE about that. smh, but you know, laughing at you. A lot.
  24. 1. Phil and I are not abusing Prok. 2. Many things are worthy. 3. I don't care what you hate.
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